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Stem cells, the key to regeneration = Disseminating science to the population
28 June 2020
Before watching the documentary, it is necessary to know some historical facts, among them: (1) in 2005, the Biosafety Law in Brazil was approved (Law No. 11105, of March 24, 2005), which deals, among other matters, with the use of Embryonic Stem Cells (ESC); (2) in May 2005, the then attorney general of the republic filed an unconstitutionality lawsuit under Law No. 11105 at the Supreme Federal Court (SFC) in Brazil asking for a ban on ESC research; (3) in 2007, in Brazil, the SFC called the first public hearing to debate the unconstitutionality of the aforementioned law; (4) in 2008 approved the constitutionality of Law No. 11105; (5) in 2008, the first Brazilian ESC strain was isolated; (6) in 2009 we have the authorization of the first clinical trial with ESC in humans; and, (7) in 2010, we started recruiting patients for ESC therapy.

Knowing such historical facts, this documentary was produced with the testimony of several Brazilian researchers to list the main advances with research carried out with stem cells, including ESC, in Brazil. Such a documentary has a fundamental role for scientific dissemination in order to inform the Brazilian population in this regard. It is very worth watching.
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Toxic Guanabara (2016– )
TOXIC GUANABARA, a great ecological case study about the Guanabara Bay in RJ.
26 June 2020
Is a documentary series that addresses the management of water resources in Guanabara Bay, located in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The series is short with only three episodes of about 10 minutes and tells, from the perspective of three people who have an intimate relationship with Guanabara Bay, the failure to manage this water resource, in addition to showing the reality on its banks and reveal disputes over economic power.
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The Water Law (New Forest Code) = An excellent movie
27 December 2016
The Water Law (New Forest Code) is a documentary film that discusses the pros and cons of the New Code Brazilian Forest Law (Law no. 12651, of May 25, 2012), a law Protection of native vegetation, and revoked the Brazilian Forest Code of 1965. In addition, a different law, as Laws No. 6938, dated August 31, 1981, Law No. 9393, dated December 19, 1996, and No. 11428, dated December 22, 2006; Repeals as Laws No. 4771, dated September 15, 1965, and No. 7754, dated April 14, 1989, and Provisional Measure No. 2166-67 of August 24, 2001; And makes other arrangements. The film is excellent and tends to the arguments in favor of the environment, often neglected to the detriment of the human being's interests. It is worth watching to understand some of the discussions that this law covered. It is worth mentioning that the New Forest Code has been in force since 2012.
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