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A Japanese warm-up to the Bataan Death March!
17 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Despite really liking the work of Virginia McKenna and Peter Finch, I never saw, or, even knew of this movie until yesterday!?!?

Filmed mainly on location in Malaya (also, the United Kingdom and Australia), this movie (story) depicts just how kind and rotten people can be towards one another during a military desperation can bring out the best and worst in people.

The movie immediately grabs your interest by forcing you to decide whether the Japanese did these women and children a favor by separating them from their men who're sent to a prison camp (history buffs know how Japanese prison camps were); or, were cruel and sadistic by giving them what seems like freedom, but, sentencing them to an endless plight of attrition where "survival of the fittest" applies all-too-well.

Much like "Lord of the Flies," these women begin forming somewhat of a pecking-order where Jean Paget (Virginia McKenna) is obviously the leader of the bunch; but, how strong many of the other women are. Also, how weak one is by saving herself by becoming a collaborator.

Joe Harmon (Peter Finch) is a captured Australian POW who takes a great interest in helping these women, especially Paget, and, how he risks his life to do so.

There's even a sympathetic Japanese sergeant who's escorting the women and children along their trek, and, helping them. They, in turn, help him.

I could write much more, but, this is as much as I feel like writing because I don't wish to ruin any details for the viewer. I choose to keep this a movie review, not a movie report.

A great movie based on a true story.
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Very creative, and, funny as heck! :D
1 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this show a few times when it first came out and found it quite entertaining. Now, it's on NetFlix and I began watching it again.

"Mystery Science Theater 3000" is truly creative, and, very funny. Although "Beavis and Butthead" were doing this same thing a few years earlier by mocking music videos, MST3K has taken this sort of thing to a new level...mocking and tearing-up old and cheesy movies.

Someone wrote a comment here about how stupid and 'infantile' it is to make fun of low-budget movies; and, how he'd respect MST3K if they made fun of high-budget movies!?!? That's just it...low-budget movies are made fun of, because...they're low-budget movies! They're cheaply made with silly scripts, poor acting, and, stupid dialog that's easily scorned and worthy of ridicule. Who'd watch a show like this that pokes fun at, and, insults movies like, "The Godfather," "Doctor Zhivago," and, "The Wizard of Oz?" No one! These are movies people want to see without interruptions. Then, again, someone who writes a comment that preposterous is someone who'd turn around and write a comment about how MST3K has a nerve to ridicule high-budget movies - he can't be pleased either way!?!?

Another thing about those who dislike MST3K is, I believe, they just don't have the background and/or the mentality to understand the jokes that are being made towards these movies. If you don't understand where the jokes and comments originated, you won't understand how they're being applied here. It's the same as the review I wrote on IMDb about the original "Rocky and His Friends"(1959). In order to understand that show, especially "Grimm Fairy Tales" and "Fractured Fairy Tales," you first need to know about those original stories. For example - if you don't have a simple background in, or, knowledge of, "Rapunzel" or "Goldilocks," you won't understand the jokes related to these. The three main characters in MST3K make many references to people and events from long ago. Most people nowadays don't know who Rose Marie(Hollywood Squares), Doris Day. or, Foghorn Leghorn is/was, so, they don't understand the references.

Granted...some of the movies being made fun of on MST3K probably shouldn't have even been here at all. One in particular is the Russo-Finnish movie "Morozko"(1964) (aka "Frosty")...on MST3K as "Jack Frost." This movie, and, fairy tale, is a classic in Russia, and, in most of Europe. It's well-made and well-acted. Even one of the cast of MST3K states that Natalya Sedykh makes Olivia Hussey("Romeo and Juliet" 1968) look like Thelma Ritter, and...that's saying a lot seeing that Olivia Hussey was beautiful in that movie.

Either way, and, regardless of what inept tards may think, or, not think at all, I love this show! It's people who criticize and knock down creative shows like this who lead to diagnostic terms such as 'sociopath' and 'imbecile.'
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A great documentary/movie!
10 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This is a great and historic movie!

This is the kind of great war documentary/movie that most people outside this particular language/nation/area rarely get to see because it's not 'Hollywood.' Also, for lack of a better's 'foreign' to most...uncommon. The same with Poland's "Katyn"(2007); Italy's "Torpedo Zone"(1955); and, many others...The Netherlands' "Soldier of Orange"(1977).

Although these 'same' T-34 Russian tanks converted into Tiger 1 German tanks, and, American Sherman tanks, are in the same movie (as well as the American M3 half-tracks converted to German Sd.Kfz. 251s), because it's a Hollywood production 'filmed in Yugoslavia,' everyone in the world can see "Kelly's Heroes"(1970); but, rarely this great movie. Just as everyone can see Hollywood's "Battle of the Bulge"(1965) and "Patton"(1970) (both filmed 'mainly' in Spain) that use the same tanks...because it's big-budget Hollywood. Hollywood is great, but, it sometimes leaves equally great non-Hollywood movies behind, and, sadly forgotten.

To me, this is likely the best eastern European war documentary/movie production ever. The German movie "Stalingrad"(1993), filmed in Germany, Finland, Czech Republic, and, Italy, is another sadly 'forgotten great.'

As per national budget at that time, this movie's ranks up there with "Doctor Zhivago"(1965); "Lawrence of Arabia"(1963); "The Guns of Navarone"(1961); "The Sand Pebbles"(1966); and, "A Bridge Too Far"(1977).

This movie even has an international 'Hollywood' movie-making cast - Yul Brynner and Oleg Vidov(Russia); Hardy Kruger and Curt Jürgens (Germany); Franco Nero(Italy); Orson Wells(USA); Sergey Bondarchuk(Ukraine); Sylva Koscino(Croatia); and, Anthony Dawson(Scotland). Despite this...this great movie isn't nearly as famous as similar Hollywood movies that take place in 'Yugoslavia' like "Force 10 From Navarone."

If you're a World War II buff who likes to see every aspect of that war, even the lesser-known parts...see this.
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Excellent movie for the entire family! :)
5 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This movie, although produced by an independent company, was made in the same tradition as all of those wonderful "Disney" nature documentary-movies that showcase beautiful landscapes and wildlife at their very best. Also, like a Disney docu-movie, it's narrated and has very little in the way of a written/spoken script for the actors.

I've loved this movie since I was a child of nine when it first came out...and, I still love it now. Movies like this will never lose their luster because nature, and, all it envelops, will always be pure and easy. Nature will always be the escape for everyone who wishes to just get away from other people and enjoy what is, will be, and, always has been.

After making a career of being a thug, tough-guy, and, gangster, it's nice and refreshing to see Mike Mazurki in a role as a jovial, nature-loving teddy bear (kinda like seeing Robert De Niro crying in "Analyze This;" and, Clint Eastwood singing in "Paint Your Wagon."). It gives you the feeling that "WOW! These guys really do have feelings!"

I'd considered giving this movie 10 Stars, but, due to the circumstances of an innocent man being pursued for defending himself against a rookie king-sh*t bully cop banging at his door and accidentally shooting first (everyone knows not to pound on something with a chambered and cocked gun!?);and, the cruel trapper (Frenchy) who immorally started all of this trouble, then, uses the law to back-up his cowardly deed...I give it 9 Stars.

Very similar to this 1975 G-Rated movie is the 1981 R-Rated "Death Hunt" starring Charles Bronson and Lee Marvin. In this movie, too, lies were told to the authorities, and, it unnecessarily escalated from there. Using the law for unlawful purposes boils my blood! A lot of good cops, and, good people in general, can, and, have, gotten hurt or dead because of some idiot doing this.

I'm just hoping that people who watch this movie (and, "Death Hunt") are smart enough to realize that this man (in both movies) was unjustly flushed from his house, home, and, territory, for simply having a good heart and saving an animal from the cruelty of an unethical and lying pr*ck who then used the law as a tool for his own vengeance. It's like the little neighborhood idiot who starts a fight with you, loses, then, has his big brother confront you.

A great movie on 'almost' every level...'Frenchy' should have died a cruel and slow death...preferably by the wolf, 'Old Timer,' that he was so cruel and slow to! Rookie-creep-cop got exactly what was coming to him due to his bad-badge-power sh*t attitude!
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Scout's Safari (2002–2004)
Excellent Africa setting TV show!
24 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Originally, I was going to title this review "New York City dingbat finds an education and purpose in Africa." However, 'Scout' actually turns out to be a cool kid!

I may be very bias in my review of this show, but, I love Africa! I love its peoples; landscapes; jungles; deserts; flora and fauna(plants and animals); history; customs; etc; etc!

I love and equate this TV show with "Hatari;" "Daktari;" "Born Free"(movie and TV show); "White Lion;" "To Walk With Lions;" "Beautiful People;" "The Lion Who Thought He Was People;" "An Elephant Called Slowly;" "The Lion Cub From Harrods;" "Christian The Lion;" "Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom;" etc. Also, even more distantly-related movies set in Africa like "The Wilby Conspiracy;" "Zulu;" "Zulu Dawn;" "The Gods Must Be Crazy;" etc. I love it...I love it all! :)

I began watching this show with my then-toddler Son when it first came out in 2002...hence, my original title after seeing 'Scout' acting like a spoiled little ditzy bimbo. But, as the episodes went on, I became more and more interested in this; and, especially more interested in the South African wilderness. Scout eventually became a cool kid!

Traveling in Africa and enjoying its wilderness scenery and all it has to offer is a blessing for anyone, whether you actually go there, or, see it on's splendid!

This is a great show, and, it's sad that it lasted for only two seasons. Likely because most kids nowadays (from about 1999 to now) don't like or appreciate anything unless they can blow-up or destroy something or someone with their computer cyber games while remaining idle and getting fat and lazy on donuts and soda.

Such a shame! This was a great show...all the way! :)
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Training Day (2017)
A good show.
24 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Although this show has the same title as the Denzel Washington movie, I see very few similarities apart from that.

In the 2001 movie, Washington portrayed a 'rogue cop.' In this show, Bill Paxton portrayed a 'maverick' cop...very different!

I like it, and, that's mainly because of Bill Paxton's fast-talking and smart-ass attitude. The same reason why I liked the short-lived 2010-2013 show "The Glades."

Though I doubt many exist, I like the idea of a maverick cop (a maverick 'anyone') like 'Frank Rourke' who bucks the system, stands up to crooked bureaucrats, and, gets the bad guys in a world FULL of laws, but, very little justice. Cops like Jim Longworth("The Glades"); Jethro Gibbs and Tony DiNozzo("NCIS"); Frank Bullitt("Bullitt"); and, of course, Frank Callahan("Dirty Harry"). A lot of 'Franks.'

Very-much different than Washington's character 'Alonzo' in the 2001 movie, yet, that's a great movie...much like "Bad Lieutenant"(1992) with Harvey Keitel.

Now that Bill Paxton has died (RIP), I won't be watching this any longer if it continues. That is, unless, the trainee is assigned to another cop who's played by an actor who can fill Paxton's acting shoes.

I like this show, as briefly as it lasted with Bill Paxton.

I also like Bill Paxton's acting..."Apollo 13;" "A Simple Plan;" "Titanic;" "Tombstone;" "Predator 2;" and, especially, "Weird Science" and "Future Shock."

A great actor...I'm missing him already!
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So sick and tired of American kids dying overseas for useless wars!
14 April 2017

This is a great movie and a great depiction of what likely happened in Somalia...but, what about the American troops who died for useless reasons? What about their parents and families? Normally, a country invades and conquers another to enrich their own country. The US went to Mogadishu to help people, and, all we got in return was enemy fire and dead American kids!?!?

Here...and, in all American Wars, nothing ever enriched the depleted us of American soldiers (fathers; brothers; sons; nephews; etc.) for no's saddening! In this case...just like in every other American war, especially, Korea; Vietnam; Gulf War 1990; Gulf War 2003;...who cares when the children of the United States have to die for nothing? FOR WHAT? These are USELESS WARS! ALL wars are useless when American children are killed for silly reasons!

Why were Americans even in Somalia? I'm quite sure that Master Sergeant (USA) Gary Gordon's family will remember their son, brother, nephew, etc. as a hero who 'posthumously' won the Congressional Medal of Honor, but, for what!?!? Why!?!? He died...and, for what!?!? What gain was this for the United States and this man's family? A great man, like many other great men, died in a silly war...not even a war...a skirmish; a conflict; a fight that means nothing...except to help feed people who needed food, yet, in the end, he died for nothing!

The same with SFC(USA) Randy Shughart...his family must also feel the same pride for their child and his posthumous CMH; but, hatred, moreover, for the carelessness his government took in extinguishing his light by this foolish battle.

US Government - so stupid...taking advantage of American children's patriotism, loyalty, and, honor, to and for our nation; and, then, squandering them in a useless war like this!?!? I'M ASHAMED OF MY GOVERNMENT!

My heart goes out to everyone who lost someone in this silly encounter; and, in any other silly encounters worldwide..LT(SEAL) Michael Murphy; STG2(SEAL) Matthew Axelson; GM2(SEAL) Danny Deitz; and, so many others. God Bless You ALL!

MM/USN (1985-1993)
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Laura Branigan: Self Control (1984 Music Video)
Brings this old man 'way' back...great memories! :)
13 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This song (and, video) came out early in the year I graduated from high school, and, for me, it was the anthem of "The Class of 1984."

As a teenage boy, I never realized just how great this video (or, any other) was/is, especially when I was making-out with my girlfriend while it was on MTV; or, making love to her as the song was playing on the radio.

I also didn't realize that the director of "The French Connection;" "The Exorcist;" and, "To Live and Die in LA," also directed 'this' video!?!?

How cool is that to have a song like this to remember your high school graduation year, and, that summer, by!

A great song and video; a great director; and, a great, beautiful, and, talented singer...all in one ±5-minute video! :)

This song defines "The Class of 1984!" Especially, The Summer of 1984! I just graduated from high school; no responsibilities; no accountabilities; living with parents; bum job; nice car; good friends; great girlfriend; great meeting places (Riverside 'amusement' Park and The Rollaway Skating Rink in Agawam, Massachusetts); the day mattered; creatures of the night mattered more; no will to fight; party, party, party; then, the summer ended, and reality set in!

Besides retirement, it's the only time in your life you'll ever have it that good and that easy...the summer after high school graduation!

It's been a great life, and, this song defines and set the stage for me (us) in 1984! :)

Thank you for the vividly great memories, Laura Branigan, and, RIP.
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An adventure in time...a misadventure of the world's fate!
24 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This is a great story and a great adventure for all ages and it could and should have ended differently and better, but, that's all fantasy.

Things have to get worse before they ever get better, hence, Captain Nemo and The Nautilus.

Jules Verne was WAY ahead of his time when he wrote, and, then published this masterpiece of "Utopian-idea-through-means-of-Distopia" novel in 1870. Yet, way back then, he knew exactly what governments, any government in the world, would do with such power as Captain Nemo's notes described; and, what his supra-genius creation, The Nautilus, could the wrong hands.

Even if Professor Pierre Aronnax was sent by Captain Nemo as an emissary and he successfully contacted some 'seemingly-agreeable' government for "Peace On Earth"...they'd have invited him in as a friend and tortured him to death for information, as they did with Nemo's wife, to get everything and give nothing.

In many ways, this novel (and, movie) can be related to and compared with many others since - "The Killer Elite"(1975); "The Eiger Sanction"(1975); "Sneakers"(1992); "War Games"(1983); "The Osterman Weekend"(1983); "The Sicilian"(1987); not to mention "The Count Of Monte Cristo;" "The Departed;" "Payback;" "Prince of the City;" etc., and, many more...all about misplaced trust, deceit, treachery, lying, and, traders!

In many ways, Captain Nemo and Professor Aronnax were very much alike - educated; loved peace and harmony; were at one with nature and the earth; etc. However, Captain Nemo experienced a tragedy that Professor Aronnox couldn't possibly imagine nor understand unless he'd seen and felt it himself from a personal point of view. This is why two people who share all the same values and interests can be so incredibly different. Under other circumstances, whether good or bad, these two could have been great friends; but, this isn't the case here.

Then, just to make all of this advancement and intelligence in the story seem crazy to the average and typical viewer and reader, we have Ned Land, the bull-headed simpleton who cares nothing for learning; right and wrong; nor, the world in which he lives. He cares only for material wealth, drunkeness, and, living in the moment. Idiotic viewers and readers cheer him on while condemning advanced thinking and possible resolution to war; starving; enslavement; etc!?!? WHY? Mr. Land is the monkey who threw the wrench into the great program; the bumbling knuckle-dragging clown whose big muscles did the thinking for his little brain; the fool who began with nothing and ended with nothing when he could have made a 'real' difference in a great way.

As I wrote - This is a wonderful book and movie, but, like with others, the protagonist, Captain Nemo, had to be made to seem 'crazy' to make for an acceptable ending and an acceptable explanation for why the world will never be harmonious. Case in point - "Magnum Force" and "Death Wish." People who were disposing of those whom society would do better without had to be made to look 'crazy' to please readers and viewers who're thin-skinned and unrealistic dummies who don't know how the world works and always expect a senselessly short-lived happy ending.

The concept of Captain Nemo's hatred of war and enslavement may have made a good difference in the world. It's such a shame when people actually cheer when Nautilus sank. Much like how people cheered when the European nations gave up their colonies and left the native peoples in those colonies to butcher one another as a result!?!? As Bertolt Brecht wrote - "Do not rejoice in his defeat, you men. For though the world has stood up and stopped the bastard, the bitch that bore him is in heat again." This applies to most every single event in history when man thought that the 'next' government and/or the 'next' leader will be better - Stalinist Russia after Czar Nicolas II; Adolph Hitler after Germany's WW1 defeat; Pol Pot's takeover of Cambodia; Idi Amin; Alfredo Stroessner; Saddam Hussein; etc...etc!

Do your own thinking or lack there of!

Either way, I love this movie and book - easily 10 Stars! :)
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Goosebumps (1995–1998)
Great Horror Stories For Kids Six To 10!
19 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
As per my other reviews on "Children's Horror" (Children's Fair) this series should NOT be compared with its adult counterparts...but, yet, it is!?!? WHY?

Children's shows and stories of all sorts always get trashed by adult reviewers who compare them to their own adult shows and stories. Reasonably, and, simply, you cannot compare this series (geared for little children) with the likes of "Tales From The Crypt;" "The Twilight Zone;" "Tales From The Darkside;" "The X Files;" etc. because it doesn't scare or intrigue adults! That's reasonably and simply stupid!

This series ("Goosebumps") is for little kids...the others I mentioned are for older teens and adults. Anyone comparing "Goosebumps" to these others, and, I've read the comments, is being unfair and uneducated. I'd be nice if a seven-year-old would comment, but, it's always adults!?!? It's like comparing "H.R. Pufnstuf" to "Jurassic Park" because they both have dinosaurs; or, "Scooby Doo, Where Are You" to "Cujo" because they're both about a dog!?!? STUPID!

I had a girlfriend years ago whose little son watched this (and, read the books). Being curious and never hearing of the series, I asked about it. She told me that "It's monster stories for little kids."

Then, years later, when my own Son began watching this, I took a particular interest and watched with him.

YES! They're not at all scary nor nail-biting...for an adult. However...they're great short-stories with 'just enough' fright to interest a young child. That's a great thing!

I started my Son out with "The Teletubbies" when he was tiny (Science-Fiction for kiddies). Then came "Scooby Doo" (with cartoon monsters and ghosts). Then it was "Walt Disney's Wonderful World of Color" and "The Little Rascals" (both have creative stories for children). Then it went to this, that, and, the other thing which eventually brought me here to "Goosebumps."

People (adults) write bad comments about "Goosebumps" - 'bad acting;' 'not scary;' 'terrible props;' 'lousy effects;' 'silly stories;' etc. you really believe that little kids care about all of that!?!? Little kids don't see any of that, they just love the show! Does that count? It should.

If you're an opinionated and rotten adult (or, parent) who can't see beyond his/her own expectations and immature selfishness in lieu of a child; and, that this is a "KIDS" horror series and scary and exciting for shouldn't even comment at all!

As a responsible adult, this show doesn't scare me at all, and, I give it "SIX STARS!" (I cannot think below a 'six-star' level when children are involved!). a Dad who gradually brought his own Son into loving horror and Science-Fiction, and, "Goosebumps" was one of those gradual steps, I sincerely give this series (and, the books) a solid "TEN STARS!"

When adults review a children's it as if you are a child, not an adult! It makes much more sense, and, it's much more fair! :)
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Shameless (2011–2021)
I'm watching this just to see how much more pathetic things get!
8 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I rated this '10' only out of morbid curiosity on how much more rotten and deplorable Frank (and, Monica) get; how much more BS Fiona can take; as well as how the rest of the cast handle their own strange and normal situations with other repugnant characters. Yet...I also love how quickly and back-and-forth this series' mood switches between bad and good; tragedy and comedy; failure and success; and, hate and love. Wonderful writing and acting! :)

I feel so badly for Fiona - she had to quit school and work full-time to take care of her siblings because her parents are too busy ruining everyone's lives, including their own.

Fiona's parents, Frank and Monica, when not hustling others for money, free room-and-board, and, life-savings and/or pensions, or, a free ride, pop-in from time to time and wreck everything good that their oldest daughter, Fiona, is trying to do. This includes leaving messes of all sorts; stealing her hard-earned money to buy drugs, alcohol, and, other unnecessary things; lying; cheating; deceiving; committing assorted crimes; and, just being outright deceitful and useless dirtbags.

Fiona's siblings, for the most part, are all good kids. In fact, they're great kids as they're loyal to one-another and to their friends, and, they help one-another when needed. They may get into trouble now and again...but, that's life in the big city, and, they mean well because they seem to only get into trouble when helping their family and friends, and...that's putting other before oneself - LOVE! Plus, they're all as smart as a whip! This sort of behavior is honorable in many ways, especially when their parents (the ones who are 'supposed' to be caring for them) are a couple of frivolous baby-making, freeloading, no-count, careless and 'shameless' parasites.

The writing and the scripts are great; the acting is great; the characters are well developed and solid; and, there are some very interesting and even funny things going on here. Also, many of the subjects and events included here are very realistic and have been written about in places such as "The Playboy Forum" and other 'men's' magazines decades ago. However...I get no enjoyment out of seeing a smart and pretty young lady with a probable 'great future' wasting away because she was the 'only' one responsible enough to give up her younger years to support and care for her siblings because her (their) parents are a couple of drug-freak scumbags. Also, to make matters even worse, whenever these two "parents" are 'together,' and, do drugs 'together,' they end up with 'another' baby that they dump onto the 'already-overloaded-and-worked-to-death' Fiona!?!? It makes my blood boil!

I'm sure that situations like this exist in the real world, and, I dislike bringing government and politics into this, but, it's government and politics that allow and enable this state of affairs to exist and continue. These two animals, Frank and Monica, are allowed to roam wherever and do whatever they wish on either their daughter Fiona's money, that's meant for 'their' kids; the money of unsuspecting people whom they dupe; or, simply from money they cheat the government and taxpayers out of; and, for what!?!? So that they can continue to commit even more crimes; make even more babies; and, in general, continue their lives as leeching, life-sucking human garbage.

William H. Macy and Chloe Webb are 'excellent actors,' (as are the rest of the cast), and, because they play 'Frank' and 'Monica,' you want to like them. However, they play their "shameless" roles in this series 'so well' that you can't help but hating their characters. Frank has to be 'The Most' manipulative and crooked character in the history of film, but, in some ways, he can be very funny. Mostly, he's a terrible and contemptible cheat. Kudos to both actors! :)

I recommend this series to anyone and everyone who can, and, must, understand that these two hateful lead characters victimize 'everyone' they come into contact with, even their own children, family, and, friends, if given the opportunity...they're trash. It's great in Season 3, Episode 1 when Frank wakes up in Juarez, Mexico, calls Sheila back home in Chicago for help, and, she hangs up on him. GOOD! Let him rot!

I also recommend it because there is always someone out there who will 'stick-it-out' and do the right thing no matter what they're up against. That's Fiona. She's mainly why I watch this series...she's as tough as she is caring! :)
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I really enjoyed this movie! :)
6 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This is great - Krampus; The Changeling; Superhero Santa; Night of the Living Dead Elves; Horror; Terror; Gore; and, it's creepy!

It's also a sort of guide for parents not to spoil their children into becoming little sh*ts who believe they can do whatever, whenever, wherever they want and expect everyone else to tolerate that bad behavior...Go Krampus!

Krampus is the German/Austrian predecessor to the modern-day "Boogie Man." Parents telling children, "Misbehave, and, the Boogie Man will get you!"

There are also a lot of twists and turns to this story that you won't see coming, and, you'll never come to realize until the moment they're exposed.

Very close to the original stories and fairy tales, except -

Krampus comes on December 5th, not Christmas Eve. He also returns the bad children to their homes after a serious attitude adjustment. He's also a companion of St. Nicholas, not an adversary. Santa's 'naughty' list is handed over to Krampus on December 5th so that the bad children will be 'born-again-good-kids" by Christmas Eve.

"The Changeling" from The Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales (they didn't mention cooking the 'eggshell' meal and how this makes the elves come to take the changeling away and return the mother's real child).

The writers changed the details a bit, but...Who cares!

This is a great movie filled with creative ideas built upon legendary myths and stories from Germany, Austria, and, other European nations.

If you have an interest in old European folklore and stories with a moral for bad people and sh*thead kids; or, if you just enjoy satirical horror with the AWESOME William Shatner...this movie is for you.
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Perri (1957)
10/10 with all Disney Productions!
23 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I just saw this on the Turner Classic Movie (TCM) channel, and, as with all other Disney Productions, especially their 'wildlife' movies...this is excellent! It comes from a time when children, people in general, were more pragmatic and realized that the rules of a civilized society don't apply in nature. Yes...there's predation depicted here.

The movie is primarily about a baby female pine squirrel, 'Perri,' that goes through life, from a helpless infant to a mature adult. However, the goings-on around her are also examined as well...families and babies of martens; raccoons; skunk; etc. Also featured are a goshawk; wild cat (bobcat); weasel; corn snake; flying squirrels; foxes; and, other wonderful woodland creatures of 1957 wild Utah.

The narration is perfect, and, this is a "must-see" for anyone who loves the wilderness and the creatures it is home to! :)
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Why is everyone trashing this movie?
16 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Although new, this movie reminds me so much of those drive-in B-horror movies we kids loved in the 1980s. It has all the elements -

*so-so effects; *an unscrupulous guy in charge; *heroes trying to quell the problem; *hot doesn't listen to her parents and jeopardizes her family, and, goes way out of her way to be an idiot every chance she gets; the other is only concerned about sex; *a cool little kid who's into exotic creatures; *etc.

This isn't a great movie, in fact, it's kinda silly...but, it's enjoyable. In the 1980s, I remember us kids loving silly movies our parents brushed aside..."Inframan;" "The Three Fantastic Supermen;" "Orgy of the Vampires;" etc. we are as parents ourselves disliking the silly horror movies our kids now love, as we once loved!?!? We've become our own parents and didn't even realize it! Where's your will to be weird?

In this movie, everyone must have secretly loved when the greedy and self-absorbed mayor got it in the ass (much pun intended). Just like the mayor in "Jaws" who was all too eager to get swimming tourists killed just to make a buck. Politicians being true to their agenda and nature, not listening to experts, and, not caring about people.

However, this movie gives a lot of facts -

*some lamprey species will attack humans when starving; *lamprey hurt many-a-fisherman's livelihood; *some lamprey are a delicacy - the mayor had a point there - they could have become the lamprey capital of the world, over Spain, Portugal, France, and, Finland; *lamprey have no natural predators; *lamprey cannot survive in hot tropical waters(there are no lamprey in hot tropical areas)- Shannon proved that with hot fire :D; *lamprey don't react well to weed-whackers; *like sharks, lamprey stay away from areas where they smell their own dead; *like animals, civilized people riot in times of crisis and seek escape even if it means trampling over others.

Not a great movie, but, it wasn't terrible. In 1982...this would have been a drive-in classic! The kind of movie you'd bring your new girlfriend to for an extra reason for her to snuggle closely in the car! :)

First horror movie to air on "Animal Planet." Probably because many lamprey 'facts' went along with it!?!?

If you don't have an open mind, horror movies(and, fantasy movies) can never work.

I give this movie a solid "6" Stars because it reminds me of my childhood and teen years at the "drive-in"(RIP); and, because I simply like it! :)
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Allies (2014)
Great ordnance and very raw and realistic!
25 July 2016
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Despite the other reviews here, I find this movie to be believable...and, it's based on a true story.

The ordnance is great - K-98 Mauser rifles; MP-40 machine pistols; Mark IV Lee-Enfield rifles; British Bren top-loading machine gun; M1 Garand rifle; Sonderkraftfahrzeug 251(halftrack); Sturmgeschutz III(anti-tank gun); etc.

Goof - German SS officer wearing a 'brown' belt - should have been 'black.'

This isn't a great movie, but, it's very good. It's not nearly as bad as some reviewers claim. I'm betting that the people who gave this movie a bad review haven't seen battle outside their television set or their computer war games while eating donuts. Just like the fat man on his couch with the cigar and dirty undersized tank-top who never played any sports, yet, is yelling at the TV during a football game.

Also...this movie is a great testimony as to how soldiers who don't really like each other can come together and fight a common enemy - they become Brothers!

If you like war movies, this movie is worth a look! :)
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White Lion (2010)
Very much in the tradition of old 'Walt Disney' nature movies.
1 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
There was once a time when people gathered around to listen to the stories of their patriarch, or, in some cases, their Shaman, or, in this case, their elder, old Gisani.

This is the kind of 'family' movie that can be enjoyed by everyone who loves animals, especially children. It has a good story; lots of wild animals; beautiful scenery and landscapes; some intrigue; some excitement; and, a storyteller who walks the audience through it all.

A bit of trivia - I didn't realize it at first, but, 'Old Gisani' is portrayed by John Kani, 'Sergeant Jessie Link' in "The Wild Geese," which also starred Richard Harris who portrays George Adamson in "To Walk With Lions;" and, George Adamson, himself, is in "Christian the Lion;" "An Elephant Called Slowly;" and, "The Lion Cub From Harrods." Although filmed in different African nations, it's a beautiful 'Africa' connection with movies about lions, and, other wonderful animals of that continent!

I have a love of Africa which is why I watch so many of these sorts of movies, and, I can't get enough of them.

I gave this movie 'eight stars' as it's not a great movie, but, I believe it to be a very good one if you like this sort of thing.
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Great documentary/movie...but, bittersweet.
30 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This is a very good documentary/movie about the last nineteen years in Kora, Kenya, of the famed, real-life lion rehabilitator, 'Baba ya Simba' ("Father of Lions" in Swahili), the British wildlife conservationist and author, George Adamson; and, told by his assistant of nineteen years, Tony Fitzjohn.

The acting in this movie is marvelous! Tough-guy Richard Harris ("The Guns of Navarone," "Man in the Wilderness," and, later, "Gladiator") is spot-on as George Adamson, in looks, mannerisms, and, behavior. John Michie portrays a powerful Tony Fitzjohn. Ian Bannen ("Gandhi" and "Braveheart") also gives a great performance as George Adamson's brother, Terrence. Honor Blackman ("Goldfinger") and Geraldine Chaplin ("Doctor Zhivago") also give great performances, and, are still beautiful after their famed performances almost forty years earlier.

Adamson, and, his wife, Joy, who wrote the bestselling book, "Born Free," are portrayed in that movie by Bill Travers and Virginia McKenna. George Adamson, himself, is in "Christian the Lion;" "An Elephant Called Slowly;" and, in footage, in "The Lion Cub From Herrods" - all very good. I included this as fact, but, also, if people wished to see more of the connected stories of George Adamson and his adventures in Kenya.

This movie, "To Walk With Lions," is a very good depiction of what I've read in articles and online about George Adamson and his assistant, Tony Fitzjohn, and, their nineteen years spent together in Kenya.

Although very good, this is a movie that children and overly-sensitive adults may be deeply saddened by, and, even appalled by. The poachers are ruthless and determined; the government is weak and ineffective; the game wardens are too few, and, some take bribes to look the other way; and, Adamson, despite his courage, determination, and, love of this land and all animals that live upon it, is old and gradually becoming invalid. Plus, his brother, Terrence, dying, likely from heartbreak after his beloved elephant-friends were butchered by poachers; his estranged wife, Joy, being murdered by a former employee; and, the turmoil engulfing his once-beautiful wildlife-world is becoming worse...have all taken a toll on George Adamson's already poor health.

I, being a veterinary technician specialized in exotics and wildlife for twenty-nine years, and, seeing all sorts of terrible things, still wept in parts of this movie. However, over these many years, I've come to realize that the wild is just that, 'wild.' But...when 'man' is added to that equation, especially those who don't care nor respect the wild, 'the wild' can become chaotic and eventually destroyed. Adamson tried to prevent this, and, if not for the greed of poachers and his lack of resources and manpower, he may have done just that.

A great documentary/movie of a great man and pioneer accomplishing great and seemingly impossible things, but, this movie is not for everyone.

I give this a solid "TEN STARS" due to the 'very few' who stuck it out till 'their end,' and, at least 'tried' to make this wonderful idea of lion rehabilitation and natural conservation work. did, until the powers-that-be became phonies and puppets but 'allowing' bad events to take place.

Check it out...but, it's not for everyone.
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Great movie/documentary! :)
29 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
As with many documentaries, this has its ups-and-downs, and, overall it's a great movie; but, with the tragedy that sometimes comes with being a wildlife caregiver.

John Rendall and Anthony "Ace" Bourke are two of the kindest and caring animal lovers there ever were. Bill Travers and Virginia McKenna are exactly the same, which goes without saying if you're familiar with the wonderful movies they made together - "Ring of Bright Water;" "Born Free;" "An Elephant Called Slowly;" etc.

Collectively, these four people, along with George Adamson and his assistants in Kora, Kenya, probably did more for one lion than any given 1,000 people did for a great number of animals. These people went way above and beyond.

In 1969, 'Christian the Lion Cub' was bought at Herrods in London for £250 (250 Pounds = 3,000 Pounds/$4294.00 today) by John Rendall and Anthony 'Ace" Bourke and kept as a pet at their store until it became obvious that he's 'outgrowing the streets and parks of London.' With the help of Bill Travers and Virginia McKenna; and, their lion caregiver friend in Kenya, George Adamson; the owners decided to bring Christian to a lion sanctuary where he could eventually live out his life in the wild.

I was REALLY impressed by Bill Travers and Virginia McKenna...not only coming to the rescue, but, also, building and rebuilding a temporary enclosure for the lion on their 'own property' while all the red-tape was sorted out with the Kenyan government for the lion's relocation.

This movie, like the documentary "The Lion Cub From Herrods" (2009), is a charmer and a tear-dropper. All of these beautiful people are doing what they were meant to do and what they feel is needed to do, but, most of all...what is the right thing to do.

This is a 'must-see' movie for anyone who loves animal care and those who've dedicated themselves to it.

In my opinion, the music in this movie is beautiful.

As I wrote above, SADLY, "As with all documentaries, this has its ups-and-downs."

RIP - Bill Travers (British SAS Army Major; MBE - Most Excellent Order of the British Empire; devout animal lover and caregiver); George Adamson (The 'Baba ya Simba,' "Father of Lions" in Swahili, British wildlife conservationist and author; murdered by poachers); 'Stanley' (Adamson's assistant killed by 'Boy'); 'Katania' (lioness cub - presumed killed by a crocodile); 'Boy' (alpha male lion shot by George Adamson trying to save his assistant, Stanley)...and, Joy Adamson, writer of "Born Free" and wife of George Adamson (murdered by a discharged former employee by stabbing).
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Lone Survivor (2013)
Although a good disgusted me!
21 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This movie disgusted me, as did "American Sniper" - asking 'permission' to take the shot!?!?

WHY!?!? Why do American servicemen have to abide by, and, risk their lives for, civilian pipe-dream liberal-created 'Rules of War,' while enemies can do anything they choose?

Although STG2 Axelson was incapacitated and out of action, those Taliban dirtbags "MURDERED" him.

Likely, they did the same with GM2 Deitz...helpless and dying, they "MURDERED" him instead of helping and taking him as a prisoner, like 'normal' people do.

Michael Murphy made a judgment call that went along with the "AMERICAN" rules of war, which was the correct thing to do...but, by doing this, he compromised himself and his men. Axelson and Dietz were right - they should have killed those Taliban creeps on the spot and succeeded in their mission.

American rules of war are SNAFU, and, rules of engagement are just as bad (even for cops)- "The bad guy has to shoot first!" BS! The US is losing good people, "AMERICAN" people, because of this 'treat a scumbag like a human' mentality. An enemy has to be fought on 'their' terms, not on ours.

If this was a Russian operation and these four guys were Spetsnaz...they'd have wasted those treacherous insect farmers with extreme prejudice and succeeded in their operation. BUT..."NO!" Americans have to follow rules that no one else has to and this places American servicemen,and, America, in jeopardy.

Marcus Luttrell and his guys didn't deserve any of this. It was the BS rules of the American government who ruined the lives of these men...and, their families. To me - "ONE"(1) Marcus Lutrell; Michael Murphy; Matthew Axelson; and, Daniel Dietz, is worth more than the entire nation of our enemies.

Japan rolled over South-East Asia like a bulldozer because they had no rules nor restrictions...THAT'S REAL WAR - KEEPING YOUR OWN TROOPS ALIVE!

America should learn from that before more American 'KIDS' are squandered overseas. YEAH! The Marine barracks in Beirut, Lebanon where 241 Marines were 'murdered' was planned out with care (I lost a high school friend there)!?!? Mogadishu, Somalia was a charm - "Black Hawk Down" really did a lot for American troops and America!?!? BS!

I salute all involved in this movie, and, all American troops anywhere and everywhere. However, I'm disgusted with our governmental rules that make American troops sitting ducks who cannot take the first shot in an already continuing war, conflict, or, engagement.

USN Veteran
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Interesting...and, hilarious! :D
21 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This is a masterpiece!!!

A work of art that shows many creatures that are virtually unknown to the world - and, it's fun and funny!

Africa has always been a place of fascinating mystery to me. A place I want to know more, and, all, about.

For me, this movie shows me much of what I didn't know, and, in such a comical way. That makes it fun.

The film makers of movies like this, and, others dealing with exotic creatures, must be brilliant, and...patient.

To get all of these great shots in this movie...these cameramen must have been doing shots themselves just to be able to sit still and WAIT for that particular 'shot!'

They're ARTISTS of the highest caliber! I praise and envy anyone and everyone who photographs and films animals...and, children! :)

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The best movie in the world that I didn't see as a child!?!?
21 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
TO ME - this is what dreams are made of!

Get up and go! Get on a plane and go to Kenya! Rent a Rover with a name...say the name, and, the engine starts! See beautiful Africa for what it really is - wildlife, landscape, and, beauty! And...if you're lucky enough, like 'Major' Bill Travers, you'll get to go with a beautiful and lovely wife!

What dreams are made of! :)

Those three elephants at that little oasis that Bill and Virginia live at are just the most beautiful creatures to watch...and, wake-up to!

People actually pay a lot of money to get 1/10th of what this safari movie has.

This movie is a lost masterpiece of what it's like to 'walk your elephant' in Kenya instead of 'walking your dog' wherever!?!?

Plus, the cinematography is A+...beautiful animals, landscapes, and, horizons.

The music is what it is...a wonderful and enjoyable representation of the 1960s and 1970s...I love it!

This movie, to me, leaves nothing to be desired about Africa's beauty; Africa's animals; Africa's 'everything''s priceless! :)

I really, and, have always, loved this Travers/McKenna movie-making!

This is a movie that everyone can love and appreciate! :)
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The Lion Cub from Harrods (2009 TV Movie)
Absolutely wonderful...on every level! :)
21 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I just watched this on YouTube and I'm so happy to see and hear of people being so devoted to a cause that helps an animals...animals in general.

These two men, John Rendall and Anthony Bourke; along with George Adamson, Bill Travers, and, Virginia McKenna (of "Born Free" fame, among other great movies) take a pet lion that's getting too large for London and relocate him to Kora, Kenya.

In 1969, 'Christian the Lion Cub' was bought at Herrods for £250 (250 Pounds = 3,000 Pounds/$4294.00 today) in London by John Rendall and Anthony 'Ace" Bourke and kept as a pet at their store until it became obvious that he's 'outgrowing the streets and parks of London.'

With the help of Bill Travers and Virginia McKenna; and, their lion caregiver friend in Kenya, George Adamson; the owners decided to bring Christian to a lion sanctuary where he could eventually live out his life in the wild.

I was REALLY impressed by Bill Travers and Virginia McKenna...not only coming to the rescue, but, also, building and rebuilding a temporary enclosure for the lion on their 'own property' while all the red-tape was sorted out with the Kenyan government for the lion's relocation.

This is an A+, Five Star, Excellent documentary-animal-biography of not only a wonderful lion, but, of all the wonderful people who went way above and beyond to help this beautiful lion get back to where he'd one day call his new home...his old home...his natural home...HOME.

I HIGHLY recommend this movie/documentary for everyone...especially, if you like and appreciate lions; animals; Africa; loving, caring, and, devoted people; and, a great 'true' story.
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Funny as hell, and...hits close to home! :)
29 March 2016
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I grew up in a small, agricultural/farming town, and, much of this movie, although a comedy, reminds me of my hometown...and, much of it is very believable.

I knew many kids in my high school days who, if were all combined in the correct mixture into one kid, that kid would be Napoleon Dynamite.

High school is always funny after you graduate, but, while there, it's quite serious.

Napoleon Dynamite's school and town has everything most country towns have - a grandma who's silly and eccentric; an uncle who lives in the past and has crazy ideas; a strange pet that children don't like to feed; a local tough-guy who no one likes; crazy farmers who 'double' as someone else (a pastor); jocks and hot chicks and their clicks; someone after high school who still lives at home and in chat rooms and online games; the new kid who makes an impression; the sweet and ambitious girl who no one will date, but, should; and, the high school misfit who has more sci-fi action figures than friends and lives day by day.

Although in different doses and at different times, this is typical.

However, this movie, "Napoleon Dynamite," expresses this well...and, in a very funny manner. Detail is especially paid towards teenage angst with -

*telling tall-tales in the locker room;

*getting annoyed when asked a simple question;

*difficulty in getting close to a member of the opposite sex;

*saying the wrong thing to a member of the opposite sex;

*becoming upset when your custodial grandma is hospitalized and your hated uncle comes to supervise...and, he's also a leech;

*hating the thought that girls don't like you - and, everyone else doesn't like you;

*and, all else that comes with everyone's high school years.

The best part of this movie is that the strange kid, Napoleon, meets a new kid, from 'way' out of town, who is as 'different' as he is; and, a symbiotic friendship is born.

This is really a great movie depicting much of what happens in the teen years of a high school misfit who found where he actually does fit in.

I recommend this movie to everyone. :)
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I only give this Nine Stars due to the ending! :(
19 March 2016
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"I see you! The man with the beautiful fish! :D

First, Mij the otter wants his master's prize fish. THEN...Mij brings fish to his master like a cat brings mice to his. Mij and Graham are wonderful together! :)

He/they, Graham and Mij, raises four orphaned geese, then, Graham tries to teach them to fly. What a wonderful man! :)

I love this book! I love this movie! I love this actor and his beautiful wife for all they've done..."Born Free;" etc!:)

I believe that the lead character, Graham Merrill (played by Bill Travers), is really the author of the book "Ring of Bright Water," Gavin Maxwell. If so, it's no surprise that he can go from the comfy city of London to the outdoorsy country of Scotland overnight, and, adapt so easily. Walking over hills and across fields, sleeping on bare floors, foraging for himself, and, chasing that crazy-lovely otter all over the place that he gave a Persian name. He was a Special Operator with British Special Forces during World War II...the SAS. Who Dares Wins! :)

Also - "The son of a stage manager, Bill joined the Gurkha Regiment in the British Army, during World War II, fighting guerrilla actions behind enemy lines in India and Burma. He left the army with the rank of major in 1947." (Of Bill Travers, IMDb).

I watch this movie over and over when I can, but, I always skip the sucks, hence, only nine stars! :(
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I, Claudius (1976)
A classic among classics!
9 March 2016
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Although appearing as a series of acts in a play, "I, Claudius" is a masterpiece on every level!

The acting is superb; the characters are believable; the costumes are authentic-looking; the make-up department is impeccable; and, every scene is well-done and ranges in mood from very interesting to outright shocking. Yet...less graphic, some of the horrifying events in this during Caligula's reign even puts "Caligula"(1979) to shame.

I mentioned the make-up department because they really uglified the beautiful Siân Phillips to portray the conniving, nasty, and, vindictive "Livia" (just like what was done with beautiful Charlize Theron in "Monster.").

Unfortunately, I missed "I, Claudius" back in the 1970s when PBS used to show wonderfully-made classics that I did watch such as "The World At War;" "Edward The King;" and, "Masterpiece Theatre," just to name a few.

"I, Claudius" ("I, Clavdivs") is a classic novel made for television. It's a televised-historical-play that's really second-to-none. On their budget, probably, this mini-series may come across to people nowadays as cheap and theatrically enclosed as there are no real 'outdoorsy' scenes...everything is played-out on what seems a stage. However, the story itself and the dialog, and, the manner in which it's presented, along with the acting and surroundings, is a true classic that only people-of-good-taste can appreciate.

I love this masterpiece! :)
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