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The Predator (2018)
Script is a disaster. Cast are playing well
22 November 2018
That's all I want to say. I think director wanna gets a "Alien 2" taste but end up with a "boring fighting and fighting" mediocre film. I cry for Arnold and previous Predators.
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Tomb Raider (2018)
Alicia is good, the script is illogical and director doesn't know Lara at all
8 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I give Alicia 7.5 for performing Lara. She got her taste. However, the directors make a fast-food Indiana-Jones-style film. Solving puzzle is a very crucial and important part in Tombraider but the director makes solving puzzle in the film like a fast-food. Lara just solves the puzzle so quick that it just like she already play this puzzle berfore. Another puzzle to stop falling floor is only like a game of guessing. Compared to Indiana Jones, this film make puzzle a cheap game. Most terrible, IMHO, is the illogical things in script. For one example Lara escapes away from the villain team, fall into river, struggle on the rusty abandoned plane, and lastly fall to ground, thanks to the worn parachute. She should be faraway from villain now. But suddenly one of the villain (the one hit by Lu Ren ) coming from nowhere and try to kill her. Another exmaple is Richard is antry about Lara doesn't burn her study stuff cause he wanna protect Lara and the world from the disaster make have if Himiko's body is revealed. Since he should be the only one who might be able to solve and open Himiko's tomb, why he appears before the tomb (also don't know how he came to the door so soon?) and give Vogel the chance to threat Lara by attempting to kill him. lastly, as many blogger said, audiences are expecting a showdown fight between Lara and Death Queen Himiko, but the script, again a cheap fast-food, just make the queen a virus carrier. WTF. According to the history of Japan, Himatai is a very mysterious kingdom, it supposes the island should be very hard to find out. However, Lara and Lu find it really quick before I can understand why. All of this make me feel the story is full of illogical and fast-food things.

Sorry! Too many complaint. Let' get back the positive side. I won't reject a sequel starring Alicia again cause she really did a good job to play Lara's role. I just hope there's a better logical, well-developed-solving-puzzle script . And please find a director who knows Lara and Tombraider better.

. And please find a director who knows Lara and Tombraider better.and
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NCIS: Child's Play (2009)
Season 7, Episode 9
Madeline Carroll plays very good!
22 August 2013
I am a steady fan of NCIS since season 3. Madeline Carroll's play attracts me, which I think outstanding. She just looks so smart and quick-tempo in her role that I'd like to give my first review to this particular Role Angela in this particular episode. I would keep my attention to her her performance in other films.

For the main roles of NCIS, they just keep their best performance of their characters as usual. This is a good film that definitely deserves another new season.

Now in Taiwan, two TV stations plays Season 10 and Seaosn 7, respectively. I wish one day those main actors and actresses can come to visit Taiwan.
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