
9 Reviews
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19 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
OK so it is not the greatest movie ever. however, I thought it was done well enough to keep me till the end! Sure it was a little poor quality i.e. lighting, some CGI and the what not yet It was still good!! The hungry kid made me bust out laughing with a couple of lines and there were a few more chuckles also! Overall do not go into this film with high expectations just go in to enjoy a simple film that will take you away for a bit!!
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Revolt (2017)
Freaking awesome!
11 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
After watching this you realize that the plot, and story line, you have seen many times before, however, it was done very well! I could have enjoyed a little more action but it was enough to keep me involved! The word gritty is an understatement! Damn they sure could have used a bath or shower for sure! Now here comes the big spoiler alert! In the end the aliens were disposed of, yet, when the ship crashes, it crashes into, what seems to be, two nuclear reactors!!?? If so then everyone was like, "Alright the aliens are done but OK now we have some nuclear meltdown action, thanks a lot hero"!!! Anyways thought it was an awesome flick!
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Took me away for a moment!
19 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
OK people look, when you see a great star in the title you would expect a great movie, and for me this was great! Yes it is not a killer action flick, however, it is an awesome movie that will take you away for just a little bit. It has the whole "After Hours" movie feel to it, meaning you do not know what is going to happen next! When Spider said "Google it holmes", I fought the urge to chuckle but it did not work, I chuckled!! John Goodmans "lost, not giving a crap anymore vibe" was great! All in all it was a movie that, again, takes you away for a bit. By the way the graffiti on the building, all be it raunchy, was freaking funny!!
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Criticsized (2016)
Not bad!
16 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
As I was watching this, it had the film school feel, yet it worked for me. Callum Blue and Kerr Smith were perfect! Not to many films like this work for me, yet again, this did! There were a few scenes that were a little hokey, like when Steve gets shot, and the foot chase scene was kind of off. I would love this if it had a huge budget but for what it had it was good! Yes the plot was done before but it was done well! Movies like this are a dime a dozen, however, it kept me to the end. The ending suggests a sequel and I hope there is one. I am the kind of person that does not expect much from an random film such as this but again I enjoyed it! Well done again!
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Dirty Lies (2017)
Not bad!
12 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
After just watching this it started out as a slap happy flick then turned somewhat dark! It kept me into it through the end and I was caught off guard how it ended! The acting was not bad and the plot was engaging to a certain extent! The L.A. aspect kept me into it throughout! I have seen many films with a similar concept, yet, it was not bad! It did have a somewhat student film theme to it but it was an engaging watch! If you want to "escape" through a film then you will! Just remember to keep your mind open to whatever and just enjoy it for what it is! Also just remember to see it for what it is worth! A film that take you away for just a little bit!
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What a surprising gem!
22 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Having been to TJ before, I have only the greatest respect for the feel of the lonely lost feeling of being afraid and alone in a foreign country with no right forward of what to do! I was there in 1990 and experienced a medical situation with no idea what was to come! This flick had the perfect full on gritty feel to it, and the scared feeling of what was around the corner at every turn! The lighting was perfect to set the mood and the chaos was spot on! If anyone ever gets lost in TJ then good luck! Those memories are prevalent as I watched this! Not a bad flick! I would recommend this for sure! The real feel is there and the real fear is there! Imagine if it was you!
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Pleasantly surprised!
18 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
OK look, we are all different. I like this, you like that, that sucked, this sucked, blah, blah, blah!! As the movie started you get the sense that you have seen this formula a hundred times! And yes you have, however, these formula films sometimes work! I would consider this a heart felt film and combined with "chick flicks" I would say about 3 percent of them take up my time! But for me it worked. Rarely does a soundtrack alter my opinion of a movie, because I am a metal head, but this one made it for me! And being biased, because I am a horse fan, this also helped, however, none the less though I enjoyed it! The most surprising thing was that the main character was based on a real person. Wait till the end credits!! The horses were trained by using the Liberty horsemanship technique!
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Jackrabbit (2015)
Not bad!
7 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
After watching this film I must admit I have no idea what the heck it was about!! Yet I must say that the sound track was probably one of the best sound tracks I have ever heard! OK I did understand this film a little but again the sound track was an absolutely amazing listen! The mood was set perfectly through out and it kept me wanting to keep on watching! I am a person that needs music to keep me going with a film and this film was exceptionally well sounded! The mood was well rounded towards each scene and the seemingly "bad" lighting was absolutely perfect! I would recommend watching this if you are a sound track person!
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Not bad!
24 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Not sure if this a spoiler or not, however, typical zombie move, yet, the sound track made it work! I am a metal head and somehow this soundtrack kept me until the end! I sometimes see movies with no idea how the soundtrack will be and then every now and then this comes along. I went into this thinking hmm and after I saw it I was pleasantly surprised! Do not go into this thinking epic zombie movie but do go in thinking sweet little love story! A few funny moments made me crack up and I was still able to stay focused until the end. If you want to be entertained for a little bit then this might work for you. Again typical but it worked for me.
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