
11 Reviews
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Incredibles 2 (2018)
First 1 will always be better but.
24 October 2018
NO SPOILERS, only personal opinion.

Its a good movie! First movie came out when i was 12 years old..... i had to wait 14 years for a sequel and yeey its finally here! :D

I was looking forward to seeing this movie, i will rate this movie a 7/10, it will never be what the first 1 was, it cant achieve the same level of excitment, falls a bit short at times, tho it has good jokes but also bad jokes, the story is pretty good! It looks amazing yes!

My inner 12 y old child wanted to love this movie as much as the first 1. but realisticly its not what i wanted, but it was good enough to please my inner 12 y old me. so a 7/10 is well deserved.

Loved it most of the time! tho the bad guy (or girl) was a giant fail really...

  • Looks amazing
  • Good story
  • Jack Jack is pretty funny
  • action scenes are very good!
  • opening scene is pretty good

  • House scene's with Jack jack and Mister Incredible take to long and are a bit boring
  • Violet and her lover problem were not nessesary
  • No point in letting mister Incredible home to guard for the kids..
  • home work scenes were stupid
  • i missed family action troughout the entire movie, not only in the beginning and the end.
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Black Panther (2018)
Well enough! Above my expectations
4 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
To be honest, i'm done watching all the 'super hero movies'..

With 20 marvel movies in 10 years you get the point.. So when i started watching this 'Black Panther' i didnt have high hopes of it beeing anything good or at least beeing above average. Tho i was mostly right about my feeling i underestimated the movie, it was very entertaining and good acting.

The black 'vibe' can be felth from start to finish.

Plot : The plot is again a bit boring and typical realy, we have a boy whos father got killed by the hand of (previous) King of Wakanda.. many years later that boy -Grown up by now - arrives in Wakanda to rise as king of wakanda *SPOILER* by killing our new king (The black panther) in a ceremonial fight.. Or so we think, ofcourse he is not dead.

After beeing revived and going back to Wakanda and killing the bad guy they save Wakanda and therefore the entire world... How typical.

But still.. worth a watch :) It has a good story, good telling, good CGI, very good acting.

So in all i can give this a high 7. Maybe a 8

Watchable but dont expect to much.

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Battlefield 1 (2016 Video Game)
The Must-Buy Battlefield game
18 March 2018
-------------- ------------ ------------ ----------- Buy it - love it ------------- -------------- ------------ ------------
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Suicide Squad (2016)
Disappointment Squad
13 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I was looking forward to watch this movie, but after watching i was disappointment..

The story is to lame and has been done a thousand times realy? .... SO much talented actors in this movie and they come up this, a bunch of autistic irritating villians (superhero's) whom need to destroy an evil bitch.

Thats the main story realy.. As all 'superhero' movie's

1 - a bad guy who wants to destroy the world (again) 2 - a superhero (team) 3 - big fight 4 - the world has been saved again.

Well i'm done with this kind of fu-**cking shit!

If u want too see a great movie from 2016, watch 'passengers'
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My Childhood favorite!
11 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
When i saw TI back in 2004-2005 i was around 12/13 years old, now as a mid-20'er i decided to write a short review.

I have seen all Pixar movie's (Except Brave)

The incredibles is my all time favorite with (for me) a solid 10/10 medal!

The movie tells a story of a family with super powers, of course with all superhero movie there is also a superhero villain they have to destroy. Pretty easy story to understand.

Darn i love this movie so much!

Just watch it :)
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Mother! (2017)
Worst. Movie. Eveeeeeeeeeeeeeeer!
11 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers

I give this movie a 1/10, why? Because i cant give it a 0/10...

I have never seen such a stupid movie from -start to finish- I'm my life, not even 'The Happening' with Mark Whalberg is better than this total crap.

So story is pretty straight forward, A couple live in a house in the middle of nowhere, suddenly they get 2 visitors who think its a B&B. OK i follow that, the stranger stuff happens pretty fast also they focus 99% of this movie on Jennifer Lawrence her face. U see the entire movie out of her 'eyes'.

It was a 4/10 until the baby was killed, than it dropped to a complete 0/10.

Do yourself a favor and don't waste 2 hours of your life watching this crap.
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Same like previous Kingsman
5 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
i loved the 1st Kingsman movie, so i was eager to watch this one. I gave the 1st KM a 8.5/10, this second one a 7/10 (just because i'm into spy movie's)

Its not a perfect movie, nor is the story very fresh, which the 1st KM had in my opinion.

When Poppy wants to kill milion's of people with her 'drugs' it feels a lot like the same as in the previous movie. Also a shame Merlin has to die in this movie :(

And that really tells it all. Glad i didn't pay for the movie theater tickets and just watched it home on Netflix

Overall a 7/10 if fair enough, maybe a 6/10 at moments Its in my eyes not a bad movie but don't expect to much OK!

Rest in peace Merlin. :)
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Stranger Things (2016–2025)
Best Series of the 2000's
10 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
-No Spoilers here- :)

I am not a person of much words, i don't write reviews often. Started watching Stranger Things.. and i had to write about it! At first i was like 'darn a E.T. wanna-be-copycat' but i was wrong, its even better than E.T.! The character development, excellent acting, great story telling, a exciting adventure, beautiful 1980 set.

If you haven't already seen Stranger Things than you are missing out!

-Spoilers here- Season 1 A lab in the tiny city of Hawkins do tests on children, to make them create (or already have) special abilities, Eleven is one of the those kids, after one of the tests she opens a gate between the real world and the upside down (a other dimension). Will (one of the kids) goes missing after he got stuck in the upside down, not knowing where Will is, his mom, a Cop and his best friends are risking there lives to find Will. Thats about Season 1 in a nutshell

Season 2 After They got Will back out the Upside-Down, he is haunted by a large Shadow monster, in 1 of the episode's the monster infiltrated Will's body and soul, slowly the monster starts to take over Will's body and makes life again a little bit more Cr*py in Hawkins. In the meanwhile 'Eleven' goes on a hike searching for her mother, but once she finds her mother she can only see how the lab made her into a plant. With great anger inside eleven goes further on adventure (this is where things get boring ha-ha, so i wont tell more about it) Once Eleven returns to Hawkins she finds the city in great danger of -DemoDogs and the Shadow monster, which is slowly taking over the city from under its foundations. Only Eleven can save the day now! And she succeeded with the help of her friends. And they live happy ever after.... but for how long?

Counting down for season 3, only 1 year to go! Forgive me for my bad English.
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Good movie but it misses a real 'CAPTAIN' Jack Sparrow
2 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Saw the latest POTC movie today 'Salazar's Revenge'

My score is a low 7/10, at times a 8 at other times a 6.

The movie was somewhat...stupid on some scenes and very good on others, but personally i was disappointed in Johny Depp, he plays this drunk lame ass 'captain' Jack Sparrow type.. in this movie he is honestly a ghost of the old Jack Sparrow, OK he makes the scenes 'funny' and tells a lot of jokes but that should not be the point about a POTC movie, it should have been more action based instead of comedy based, which it was! OK OK a few jokes and giggles are alright and i laugh a few times but in my opinion the movie misses out on the action part.

What i loved 1 - Captain Salazar (Great acting work) 2 - Young Turner 3 - Captain Barbossa finally giving a f**ck about something/somebody in his life 4 - CGI, sounds and special effects 5 - Father/son/daughter relations 6 - the final scene where Will and his love meet again after years!

What i hated/disliked 1 - Sloppy Jack Sparrow 2 - Timelines, The boy is around 17 years old in the movie, say she gave birth to Will's son, the movie is set 17 years later than the previous movie, why has nobody aged a bit? Its a bit odd if u ask me 3 - Captain Salazar's ship able to 'eat' other ships :o 4 - Dragging a bank around a small city pulled by 10+- horses? really?

To end this review i would say, Let this be the final POTC movie! I feel that the stories have been told and its time to move on!

Thanks for reading! sorry for my bad English!

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Logan (2017)
I cried like a little girl
22 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The wolverine is without a doubt the most characteristic X-Men we ever met back in 2000 (i was 8 back then, discovered the series as i grew older). I've always been a huge fan of the Wolverine (and Hugh) you guys remember him entering the school of Xavier? The feels are so real.. Skip forwards 17 years and and 10 movies later. Where we meet Logan and Xavier in the middle of the dessert, Xavier grew old and sick, same for Logan really... scars all over his body, too much drinking, looking gray and very unhealthy, working as a taxi driver.. U feel that things are about to go south for the both of them and it doesn't take long.. I wont write the entire story but its so well done!!! Credits for the director, but the most credits too Hugh and Patrick!

Here are a few points on stuff i loved and stuff i did not like about this movie!

Things i like 1 - Story telling (slow pace, nothing to fast) 2 - Low on special effects (we have seen a lot in the franchise) 3 - The death of Logan and Xavier (yes! Thats a good thing! I know its a bit weird but it was just time....U gotta face it, Xavier and also Hugh didn't had long anymore) 4 - The little girl plays a very good 'Mini' wolverine 5 - The bad guy with the cyborg hand 6 - When all the kids combine powers too kill the guy with the cyborg hand 7 - When the little wolverine turns the cross to a X on the grave of Logan, its really saying goodbye to the franchise, or at least to the Wolverine Story. 8 - There is no real 'greater good' point about this movie compared to the main movies, in all the X- men movies they fight a bad guy and sure that's cool, but a bit overdone after 7 movies, This is not so much about bad guys, its more about telling a great story and i like that a lot!

Thing i did not like 1 - When we meet the little girl, she never talks, but like never! When she starts talking she speaks Mexican, OK very well... But at the end of the movie she speaks fluent English, But why not talk from the start (and English) it would have made everything so much easier, but on the other hand, nothing about this movie is 'easy', its a very heavy and emotional movie. 2 - The X-24 Wolverine clone.... That just did NOT work for me, i was like 'are you kidding me' Luckily he dies fast and we also don't really see him that much, but common man, So the best say to kill the wolverine is by himself? Is that it? How totally unnecessary! Tho i cannot find a better way to end his life really...

What i want next : I would love to see a movie withing a few years where we meet the little wolverine again, would love a story about her and the kids, we all know where they came from but not where they might end up, but please don't f**k that up directors! And I'm hoping for a next movie for the main movies, but don't f-**ck it up like Apocalypse! Young actors like Mcavoy and Fassbender do a great job as young Xavier and Magneto.

Anyway, i hope this review made u watch the movie and maybe buy it!

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The Grand Tour (2016–2024)
Simply irritating
2 December 2016
I wont waste much time reviewing this crap... To start i loved Top Gear back in the days, i was looking forward to seeing the TGT, but it came out stupid, childish & irritating as hell!

Watched 3 episodes by now, every episode hoping for it to get better, it does NOT!

To Start, That American aka the stig is utterly stupid, second : the humor is even lower than that of an 11 year old kid,

And ALWAYS 1 of them must do something very annoying trough the entire episode, for example the muscle car Richard used in episode 3.

conversation street is stupid as well.. that 'test track' or as i call it an old potato field is stupid and its not a real test track, i don't expect an air field but rather something decent "The star" in every episode dies, how funny... NOT! its the most stupid idea.

And many other things i can talk about but like i said, ill keep it short

Also i don't understand the 9.6/10 rating on here.. its maybe worth a 6/10 in total.

my score is 1/10 because it irritates me. I wont pay to see another season of this!

(Sorry for my badly written English, I'm a dutch guy :p)
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