
18 Reviews
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 16: The Rescue (2020)
Season 2, Episode 8
Can anything be equal to or better than the original Star Wars trilogy?
9 February 2024
YES! AND THIS IS IT! Kudos to Jon Favreau as writer and the rest of the cast and team involved in bringing this to life! Forget the silly prequels and the boring sequels. This IS Star Wars the way George Lucas envisioned it before he lost his way. This is truly A New Hope for Star Wars fans who have endured a desert of creativity that abandoned the original concept. The Empire Strikes Back and what do we get? The return of the Jedi! May the Force be with all of those involved in this project to keep the momentum going. I can't wait to see how Grogu develops and matures into a full-fledged Jedi Master! Again, thanks to all involved!
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Mission: Impossible: Old Man Out: Part 1 (1966)
Season 1, Episode 4
Mission: Bore Viewers To Sleep
16 September 2022
This has to be the most boring Mission: Impossible ever. There was absolutely no need for this to be in two parts. The pacing was painfully slow, the whole circus theme had no relevance to the plot at all, the actors were as stiff as cardboard, showed no emotion, basically sleepwalked through their parts, and the repetitive calliope music was very annoying. Mary Ann Mobley was there surely only as window dressing to keep the audience's attention, but nothing else. The whole idea is supposed to be a smooth buildup of intriguingly staged events leading up to the big payoff. Nothing like that happens in Part 1. Very disappointing and not recommended at all.
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The Virginian (1962–1971)
One Of The Best Produced Television Series Ever
8 September 2022
The production quality of this series was top notch in every way. The detailed sets, the on location scenes, the writing with compelling storytelling interweaving action, drama, and comedy, the talented cast and notable guest stars, catchy theme song by Percy Faith, the composition of the music scores for each episode all contributed to its 249 episode longevity. It was a big show for the small screen, but viewing on a big HDTV screen now makes it even more vibrant and entertaining. It does however take awhile, and a suspension of disbelief, to get used to the fact that no one the Virginian encounters or interacts with cares, or finds it unusual, that he doesn't have a name.
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The Orville: Electric Sheep (2022)
Season 3, Episode 1
Trying To Be More Than It Is
8 June 2022
This show used to be fun. Now it is just boring. Also, the suspension of disbelief can be carried just so far. A human falling deeply in love with a machine is just plain creepy.
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Lost in Space (2018–2021)
No Place Like Home
14 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
There are elements of The Wizard of Oz in this show. There is a robot called Scarecrow, there is a robot (tin man) that gains a "heart", John Robinson tells his family to have "courage," Maureen is the "brain" of the family, and Dr. Smith is the Wicked Witch, all on a journey to Alpha Centauri (Oz) and ultimately a new "no place like home."
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The O.C. (2003–2007)
Intro Music Gets Tedious
8 February 2022
The intro music was appropriate for the first season, and maybe the second, but by the third season the intro music gets REALLY tedious and should have been updated or replaced.
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What Was Speilberg Thinking?
24 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is rated PG, yet it shows Roy kissing a woman other than his wife on the lips, and abandoning his wife and their three children to take a trip to outer space! What kind of "family" oriented movie is that?

Also, I watched this film on 4K UHD Blu-ray which is supposed to give that "through the window" razor sharp clarity experience. All I saw was razor sharp magnified, persistent, annoying, distracting film grain throughout the whole movie. Some movies do not benefit from, and are just not deserving of, being shown in this more expensive format.
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Better Than The Original
6 October 2021
After reading about how this sequel to Romancing The Stone didn't do as well at the box office, and that Kathleen Turner didn't even want to be in it, I was surprised to find that I actually liked it better. It appeared to me that the three main characters found their groove once reunited and worked very well together. The story was engaging and as a whole this was much faster paced with more action and funnier than the original movie, so much so that I often found myself laughing out loud at the jokes and slapstick comedy scenes.
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Honest Thief (2020)
Plot Gaping Hole & Bad Choice For Girlfriend's Name
7 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The weakest part of the whole plot was that all Tom Dolan had to do after FBI Agent Baker was shot by FBI Agent Nivens was immediately call the FBI and tell them that there was 3 million dollars in the trunk of Nivens' and his accomplice FBI Agent Hall's car and the movie would have been over.

Also, Annie was a bad choice for the girlfriend's name. Every time Neeson said it, it reminded me of him calling young Anakin Skywalker by that name in The Phantom Menace.
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The Orville (2017–2022)
Isaac = Spock + Data
23 June 2021
Isaac is a wonderful blending of Spock and Data. Isaac's voice is remarkably, and I am sure intentionally, similar to Data's, and his logic is pure Spock.
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Love, Victor: Sincerely, Rahim (2021)
Season 2, Episode 6
20 June 2021
Finally! Some emotion from Felix! Isabel was really becoming tedious, but finally she is coming around!
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Love, Victor: Perfect Summer Bubble (2021)
Season 2, Episode 1
Come On Hulu!
18 June 2021
Come on Hulu! This series deserves way more than a measly ten episodes per season.
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Hollyrock-a-Bye Baby (1993 TV Movie)
The Best Of All The Sequels
3 June 2021
In my humble opinion, this is most like the original series, and the best, most enjoyable of all the sequels in terms of the story, humor and pacing.
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Jennifer Lawrence?
4 May 2021
I don't think Jennifer Lawrence was the best choice for a narrator.
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All Around Awesome
7 March 2021
I just have to say that besides being very entertaining, from a technical standpoint this movie looked visually stunning on standard bluray.
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The Flintstones: The Little Stranger (1962)
Season 3, Episode 8
Laugh Out Loud
16 February 2021
This has to be the funniest episode in the entire series. So many great one-liners. I couldn't stop laughing.
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The Twilight Zone: The Hunt (1962)
Season 3, Episode 19
Sadly, They Just Don't Make Them Like This Anymore
20 April 2019
Very touching, with a nice twist at the end, true to The Twilight Zone tradition.
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The Twilight Zone: The Comedian (2019)
Season 1, Episode 1
Tarnished Legacy
2 April 2019
Rod Serling must be rolling over in his grave. He was a great writer who never needed gratuitous profanity to make his point. As others have said, this was a very poor introduction to the new series. It was too long, too slow and too predictable.
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