
5 Reviews
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Scandal (2012–2018)
not impressed
28 April 2012
No one says no to Olivia Pope. Well not quite true, I do. It's annoying to be told over and over how darned powerful and amazing she is.

I love the concept, i'm prepared to love Kerry Washington. But as it stands so far the Olivia pope posse is so full of themselves. Unsubtle and frankly, dull.

Surely there's way to demonstrate her power and talent other ways than having her declaim it constantly for herself?

The writing is sluggish, lumpen. The main characters seem smug.

Also very disappointed in Kerry Washington. Perhaps it's bad direction but she's so awful it's almost fun to watch her she is so bad. It's as if she has her acting volume wedged at 8 through out every episode I have watched so far. It's never fair to compare an actor to Meryl Streep but never mind, here I go. Her interpretation of women in power is so much more compelling and interesting (Margaret Thatcher & The Devil Wears Prada).

Altogether a pretty poor showing thus far (and I have seen 3 episodes).
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Grey's Anatomy (2005– )
a few thoughts about Greys Anatomy
22 September 2006
I'm into the second season of this show. It's pretty enjoyable. Here's the good news. I like the casual mix of race, I like that a lot. It doesn't seem forced. I love Chandra Wilson as 'the Nazi' who is in charge of our ingénue doctors (or interns as they are apparently known as in the trade). I love that she is not tall and willowy, love that she is who she is. Chandra Wilson is the star of this show, a wonderful actress. Go Chandra. Also find myself getting to like the pretty blonde Izzy, who despite the drawback of being yet another pretty blonde, is managing to rise above that. The writers have given her more dimension and she is shining in a quiet way. Also the jock intern, Alex is showing up in the 2nd season as having more going on and that is a pleasure to watch. What is really getting on my nerves is the shows namesake, Meredith Grey. Here we have the Sarah Jessica Parker narrator. She is the weakest link. played by Ellen Pompeo she is all big eyes and sulky pout. Her persona has worn completely thin for me. She is all sulk. That is her personality. Stand there, widen the eyes, pout. Writers, give her some bite. Well, some personality. Any personality. Why does she have to moon after the attending surgeon, played by Patrick Dmpey? If she is into one night stands give her some. Her character seems so foggy, maybe that is the point, she is foggy. Maybe we are supposed to find her and her stuff completely boring? Perhaps that is one of the points of the show. Di d I mention the show is set in a hospital? The OR room I think, I'm not a doctor, not a nurse so, I do not know for sure. It doesn't really matter. It is just a vehicle to watch these characters shuffle around each other in Seattle or Portland somewhere like that, though it is probably shot on Burbank of Canada. They could be graphic designers or gardeners. It so happens the genre is hospital, they play doctor, but that is it. It's just playing. I still watch this show, it is distracting. There's some fun performances, Sandra Oh not bad playing a bit of a cliché, know it all, no heart type intern doctor, gets a bit old but hey she gets to be the mean one which is fun, fun to be the bad gal. Isiah Washington, better in the 2nd series. Eh, you know, show set in hospital, cast play doctors, central character really boring, surrounding cast better. Way yo spend 40 minutes after a hard day at the office, maybe
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The Island (2005)
loved it
31 July 2005
The Island is the first Michael Bay movie I have seen and I really enjoyed it. Far more entertaining than War Of The Worlds for example, which I found quite boring.

The story is pretty standard issue Sci Fi. Fine by me (I wasn't expecting Bladerunner). It's a story of cloning and bad scientists up to no good. It's a quest movie and a chase movie. It looks fabulous, some nice toys to enjoy. The chase scenes maybe improbable but who cares? It's not Hotel Ruanda (great by the way - love Don Cheedle!!).

You know, I actually found it quite touching and was definitely invested in the well being of the main characters

Ewan McGregor is excellent, he is really fun to watch, he takes the movie seriously and it works. He's a really good actor, why haven't I noticed that before? Easy one the eye too which is always good.

Scarlet Johanson is also good, she is lovely to behold and she also turns in a good performance (though never with out lip gloss no matter what) darned makeup people!.

Djimon Hounsou doesn't have as much to do as the above (they are on screen pretty much the whole movie), however,he holds our attention when he is on screen, another fine actor.

If you want some fun, nothing too deep, that looks good and acting that is entirely entertaining. If you enjoy the adrenalin rush of a good chase and some epic destruction (like I do) this is your movie. Go. 10/10 for FUN.
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Boomtown (2002–2003)
really excellent show
10 June 2005
I'm watching the first series of Boomtown on DVD, how is it I had never even heard of this show? It's totally brilliant. It is located in Los Angeles and we really are in Los Angeles. We are in Griffith Park for real. It's dramatic,poetic and has some very funny moments. I did laugh out loud. Good timing and uniformly great performances. From the title sequence that references Los Angeles birth in the desert, police brutality, race riots, Bobby Kennedy...The characters live in the present but they walk out of that past. The stories are interesting and surprising. Oh, it's all good stuff. This is a must see. Too bad there's only the first season from what I read. Sad, talent isn't always rewarded apparently. I would love to see more.
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This an ersatz version of "Spy Kids"
1 February 2005
Fundamentally this a version of "Spy Kids". Except with out the charm and with all the fun removed. Frankie Muniz is not so much acting here as mugging for the camera - which is unfortunate because we need him to be interesting and entertaining and he fails to deliver. he's kind of posing and it definitely doesn't work - for me. Meanwhile the whole movie feels put together with out much care. It has no flow, it is strangely boring despite the action. Fundamentally this inertia comes down to Muniz and his one dimensional performance. Maybe I'm being harsh - maybe the director should be held accountable? I don't know. It's a humorless creation despite the odd fart and fluids gag. The best solution is to go rent Spy Kids, Robert Rodriguez has more soul, more energy, way more fun.
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