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Bones: The Devil in the Details (2010)
Season 5, Episode 14
Producers don't seem to support Mental Health
3 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Loads of defamations about people who struggle with mental health. They keep doing that through the whole series. People who are not as intellectual or fit into the system are beeing debased through and through. This is the only, yet big, factor I dislike about the series.
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Bones: The Superhero in the Alley (2006)
Season 1, Episode 12
12 June 2022
I didn't like the way they kept calling people who are into comics or intensively follow a Hobby are called freak, nerd. Made them all look insane, mad ... >mental< and are completely out of control.

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Uncharted (2022)
Mildly entertaining, disappointing cast
22 February 2022
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Generic Action Movie based on a action video game. Everything in that film felt so generic and exchangeable. Only The first 20 minutes felt unique to be honest, as they displayed the real game story from uncharted.

Everything else could have been a mix of national treasure, Illuminati and the new tomb raider movies.

The cast: Tom holland ist just to young for this role, he has no edges, nothing unique to give to Nate Drake.

He showed cool bartender moves and also some small and yet impressive stunts and parcour jumps!

I had the impression they really wanted to show the world, Tom Holland can do a nice pull up!

He may be on a good way for more movies as he grows and gets older.

Mark Wahlberg was just Mark und had nothing to give neither to the Charakter nor the movie itself. I guess he was just expensive.

All in all it was all nice and smooth as they ran around town searching for clues. Although, they were found so easily and without any geniality, it became ridiculous at the end of their chase. Making the audience think, the producers only need to entertain 5y/o.

Ending it all in helicopters carrying two dirty old 3 mast ships. From: they are treasures, historically important - we must save them till: nah, let it all explode.

I didn't expect anything special and was glad I have a movie pass. Would be a shame to pay a tenner for that movie...
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Baywatch: We Need a Vacation (1990)
Season 1, Episode 14
Is no one talking about child in love with adult?
3 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
An often used issue brought up in sitcoms/series when children fall in love with adult women/man ... But this is weirdly encouraging? Shunni no like telling him: your a child I am a grown up. Just saying: I already have a boyfriend. I mean yeah, it's 1990 - but still age of consent and stuff. Also the Story in México was so weird and not entertaining. But - the man's jeans always are on point high up their waist. Nice
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Birds of Prey (2020)
....another one
26 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Women are so great! Man are so stupid. I Get Sick! This attitude is made into movies so oftern lately, that as a women, I really want to see more manly man movies.

While Harley Quinn is portrayed, lets say interesting, other are dull and shallow. i couldn't stand the Little Girl and also the useless Police officer. Why does every woman today Needs to be portrayed bad ass, extremly sexy, be an expert in all kinds of martial arts and weaponary, indepedent and of course have some academic degree? I often feel useless seing all those bad ass women turning into super hero from one day onto the other.

The movie surely has only been produced to "look cool". The plot with the Diamond was quite lame, the Formation of the new gang of women was inexplicable for me. The storyline was confusing and didn't have to have any structure. Matthew played this weird Boss quite good I say.

I give 3 stars for the well coordinated Stunts and the Rollerskates Scene at the end. The stund-double were the real heroes in this movies. Everything else was just flashy, smoke, explosions and shallow characteres.
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Every 80s series has flashback episodes
23 March 2020
Watching this 30-40 years later - well bad idea probably. We're used to watch series in a binge sort of way or on demand. There was a time when there was only one episode per week and a season would take up to 24 weeks to be complete - sad if you'd missed an episode. I guess that's why someone thought flashback episodes was a good idea. But Rikas flashback was a pain to watch. The story around it was so poor and cringeworthy. Had to skip large amounts of clips in this episodes!
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I am sorry for the real Michael Oher
15 November 2019
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... but the Real Leigh Ann Tuohy must be excited to be portrayed by Sandra Bullock. I only just found out Sandra won an Oscar for this Perfomance. IMO that gives the Oscar Award a complete different value: Sandra Bullock played her role just like any other before! There was really nothing new, Special or extraordinary. Please think of Leonardo DiCaprio, it took him Ages to win an Oscar and he did so many different roles with a much wider Performance.

Anyway, as a European this movie shocked me to be honest. The movie started so nice, everyone was nice, everything turned out good, no arguements fell, no agression, no doubts or rethinking of decisions. I waited the whole movie to the Point where the Boy hits someone, steals or something dramatic would happen. It just didn't. Well yeah, when he went back in his Hood - this was quite realisitc. More of this needed to happen, to make this movie into something that has to do with real human Feelings.

This movies had 2 sides: Fantasy and reality. The Fantasy side was obviously the White Family, living the dream, picking up a stray black Boy from the street, try to adopt him, making him into whatever they think is good for him without asking. Leigh Ann was a saint, she was beautiful and had perfect Kids. She managed everything so stepford wifish, it was creepy. The Reality side was Michael. I work with drug addicted children who already have lived on the streets. How they descibed his life, losing his home, brother and mother and father, everything that happened to him, beeing in High School but not able to read and write correctly - yes! That is absolutly possible and happens often. Could have been a White Kid also. Non realitstic however was his behaviour. Having experienced so much pain, loss and bonding issues this kid is unlikely to just be Kind and nice.

Now let me rant: Oh Gosh! What was it with this stupid Thing about his intelligence: he has no IQ but his skills in protecting are at 95% - lets make him a Football Player. What? Also, the husband? Please - he owns Tacco Bell, KFC and I dunno what, brings home millions of Money but the wife just decides everything. This men has no rights whatsover in this Family. I feels it is all about Leigh Ann and showing how good she is. It really made me cringe so often. I just could not enjoy this cool Story made so stereotypically. The worst really was one of the last Scenes. Leigh Ann read out some newspaper Storys about missing children or a child beeing killed on the streets. She was greatful to god that is wasn't her child, she smiled and thanked god. Lord! It still was someones child! That left me really angry when the cedits rolled.
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Twilight (I) (2008)
Can't believe I liked this
14 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
... and I even cannot answer why I would like this Piece of bad acted rat fart of a movie. This movie is one of the best addapted-to-the-book movie I have ever seen and I hate that fact. They put in alot of Detail to scenery, clothes, used even same sentences as in the book and the making of the sets. It was exactly like I imagined things in the book. The biggest downer in this movie, and this is quite escentiell to a movie: are the actors!

Kristen Stewart.

I mean, I really hate bella in the books. She really has some Boderline issues and the Book Belly has no Qualities, no skills, no Humor, no personality whatsoever. By choosen Kristen for this Piece of acting wasn't to bad then.

Robert Pattinson.

I liked him much as Cedric, I am sure under better directing and make up he may have been a pretty cool Edward. I really hated his make-up, it was so badly done. Just remember Interview with the Vampire: the Vampire chronicles. They looked dead serious, dangerous and hot at the same time! Also his Chesthair as a 17 year old is downturn for me.

Charlie is portrayed best I'd say. Billy Burke did his best to save a bit of the movie.
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Love it or hate it
18 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The atmosphere of this Netflix original is so weird. Kind of depressing but also enjoyable! You really want to know how the story goes on but it also gives you a bad feeling: what if you met your better self? Would you give it go and leave your old life? Paul Rudd really can do both roles, it is very well performed. I have to admit that I wish his old self would leave his old life and give his clone the chance to do everything he wants. The clone can enjoy the life the old miles has which is really nice. If you could clone yourself into a better person, what to do with your old self? Kill it? Suicide? This series really is a bit depressing and makes you think
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This is reality
9 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I went to see this movie with my coworkers. We are all nurses and work on a closed psychiatric ward for children and Teens. This film hit me so hard. The only movie that hit me harder in the stomach and the feels was Anti-Christ!

At first it is not clear if Benni is a Boy or a Girl and to be honest, it doesnt matter at all. Everything that happened could also have happened to a Boy.

Al the struggles in the foster care, the hitting, screaming, running away, wanting to be with your mother only, as this is the truest love.. . everything is just from reality. Nothing Comes from Fantasy. I had the Feeling someone was filming one of our days at work. We do have those systemcrashers now and then. They just don't fit anywhere. They cannot be handled in a Group. They Need one on one care. And as the film displayed - even that, doesn't help unless you continue this care for the rest of the childs life. Bonding Issues are worst to be handled in a psychiatric ward. We also do send children abroad for two years and they are not able to return in this time.

I can only imagine that the People behind the movie must be in those Kind of foster System, child care because everything is taken from the real life, just how it is.

During the movie I had to fight tears, I had lots of shock moments (when Benny took away the Baby and locked herself in, Benny was beaten by the Stepfather and locked in a cupboard) and the most horrible Feeling when leaving the Cinema.

The Ending was really good as it is up to the watcher to imagine how it Ends. It could end in suicide (which is not uncommon on those mental issues) but it also has no end. If she ever came to Kenya.. there would still be no end to her suffering. It would just continue... To get her to Kenya I could only imagine her be sedated very hard..

I wonder how the actress was able to do all the acting so accurate?! Did she know what she portrayed ?

This Film is hard Piece if you work with children... don't be to light hearted in watching it.
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Weeds (2005–2012)
A bit like Gilmore Girls
22 July 2019
...the mom makes so many stupid decisions and can't handle her kids. But I enjoy how the story goes. It's easy to follow, the characters are interesting. I love cilia. I am in the first season and the next episode just goes on ..
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Trying CPR on Kristen Steward for 2hours
14 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
.. edward eventually gave up on her 10 minutes before the movie ended. I won't be able to sleep in the next few days without seeing Kristen's cachectic body infront of me. Sure, they wanted to underline that she is suffering but dang it really disgusted me, also the idea to keep the baby that would kill her. Pro life or not the topic was handled very stupid here. Why is Jacob always hanging around and warming her? Can't they stop this triangle hiccup? They are married now. Awful. Especially because the whole movie was made only because Bella couldn't keep her legs together. Everything that happened is because she wanted to smash. She even listened to Rosalie to keep the baby although 3 movies were enough to make clear she wanted her dead anyway. Next thing: the wedding and honeymoon took ages and did nothing to the story but to fill minutes and make young girls fantasize about crazy and expensive weddings. Yes, I watched the movies completely out of curiosity
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Wanting to get to know the hype
14 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I watched the movies 10 years after release wanting to know the hype. The first one got me ok... but this one: big oof. Bella and edward broke up, which we all have seen coming. This scene seemed so never ending?! Kristen always exhales very loud instead of forming sentences and also in the 2nd movie refuses to look someone in the eyes while talking. It was such a childish fake depression I mean common how long have the been together? 3 or 4 months? They only kissed like two times. Her first boyfriend and his .. surely he must have had lots of girls in his hundred years of living. Anyway Bella filled her hole in the heart with, of course, some other creature. What is it with this town that two rivaling folks live there and Bella falls in love with the youngest of both. To me, Bella got some real borderline issues. So we get to see lots of young men half naked in short jeans. Always.. also in Italy when edward is about to glitter on the market place: he's got his pants so low I am sure he had to shave his pubic hair to wear jeans like that. Had to look away. The scene that really made me belief this is a parody: when the sister looks into the future and Bella and Edward run slowmo through the forest. No way someone gave his OK to put the scene into the movie!
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Temptation Island (2019– )
Why would anyone take part in this show?
20 April 2019
The idea seems fairly well, throw single Girls to an engaged men and look whats Happening. But please don't call it "Prove how strong your love is!" It is just destined to fail. It is just in the nature of People, especially when Girls throw themself half naked and whillingly onto guys. Same goes for the women, talking about their relationship with single guys who act as if the understand, listen closely, pour them more wine and giving them a friendly shoulder massage. I mean the director of the Show went so far to even invite Striptease Dancer as the Singles. This is just freshly made Drama. Nevertheless is quite some entertaining Drama. But really - no one in their right mind would choose this way to proove the endless love.
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Tosh.0 (2009–2020)
hate it or love it
20 April 2019
I hate it. But I guess this is a Show which either hits exactly your type of Humor or just disgusts you. This must be why there are so many 10/10 and 1/10 Reviews. I call myself an Internet guy and I am right into Tier 7 memes but I just couldn't even twitch one of my face muscles upwards. Never heard of Danie Tosh, a guy Standing infront of a blue Screen comenting on internetvideos. Nobody: Daniel Tosh: Let's comment Internet Fails You can see his eyes moving from left to right just reading the one liners hes been given to read on Screen. Sure, some are well thought on what happend on the Video. Still, his mimic and gestures are fairly bad as a so called comedian.
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Familie Braun (2016)
short and excellent
19 April 2019
The truth will hit right in the face. And you will laugh and cringe. So many true things packed in Satire. Amazingly done.
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Best in the series so far
19 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I found that the fourth part was more mature then the ones before. You had the usual racing, no-logic, Little Story, women who willingly offer themselves to anybody and the original cast. But thought it wasn't so dump and flat this time. The actors even... acted from time to time. I liked Vin Diesel very much here.

The idea of Brian of beeing a cop and beeing a criminal annoyed me very much. As if no one really had to pay for the crimes they have commited. Well Dom seemed to get like 25 years in prison at the end, which shook me a lot as it ended so abruptly. Sure the Boys and one Girl where about to save him from that...

Again the message here: Laws are for the usual People and with a fast car you can just escape?
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FBI givin O'conner another chance
18 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Why though? I mean in the first part he helped Turetto escape and did an awfull lot of illegal things. Anyway, FBI needing someone to get near a drug Gangster with racing cars. Of course they ask him and if he succeeds everything will be forgotten.

He also has a Chance to ask for assistance and gets some other delinquent with a huge list of crimes he has comitted. But surely, if he also helps everything will be forgotten. Another Undercover cop is introduced the hot leading female. Although she neiter leads nore is she hot. She is just there. Anyway the try to do some detective things and he I Need to Point out my Favorit Scene of Comedy: They came to this strange 70' Club with seethrough chairs you can spin and fluffly carpets. O'Conner and Rome looked around and for the drug Boss. They spot him in the crowd. O'conner whispers: There he is, don't look. And both turn to look straight at him and Mr. Drug Lord stands there waving in full blast at them and they wave back. We laughed very hard at this stupid Piece of acting and writting.

Then there was this rat Scene! OMG! Can't believe how they couldn't even then Change their expressions.

I dunno much more of the Film, as there wasn't much. A bit more racing and O'conner calling everyone: Bro. Obviously Walkers wooden acting also Stretches out on his non existing skills of remembering names. The ending Scene included some car jump onto a boat, nearly killing loats of People. But Mr. Drug Lord just lets it happen and surrenders. Happy End. I dunno, this movie is so messed up. I can only imagine they had so much Money left from this massive product Placement so thats why the Franchise continues.
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Two stars for this comedy!
18 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It made me laugh so often. I really wanted to get into this Franchise and it got me good: at laughing. There was no real Story, no acting nothing but fast cars and hot 90's Babes. When Sean was introduced into the gang there where females who wanted to be males. The only racing Girl of course had a barby colored car. It made me cringe everytime they switched from on Driver to another everytime trying to get out a cool setence like: you're next. I´'ll Show you what I got. Eat my dust, Boy. I can only guess they financed all those expensive cars and stuff because of the product Placement. Als the animations made us snort into our drínks when they hit the red button on the driving wheel. Everyone always got smashed in their seats but so badly I was reminded of the early star trek series when the actors shook themselves instead of the camera when they where hit by a Meteor shower. The safety precautions came quite short in the movie. I haven't seen any seatbelts, or safety clothing. Even when they crashed, nobody got hurt.

I had to admitt It often looked like, it's ok to take risks in driving. Nothing will hapen, no one gets hurt or arrested. Women will always offer themselves willingly, even if your are mean and ugly. There is always Money to build new cars. Have I mentioned that women will always offers themselves willingly?
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Watched it for the lol
18 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I could not possibly take this movie serious. I watched all the previous parts and pained my way through it. First there was this slightly to OLD main character Sean from high School. It started of course with a race. But the Price was this blonde Girl. She even set herself out as a Price. I mean common, I didnt´t know this franchise could go any lower in objectifying women. But here they went. The first race was really neckbraking and Sean even drove through a construction building. When the Guy and the Girl crashed - I thought they must be dead. But they only had scratches. At the Police Station, the cop said Sean would go to prison. Which I fullhearted Support! When they said he allready had a full Register with illegal car races and nothing happened to him, it made me so angry... I couldn't like the main character. I am glad the mother kicked him out. Of course, the first Thing you think of to give your son a lesson for live: Send him to Japan for correction.

There he lived with his dad who tried to give him some boundarys and threatens him with consequences. Next day he already went to School. Just like that.. in Tokio.. and he doesn't speak one word japanese. The first Thing in class was of course the non-japanese love interesst in the movie. Also he met some African american bloke who oppenly tried to sell him stolen goods. I thought (or wished) it would be a film about integrity, but no - It looked so american I could only guess they filmed it in a japanese area somewhere in a bigger City in the US. I dunno

Sean soon discovered he could start racing again in Japan. Although his father would kick him out as promissed. Sean didn't care. And Oh - look, of course his new Girl was the GF from his racing Opponent. And more to come: As he doesn't have a care. Some RANDOM bloke said: here take mine. Although I don't know you and your skills, please, take my expensive racing car. Of course he shattered the car in pieces... and we find out the car owner belongs to yakuza.

I have to addmit I drifted of to sleep by myself very often. They had a lot of races in between, but: the never drove like.. straight through the streets. They always drifted. I got it in the parking house... but why would they do that on a straight street? Eventually someone actually died in a race. They Kind of didn't mourn or took a lesson out of it. NO! Sean got in a hassle with some yakuza Boss who surely would just shot him down, but Sean asked for forgivness by driving a race and everything would be forgotten? Stupidest Thing I have ever heard. And they did so! Another race was coming and in the end, the Opponent DK (Donky Kong I thought first) crashed horribly and could have been dead. I hoped for the movie: Sean gets a grip, Ends the race early and Looks after DK if he is alright. No, he doenst. Driving straight to the Yakuza Boss who nods and no lesson was learned that day.

It taught the audience, driving riskfull, even getting People killed, is ok. There will be no punishment. Women will like you even more. You also don't have to study or work. You just get new cars. Women offer themselve willingly to even the biggest brats but if you got enough horsepower.
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Cold Pursuit (2019)
What movie does it want to be?
3 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I was expecting an average Liam Neeson action Movie with, well, a lot of snow. I just learned a minute before the movie started, that it is a remake.

The movie contains lots of deaths. Some made in a brutal way, but also sometimes comical, as in the last scene just before the movie ended. What bothers me, was, that there is a huge gap between comical deaths and brutal thrilling killing. This film switched between those two lines and often didn't know rather I should laugh or be disgusted, shocked even sad. Every killing being underlined with a harmonic, floppy and bemusing music. A lot of scenes have been stretched to give it funny underline but they kept on stretching the scenes so it made me really uncomfortable.

The other thing was the pace of the movie, everything happened so fast and at the same time there was no end to be seen. Cold Pursuit started with a father who got honored as citizen of the year, the house with son and wife was shown. Everything looked in harmony. The Son died so quickly and I actually didn't really get it first, why and how. When the Parents saw their son in the morgue (after that horrible scene where the Coroner or what pumped up the bar .. TOO LONG!) there was like.. barely no emotion. I mean, they've just lost their son? As the movie proceeded really no grief, sorrow or moaning TOGETHER over their son. I annoyed me how the main Character first trying to kill himself (leaving behind a wife in grief over son and husband?!) and started a revenge on a drug cartel. Never like being at home comforting his wife.. just doing his revenge. No wonder he left him. Sad for the actress though, having like one 4 minutes of screen time.

I found it very unrealistic how an average snow plower could handle a whole drug cartel on his own only be knowing their street names. Even started a fight between two big drug lords.

There was this one strong female character, mother of the to-be-kidnaped-boy. I really, really liked her acting. Standing against Viking, giving him contra. I hated viking so much. Well, the actor must have been really good then.

At the End they all killed each other and Liam Neeson was left behind. Also! The Boy was just left behind. I would have liked it, if the Boy was like a new son to Liam Neeson, so he would have a new chance to make himself a better father. Or the Boy having someone who actually noticed him and would spend with him. No, it ended with the Boy driving the snow plow on his own around and the police officer just looked as dumb as she was: Oh, there is boy driving a snow plow on his own at night. AND SHE LETS HIM GO AWAY WITH IT? What was it with the police plot anyway, they did nothing to the story. They only filled a gap to have a bit more jokes really.

I like the scenery. All the snow, not so much CGI - just humans acting. With all the superhero movies jumping on you at every corner, I nearly forgot what a nice landscape and pure acting was.
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Fantastic Four (I) (2005)
did my laundry while watching the movie
1 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I love the marvel series and every attempt to make new movies and introducing new superheroes into our world. I never read any Comics, so my critics go to this film as a standalone.

I found that I guessed the plot of this within the first 5minutes of the movie. But the holes were so deep, I tried to fold my Pants with a sock, I was so confused. I admit to have started grining when I saw Cole from Charmed as the supposed villain in the movie. He already played highly evil characters before, so I though he fitted very well. But admittedly I wished him a bit more evil as in my opinion he did not deserve a strong Name like Dr. Doom. Right after Doom they introduced Storm as the female main character. I think they wanted to make her intelligent and she was some sort of scientist. But to me she seemed the shallow Assistent to Doom who would fall for him, as he was his Boss and had lots of power and Money.

I don´t even know how but in the next 3 minutes they already been up in space! Of course today, there is no Need for a Special Training to go into space. That was quite to fast! Also this predictible Scene from Storm: Oh look, we got some super tight and stretchy suits now which I will present to the audience with my perfect Body so everyone overlooks my lack of acting. Ben the big Bloke was all over with his love to his wife and everyone new, you could relay on this guy. Well up in the air some sort of wild storm hit the Crew. They Kind of misscalculated the time it will appear, but they never explained why an how. Ben later just said, this is nature. Deal with it.

Magicly they all survived and been transported to some expensive private Hospital, thanks Mr. Doom! They all been in quarantine, as knowbody yet knew if they were.. infectious? In the Marvel University quarantine obviously means, you can hang out with each other outside on the balcony, be in the Cafeteria or even go to a snowboardtrip with your Nurse??? Stupidest Thing I've ever heard. When the Nurse entered the room of a patient she didn't even weare gloves or a protective mouth cover.

Anyway here they discovered their new powers. OMG the Scene with Reed, sliding his Hand trough the gap of the door! I had to cover my eyes, it was to painfull to watch this mess of CGI Animation.

Well they discovered Ben had gone so they followed him back to NY. The doctors or what obvioulsy lifted quarantine as they .. well just left allthough theire powers have just emerged and nobody knows what they are?!

Ben made to NY with the Train? From top of some mountains right into the City he phoned his wife from the Corner in front of his house, to call her down and meet her. At the window you could see her waiting in a negligee. Well she just went down on the streets with only her negligee! Right on the streets with everyone watching. When she saw Ben she ran away, obviously scared. Can't believe anyone gave their OK to direct this ridiculous Scene.

The Trio heard Ben would be at the End of the Bridge... which could be any Bridge and any End. But they tried to meet up. Ben meanwhile had Trouble to addept to his new Looks, which he did quite well. He portrayed the confusion and addepting excellent. Ben got into a huddle with someone who was about to commit suicide. And he Kind of saved him but also caused a huge Crash with like tweenty others who surely got injured. The fantastic Trio was also in the traffic jam and of course knew.. this had to ben? Why would they guess that. They haven't even seen him fully transformed. This Scene though: There was a hold up and People watching the chaos. Reed suggested that Storm must use her invisibilty to get in front of the line. First of all: and to do what? She undressed infront of all the People, predictibly switching between visibillity and invisibility. I don*t know if we should have laughed or whistled.. I was just embarassed how flat this scene was made. When she eventually got infront of the line... she couldn't do anything and Reed and Johny also were just in front. WHAT WAS THE POINT? Was it really that obvious, give Jessica a Chance to Show off? As this wasn't enough Ben's wife turned up (How did she know he was there? How could she come through the traffic?) and left her ring on the ground. It was very sad.. and confusing. So it seemed they needed to find out about theire powers. Best place was Reeds Science lab in a huge loft on a top Building in NY. Stuffed with loads of devices, Equipment and medical Hardware. I heard him saying he was broke and had no Money...?! The Filmmakers really think the audience is stupid.

The Tests they made also were so laughable and completly senseless!What Kind of metal holds the temperature of the sun? If he was Close so become a supernova.. why wasn't the building and City around already been smushed into ashes? How can they x-ray or what Bens Skin and organs without shielding themselves. Also this is supposed to be an unknown structure and material. I had no Idea what Kind of mirror or glass this was when they figured out Storm really was invisible. Why did he have to look through magnifying glass to see, if she really was invisible? Also there was this forced lovething between them. I could never have seen them as a couple, there was no chemistry whatsoever. Only Storm looking hot and Reed was a geek. The didn't fit at all. They put in a horrible Montage of everyone experimenting with theire new abilities - but they made it into a 1990 version. Until that I would have enjoyed the movie if was 9 years old.

In all between Van Doom became Dr. Doom. His Transformation took Ages to complete, also nothing really happened.

The following Storyline included mainly the four bickering over each other, Johny living his new life and Ben separates from the Group while Storm and Reed seem to fall for each other again. The whole city seemed to celebrate the FF although really they only reapired the damage they have caused themselves. And the all loyal true husband how loved debby so much.. found a new Girl in a bar. Just as plain as that.

Of course there had to come the fight against Doom were all of the four eventually unite and fight as a Team. They just figured it out within the last 5 minutes. There was like on Scene where I found a bit of acting from Alba. When she had to hold the storm of fire! I believed her. Although I wondered : At first Storm had to repell the fist of doom and she cried out, she couldn't hold it longer. Someone else took over. The Endscene of the fight however included her Holding against a supernova. And she did alright with that.

So now let me tell you about the end where I shoutet out loud: The four celebratet on a boat (Why didn't it sink with Ben transformed into the the Thing?) and there was the Blind one, Alicia. And Ben already seemed completly in love and forgotten his wife Debby which he mentioned like ten times in the moviè? That made me really angry at the end.. as if marriage and love was just something you Switch like your underwear. No great values they trying to teach us in the film.
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Spider-Man 3 (2007)
One Hero Three Villains... is a bit too much.
27 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I really wished for the spiderman franchise and the fans to have at least one decent movie to got with. But it's just not meant to be...

After the horrible ending from the second part, where MJ left her own wedding for Peter I was really nosy to find out if they eventually made it together. I certainly looked like it in the first 5 minutes of the Film. I wasn't sure at first in which way the plot will go as the they introduced some escaped prisoner who by accident fell into a science testing sandhole (!?) just right out of NY or the meteorite who hit the earth coincidently next to Peters moped.

MJ and Peters Love wasn't that strong it seemed as MJ annoyingly, as she always is, now gets jealous about Spider-Mans popularity. I mean she really wasn't that much of a bummer when she stood on the stage... I wonder what she actually expects from the world? Spider-Man saves lives everyday in NY for GS and she ... well... MJ portrays such a weak, helpless character. The movie came out 2007 when women are strong and independent, but her role throws that topic back into 1960! OK I would have been angry too, if on stage my boyfriend would kiss (french!) another women. Just for the photos. I mean she was in a relationship, too. Why on earth should they even kiss when he gets to be citizen of honor?

I ask myself why Peter never got around to take the cachectic daughter from his landlord? She is all over him, nice, simple and really wants him. There would have been one plot less to answer and we would be spared out at last with MJs never-ending screaming. I think they might have even recorded her screams and played a loop all over the actions scenes.. horrible.

They also managed to solve Uncle Bens death after 3 Movies. Amazing, great they finally got all the clues together. I admit, I already was satisfied with uncle Bens Death Scene and there was no mistery to be seen for me. But they needed a plot to make Spidey angry so they introduced another criminal. The scene was actually so stupid: I mean this Flint had like the same T-Shirt on when uncle Ben was killed and three years later when he became Mr. Sand? Was there not enough money to give him a second shirt? I have to really, really criticize that stupid fighting scene between the houses. Green Goblin jr. vs. Spidey. It was an endless fight, and looked SO BAD edited. They improved with the CGI so much in the last 2 films, but here it seemed, they've let the intern finish the scene. Even when Spidey eventually got the Goblin, he tried once for CPR... gave up and they tried to reanimate him in hospital which surely took over 20 minutes to get there. In that case he would have been dead for sure. I already felt, the filmmakers think the audience is completely stupid and has no common sense.

I hoped for there main plot, when Spidey is possessed by venom! Amazing. I loved the transformation and the minutes he enjoyed his new life. Until: He looked in the mirror, full of rage... and flipped his streak of hair over his eyes. This was when he became Emo. But in such a bad way, I could Imagine his missed this phase out when he was 16... Tobey Maguire doesn't have much expressions in the first place right, but here he lost it all. I liked it though, how he turned all his friends down. That was like a bit of acting, that suited Tobey. I actually enjoyed it how he blowed away MJ with the blond girl. But of course, Peter fought this new force in him. Which was a shame, as this plot ended to quickly in my opinion. They should have left it with this one! The sandman, the goblins revenge could have been completely left out.

But as the movie lacked with a good story they had cram in that other villain stuff to fill the movie. But it was to much. As as standalone Film I wished they would have explained more about that meteorite and venom. The name venom never fall actually,.. where he comes from or what he was up to anyway.

Inbetween all those complications MJ decided to try to go back to Harry. Comon MJ!? You had so many guys and chances already.. switching her love and heart like I switch my underwear made her an unlikeable person. How could Peter still fall for her? This Lovestory is complete joke. I like a good and healthy love story in super hero movies. But honestly, the times when the loved, helpless Girl gets in trouble were over already in the first movie. They continued this horror however.

My favorite character in the movie was Harry Osborne. He did his job so good. Being confused, back in love with MJ, even showed he was happing not remembering his past. That was some solid and great acting. Thanks Franco! My 2 stars got to you.

The way Harry died.. I didn't like it. He hated spiderman for 1 3/4 of a movie and then he died to save him? No way. Also, he just pierced in the chest like his father? I could accept that if it in comics, but I haven't read them thoroughly. Yet another funeral and yet another speech about life lessons from peter ended this mess. Eventually.
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Spider-Man (2002)
Entertaining for 2002
26 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I never had the Chance to watch the whole movie. Just bits of it, now Netflix gave me the Chance and I sat it out.

I really enjoyed the Film although I knew the whole Plot. Of course there were gaping holes in the plot, the acting was shallow the conversation predictable and the graphics made me feel like I watch cut Scenes from a Videogame.

Still I liked the Idea and the first half was very good and promising. Until MJ got in Trouble the umpteenthed time and we had to endure Kirstens vocal skills. The time she was on Screen was more a Screamtime than a Screentime. As a role MJ portrayed such a dependent, weak and stupid women it made me angry. Her Friendship and so called "love" also made me doubt her character. First she was with this High School Bully an inlove. Clearly showing she doesn't want to be with him but seemed to weak to end it all. Then Harry Ossborne had a go with her. Meanwhile she falls in love with Spidermann, kisses him even! Peter Parkers love for her was so dramatically all over the film, an how he could never reach her, she would be to perfect for him, got friendzoned like five times and still worships her. Having said that, the end pained me so much a brainfreeze kicked in although I haven't eaten Ice Cream for months. On Norman Ossbornes Funeral MJ confesses her love and he turned her down? What utter nonsense.

I liked William Dafoe in his role as the Green Goblin. His Gollumlike Split Action was really well done, he has some really amazing skills for portraying mad People. Sure his Mask and the suit looked out of Fashion... but I rather have real People and real suits instead of all the CGI when superheroes are animated from toe to head. Lets stay with the suits: how come the goblin fires his pumpkin bombs everyones reduced to ashes but Spidy, getting thrown one full in the face, he only gets a scratch?

All in all, Spider-Man is a classic. Also with stonefaced Tobey Meguire, it shouldn't be missed out. Most classic of all that this movies has so many up to date memes in it, please give it go!
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Spider-Man 2 (2004)
You call this a movie?
25 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I can't believe what I just watched. I really enjoyed the first movie and was on to see the Sequel. But Boy was I dissapointed. Also in a Kind of rage, as the filmmaker must think the audience is completly stupid and has no common sense.

I like the introduction with all the Art Kind of explaining what happened in the first part. Nice one. But thats it then. The Movie starts out with showing Peter Parker still in love with MJ but refusing her to save her?!

Anyway we have some Scenes where Peters life seemed to fall appart as he struggles with his two identities. So he has no Money, no work, goes to college but is rubbish there as well. So I ask myself, why on earth doesn't he move back to his aunti? She is an old Lady, would surely Need help throughout day and it would save Money. More obvioues reason of course: They both lost a loved one and are sad. I mean com'on! So they have this horrible birthday Party full of uncomfortable Scenes and cringy moments. Mary Janes appearance shook me, as she looked washed out, dull and not all the beautiful red haired angel she portrayed in the first movie.

The first time I wanted to shut down the movie was that predictable Scene when Peter brings the garbage outside. HORRIBLE! The writing, the acting... someone having a camera on and filming that nonsense? Yikes. It went like ten minutes, Peter Parker having no Expression at all and MJ talking she has now a new Lover. Peter is so shocked: OMG the Girl I turned down some month ago got a new boyfriend.

Next Thing I remember is this weird Meeting in a New York loft or something where this scientist had some work done. Sounded like he has his own CERN Fusion Collider in the living room, which could blow up and destroy the city but he would have it under controll. Sounds legit. I didn't really get it why exactly he would Need that sort of exo skellet to fullfill the work of a physic scientist, but it was surely needed for the plot.

Inbetween all those Scenes, Spider-Man seems to have some identity Problems which affects his superpowers. I find this is quite a good Story line! But it is very bad written. I took him like 2 hours to understand his new Powers in the first movie now it seem to go over weeks and weeks. Coming and going with his Kind of Depression he has. I mean - i can relate to that idea! So many things Happening, not knowing which way to follow. I feel the writer should have sticked to this one Problem: identity unclear, loosing his power, new villiain in town, Spidey get a grip and fights again! Set. But all this wishy washy love, not love in between. Couldn't they have left MJ completey out?

So of course when the scientist showed his new Invention the whole Thing predictibly blows up. OMG: The surgery Scene! I found it way to brutal and horrific compared to the rest of the movie. Horrormovie like the new metal arms of the scientist grapped like 10 doctors and grossly smacked them allover the place. This Scene was completly out of place and didn't fit at all in the atmosphere.

Well Octavius woke up and coulnd't handle his new powers. As a new Born villain in town he spontanuosly found a villain hideout at the docks. Some strange ripped of part from Train Station in steam punk style just wating to be housed by mad scientist. His first thoughts went to his Assistent, which he accidently killed and the next moved to: Money! So he robbed a bank at daytime and grabbed - what? To bags of Gold Coins?

How did he trade them coins? And how on earth could he order himself new devices and stuff for a new Fusion collider in his waterflooded hidy-hole? That part of the Story was so stupid. Someone acutally wrote that down and someone else acutally said: sure, let do this!

Again something with MJ and Peter. nobody acutally can decide who wants whom to kiss or not kiss. Meanwhile MJ is engaged with some Pilot or what she just seemed to have met. Which is: Her fith Guy in the whole Story: 1. Movie: Highschool Bloke, Harry Ossborne, In love with Spiderman and kisses him, in love with Peter 2. Movie: Pilot and then finally Peter... She really is some "scarlet women". So many guys in so Little time, how can Peter still fall for her?

There was this one Scene, I don't even know where in the movie but Peter went in this burning house (de javus first movie?) and tried to save a Little Girl. This Scene made me very angry: Just as he was he went in that completly burning building! He walked... he looked around.. EVERYTHING BURNED AROUND him!? No smoke, no... nothing. Petery alltime expressionless face didn't even Change when he somehow broke down a landing and that Girl pulled him up all by herself. So laughable and stupid directed. The first cough came like ... 25 meteres after he left the building.

So it had to came as Spidey feared: When someone knows his identity .. well MJ will be in danger. So she was. And her sreaming started again. I thought we would be spared of that this time. After that ridicolously Long Train Scene, where they've probably driven like three time through new York... I shut the movie down.

I took me a while to Digest the Horrors of acting I've seen. I agree that Tobey M. was quite a fail in the casting.
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