
24 Reviews
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Underwater (2020)
Very good movie with a very bad cliche ending
7 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Such a good movie with such a bad cliche ending!! I wish she didn't die at the end and why can't there be at least 1 single Hollywood movie where they can squeeze together 2 people in 1 single pod, EVEN IF the pod was designed for 1 person. My question is SO WHAT? Will the pod explode if the 2 women squeezed together in the same pod? Too heavy and unable to swim to the surface? :)) It is ridiculous. Who would have stayed there willingly: "Ohhh just go without me, I'm just gonna stay here and die alone." Who would do such a thing in real life? Nobody.

Another cliche ending would have been to just fix the defective pod. In all Hollywood movies, same old same old: not enough pods... God damn it! Can you guys be more original when you make movies and change the typical plot which has already been used 1000 times before? OK OK not enough pods... but at least squeeze 2 in 1 pod. Let me see this in at least 1 movie. Not enough oxygen? Not a problem just take a tank of oxygen from the suits, improvise.... I'm so sad I have to give 1 star to this very good movie but it's all because of the ending, the ending really got on my nerves.
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Old (2021)
Little to no escape attempts
29 September 2021
My biggest problem with this movie is that they just sat there being distracted by auxiliary things but they didn't focus on the main important thing: trying to escape. At one moment I was watching how they were arguing over random things or making a camp fire but not trying to escape. I can't give details as I do not want to spoil and a camp fire in a movie isn't a spoiler. :) Like nothing would matter at that point, they're gonna die anyway so why not try to get off the beach? The idea of time passing faster wasn't bad but the fact that they didn't try to escape was so irritating to me.
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Not family friendly at all, avoid it
6 June 2021
It has some very funny moments here and there but over all it is very grotesque and definitely not something to watch with your family. I like the jokes where he plays dumb but then there are the sexual jokes which are simply out of place and unnecessary. The "fertility dance" was the most appalling thing I've ever seen in a movie. Then there's also too much politics in the movies which is also not a good thing as when you mix politics with comedy, obviousely you are going to distance a segment of the population and my logical question is, why do comedy only for 50% of Americans and customers?
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The Silence (II) (2019)
Lowest IQ movie ever
8 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I could name at least 10 ways to kill those "evolved" bats or wasps or whatever they are called yet they take over the world. A flame thrower would do the trick, or an electric suit, or a tesla coil gun which arcs with nearby living flesh, hmm, let's see what about the most obvious of all??? Hmm did it cross your mind? Nope? What about a noise weapon? You capture one of those bats you put it into a lab and you test different noise frequencies until you find the right noise frequency which will annoy the wasp and keep it away or make its head blow. Microwave guns would also do the trick, all you need is a magnetron and a battery pack and these things wouldn't come anywhere near you. Also the military would be impossible to beat. How could these things ever beat a tank? All they could do is smash through windows but never through heavy armored tanks. The movie was also heavily anti-Christian, it portrayed them as a bunch of cavemen savages only interesting in crucifying others and abducting girls for "fertility". Yes cause that's the Christian way, child abductions and crucifying people.... What a mess of a movie. Unless you have just 1 single brain cell alive, then its impossible to like this movie. Yet another Netflix fail. These guys should quit making movies or hire me, I would make them more intelligent, HIGH IQ and people would enjoy them. The first thing about a movie that turns me off is lack of intelligence and this movie has none but I watched it entirely out of curiosity. Tell you what, even a simple 1500's knights armor would protect you from these things. You would be invincible. If 50 wasp bats would swarm you and they still won't be able to pierce a good knight armor. They could however eat you in a modern armor which only protects the chest area (its only a vest) but a knight armor covers you entirely, you are 100% protected in metal. Then wait, there's more, there's the so called pastor who returns after his first visit. So obvious, I knew he's gonna return, why didn't he know that? Why so low IQ?
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Yet another Doom movie failure
3 October 2019
Not only it was a too much focused on feminism but the story itself didn't respect the original story of Doom 3 or Doom 2016 or any other doom game for that matter. Did the producers think that they are better than the writers of the story to change it?? Arrogance... They learned no lesson from the first Doom 2005 movie. That movie changed the demons with people infected with some viruses. Now this Doom changed the epic DOOM GUY with a Doom woman and on top of that, not once does anyone in the entire movie refer to the demons as demons or to the portals as Hell. On the contrary, they are portrayed as some sort of aliens from another planet. Wow just wow.... had they respected the original story, despite the low budget, it could have been a better film with a higher rating and thus higher profits.
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The Prodigy (2019)
A very HIGH IQ child in a very LOW IQ movie
30 September 2019
Movies are just getting dumb and dumber. It started on an interesting premise, a high IQ movie with a high IQ child but then out of the blue, its as if the director switched with another one and the movie became VERY VERY LOW IQ. The discussion of the father in the car with the child? That was the breaking point when I wanted to smash my TV, that's how much the movie angered me. Who would have told him? You have to have a 70 IQ to do that. Lately movies are just getting dumber and dumber. Not worth watching for free, let alone for money! The choices nowadays are either low iq movies like this one or pretentious pseudo-psycho movies with various sci fi aberrations proclaiming they are high IQ when in fact they are lower IQ than this movie. An example of that is High Life 2018 which I saw yesterday. Pseudo-psycho nonsense masqueraded as intelligent. I am sick and tired of movies made for low iq/unintelligent movies.
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AfterDeath (2015)
A very good movie with a very bad ending
13 September 2019
This is actually a very good movie and good description of the purgatory up until the end when they basically ruin it all and show their true colors and purpose of the movie. There's nothing really horror about the movie other than wanting to destroy Heaven. There are no scare scenes, nothing. Andrew Ellard is saying that Heaven is empty. Really Andrew?? Empty? Not even Mary, the mother of Jesus is in Heaven? What about the apostles and all the Bible writers? What about Moses and Noah? Not even them are in Heaven? Then the movie ends with a phrase which sums it up perfectly of what it has turned into. This is a Satanist anti-God movie, you have been warned.

You can watch it, its not really that bad but just turn it off in the last 10-20 minutes when everything goes downhill. Its sad that they ruined it at the very end.
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The Mist (2007)
Annoying crazy Christian woman
21 October 2018
The movie was a masterpiece and I would have rated it 10 stars if not for the "crazy Christian woman". That particular part of the movie was extremely unpleasant, annoying and even angering. I know there are religious fanatics out there but not like this. That whole thing was most likely inserted in the movie so that it makes the viewers hate Christians and Christianity. I have never seen a Christian acting like this and this is very offensive.

Again if it weren't for that disgusting part, the movie would have been a masterpiece worth 10 stars! This is not a spoiler, its even in the movie description that there is a crazy Christian woman in this movie.
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A Quiet Place (2018)
Really LOW IQ movie. This movie makes your IQ drop by 2 points!
6 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Throughout my life I think I saw more than 1000 movies. After watching so many I think I kind of had enough. After this movie I realized that I think (Im not yet sure) I despise movies in general and the movie culture.

This has got to be one the worst movies of all times and this doesn't bother me at all. What bothers me is that it has a 7.9 rating on imdb. People are way too tolerant these days! What happened to the good old days of critical thinking? Where are the critics???

Dont get me wrong, the concept itself, of monsters hunting based on sound is somewhat unique and interesting to say the least... this could have been a good movie. What bothered me was that the movie was VERY VERY VERY LOW IQ. Its as if it was directed and written by people with 70-80 IQs.... Im so tired of LOW IQ movies. I don't have any more patience with them after watching 1000+ movies! Seriously guys! Hire people with 160 IQs to CORRECT your disaster movies and listen to them even if you don't agree with their advices. Hire me, I would have made A Quiet Place a movie which would have been respected by both LOW IQ morons and highly intelligent people.

I would need to write thousands of words to describe the faults in this movie. Others already noticed what I was thinking though I have a lot more to add but all I want to say is in short this:

Ummm......... BUNKERS!!! HELLO???? Has anyone ever heard of BUNKERS?? No? What are those?? Hahaha!

Living in a house is the worst possible idea of all. Under those circumstances they wouldn't survive for a week, let alone 400+ days!

Even living in a apartment building would be better suited than a grounded house with normal windows and all.

At least in a apartment building if you live at the highest floor (make it it 20-30), the creatures down there wouldn't be able to hear you ever.

Also the man suicided to save his kids but with him dead, who would take care of the family? That was so idiotic...

I really hated the fact that no one ever distracted the monsters by simply throwing objects far away. Or they could have placed a couple of wired speakers 200-300 meters away from the hose and play human sounds like screams and whatever just for distraction. The only time a decoy was used, it was when the kid fired those fireworks. Not one time have I seen someone throwing a rock away to distract the monsters. Really LOW IQ stupid stuff.

Where did they have electricity from in such a post-apocalyptic world??? This was an insult to my intellect! It would have been much nicer if they were shown having solar panels and stuff but nope. Electricity right from the grid... :))

Theres so much stuff to talk about but I think this is enough.
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Social Justice Warrior movie
6 September 2016
The movie was awful but I bet social justice warrior crazies love it. Whenever the word "sexist" was used it just scratched my Romanian ears. Maybe you guys in America think its cool, its the new thing or something but for us here in Europe where we are not so brainwashed into being anti-family or simply tolerating a women vs men war, it was an awful movie. Just a couple of funny moments but far from being a good comedy. I think its overrated and it doesn't deserve more than 3 out of 10 but its good rate just proves the vast difference between social justice warrior communists which are becoming a trend in the US and the EU. Here in Europe we already had our share of that and I can tell you it was bad. The movie is the very embodiment of what I'm speaking. Seth Rogers is also boring now. His first movies were actually quite funny but after a few I can certainly say that hes the new Adam Sandler, definitely boring and not worth watching.
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Her (2013)
Way too flawed and overrated!
29 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
People are too tolerant these days. This definitely isn't worth an 8 rating. It's probably the most overrated movie of 2013. The movie starts with a dull and boring male character. A socially inapt loner probably suffering from autism, working in a weird office that writes love letters for other people who are probably just as autistic as he is or even worse if they needed someone else to express their feelings for them. So anyway, one day, this weirdo finds an advertisement about some intelligent operating system (AI). So he decides to buy it. What comes next is beyond words.... he falls in love with his damn OS1 called Samantha who herself makes 641 other boyfriends. LOL

Things that really upset me about this movie: 1 - Fashion! What in the world is wrong with this movie? Even though this happens somewhere in the future, everyone is dressed in dull stupid suites with ties and stuff. Is there a cloning factory as well in the future that we weren't told about? No one is different in the future, they all wear clothes from the 1970's? I know fashion tends to return at various points in time but this is ridiculous. Seeing everybody's outfits was just too painful to watch. Somewhere at minute 46 or something Theodore is at the beach with his phonefriend, I mean girlfriend Samantha. There you can clearly see that everybody wears old swimming suites from like 70's or 80's or something. That was just too damn stupid to watch.

2 - Everybody is too calm and too boring. Why was everybody so slow and boring, dull and autistic? They mean to tell us that in the future, fun = dullness? Why wasn't anyone angry? Everything perfect? Not possible, never was, never will be!

3 - All men were ummm not men anymore. They were all some weird effeminate walking creatures.

4 - Samantha offers him "a body". A real woman named Isabella who is really lovely and very pure. I couldn't believe it when he rejected her. He probably thought that he was cheating on his software. OMG! This really angered me! Whatever the reason it was, I was still angry when I saw that he ditched Isabella! I was hoping that the movie ended with Theodore marring either Isabella or a physical version of Samantha (her soft uploaded into a clone or something) or what the heck, marry both of them. LOL! Neither! The movie ended with him all alone and pathetic.

5 - The movie was almost over and I was still hoping that they did something about Samantha's appearance but they didn't. I couldn't believe it that the entire movie just finished and that so called AI, never even had a face. Why didn't Theodore ask Samantha to visualize herself for him, ask her to build a random CGI body and face so that he could see "her" on his phone as well as hear "her". I just couldn't believe it how primitive this was. What is this? 70s, 80s mentality again? Never heard about CGI????

6 - I gotta admit that I was also hoping for the AI to materialize in some clone human body or maybe a damn robot machine where he could upload Samantha. Nope, they didn't even make a CGI model of the AI on his phone, let alone materialize... :)))))

7 - Why didn't he call Element Software to ask them about a refund for his stupid soft? He could have also sued them for hurting his feelings with their stupid unstable soft that ditched him :) Was it even supposed to do that?

8 - OS1 individual initialization was short and stupid. It couldn't have known what to offer to Theodore just from 3 questions yet it managed to offer him "Samantha" an AI that made him fall in love with "her".

9 - I've already overheard the 13 billion evolution thing too often in movies lately. It's becoming quite boring and annoying actually. We're all the same, we're all 13 billion old matter. It doesn't matter I'm software and you're human, I can still love you, plus 641 others.... This just proves that love is only a biological thing, a human thing given to us by God, and Samantha the AI wasn't really capable of showing real love, yet we're told fairy tales about big bangs. Whatever!

Ummm there are just too many minuses to this movie. I'm gonna stop here, I guess that's enough, at least I described the huge issues with these movie.
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A lot better than what people are saying
13 April 2014
I was somewhat worried when I saw so many 1 star reviews. I wasn't sure if I even wanted to watch this movie anymore but I said to my self, ahhh what the heck, why not, I've seen worse, so how bad can it be?

After just 20 minutes, I was already in a OMG state! I was like OMG why would people be so mean and rate this so low when it's so great!?!??

I saw some people saying that this movie "copied" the spartan formations from the movie 300. What a bunch of ignorants! How can someone say that?

Spartans were Greeks! Hercules was also a Greek, the action of this movie is about Greece!!!! So now, all movies about Greece copied each other or something? No! They are just movies about Greece, its history and its army formations.

Here's my details review an how I individually rate everything in the movie: Story - 10 Stars Acting - 10 Stars Dialogues - 10 Stars Action - 10 Stars Costumes - 10 Stars Audio - 10 Stars Graphic Effects - 7 Stars Greek Mythology Accuracy - ?? Stars? I don't know the original myth about Hercules but I don't care either... I just liked this movie, PERIOD!

The only downside of this movie were the effects which looked kind of cheap, which is strange for $70 mil budget.... it should have had more realistic effects. But anyway, effects aren't everything in a movie... yes they do matter but not as much as influencing my final decision and conclusion of weather I liked the movie or not.
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Boring! Why does it have such a high rating?
20 January 2014
This movie does not deserve to be seen even for $1! Save the money people and watch something else.

Its high IMDb rating reflects people's easy way to appease but I'm not satisfied that easily. The acting was average, very few effects, the love story between a woman and two men was pathetic, quite similar to that seen in the Twilit teenage vampire movies. All of this raises the question of where exactly did they spend $130 million on this movie? $120 million on advertising and bribing positive reviews and $10 million on the film itself?

There's nothing more to say about it other than the high 8.2 IMDb rating being a complete mystery which brings a lot of questions to the table as to are these ratings even real? Does everyone's rating gets approved or was it pre-established according to the payment received from Hollywood?

Anyway... just skip this movie, it's not worth it.
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Summer Lovers (1982)
A Menage A Trois masterpiece
28 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
A fantastic movie! I really liked it! Too bad they haven't released this movie on a wide screen FULL HD BluRay! I hope they will in the near future though. I think this is the only movie with a Menage A Trois with a happy ending I've found so far. Most movies about Menage A Trois usually end up with a break-up, cheating or other strange things. Why won't the Hollywood directors make more movies like this one? I like how the trio couple was shown having fun, dancing in clubs, drinking, going to the beach, a very beautiful scene. There's just one thing which the director could have added to this movie... making the 2 girls kiss each other and all but anyway even without that, the movie is a masterpiece which deserves to be released on BluRay, for being ONE of a kind!
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The Divide (2011)
I lost my time with this "movie"
28 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
My God! What a piece of thrash... Hollywood just doesn't stop spewing garbage into the world. And they still wonder why their industry is going down??? The number of movies has vastly increased, there are too many movies coming out from Hollywood than ever before and most of them are rubbish.

This particular example (The Divide) is a post-apocalyptic type of movie, just like all the others of its kind, but just like all the others, it's rubbish. There is only one such movie which I consider it to be 100% realistic and beautifully done: THE ROAD (2009). Now that's what I call a masterpiece of post-apocalyptic movie. A solitary man who trusts nobody and wants nobody's help beautifully survives along his son, with no hysterical and psychotic scenarios like the ones in The Divide.

The story in The Divide is awful, disgusting with many unnecessary scenes. The writers of this story probably considered people (in general) like some sort of brainless uncontrolled maniacs.

The movie could have been a masterpiece just like The Road if they would have given the MAIN ROLE to the administrator (Mickey). I don't know why they made him look like a villain. It was his shelter, his food, bought with his money, earned from his work. All the other brainless imbeciles were just intruders (I couldn't call them guests because Mike didn't really wanted them in the first place). I felt no sympathy with any of the characters from this movie. I couldn't find anyone with whom I could associate my self with.

Well in short, all I can say is that I lost my time with this typical garbage. Nothing special to see here folks, move along.
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Pathfinder (2007)
Total Garbage
5 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I can't believe this total garbage of a movie was rated 5.6. Only 4.4 felt offended by this movie? That is alarming.

This movie has no potential, I've seen many Hollywood movies with potential which were ruined with bad acting, typicality, etc but this one over here is one of those movies which has no potential right from the start because by the time the Vikings were traveling to America, there were no Indians living there so there was no actual meeting between the two. Anyway ignoring that fact, I really felt offended by the way the Nordic people were portrayed in this movie, as satanic horned brainless evil racist Nazis who liked to exterminate poor innocent and defenseless Indians just for fun. It was an insult to both Nordic people and Indian people.

Also the plot of "one man destroying an entire army" has been really over-used in Hollywood and it's really becoming boring to watch it over and over again under different stories.

Do NOT waste your time with this garbage, if you want to see a good viking movie, I strongly recommend you to watch Outlander (2008), The 13th Warrior (1999) and Beowulf (2007). Of course there are many more but I've really liked these 3 (with Vikings).
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A great movie spoiled by Hollywood typicality
24 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
OMG.... I can't believe this movie! This John McClain is immortal, better than the Terminator! :)) I can't believe the director of this movie just made this character a killing machine, someone who killed hundreds or maybe even thousands of people but he never lost anyone close to him nor did he ever got shot. It's a comedy, really. This guy is Superman, even better than the Terminator.

I would have really liked the movie if Thomas Gabriel would have shot Lucy (John's daughter) in the foot or something while talking to John on the phone and asked him to stay away, go move to Brazil or something :)) why wouldn't he do it? Also there were at least 2 occasions to kill John and that boy, why did they hesitate to "talk before"? This "talk before getting killed" is getting too old, I've seen it in hundreds of movies! There was nothing to talk about, just press the trigger and make a realistic movie. Even make the bad guy win, so what? It's just a movie anyway, make it unpredictable! Unpredictable movies are the best. No one likes movies where they can easily foretell what will happen next.

Now don't get me wrong, this movie really had great potential, nice story, I will give a perfect 10 to that, great action, great effects, great actors and everything. The movie was perfect up until the hesitations made by the bad guys. That totally ruined a movie with great potential.
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Asylum (IV) (2008)
You're wasting your time, watch something else!
14 August 2009
This movie has disappointed me in many ways. It is not what I expected it to be, it certainly started good but then it suddenly got worse when racism was thrown in the script. A brunette guy calls a blond guy "stupid blond guy". If this kind of racism was thrown towards a black person, everyone would have gone nuts about it but they (the producers) consider it OK to bash blonds. I'm a blond my self and I feel very offended by this racist movie. No wonder this racist movie stayed underground and did not become a successful movie. Who would want to watch such a movie? Too bad I haven't watched the trailer. Anyway one thing is certain, this racist stereotype of blonds being stupid has to stop, it offends people and besides it is not true! Even if it was true, you can't go around insulting people then expect them to buy your lame racist movie!
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Nazi Pop Twins (2007 TV Movie)
This "documentary" is full of hate!
21 March 2009
This so called "documentary" is not in fact a documentary. It doesn't document real fact from Prussian Blue's lives. Instead, this documentary is just an expression of typical hate. Hatred towards people that don't blend by their ides. Not to mention the insults brought upon their family calling them "disfuntional". Hatred is old, as old as humans. It will never stop existing and no law on earth can control people's feelings and sentiments no matter how "offensive" they are. The producer doesn't understand Prussian Blue therefore it hates their band, call them names and claim that they are the hateful ones. Don't watch this "documentary" because it's nothing neutral about it, it's just hate and anti-Prussian Blue feelings coming out from hateful people.
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Braveheart (1995)
Best Movie Ever!!!
19 January 2007
Best movie ever made! I think that Mel Gibson is the best actor/director in Hollywood. No one can rival with him because he is simply the best... A pure movie with no mistakes, no compromises and a very honorable movie with no propaganda in it. This movie is also one of the few movies with no anti-Christian propaganda. As you can see the Scots are Christians and they are praying. Throughout time I saw hundreds, thousands of movies and I tell you that none can rival with this one. I gave it a 10 and I hope you will do the same thing. P.S. The Scots are truly brave people with brave hearts! Freedoom for Scotland!
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17 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Woohooooo!!! What a movie..... really really really good movie! This movie has tons of action, real street action, fights and real life issues, a clean movie with no propaganda in it and again lots of action! You have to watch this movie, don't miss it because it's one of the best and it's very energetic. Too bad Zeb got killed by that African guy at the end of the movie but anyway it's still a good movie! Everything is cool about this movie! The acting is very good, the scenes seem like they are actually really happening rather then studio effects, it also has some funny parts not only action. So much passion for a football game... but they are having fun, that's all it matters.
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Great Movie!! Great Acting!! Great Story!!!
17 October 2006
This is a great movie, worthy to compete against American movies from Hollywood. Sergiu Nicolaescu is one the greatest Romanian Director and even actor! Now he is old but he written history with his achievements and he will always be remembered as the first greatest Romanian actor and movie director! The new actors and directors are jokes! He is the only one that remains true! This movie was very touchy and realistic! The story was very good and if you're not Romanian you should search for a subtitle in your language then look at the movie! I rated the movie at maximum because it really worths!

P.S. If you're looking for a great Drama, Romance movie, here it is, if you want something else, this is not a good place to look...
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Dracula III: Legacy (2005 Video)
4 November 2005
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This is a joke... First of all it has nothing to do with Dracula. Dracula was the nickname of one and only person in this world! Not to a lot of vampires like it was said in this movie... Dracula was the nickname of Voievod Vlad Tepes (Voevod Vlad The Impaller). And Vlad was only one person. So i guess in the next Dracula movie the new Vlad Tepes will gonna be an Asian... hahaha!! I didn't knew we Romanians are asians... Ohhh by the way! Who is gonna see this movie will think that Romania is a primitive African tribe or something. I MEAN OHHH MY GOD!!! I don't know who give them permission to make fun of Romania (my country) in such way!!! If its up to this movie we don't even have electricity or cars... Jesus Christ... The acting is also a stink and you can see that the sword of the so called "Dracula" (that has nothing to do with the real Dracula at all) is made out of plastic or something weak. You can clearly see that the sword is not made from metal. You can notice that part when "Dracula" puts his "sword" on Uffizi's neck and say "You can still save her you know, have all you've been denied, but are you worthy?" Look at the sword how it creases/bows. Its completely elastic. LOL Well I hope the next Dracula movie will revive Vlad The Impaller somehow and regain some sense and fame.. and most of all i hope they will stop mocking Romania like that!
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This movie shows the reality that Romania is in a big collapse! Including bad movie industry...
25 October 2005
I agree with "romulus_sultan" and his view about this movie and about the country's problems with movies. Romania has very big problems! Our own treasury its in Russia for real!!! No joke! They stole it from us!! And no one does nothing to help us, not USA, nor NATO, nor European Union, nor UN!! And wait! There's more! Bessrabia, Bucovina, Bugeag and the South part of the Dobruja (Cadrilater) is ours! Learn the Dacian history & the Kingdom of Romania history. The tyrants stole them from us, they killed our romanian people and they bringed russians in their empty homes and they obligated them to learn Russian language (cyliric) and Russian history instead of romanian language and history. AND GREAT!!! Now we are having movies about this subject, making fun of ourselves, our suffering and how stupid we are... instead of making "COMPLAINING MOVIES about this subject" like dramas. Making fun of our own poor bessrabian people... I consider this movie a direct attack to the Romanian nation and history. Not even talking about the bad and cheap acting... I don't think we are able to make movies. For a few moments I couldn't find a reason why did 37.4% (at the time i wrote this) of people vote with 10 for this movie, but after i did some 10 seconds thinking i found the reason: "we have so few movies that even the worse movies that we make, they seem the best for us". LOL, now seriously, if this cheap movie deserves this high rating what can we say about the great American titles like Kill Bill, Triple X 1 & 2, Gone in 60 Seconds, Fight Club and so on... The best romanian movie i seen so far is "Mihai Viteazul". Now I'm gonna say a few words about the movie ending. It was shocking! Very stupid! It just stopped! Its like they didn't had money to keep filming, hahaha! The ending is so sudden, and the movie ends without closing the storyline... My opinion: Don't waste your time with this movie unless you are an obsessed romanian movie watcher.
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