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The Walking Dead: Dead or Alive Or (2018)
Season 8, Episode 11
I Think We Have A Winner for worst episode of the season
12 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
After IMDB changed the review section i was not intrested in writing reviews anymore.But Credit goes to pathetic writers of the walking dead i was forced to do so for this episode. They keep showing same old boring content morgan should kill or not,in some great shows we see transformation of major charachters,like walter white in Breaking bad,first time in tv history twd writers doing charachter reverse transformation like they have personality disorder,with morgan,carol,rick carl, in one season they are like saint in another they will kill anyone without thinking twice,it's like an endless loop.another thing twd writers loves to show is psycho kids from that girl which carol had to kill(that was a good part of the show that time), to carl at various times in the show to now that new kid who got so much power that he killed a grown up man with wooden stick in a single blow. there are plotholes in this show bigger than wormholes. worst thing of all from this episode was religious BS they showed in this episode,and worst thing of this entire show is "fat Tara",she is the most pathetic character in this show,even Actress playing this role is more pathetic,whole world is suffering from food shortage after zombie apocalypse ,and somehow "fat tara" getting more fatter day by day,they should fire her. About this episode there is nothing much left to tell,after last week not so bad episode,which was a surprise,i felt very bad because the show which once people used to compare with the all time greatest shows like breaking bad and game of thrones now become so bad that they have lost almost half of their fans who used to love this show. But AMC plans to eat on the legacy of this show as long as they can do so this show will be getting even more worse in time to come.
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The Walking Dead: How It's Gotta Be (2017)
Season 8, Episode 8
We Just Need To Survive The Night,So The Writers Can Strech This Show 8 More Seasons
11 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
In The First 5 Minutes Of This Episode Rick,Carol And That Big Fat Guy Split Up,and then Rick is nowhere to be seen till last 5 minutes of this episode,why in the hell they always kill " C Grade" Characters no one even remember the names of them,If Simon had to kill someone other than Maggie why not kill Jesus,but writers don't have the balls to do so,and what's with that montages of characters faces for nothing it's the most stupid part of this episode,at least hundred Saviors are there but they can't find carl and rick manages to find Michonne,When Rick Had Lucille in His Hands Why did not he hit Negan With full force he just got defensive so negan had time to get up again. there are too many plot holes but i will rest now,I am really very disappointed as a Loyal Walking Dead Fan For Past Years.
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The Walking Dead: Time for After (2017)
Season 8, Episode 7
The Walking Dead!! More Like The Pathetic Dead Now
4 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This episode focused way to much on Eugene and his "will he?/won't he?" crisis of conscience. Why in the hell did Eugene and the turmoil inside the Sanctuary get the focus episode right before next week's Mid- Season finale? Why did Rick went alone To Jadis group for just 10-15 people,writers just keep stretching this show with more and more crap.

I Have Said This before and will say this again this show was about the survival of humankind ,not about the stupid mindless action between Group Rick and some other groups,they finish one and there will be always someone to take over. Once Upon A time there used to be filler epiosodes in TV shows,now the walking dead invented filler seasons.A Guy said here in his review, Budget Continues to Cripple TWD,He Blame AMC,Not the writers ,sorry my friend you are wrong here.He also gave the example Of Game Of Thrones,Budget did not make what game of thrones what it is today,it's the amazing writers and the directors.the best thing about HBO is they always give priority to quality not the quantity.When you see the number of episodes , 7 in last season and 6 in upcoming Means They don't want a singal Episode or scene in their show which not contribute something meaningful to the show.That's what makes HBO The Best. On the other hand AMC still eating on the Legacy of Breaking Bad,The Walking dead is the only show now making huge money for them even after viewers count is on the lowest Now after season 2 because of poor quality of the show after season 5,because of they are showing crap in a show which once used to be one of the best just some years ago.

An Another let Down 1/10
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Breaking Bad: Fly (2010)
Season 3, Episode 10
The Most Underrated Episode Of The Greatest Show Ever
30 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"Fly" gave us a good 40 minutes of a wider-scope look at the series and at characters Walt and Jesse.

The directing and cinematography were amazing--I particularly loved the shot when Walt shattered the ceiling light--but it wasn't in the same vein as previous episodes. A lot of shots from the series contained these Sergio Leone-style long shots, very few moving cameras and a great use of color. The directors of the series often shot the characters at eye-level or in a direct way. This one seemed to focus on unique shots (from lower angles, from behind, from the brush that Jesse was using to scrub), and some weird-ass slow motion shots with overbearing tones. Characters were shown from completely different angles and maybe with purpose, to show us we were getting a different look at them. It was cool as hell.

The final shot of the fly in the red light was ... beautiful. A great way to close the episode: just as it had opened, but changed. So Indeed "Fly" is one of the best episode of the show.
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The Walking Dead: Some Guy (2017)
Season 8, Episode 4
Another One Week Of Wait & We Get This
13 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
How many weeks can you watch Ricks crew go around and kill hundreds or the bad guys and never get hit? It Was One Of The Worst episode I Ever Watched, it's like the writers gave no one common sense in this episode... How does a group invade a compound and not check the buildings and stand out in an open field... How is Carol the only one to go check the building... And why didn't Carol shoot the guys as all five were loading the Browning in the Humvee, let alone shoot the last two as the we're behind the Humvee, there's a Huge gap under the Humvee, shoot them in the Back. Seriously worst episode by far and I hope they don't let this writer do another.. Season seven was pretty poor but this season is just awful. It seems like the writers are getting lazy with their stories Soft focus shots, flashbacks, gun battles where no one actually hits a bad guy stood in the open, bad acting. the action is so poorly filmed now, it just consists of dozens of people ducking in and out of cover with seemingly infinite ammo. I Had To Purge Watch This Episode By Fast Forwarding,I Have Watched At least 5000 Episodes Of So Many TV Shows,It Was The First Time I Did This. R.I.P The walking dead 2010 - 2016
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My Highly Condolence To All Victims And Their Families
11 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This short film is about a loving but not indulgent mother and her son, who tries very hard to get his way, but behaves himself out of love for her. The son, Farooq, insists that his mother buy him a new bag and when she disagrees, he throws a fit.

She eventually does end up buying it for him, but regrets this decision in retrospect. It chronicles the events of one day and night, but exposes the viewer to several aspects of their relationship, such as a possible poor financial situation and a strained marriage.

The School Bag truly shines in those shots where the equation between Dugal and Sartaaj's characters is shown without the use of dialogues, relying more on slow-motion visuals and music. It also manages to humanize both characters at a time when everything Pakistani is looked at with suspicion, and it achieves this through a subtle but powerful manner.

I Knew Before Watching It What It's About,But If You Have No Clue,You will not imagine that the story is set in Pakistan until you are told that they live in Peshawar, because the focus is the bond of the protagonists. In a sense, this allows the viewer to empathise more with the mother.

This attack happened in Pakistan but the pain was deeply felt on both sides of Indo Pak border. it's the most pathetic and inhumane thing to kill an innocent child. hope this never ever repeats anywhere..lots of prayers n love for our friends on the other side,And Also I Wants To say "It's like that old story - you can't keep snakes in your backyard and expect them only to bite your neighbours. Eventually those snakes are going to turn on whoever has them in the backyard," Hilary Clinton on Pakistan.
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Game of Thrones: Beyond the Wall (2017)
Season 7, Episode 6
Death is the Enemy
20 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
There Might Be Some Little Flaws But It's absurd to compare Game of Thrones to the artistry of a Sopranos or a Wire by this point, but it's unparalleled in terms of thrill When I Think About Now There are Just 7 Episodes Left After This,I will miss it very much when it's gone So All The Pepole Who Are Spreading Hatred Towards It Just Chill Guys It's A God Damn Fantasy Afrer All.

Somehow I Always Knew Night King Will Get One Of the Daenerys's Dragons and I Thought It Will Be Fun,But Watching Viserion Dying Just Broke My Heart,As We All Know These Dragons Are The Only Children Daenerys Will Ever Have,Watching His Child Dying So Viciously Reminded Me Of The Red Wedding's Brutal Night. Now Some Pepole Saying Why the night king attacked the moving dragon instead of the one lying down on the ground,Reason Was Viserion Was In Sky And Killing Hundreds Of Walkers So He Tried To Stop That One First,There were some Joys I experienced during the episode Is Jon And Dany's Chemistry, Tyrion said wise things like "fear makes their power brittle because everyone beneath them wants to see them dead"! Tormund is consistently hilarious! This Episode is shot beautifully! The costumes look incredible! The dragons are badass! The ice dragon Will Be Even More more badass!

I don't need to tell you guys 'don't miss it' or 'best episode of the season' because we all know every episode is great and there is no way any of you will miss it.Instead,I have a message for anyone who hasn't watched Game Of Thrones ever and is reading this, people will tell you how great Game Of Thrones is,you should listen to them, because they are right. Game Of Thrones continues this journey with confidence, compelling story-telling and characters that are written with convincing development and actions. It is great stuff.

So 10/10 For Sure
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Get Ready To Cheer One More Time 'Sachin Sachin'
25 May 2017
This Is Not Just A Movie,It's a very emotional feeling, If You Are An Indian This Movie Will Make You Cry With Tears Of Joy.apart from the life history of Sachin, I believe it's a fantastic film for the pride of India.this film should be shown to every individual in the country, it should be shown in every school, not just because we are so proud of Sachin, but how proud he has made the country.Sachin always inspired me And This movie will now inspire billions. I am so glad this movie was made,Because It Made Me Feel Like My Childhood Is Back And I Relived That Journey Of 25 Years,Each time I would come back from school, the most important question that I would ask was, I hope Sachin isn't out. So that was the thing that would decide my day. From being the hope of a struggling nation, to the emblem of a country ready to take on the world, Sachin has traversed a long, arduous path. And from his first 200 in an ODI to the World Cup win in 2011, the film takes you on a fairy tale ride with Sachin. Sachin had started his career at Mumbai and won the World Cup in the city itself. You see life coming full circle for him; from boy-next-door to The God of cricket.

You tear up again, when the time comes for his retirement at an emotional Wankhede. There would not have been a soul in the stadium that day or any Sachin fan anywhere who would have been able to control his/her emotions.

As a viewer, you'll be enchanted at the way this film catches the numerous moments that made Sachin a legend. Couple that with the 'Saaachin Saaachin' chants and peppy music in the background — and Sachin: A Billion Dreams is an evening well spent at the theater.

Direction Of James Erskine Was Just Amazing And Music Given By A. R. Rahman Will Give You goosebumps. We all know about the life of Sachin but what the film has done, it has shown the rest of the world, how somebody from very humble beginnings can put up a fight and make this country so proud. I feel just so happy.One Day I Will Tell My Children That I Have Watched Sachin Play,The God Himself.

10/10 For Ten-dulkar
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Prison Break (2005–2017)
The new "Prison Break" appears to be Made For Fans
4 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This new Prison Break finds a way to bring back the show that people loved so much.

Just like the original series, this revival has began a long con. There are small hints, lines, and moments throughout its first episode that won't pay off for quite a while. For instance, Lincoln finds a name sewn into one of Michael's old coats. The name means nothing, and seems out of place, but another clue is hidden later in the episode. Just like the early seasons of Prison Break, these clues are meant to come back later. It's supposed to be a bit confusing, and even seem a bit muddled, in order to have a bigger pay-off in the end.

If this were a brand new series, one that didn't carry the name Prison Break, it might not have worked. People could lose interest in the first episode based on how messy the story seems to be at times. However, Prison Break is able to rely on its enormous audience. Because people tuning in is a guarantee, the series is able to draw things out just a Little more. It's both a gift, and a curse.

Now matter how twisted the story got in the original series, Prison Break never really relied on it. The characters on the show, and their relationships with one another, were always the strong point. The same can be said of the revival.

Three fan-favorite actors return in the first episode - C-Note (Rockmond Dunbar), Sucre (Amaury Nolasco), and T-Bag (Robert Knepper) - and they all brought back the charm that made the characters engaging in the first place. T-Bag was a clever creep, as always, and Sucre is possibly more entertaining than ever.

The highlight however, has to be Dunbar's C-Note. The former military operative was a great character to start with, but his new religion has made for a fascinating turn. C-Note has now converted to Islam, and it active in trying to break the stereotype people have about his faith. The writing of this character helps to break down these walls as well, as it brings to light the real side of a lifestyle many don't understand. Dunbar's performance tops it off, as his brilliant subtlety does not go unnoticed. His strength as an actor has always been the ability to bring audiences into his emotional spectrum, and this is another example of his masterful technique.

The passion in the Prison Break sequel is at the forefront, and that alone makes it worth watching. Because the actors wanted this to happen, and the writers had more story to tell, it's clear that the show is heading in the right direction. All of the pieces are in place, it just needs a little bit of time. Once you get to the final minute of the first episode, you'll be hooked right back into the world of Michael and Lincoln.
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I used to love the show it once was, I hate the show its become
3 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Forgive me lord for i have sinned,I Watched This Show Again After Quitting.May Be It Was A Part Fan Of Me Who Thought About Giving It Another Chance,I used to love the show it once was, I hate the show its become. I did Not Expected Much From This Episode But It Was Worse Than You Can Imagine.Like Thousands Of bullets were shot, no one from Rick's team died ... how convenient, not even 1 walker showed up with all that noise ,even more convenient!And how did the tiger know who is the enemy and who is not? letting a tiger loose in a battle field to randomly attack anyone is not the best of ideas.This Show Has Become So Much Predictable.Plot Is too Weak.And They Wants To Show Negan As The Evilest Monster Of TV History and At The Same Time Every Person Who Tries To Kill Him,He Spared Everyone Daryl,Carl,Rosita,Sasha. And Again When he Was Going To Kill Carl finally Maggie And Carol Suddenly Appears From Nowhere Negan has his Guard down in his truck and has his arm sticking giving everyone the finger,not single one of those like 50 people shooting the damn truck is able to even come close,very Bad Writing. they are just compromising with Quality so they Can continue and make more money to Continue This Show. it was an average, mostly boring and forgettable episode. And Finally I Want to Thanks That Guy Who Wrote Review for This Episode Titled-"Stands with Ozymandias as one of the Best TV Episodes of All Time" And He is For Sure High On Crystal Meth,While Writing This Line.Now It's Confirmed Heisenbeg Is Still Alive Somewhere And In Business.Vince Gilligan Salutes You Dude.
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The Vampire Diaries: I Was Feeling Epic (2017)
Season 8, Episode 16
Was Epic At Some Moments
11 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Before Giving My Honest Review,First I Will Tell You Guys That Just Like Nina Dobrev I Left This Show In The Season 6 Finale,Not That I Was Fan Of Her or Something But This Show Was Already Over For Me.Came Back Now For Last Episode-My Special Appearance.So When I Came Back What I Found Was Alaric Has Two Kids, Enzo And Bonnie In Love,Stefan Became Human Somehow And Now Married To Caroline And Mystic Falls About To Destroy.They Wanted To Make Viewers Emotional So Bad In The Last Episode,We Got To Relive Some Moments From Season 1,Those Scenes Were My Favourite From This Episode.Apart From That They took It Too far,Unnecessary At Some Points, Death Of Stefan,Cameo Appearance Of Nearly All Main Cast Members.Some Scenes Were Really Good I Like Stefan & Elena Again In School Like First Time They Met,When Stefan Met Lexi Again.That At least Made These Scenes Epic For The Moment.That Crow Came Over Elena Like Pilot Memories.I Did Not Like That Part Where Damon Also Became Human.They Just Put It So Much In This Episode All Together,And Matt Donavan Still Survived After all these Yearsakes Him Chuck Norris Of Mystic Falls.In The End Salvatore Brothers Finally Got Piece With Human Death,Elena's first moment at peace is being reunited with the family she lost that kickstarted this whole journey for her. So This Episode Was Made For Fans Totally To Feel That Journey Of 8 years Again. In This Episode,I Did Not Expected Much,After Fall Of The Show In Past Seasons.So As A Childhood Fan,Still Giving This Episode 9/10. Thank You TVD,You will Be Missed.
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Humorously Yours (2016– )
Refreshing Show
7 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Usually I Don't Watch Bollywood Movies Or Series Or Whatever Crap They Make.But From Youtube I Got To Know About TVF,I Watched Pitchers And Permanent Roommates Before,And Both The Shows Were Quite Good,Ideas Were Mostly Adopted From Various Hollywood Movies & Series But Still From Acting To Direction,Script And Characters All Were Good,Where As In Humoursly Yours Acting Is OK,It Started Well,It Had Potential But It's Mostly Copied Also. They Showed Vipul Had No Money To Hire Manager & He Could Not Find Right Guy For the Job After What His First Manager Did,It's Taken From Better Call Saul,When Saul Goodman Himself Acts As His Own Secretary,Then Vipul's wife Feels Attracted To Ranjeet Walia Self Of His Husband It'S Taken From Modern Family.Adapting To Ideas and Content Is Not bad But What Hit Me Is Pepole Calling It A Masterpiece.I Saw Pepole Calling It A MasterPiece And All that In Comments On Youtube,So I Had To Watch Whole Series So I Can Give Review Here,So Till 3rd Episode It was Average Show,Episode 4 "Dude,Where's My Phone" Was A Disaster,It Adds Nothing Nor It Was Needed To Be Part Of This Show. And Without Doubt Finale Was The Best Episode Of This Series. Some Scenes Like His One Video Got 3 Million Views And From Just That It Changed His Life and Everyone Knows Him Everywhere It Was Bit Unrealistic,Apart From That It Was Very Well Executed Episode And Leave The Viewers With Satisfaction. So I appreciate TVF Cast And Crew For Trying To Make Good Content Which Is Far More Better Than Bollywood Pathetic Movies,You Are Doing A Great Job Guys,Keep It Up. And For Some Of The Audience Don't Be Stupid Guys,You Don't Even Know M Of Masterpiece.On Regular Basis I See Pepole Here And On Social Media,Comparing Average Movies And Shows Of Here To The All Time Greatest Movies/Shows Of Hollywood,Stop Doing Comparisons Like This That Is What Makes You dunce
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The New Edition Story' Was a Perfect TV Experience
30 January 2017
The New Edition Story was not a perfect TV show, but it was a perfect TV experience. It had just about every piece that a miniseries like that needs to have to make it feel weighty and worthwhile.It probably didn't hurt that the members of the group were producers on the miniseries. It has the ideal music group story line,It has the perfect group for this kind of thing,It has the neat little movie nerd tidbits in there. When It Was Over It felt like I'd been shoved out of a plane. I was 100 percent not expecting to feel that way about New Edition. Or any sort of way, really. It was right then that I realized how hard the show had worked to get to that point, and to draw out that specific response. It got me.I liked The New Edition Story a lot. Again: I didn't realize I felt that way until it was almost over — until it was almost too late, I suppose. But I guess that makes sense. And that might've even possibly been the point.
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Breaking Bad: Pilot (2008)
Season 1, Episode 1
The Beginning of Excellence
27 January 2017
1)The Good - This is one of those really strong pilot episodes that does a tremendous job of selling itself to viewers.The choice to begin things with a dramatic sequence in the desert worked out well. It gave Walt a memorable introduction and raised intriguing questions. The cooking montage managed to include both characterisation (Jesse goofing around) and the authenticity of good chemistry. I liked the shot of Walt drying his money, giving us the perspective of the back of the dryer as he collected his first ill gotten gains. The sound and camera work was also clever when we saw Walt's disoriented reaction to his cancer diagnosis.

2)Best Moment: I particularly enjoyed the scene where Walt attacks some arrogant boys making fun of Walter Jr as he struggles to try on clothes in a store. That scene seemed to capture the contradiction at the heart of Walt's transformation.

3)The Bad: Nothing really.

4)The Bottom Line: Breaking Bad is a show with huge potential and this was a hugely enjoyable and well executed first episode.
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Raees (2017)
Must Watch For Shahrukh Fans
24 January 2017
Gear up for a throwback to the great Salim-Javed blockbusters of the Seventies, where the hero grows up mid-action,breaks the tension and action sequences compel you to whistle. Carrying that legacy forward, is Raees. Shah Rukh Khan plays the titular character of a spectacled goon who hates being called "battery"; he starts from harmless Ponzi schemes but graduates to pre- planned rackets and becomes the top bootlegger of his town. Shah Rukh Khan has never looked better; he's full of fury and for once, isn't spreading his arms, but breaking others'. The film lies entirely on his shoulders and he carries the weight most of the times. When he doesn't, the ever-so-reliable Nawazuddin Siddiqui steps in with his crackling performance. In the trademark Nawaz style, he delivers some comic relief. Mahirah is restricted to songs and a few emotional scenes, but doesn't really add much. If her purpose was to soften the baddie, it's lost on the viewer.Action Scenes Are Like Every Other Bollywood Movie. The first half is well- paced; it draws you in and makes you root for the SRK, But the second half plunges into a weird Robin Hood zone where the antihero's morals are suddenly defibrillated and he becomes a messiah. The movie takes a rough path there on, and the long runtime makes the ride bumpier. The movie can feel a bit long, but if you're going for a great Shah Rukh performance and some good old popcorn- entertainment,And It Gives A Good Message To Viewers. it might just 'raees' to the occasion.
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Westworld (2016–2022)
Anything Can Happen In A Fantasy
6 October 2016
I Have Been Waiting For this show for almost Two Years,And I will say it's Got Everything I Expected. HBO With Direction And Writing Of Jonathan Nolan,Acting Of Sir Anthony Hopkins,Music Of Ramin Djawadi. HBO's 'Westworld' is huge. Huge in it's story and the endless places this show can go. If you could afford to fulfill any wish you had what would you do? How about a visit to the wild west? Want to be a bank robber? Bar wench or ride in to save the day? That's what 'Westworld' is at it's basic level. The ultimate dream machine. One of the show's best features (much like Game of Thrones) is that it distances itself to such a degree from anything you've seen before, that anything could happen. The particularly brilliant spin here is that even as we hope to learn the rules, glitches and human interference are pushing those rules aside, so it becomes a wonderfully maddening game of "the more we know the limits, the less there are limits." It plays off of the disconnect it forces you to have by virtue of its own world creation, by shifting these limits, and throwing out your natural reaction to what you're watching. It becomes an amazing dance, as you watch a gunfight while realizing that you don't know what you're supposed to do with it really, or what watching it means. You're used to watching gunfights while knowing the good guys are going to win, but this is a whole new game. 'Westworld' straddles the future and the past of your imagination. In the first episode we get to see this 'Westworld' and it's inhabitants. Guns, Bots, Beautiful girls and an uncertain future make for potential gold with this show. As always HBO delivers in the drama department once again
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Westworld: The Original (2016)
Season 1, Episode 1
Stunning And Riveting Pilot
4 October 2016
One of the Show's And Pilot's best features (much like Game of Thrones) is that it distances itself to such a degree from anything you've seen before, that anything could happen. The particularly brilliant spin here is that even as we hope to learn the rules, glitches and human interference are pushing those rules aside, so it becomes a wonderfully maddening game of "the more we know the limits, the less there are limits." It plays off of the disconnect it forces you to have by virtue of its own world creation, by shifting these limits, and throwing out your natural reaction to what you're watching. It becomes an amazing dance, as you watch a gunfight while realizing that you don't know what you're supposed to do with it really, or what watching it means. You're used to watching gunfights while knowing the good guys are going to win, but this is a whole new game. 'Westworld' straddles the future and the past of your imagination. In the first episode we get to see this 'Westworld' and it's inhabitants. Guns, Bots, Beautiful girls and an uncertain future make for potential gold with this show. As always HBO delivers in the drama department once again
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Highly Underrated,So say we all.
12 July 2016
'Someone to Watch Over Me' Is No Doubt The Best episode Of Battlestar Galactica,The Greatest Sc-Fi show ever,

"Wow" is the first reaction you will get when This Episode Ends. Not even they managed to keep the tension in the first part of this episode, they managed to almost stop our hearts in middle and blow it at the end. And Honestly That Piano Music Gave us Goosebumps. Every viewer felt as heartbroken as Chief. Cylon or human it does'not matter,A Man(Or Cylon) mad in love can do anything. This show has reached its zenith with this episode, getting into the profound level Of Survival Of Species as we reaching towards finale.
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Fan (I) (2016)
Mindblowing Acting By SRK
14 April 2016
After Watching This Movie,First Words Will Come out from your Mouth will be"Shahrukh me tera jabra Fan Ho Gya". This Movie Has A Uniuqe Drama with very different story along with fantafabulous acting Of The Shahrukh Khan in His role as Gaurav Specially. The Srk'Acting In The Film is what called the real acting and performance,i was speechless after watching Dedication Of SRK A 50 Year Actor Playing The Role of 21 Year Young Boy With That Level Of Energy. I Do Appreciate Manish Sharma The Director Of The Fan Movie & Excellent Screenplay from begging to end,tempo of the movie is well Maintained.Direction Was Fantastic In First Half,But Story Goes Little Off Plot In 2nd Half. Oscar Winning Wizard Greg Cannom (Hollywood's special makeup effects artist),and the rest of the team gave Their Best. Shahrukh Khan Has Shown Encyclopedia Of Acting,Srk's Acting in this Movie Is Jaw Dropping,It's Just Above The Common Man Imagination. I Watched A Bollywood Movie After Almost 2 Years And it was totally worth it,& I was compelled To come here and give Review Because In Bollywood You Don't't See This Type Of Acting Every Often So Guys Go And Must Watch This Movie.
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The Path (2016–2018)
A fight between faith and personal desire.
30 March 2016
With Actors Lke Aaron Paul & Hugh Dancy The Path builds one hell of a foundation for seasons to come. It demonstrates the potential to grow deeper and more rewarding as it matures, like any drama Katims has been associated with. The Path begins with Eddie already suspicious of his faith, following an encounter with a defector and his own personal revelations about the group's leadership following a trip to a healing center in Peru. In the episodes that follow, a great deal of the dialogue centers on his uncertainty in relation to whether or not to defect himself. It's a big decision, to be sure, but the writing offers little in the way of nuance or original ideas each time Eddie is volleyed back and forth between the spiritual and philosophical certainty of Meyerism and the depressing yet liberating instability of "the real world." The Path is unfortunately content to focus on a variety of rote melodramatic byways that give little insight into the fight between faith and personal desire, or the psychological relief and societal bliss that believers expect from their chosen religions.
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Deadpool (2016)
'Deadpool' is the world's most violent and vulgar Bugs Bunny cartoon
7 February 2016
If you're a fan of the "Deadpool" comics, I think you'll be pleased with this long-awaited film. It is the Marvel comic faithfully adapted to the big screen, just with a lot more profanity and nudity. Few superhero movies are as faithful to the original source material as Deadpool is. From the chats with the audience through the fourth wall to the cartoon character hijinks, director Tim Miller really nails it. And even if you're not a fan of the comic, this is an entertaining addition to the superhero film genre. If you combined The Mask with Watchmen,you start to get a sense of what to expect. It's a raunchy comedy mixed with a superhero movie, yet somehow the two work well together and are unlike anything we've seen on the screen before.
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DC's Legends of Tomorrow (2016–2022)
Heavy on the sci-fi and has a huge amount of potential
22 January 2016
The first episode of DC's Legends of Tomorrow takes some mild but interesting twists, and the pieces are in place for what could be an extremely imaginative, refreshingly fun series, but there's just enough inconsistency in Pilot, Part 1 to shed some doubt on whether or not the show can find its footing. That being said, DC's Legends of Tomorrow does succeed in being a pure, sci-fi popcorn romp that just needs a little more work to fully realize the series' potential.With a lot of the heavy back story wisely taken care of by prior appearances on Arrow and The Flash, DC's Legends of Tomorrow is able to jump right into setting up this bonkers time-travel action adventure. The first episode, Pilot, Part 1, is fairly ambitious in scope while hopping from a war-torn future, to the current DC TV time-line and even the 1970's. The episode is a bit all over the place and struggles occasionally to find its voice, but still ends up being an extremely fun piece of popcorn, comic book television.
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The Revenant (I) (2015)
Remarkable work by Leonardo DiCaprio,The Oscar Deserves Him
21 December 2015
Leonardo DiCaprio Himself Said The Revenant his 'most difficult film' But After Watchig This Movie I Asked Myself "Is There anything this guy can't do"? Great film has the power to convey the unimaginable. We sit in the comfort of a darkened theater or our living room and watch protagonists suffer through physical and emotional pain that most of us can't really comprehend. Too often, these endurance tests feel manipulative or, even worse, false. We're smart enough to "see the strings" being pulled, and the actor and set never fades away into the character and condition. What's remarkable about Alejandro Gonzalez Iñárritu's "The Revenant" is how effectively it transports us to another time and place, while always maintaining its worth as a piece of visual art. You don't just watch "The Revenant," you experience it. You walk out of it exhausted, impressed with the overall quality of the filmmaking and a little more grateful for the creature comforts of your life. So My Review 10/10 An extraordinary piece of work by Leo,director and rest of the cast,Must Watch Guys
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Not the best but Entertaining,Brutal,Tarantino Excellence!
18 December 2015
Western Touch in the classic sense,full Suspenseful, Funny, and Violent this movie has got everything.The closest comparison of Tarantino's filmography to The Hateful Eight would be mixture of Reservoir Dogs & Django Unchained.Don't matter If You Are a pure class fan or straight simple movie liker,you will admire this movie. Tarantino has created another breathtakingly stylish and clever film, a Jacobean western, intimate yet somehow weirdly colossal, once again releasing his own kind of unwholesome crazy-funny-violent nitrous oxide into the cinema auditorium for us all to inhale. Moreover, Tarantino now makes a serious star of Walton Goggins, giving a hilarious performance as the deeply unreliable Chris Mannix, soi-disant Sheriff Elect of Red Rock, Wyoming. And Ennio Morricone has composed a score which is as sinuous and catchy as anything he has written: a theme with a tense and gloomy tread, coolly cranking up the tension. Note:- Some mindless,over- smart people will say this movie is overrated, because for those guys all time greatest movie like The Shawshank redemption & The Godfather and every other great movie is also overrated,so ignore them & enjoy this movie.
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Star Wars: The Force Awakens' Delivers the Thrills, With a Touch of Humanity
17 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The Force Awakens re-awoke my love of the first movie and turned my inner fan boy into my outer fan boy. There are very few films which leave me facially exhausted after grinning for 135 minutes, but this is one. And when Han Solo and Chewie come on, I had a feeling in the cinema I haven't had since I was 16: not knowing whether to burst into tears or into applause.

JJ Abrams and veteran co-writer Lawrence Kasdan have created a film which is both a narrative progression from the earlier three films and a shrewdly affectionate next-gen reboot of the original 1977 Star Wars — rather in the style of his tremendous re-imagining of the Kirk/Spock Star Trek. Familiar personae, situations and weapons will appear like covers or remixes, and meshed in with new story lines. This notice will be a safe space, incidentally, with a trigger warning only for basic plot points and material already in the public domain.
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