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IMDb member since November 2016
Scientism Exposed (2016)
Great Research and Presentatio n
26 November 2016 - 3 out of 6 users found this review helpful.
The intro is a bit long, but well done. This piece of work is very well put together. It uses logic and fact to present well-explained arguments supporting the film's ideas. Good production qualities and enjoyable to watch. Information is well-researched and ideas well supported. I highly recommend this to anyone that wants to learn the truth about the false religion of Scientism which is being forced down the throats of the public. Scientism is also being swallowed whole by mainstream 'Christianity' as fact when in truth it undermines their beliefs. The film exposes the falsehoods that we are all exposed to daily, and thus is an important tool in our kit to fight deception.
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