2 Reviews
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Alienate (2016)
26 September 2018
I'm about a third in to ths "gem"....and I all I can say ...is ....the claw end of a hammer to the forehead is more pleasurable than this drivel....The only reason I give it a 2 is because I like sci-fi and the occasional fromage. It's absolute rubbish...Plot is crap ....the actors are worse.. It's like a bunch of 4 year olds trying discuss Einstein. The character interaction is awful...The special effects are awful. The music is awful. Brutal. That said...I will get drunker and maybe partake in some MJ to struggle through the rest of this abysmal abomination 😎
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6 September 2018
I truly enjoyed this. Right from the opening minutes to the very end. Lots of plot twist and turns. Great actors and character development. I would love to see another season but if it didn't happen, at least I'm not walking away from a cliffhanger. A very well put together stand alone season. Well done as usual Netflix!
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