
7 Reviews
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Better than theatrical, not the best movie in the world ffs
18 March 2021
Is this movie better than the theatrical version? Yes absolutely, although the bar was set as low as it can get. Is it the best movie ever made? No, just another Zack Snyder "every other scene slow motion" movie that looks kind of cool every now and then. Is it a decent movie? Yes. Do I now want to see a sequel? You bet.. and that's really the thing that matters most.

This is a more complete movie and the storyline fits way better in this, which doesn't come as a surprise at 4 hours long, but it doesn't leave you thinking that there is something missing from the storyline as much as before. Flash and Cyborg get more development as characters and you don't feel like they are just there to make some of the scenes and story make sense which is great.

Overall this version is considerably better but far from flawless. A lot of the previous things that pissed me off are still there, but since the storyline is more fleshed out, the movie manages to capture the audiences better and you kind of forget about the flaws. It allows you to focus more on the story and character development and allow yourself to be entertained which is exactly what Marvel has done so well in the past.

I had absolutely no hopes for this movie or the DCEU in general but I can honestly say that this is the first movie that I have seen in the DCEU which leaves me wanting more. I want to see the story continue and for me, that's the most important thing.

Well done Zack Snyder.
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It's a children's movie...
19 October 2020
..and it sucks. Terrible acting, terrible writing. Terrible everything. There are a lot of good children movies out there but this one is just bad. Saying Tom Felton's acting was superb is astonishing to say the least. I can enjoy a good children movie but there is absolutely nothing enjoyable about this one. Nothing.
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Cursed (2020)
Yet again Netflix lets me down..
18 July 2020
There is nothing impressive or good about this show. Nothing. Writing is bad. Acting is bad. Editing is bad. The directing is bad. Costumes are bad. Music is bad. I just can't seem to find one half-decent reason why anyone should watch this. I was actually excited to watch this but could not even finish the first episode. That's how bad it was. The show seems to now know if it want's to be an adult (more realistic) fantasy show with a certain level of brutal scenes or a teenage drama. You can't have both. One moment we are seeing a whole village being burnt down and bodies all over and the next we have music like from a Disney show and acting to go with it. Just doesn't make sense. Save yourself some time and avoid this mess.
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The Old Guard (2020)
I am being generous with 4 stars.
12 July 2020
There is really nothing about this movie that can be considered good. The acting is terrible from everyone. The directing is absolute trash. The script is so bad I can't imagine why anyone would accept to be in this movie. But the absolute worst part of this movie is the soundtrack. It's so noticeably bad that even if everything else would be fine this soundtrack would ruin the movie for you.

I'm reading all these reviews with 7-10 stars and I just can't believe that these are not people from Netflix or someone in some way connected to the movie. You have to be really delusional to think that this is a good movie.
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Life (I) (2017)
Not the best, not as bad as people claim
8 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
OK first things first. This is a science FICTION movie. So those who bash this movie for being unscientific at times obviously should avoid movies that involve aliens. Never in the history of mankind have their been documented cases of other intelligent life forms, therefor the writers have the choice to make the alien, the plot and the script however they want it in consideration to the alien life form. Also, do people really expect going to the movies to see a film with aliens in it and expect it to be scientifically accurate? Really? I guess i'm just weird.. Anyway the science was not 100% accurate and I never expected it to be.

Let's move on to the script. For me I was not expecting a deep story with complex characters in a movie like this. In fact what i got was more then I had hoped for. The story centers on a crew on the international space station. They receive soil from mars and upon exploring it they find a single cell organism that is hibernating. They mess with the oxygen and carbon dioxide levels and awaken this organism. The organism begins to grow and they later find out the "alien" is hostile. You don't have to wait long for the movie to start properly and the beginning is quite fast paced and only gives you a little information about each character. For that reason the connection towards each crew member is limited but I still felt they did a decent job with it, since the movie was more about the action on the space station. The crew trying to figure out a way to kill the alien, rescue each other and most of all making sure the alien never reaches earth.

Now the movie is far from being perfect, it has its flaws. The story could have been better but I never felt it was bad since the action made up for it in my opinion. The acting was good with the material they had.

The biggest reason I see that people have a problem with the movie is how scientifically incorrect the movie is. And i'd like to mention the issues I have read now.

1. Alien survived being burnt and the vacuum of space.

To those people who felt that was so horrible i'd like to introduce you to the magnificent microscopic TARDIGRADE! Tardigrades are microscopic animals that live here on earth. They can survive in any environment including inside volcano's and boiling water. They can also survive in temperatures near absolute zero. AND YES.. they can live in the vacuum of space for 10 days and even more. There are over 1000 species of Tardigrades in the world and more are discovered every year. So if we have a animal here on earth that can do all that... it's not so impossible that an alien in a science fiction movie can do it to right?

2. "It needs oxygen, and then doesn't need oxygen, and then needs it again. Decide if the alien needs oxygen!"

I feel these people just didn't watch the movie. From the moment they found the alien they said. It lives on oxygen and water like us. OK fair. Upon learning more about it they said. He can STORE oxygen for some period of time and survive on that. All through the movie they mention this. When the alien is locked outside they say that he can't stay out there forever.. that's why the alien was trying to get back in to the space station. When the alien was holding the oxygen candle. It was because the oxygen was being depleted from the space station. Which means the aliens oxygen was being depleted. That's why it followed the oxygen candles. People just trying to find something to bitch about.

3. Crew members make stupid decisions all the time.

People need to understand that very likely there is no protocol for this scenario. They just picked up some soil from mars with a single cell organism that was in hibernation. I doubt they have had any training if this situation comes up that an alien with super intelligence starts killing everybody on the space station. An alien nobody has ever seen before. Also the human factor. It is very understandable that the captain can not risk saving one person if there is a possibility he is putting everybody else at risk. This we all know. It is also understandable that someone on the crew might not follow orders to try and save a friend from dying. Like when Rory tried saving Hugh by going into the quarantine room when he had been ordered to no go in. Now in many movies characters do stupid things all the time and I myself ask why on earth did he not do that instead, its so obvious. But I never thought that in this movie cause the situations they were in is not something we can put relate to in any way. Also the decisions were not that stupid to begin with I think.

I can't write more, there is a limit on the words. Basically if people are going to see a movie with aliens in it you can't expect it to be 100% accurate when it comes to science. If you expect that from a science fiction movie, then who is the idiot. The people making the movie.. or you?
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Predictable Guy Ritchie...
17 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
OK I'm just gonna say it. This contains "spoilers" but honestly.. there just isn't much to spoil in the first place. But here we go...


First of all lets talk about the first 10 minutes of the movie and the trailer. To be honest i loved the first minutes of the movie but that's just because most of the cool things you see in the trailer happen in the first 10 minutes. The movie starts off by giving you the impression that this movie is gonna have a huge war in it with mystical creatures (in this scenario it was elephants the size of Manhattan skyscrapers) and thousands of soldiers fighting and warlocks and a bunch of cool s#!t like that. But after those first 10 minutes the typical Guy Richie comes in and everything is downhill from there...

Now we all know the movies the director is famous for.. snatch, lock stock, Sherlock Holmes. These movies are fast paced with fun dialogue and fantastic storytelling that suits those movies just fine. With this movie it just somehow doesn't fit. When you think about King Arthur u think about noblemen and heroics and fighting for the little man. Now there are some moments in the movie where Arthur shows he cares about someone other than himself and has a chance to me humble but then it gets ruined because Guy Ritchie needs his characters to be funny and "know it all-y" (not a word I know but..).

Not lets talk about the other characters. After seeing the movie I don't actually know the name of any other character other than Arthur. Because you just didn't give a s#!t. If every character that had been introduced (even though there where practically no introductions for any of them) had been killed at some point in the movie I wouldn't have cared because you never got a chance to get to know them at all. Not that these characters were interesting at all to begin with. Very flat and boring characters. Bad acting and very bat material.

Which brings me to the script. The script itself was very bad as well. An example. One of Arthurs friends is laying on the floor in a building. The guys son comes in and pretends to work there. The king puts a knife to the throat of Arthurs friend. Arthur comes in and puts a knife to the throat of one of the soldiers in the kings army. Arthur is standing in the doorway and the kid is there with him. Arthur has a knife to the soldiers throat because the king has a knife to his friends throat. The king then slits his friends throat... and Arthur lets the soldier go? Why? It makes now sense at all. Another thing, every single "action" scene in this movie, and there are very few of those, are cut short by editing or just plain and simple very bad directing by Guy Ritchie. The camera angle and everything is just s#!t almost every single time. Everything interesting in this movie is cut short because of s#!tty directing.

There is a moment in the movie where Arthur has to go to the shadow lands, or some s#!t like that (i don't remember the name), to... well i don't know why exactly it was but i recall it being about him connecting better to the sword or something. Anyway he goes to she shadow lands and its like a big deal that he is going there because its supposedly very dangerous. He goes there and the director gives us about a minute to see all the amazing creatures Arthur fought, now mind you.. we don't actually see him fighting any of them, he just shows us clips and cuts and then in one minute hes back from the dreadful shadow lands and we saw nothing of it and he is no closer to the sword than he was when he went in there...

I can write for another hour but in conclusion the best thing about the movie is Eric Bana and he dies after 5 minutes so...

Worst movie iv'e seen of the year.

ps. And you can't have a king Arthur film without Merlin.. I mean what is that?
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Iron Fist (2017–2018)
28 March 2017
First i'd like to say that I didn't know anything about "Iron Fist" before watching the show, didn't read the comics, knew nothing about the character or anything about the story.

I love superhero movies and TV shows. Always have, always will. Watched Daredevil and thought it was good. Not great, but OK. Have not watched Jessica jones but watched a little of Luke Cage but didn't think it was that good so I didn't finish it. I've seen a lot of Arrow, Flash, watched Smallville at the time and usually these shows are OK but never anything more, so my expectations are rarely high for these shows. Now lets get into Iron Fist...

Before i started watching i did see the trailer and I was more optimistic about this show than the others (luke cage and jessica jones). It looked good. I wasn't expecting anything amazing but still.. something interesting.

It's literally one of the worst shows I've ever seen. The writing is hoooooorrible. So bad. The conversations are weird and feel unreal at times. The characters are somehow "off" and you don't believe them, ever. The acting is just as bad. The 3 main characters, Danny, joy and rand are all terrible in the show. Even David Wenham who playes Harold meachum (who i usually like), has probably ruined his career being in this show. Not with that all being said, this is all something i can live with in a show like this if the fighting scenes some how make up for it. But the fighting scenes are probably worse than the acting and writing. It's so obvious that most of the people on the show have very little training in martial arts and the fighting just looks so fake and poorly choreographed.

In my opinion, this is the worst "superhero" show i've ever seen. Literally there are no bright spots in the series.

I should say though that I only watched 5 or 6 episodes.. but let's be honest. That's more than enough too see the quality of any TV show.
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