
10 Reviews
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Pose (2018–2021)
I'm conflicted
7 June 2021
Seasons 1 and 2 were some of the greatest episodes of television I have watched.

Felt there was quite a disconnect when beginning Season 3: almost as if I had missed some episodes. While Season 3 provides some sweet moments, the pacing at felt rushed at points and others felt as if they were never going to end. There also seemed to be a reduction in performance quality from some of the leads in the final season, which made some lines more clunky than they would appear on paper.

Overall still a very impactful and important show.
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Dickinson (2019–2021)
Was unsure
28 April 2021
Don't like poetry, but I like the show. I would like to put in a request for an Austin of my own.
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Generation (2021)
A powerful portrayal
21 March 2021
A powerful portrayal of the effects of the same type of homophobia existing in these reviews and the apprehension that young people face going out into the world. I am well aware the situations are not realistic, but it's a tv show, not a documentary!! I like the fact that the characters have some concept of the impending climate disaster as well. A very timely show with a great group of characters, except for tht homophobic daughter, don't love her lol.
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It's a Sin (2021)
Such a beautiful show
20 February 2021
Just finished. Colin and Jill have my heart. That is all.
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Uncut Gems (2019)
25 January 2021
Wolf of Wall Street but make it about a shiny rock
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Holidate (2020)
23 November 2020
I love Emma Roberts so this movie automatically had potential for me, but every time I'm blindsided with Bach in a movie it gets ruined. Can someone please stop casting him in things?
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Was good, then...
6 November 2020
The first six episodes really seemed like they had promise. The show touches on many interesting ideas, but does not follow through on many (or most) of them.

The seventh episode was a waste of time that added nothing to the stories.

The eight episode is 40 minutes of a concert I didn't want to attend, then a nonsensical ending to a story that had built such complicated characters.

Very unsatisfying overall, but if you're going to try it, binge it. Not worth waiting week to week.
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Take my money, Ryan
25 October 2020
It doesn't pack as much of a punch as the 90 minute play, but neither does the original film.
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The Duchess (2020)
Chuckled three times
25 September 2020
She really shines on panel shows. KR should stay away from scripted material in my opinion.
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Couldn't get through second episode
30 May 2020
Whoever in production decided to use the dead character's IMDb headshot when the police are interviewing neighbors needs a reality check. I do not really know why, but that ruined it for me and really yanked me out of the world of the show.
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