38 Reviews
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Blaze (2022)
It's hilarious. One of the best unintentional comedies
16 November 2022
This movie owes me several beers as I spit up several times while watching. Unintentionally hilarious. I have nothing good to say about it.

My friends and I turned this on based on the poster and not knowing anything about it. While it has several boring segments we were laughing at how bad it was several times.

I would not recommend it at all for any reason but on a bored night when you are stoned or drunk and accidentally click on it you may enjoy it.

So bad it's nearly good in some segments. Overall it was a mess though. The poster is the best part of this movie.

I only have 24 letters left.
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New Amsterdam (2018–2022)
More of a political show than anything else.
4 November 2022
Its another echochamber makes you feel good if you dislike people of a different mindset than you. A lot of episodes feel like a parody or satire because they are trying so hard to be dramatic and failing utterly.

There is a lot of humor to be had laughing at it's heavy handed attempts to demonize people who don't think exactly the same as you do while they say they support diversity. Except diversity of ideas.

Its not a quality show. Poor acting. Poor scripts but again with a few beers and a couple joints it is a lot of fun laughing at it with a few friends. So bad it's good but only in small doses.

I don't recommend at all unless you are tuning in to mock it.
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It's ok. Nothing really to see here. This is a two part series inside of a larger series
18 October 2022
I am a Christian so this is interesting subject matter to me but that said nothing is really said here. There are some interesting interviews with experts in their different fields regarding their thoughts on the location of Mount Sinai and this would have been helped if it had been hosted by any of them.

This film is split into two parts and only covers 3 of 7 possible locations but this didn't need to be a two part series. The host needlessly pads it out with a childish score card he constantly refrences and pointless stories about his earlier childhood.

You will learn nothing new watching this but some of the experts are interesting to hear from.

I would not recommend this.
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Ignores Carlin's own words to push current political propaganda
25 July 2022
Among some of the things this documentary claims is that Carlin would have voted Hillary Clinton as well as stating that he was in favor of censorship.

George Carlin often BRAGGED about not voting or being involved in politics yet this documentary makes the claim that Carlin would have voted for Hillary.

This documentary is bad. The beginning (not part 1) the beginning of part 1 is good but it rapidly goes downhill.

There are some cool parts about his relationship with his wife. They show boxes of love letters he had for her which is great. I just wish we could more of that content and less of the current political propaganda.
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Mystery Science Theater 3000: Fugitive Alien (1991)
Season 4, Episode 10
They tried to kill me with a forklift.
15 February 2022
It's exactly what you would expect. This is my review where I am reviewing this movie. You are reading my review. I don't know what I am going to type next so I am just along for the ride with you.
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Gunheavy (2008)
This film is about heavy guns
26 November 2021
This movie will teach you how much different weapons weigh. You will know how heavy guns are in this gunheavy film about heavy guns.

Where We Go One We Go All.
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Nobody (I) (2021)
Fun politics free action movie
30 October 2021
It is a fun movie. I enjoyed it over all. It is like a slower less exciting version of John Wick.

It is rare that a movie is free of any sort of political message anymore so that was very refreshing. Actually get to relax without being preached at or being told I am evil for my skin color.

This is an odd movie. The tone is all over the place. The acting is great all around and I recommend it.

That said I felt like the ending really took me out of the film. The tone was very different than the rest of the movie. The Christopher Lloyd moments at the end really removed any immersion I had in the film even though I am a Lloyd fan. He just didn't belong there.

Still I recommend and enjoyed it.
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Nobody (I) (2021)
Really enjoyed this politics free action film
30 October 2021
It was refreshing to watch a modern movie that had no political message at all. Rare these days.

The movie is good. The acting from Odenkirk is great as always. This is like a slower version of John Wick far less action a little more grounded for the most part until the end.

I enjoyed the film for the most part. I felt it got very cartoony at the end and it took me out of the movie completely but I still enjoyed the ending just not in the same way as the rest of the movie. Felt like it belonged in a different film. I just didn't like the Christopher Lloyd moments at the ending. Though I am a Lloyd fan just didn't feel like it belonged.

Check out this film for a fun time.

Its good.
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We were lied to. Bait and switch
26 July 2021
This is Teela's show. Not He Man's. Kevin Smith lied to the fans. Nobody would mind if they had made a Teela show but they pretended this was a He-Man show and then they decided to insult the fans for being upset that they were lied to.

They call it review bombing and toxic fans because we wanted the show we were told it would be.
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Watched on a RedLetterMedia recommendation.
17 March 2021
I didn't enjoy this movie. I watched it based on comments made by Red Letter Media and because of Rich Evans having a role in the film. I regret it.

It is a great concept that could have been a lot of fun but the kids were so bad. I had bought some weed to watch this and a couple other movies and was excited for a night of kind of bad but enjoyable movies. This film was seen first and ruined the whole night. The people I watched it with were left bummed out and no one was excited for anything after watching this.

This film could have been good if nearly everything about it was different with the young girl being the major flaw that kiIIed it. I regret watching it. Not so bad it's funny. Just bad. Even thinking about it now while writing this review bums me out.
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It's not very good if we are being honest.
27 November 2020
This place is flooded with critic reviews from people who don't watch the movies they leave strong reviews for. This is one of those. This isn't a good movie. It isn't emotionally compelling and it isn't good storytelling. It just kind of goes along. Riz Ahmed is great of course but you can't watch this movie just for his performance as it doesn't carry the movie. Just kind of a disappointment in every sense. You will leave feeling regretful that you watched it but little else.
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Sirenhead (I) (2020)
Very bad. Scary for kids under 8
4 October 2020
Scary for young children who stumble on it on YT. Pretty silly for anyone else. Looks like Syfy channel movie. CGI is terrible. Couldn't stop laughing. Almost so bad it's good.
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This movie is a stinker
20 June 2020
A movie by hack frauds for hack frauds. At least it brought Rich Evans back from the dead. Watch Chihuahua the movie instead
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Not only did she destroy that leather outfit. She also destroyed Netflix
14 May 2020
Because of the intense hatred people have for this special she complained to Netflix to hide the ratings which resulted in the useful 5 star ratings being removed.
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Pretty terrible remake of Child's Play
26 April 2020
This is basically a terrible version of Child's Play mixed with Annabelle. It has nothing to do with the first The Boy but that isn't a bad thing.

This movie is probably as good as the first one. It is never creepy, scary or atmospheric. It is just there going through the by now old motions.

Red Letter Media made me watch this as I watch the films they discuss before I watch the new episodes and this was by far the worst one.

This isn't good. Not even good for a make out session Netflix and chill as you will both end up hating each other.
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Stars the dude who didn't know how to cook from Kitchen Nightmares
24 April 2020
Not a good movie but if they are casting Sebastian than you know it was never even attempting to be good. The movie is a stinker.
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Timcast IRL (2019 Podcast Series)
Would give it a 10.2 if I could
21 April 2020
Yes it is true that Tim is bald under that beanie but the show is still fun. Watching hours of a man slowly swallow a red pill against his will is somehow satisfying
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The Invisible Man (I) (2020)
20 April 2020
Pretty average movie. Not very great. Graded on a curve because this was one of the last movies we got to see in what were once known as theaters before the dark times hit. It was eh. You won't like it but you won't hate it. You will leave feeling indifferent. Rewatch Tiger King instead.
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Tiger King (2020–2021)
Exactly as good as you have been told it is. A real life Game of Thrones.
20 April 2020
This show is basically game of thrones but it actually happened. Do not look up this show at all. Do not ruin it for yourself. It is insane how it just keeps unfolding. The hype is real. This show is great.
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A fun movie best enjoyed with THC and alcohol
14 February 2020
Every now and again when I am drunk I stumble upon this film again. It is pretty fun. I like it. It is not great by any means but it is fun. A good Saturday afternoon movie.
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Oz (1997–2003)
Very overrated. Very dated. Hasn't aged well.
14 February 2020
I didn't catch this when it aired on HBO but I did watch the first two seasons hoping to get roped in like I was with The Wire and The Sopranos. This just feels off. I didn't enjoy it. It isn't a bad show but seems very meh. I think this may just be to not ageing well as I have heard it is an influence on a lot of other shows that came later.

I don't think many people will enjoy this show if they are watching it for the first time now
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The Len kabasinski and Lo Blow in one movie? Light that J and pour that shot. This is going to be good.
10 February 2020
This isn't the type of movie you will ever watch by yourself. It is the type you turn on when hanging with the boys. THC and alcohol are a must but if you are watching a Len Kabasinski movie you know that already.
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The Bronze (2015)
With enough THC and alcohol this movie is watchable
9 February 2020
It isn't that good. It isn't that bad. You will probably do something else while this plays in the background. I recommend you smoke THC and drink a lot before watching this.
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This is a really bad movie
3 February 2020
It is shot well but that is the only decent thing about it. It looks great but the acting is terrible. None of the characters are likable.

The main lead, Sam, comes across as insane from the beginning and you will be happy when she takes time out from being the most important character.

Movie is basically a couple people walking around screaming each other's names.

I know it is Indie but this movie is a stinker
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Mandy (I) (2018)
It is basically the movie version of a heavy metal album cover
19 January 2020
A lot of fun. First half is slow but the second half is insane. It is pure metal. Dude uses a chrome axe to kill people. That is metal. Everyone is tripping on LSD. Pretty wild. The movie is a lot of fun if you get past the first half.
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