
2 Reviews
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Don't bother.
12 September 2018
This movie was all kinds of bad. The story, if you could call it a story, was disjointed, contrived and confusing. The acting was terrible. The visual effects, were so poorly done they looked comical. They didn't even bother taking the Dianese branding off the motorcycle jackets they were wearing. I'm sorry to say, this film has no redeeming qualities. I've seen better efforts by grade school children on YouTube.
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Carbon Copy (II) (2016)
Carbon Crappy
26 December 2016
I understand why there are no reviews for this film. Nobody bothered watching to the end. I have suffered through it, so now you don't have to. The premise was interesting enough, but the story (what little there was of it) made no sense. It was full of plot holes big enough to drive a truck through. The acting was woeful. The ending (which I only made it to because I wanted to see how this train wreck ended) was beyond clichéd to the point of being lame. I tried to find something redeeming about this film to add, but there is nothing. For a more interesting nights entertainment, watch paint dry. Trust me it is the better option.
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