
4 Reviews
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Derry Girls: The Reunion (2022)
Season 3, Episode 5
This episode is great
15 December 2022
Honestly I can't imagine why there is so much hate for this episode. I love learning some back story of the parents so they're actual people and not just one dimensional secondary characters. The mammies are Derry girls too, after all. The story in this episode is a bit over the top but definitely not worth such poor reviews; many shows have filler episodes and this one is no exception although I'd argue this one ads more to the overall story. I need more characters to finish out this review so I'll just say overall this show is great, especially as a girl who is just a few years younger than the girls would be in the 1990s. Who doesn't love nostalgia even if it's from a different country?
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Squid Game: VIPS (2021)
Season 1, Episode 7
Why does everyone hate the VIPs?
6 January 2022
It's pretty hysterical to me that all these reviews talk about bad acting by the American VIPs. They're in masks so of course their dialogue has to be a bit more expressive since you can't see their faces for expression at all. And if you don't think rich Aholes don't really act like that anyway then you haven't been paying attention. They're watching people playing games that can cause them to die; of course they're going to be dickish in their demeanor. What normal person would watch that, if it were real? Come on.
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The best sequel so far
1 December 2021
Idk why there are so many Debbie Downers about this movie but I thought it was great, far better than any other sequel. The only reason I can tolerate the second one is because of Tim Curry. This storyline is cute and not an exact copy of the original so that gets bonus points from me. The perfect way to revamp the original franchise without just blatantly redoing it. The other sequels beyond that are, naturally, terrible. Of course it's not going to be in the ball park of the OG because it was *that* good to those of us who grew up with it and have sentimental value over it. But is it really THAT bad, to have 3.5 stars? Not a chance. People just love to hate 🤷‍♀️
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The Baby-Sitters Club (2020–2021)
Nice modern take
16 August 2020
There is a lot of pearl clutching in these other reviews. Yes, there are other more modern issues being tackled here but representation matters so this is a good thing. Not sure how teaching kids how to be tolerant and accepting of people's differences can be a bad thing. I read these books religiously as a kid so it's nice to revisit something that was such a huge part of my life. Some of the acting is a bit cheesy but it's still fun. My kids are definitely enjoying it as well and since this is aimed at their demographic I'd say it's a success. The reviews complaining about the lack of actual babysitting are comical to me; the books were about more than babysitting too so why wouldn't the show be as well? Not to mention that would be extremely repetitive and dull. Anyway this is a cute modern version for people who can handle actual issues and representation.
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