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The stuff gas station-purchased-melatonin dreams are made of
8 September 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted to like this.

Since 1988, I've probably watched the original film at least five or six times over the years. This movie was found wanting in cohesiveness and stakes. There is a frenetic pace of randomness and stupidity at times that would make you think you were under the influence and other times where the pace crawls and the weirdness makes you think you're under the influence. Maimed corpses walking around, sand worms and disjointed storytelling.

The main characters resolve their problems without any challenges, Ryder's original and amazing portrayal of Lydia has been supplanted by a movie version of Joyce Byers, neurosis and all, and Ortega's Astrid might as well have been Wednesday Addams. Not a lot to see here, folks.

Catherine O'Hara is fun to watch. Justin Theroux's Rory character starts out as a bit of an annoying simp boyfriend, but we learn the truth about him and he is dispatched in two seconds, which seemed to be an over the top and lazy solution to his problem character and Bellucci is wasted on screen as a nearly meaningless entity of evil that is dispatched simultaneously with Theroux. We get no insight into her or anyone else.

I'd be remiss if I didn't mention Keaton. In the first movie, he was just bad enough you didn't want him to win. This go round, I was rooting for him over some of the characters we were supposed to like. He just seemed to play Beetlejuice as likeable.

Oh well, maybe someday writers will go back to stronger, more plot-driven stories than to settle for a series of scenes and situations. Time will tell.
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Don't worry about Earth...we can make more...what da-?
12 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The building is an amazing architectural masterpiece denoting the technological achievements of modern society. The staff are some of the most friendly people you could find to work there.

But enough about the Sphere; let's talk about "Postcards from Earth." I had received a small and brief warning this movie was going to have an agenda and a "message" prior to attending (at a $99 admission price tag), but I had no idea how heavy handed it was going to be in beating the average viewer over the brow with it's:

"Mother-Earth-is-dying-and-humans-are-to-blame" message.

To elaborate, the film posits emphatically that Humans came into existence the same way spores, mold and fungi originated. Eventually, these anthropomorphic group of spores called humans figured out many means and methods to destroy their "mother," so the spores (humans) build rockets to leave their "mother" and find other planets to settle that I can only assume that if there is a sequel, their descendants will figure out a way to destroy.


The movie would have been better without all the meaningless narration that literally states (multiple times) that religion and churches were built to worship and celebrate the earth... whaaaaatttt...?

I kid you not.

So, I guess futuristic spaceship AI (it'll make sense if you make the mistake of paying to see this) is capable of lying. It doesn't matter if you're religious, agnostic or an atheist, everyone knows we spores didn't build churches and monuments to "celebrate earth."

Anyway, the solution in the end is to just find another planet and terraform it like earth...so, I guess we shouldn't care??? Kind of muddled and confusing.

I enjoy Aronofsky movies, but this is akin to getting the biggest player contract on a baseball team, because he hits doubles and triples so well, but he strikes out the entire season.

I hope they bring (Sphere management) in something less heavy handed and laced with propaganda in the future. Yes, yes, it's pretty and most of the sound (minus the blathering narration and obnoxious crescendo music) is great, but if I want to watch pretty pics on a big screen and not worry about story, I will stay home.
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The only mess isn't at the dinner table...it's the whole film
22 November 2023
Hard to believe Jodie Foster made this. Of course, it was over 25 years ago, but still.

She's got some big names in the movie and she treats it like an acting improv workshop. There are entertaining moments and the most likable character by far is Dillon McDermott. Everyone else, including Holly Hunter, just seems obnoxious and chaotic including RDJ, who was certainly "under the influence" to play a character who is supposed to not be "under the influence." Strange. I was hoping his character would grow in the story or that any character would, but no one does. Not a one. Why anyone would come home to this place on thanksgiving or any other time is beyond me.

The movie has moments touching goodness. Such as Aunt Glady's speech and some last minute touching scenes, but overall, it's a mess...like the dinner table scene in the movie.
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Barbie (I) (2023)
Interesting satire that doesn't always hit the mark
22 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is a weirdly complicated film. I wish I could say that was meant to be a compliment, but I found myself trying to figure out where all the pieces fit as the story unraveled.

The basic premise seems simple enough and the jokes in the first 30 minutes were pretty funny, but then you introduce "real world" characters into the movie after the first act (as shown in the trailer) and it seems to lose its way. Add to that an oversimplification of the male predicament and expected role in society set against an attempt at a nuanced view of the female's expected role and you're left with...mush?

Again, it has some decent satire one moment, but then also attempts to show heart the next. One example is how Ken discovers masculinity, but the way a 10 Year old boy might (trucks and horses), yet Barbie sometimes spouts off a simpleton's take on Camus or Neitzche. Honestly, at some points, there's a weird existential dread that flows out of her mouth, but Ken is kind of a moron.

Anyone who views men and women like this in real life might have a hard time maintaining long term, meaningful relationships and should probably seek therapy.

I wanted to like this more than I could.
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3 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The first hour of this movie was fantastic, crazy...even amazing! The characters were consistent like the first one, the story moved nicely and the animation, while way more frenetic than the first one, was engaging.

The second hour, the movie starts to fold in on itself so much that it goes from "cool references to all the weirdness that is Spider-Man" to "look how meta we are with this." It becomes too much in my opinion. Additionally, the plot point that Miles is basically the most special of all Spider-Man's of all time when we spent 40 years in pop culture with another guy is so forced and strained. I don't like when a story becomes the story about the story, but that's what this movie did and it's a trap that might be its undoing.

It's so tropey to have Miles be welcomed in by all the spider people and think he's found a home only to realize they're trying to trap him so the most special male figure in his life can die...so then what? He can have a canon event? Like what??? He's already freaking Spider-Man. Captain Stacy's death had less impact on him than Gwen's. I mean it doesn't even make sense. Gwen's dad retires in her universe, so she can still be spider Gwen?

This is what happens when creators start focusing too much on the characters in the story and not the story the characters are in. Too bad, because the first movie is a solid 10. This one goes from a 9 in the first hour to a 5 in the second hour, so I averaged it out.

Finally, I didn't pay $50 to see this movie with my family to have a corrupt hashtag "covertly" placed on the screen to stare at. It was so obvious and "Buy Large Mansions" should not have gotten any screen time in this movie.
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Encanto at the Hollywood Bowl (2022 TV Special)
The Mediocre Familia Madrigal
14 January 2023
The set was magnificent!

The costumes were marvelous!

The flowers on stage were muy bien!

But what was up with how poorly the performance era executed their parts and musical numbers??? They were off-key and often off-tempo.

It all left me saying:


The biggest mistake they made was Louisa's costuming choice. It looked like she was dressed for a completely different show. Like literally! She's not a great singer in the first place, but a lot of kids liked her character, so why didn't they make her look like Louisa to cover her flat voice??? I mean seriously, what a missed opportunity.

No Johnny Leg to play Bruno? Garbage.

This isn't my familia Madrigal.
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Should have been called "Dr. Strange: Everything, Everywhere, All at Once"
7 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie tried to be too many things at the same time: superhero, horror, supernatural thriller and on. Instead, it falls flat and is dead on arrival (yes, I used the phrase DOA deliberately here in re: the first 10 minutes).

I'm familiar with Sam Raimi's style even outside his great Spider-Man movies, but I don't think that his style was this movie's only drawback. What we have here is a movie that struggles to decide what it wants to be and then never fully commits to any one thing, so you're left miffed in a middling mess of mediocre meandering.

The struggle Wanda goes through is revisited after the uneven Wandavision series we all watched on Disney+, but to me the conflict is tiresome. We get it, you will do anything to get to your boys, even if they exist in another universe, which is never really explained as to whether the father in that universe (presumably Vision) is a biological male capable of procreating offspring. Well, for that matter dads don't matter in the movie, because Billy and Tommy don't have a dad and America doesn't have one either. Sheesh.

The big reveals of some major characters' (one Fantastic character and the other is Uncanny) stunt casting make you go: Yes! This is why I came and then Sam undoes it all in less than 20 minutes telling you that in the multiverse, nothing really matters.

Lots allusions to child sacrifice and the occult. At one point literal demons from Hell show up to actually "help" our hero. Da fuq???

I still give it the mediocre grade it deserves because some of the acting is quite good, though I sensed the Fantastic cameo was phoning it in...strangely. I also love ironic endings and when Stephen gets out of the way and lets the real protagonist shine (yes, Dr. Strange is sidelined "multi"ple times in his own movie), which is the charisma-less America Chavez, we get a weirdly ironic ending that leads to Wanda's long, irrational quest to save her boys coming to a close.
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Multi-layered Commentary that will fly over your head
4 March 2022
Here is a show that literally is pushing the boundaries of so many preconceptions and sensibilities people have about pop-culture and superheroes. Never content with only one genre in presenting itself, this show introduces compelling characters that are not unlike the justice league, but in the world that's more close to Amazon Prime's "the Boys."

There's a phrase people like to use all the time that doesn't really mean anything unless it comes to a work like this: "you're either going to love it or you're going to hate it." Well, after watching the entire series in tonight, I can say that I love it. To give it anything less than a 10 would undermine my point.

It's definitely outside of what I would normally consume in the way of superhero entertainment, but that's probably because it's commenting on more than superheroes. We are talking about the satirization of western politics and the Cold War. Even though it probably was shot more than a couple of years ago, it seems to be hitting the nail on the head with something to say about current geopolitical conflicts, the manufacturing a crises and even the weird totalitarian solution everyone wants to apply to society. This is loaded with some weirdly deep stuff that feels more true to the DC Universe than most of the tripe coming out in movies and tv.

I really enjoyed the first three or four episodes, but really feel like the series picks up the pace at episode five until the end. In other words, if you're going to just "simple" the show, then you'll probably be a little disappointed if you don't get past the first episode.

I guess what I'm trying to tell you, is that this is not going to be a series that everyone is going to like or even sit through. That's OK. It's going to challenge their little pea brain and if they are not able to grasp what is happening here, they can move on to watching reruns of the big bang theory or 2 1/2 men.
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A Respectable Send Off
8 October 2021
"No Time to Die" is a long movie with gorgeous locations and a decent script. As the trailers show, Bond has moved into another phase of his life and the world (including MI6) has moved on without him.

A series of complicated events pull him back in and he's forced to make harder and harder decisions as the film progresses. Overall, I liked it. I think it could've been 20 to 25 minutes shorter, but that's how filmmakers want to go these days. The plot is quite convoluted and I wish there had been more Blofeld.

Lots of homages to other Bond movies of yesteryear, but I saw shades of "On Her Majesty's Secret Service" throughout, especially the ending.

Enjoyable adventure.
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More like..."What the-!?!"
8 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly, very few people would've been more excited than me at the prospect of when this show is coming out. As someone who had read many of the original issues, even at the time that they were published, when I was a kid. The concept of "what if?" always intrigued me and stimulated the imagination.

As I said in another review, the great thing about the original books was that they were usually grounded in some sort of character decision or connection to the current reality that had existed in the Marvel universe. What we are treated to here instead, is an attempt to fit what appear to be disconnected realities into a framework that was going to force the finale of the first season that couldn't be avoided. I don't want to spoil everything, but I will say that bringing together all of these multiverse characters after telling disconnected stories felt so forced and contrived that it wasn't even enjoyable. It was like watching one of those "pitch meeting" videos where you're thinking for yourself: "oh, of course now the zombies have to show up."

I just don't think that these guys really understand what the whole point of a what if storytelling concepts should've been. Not everything has to take directly back into the building of the multiverse for some bigger pay off at the box office.
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The Family (1970)
It was Oh-kay...
22 September 2021
This is a movie that had a lot of potential, but just kind of meanders. Bronson is in amazing shape in this and Ireland is beautiful. Overall, the parts that cut to Italian without subtitles drag the movie down.
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Kim's Convenience (2016–2021)
Strong cast, excellent writing
16 September 2021
A friend recommended this show to me about a month and a half ago. He said, "if you like Ted Lasso, you're going to like this."

He was totally right. What an enjoyable little gem. Funny that it was shot in Canada as you can sometimes hear the accents and see Toronto's skyline in the background. However, there's something extremely relatable about this family and the trials that they go through with their adult children in a comedic way.

I toggle between who might be my favorite character in the series, but if I had to pick, it has to be Umma. She literally delivers on every level and you know that the lady who plays her is fully committed to giving the best performance.

My favorite supporting character is Mr. Chin. Such a great show.
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Synapse (2021)
Mind-blowing Psychological Thriller with Ample Action
16 September 2021
This is a strangely nuanced little movie that I wonder if it will ever find it's true audience. It's on some streaming services and I decided to watch it with my woman this weekend. I did read some of the reviews and was surprised to see such division between fans and those who don't like this movie.

I will admit I was a but lost for the first 2/3 of the movie, but the action and pacing kept me involved. I like movies with a lot of gunplay and a few jokes along the way like John Woo movies or nearly every Statham movie. But then: BOOM! Things start coming together at the end of the second act and things start making a ton of sense.

I know this isn't the first movie or story that delves into the idea of reality vs. The perception of reality (eg. The Matrix (just the first one, lol), Inception, What Dreams May Come and others), but I can't say I've found something like this before. It's kind of dark and sometimes a little startling, but has mainstream sensibilities. Hard to explain.

Sure, not everything in it is "perfect," but what indie movie, let alone a big budget movie is? I actually went back and watched it a second time a day later and the story has so many weird little details that get dropped along the way, I'll probably need rent it again in a few weeks to try and understand it better. It kind of sticks to you.

Overall though, I can't comprehend the hate from other reviewers on here. Perhaps they know and dislike the filmmaker or some of the actors in this movie? Sour grapes? Who knows?

For me, I really just enjoyed it and am glad I found it.
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What If...? (2021– )
Marvel, please take your cue from the original series!
14 September 2021
I really, really, really want to like this series! In fact, I want to love it! I love concepts that explore alternate realities and the like.

In the original "what if...?" Series that Marvel published back in the day, you would see things like:

  • "what if Spiderman had joined the fantastic four?"
  • " what is the avengers defeated everybody?"
  • "what if The alien costume had possessed Spiderman?"
  • "what if the Hulk had Bruce Banner's brain?"

And on and on it goes. The thing is that these stories were great because they tied directly back to Marvel's original continuity and sometimes ended better, but usually ended more tragically with a twinge of irony.

The only episode I've seen in the series that reflects that vibe so far is the Dr. Strange one. I think it resonates better than all the rest simply because it's based on a choice that we can believe would happen in Stange's continuity. And of course, the results are mind-blowing.

I don't get that same feeling from "T'challa becomes Starlord," because...well, because...or the entire MCU are zombies for no explicable reason. Or that Peggy could've saved Steve best by putting him in a machine that would accelerate his healing. Duh... the Avengers not forming episode was oh-Kay.

What could have made this a powerful series would've been if it had explored real events and choices in the MCU like:

  • "what if Clint had succeeded in sacrificing himself for the Soul Stone instead of Natasha?"
  • "What if Steve had said "no" to the super soldier project?"
  • "What if Starlord had kept his cool and not punched Thanos in the face as they tried to remove the gauntlet?"
Or "What if T'Challa still kept Wakanda hidden from the world after BP?" Or
  • "what if Tony hadn't made ultron (and thereby there'd been no Vision)?"

See? Way more related to what we know and waaaay more interesting.

Oh well, maybe a writer at the Big D will read this and one of these could end up in season 2?
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What If...?: What If... Zombies?! (2021)
Season 1, Episode 5
How did this get such a high rating?
14 September 2021
It must be the zombie fans.

This episode was thoroughly disappointing, but with a few bright spots. The pacing and action were good, but I never understood Marvel Publishing's obsession with pushing the Kirkman zombie superhero stuff.

Anyway, I think my satisfaction with this series is "hit or miss" mainly because the premises of these stories are kind of dumb. A great "what if...?" story would be based on a popular character making a tough decision and then us watching the consequences of things going another direction (or more simply, the other way). Instead, most of these (with the exception of the Dr. Strange episode) have nothing to do with actual choices the MCU characters had to make. That includes the Star T'challa episode. That one made no sense and was based on bumbling idiots making decisions.

C'mon, Marvel!
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Still classic
13 September 2021
I had the opportunity to watch this over a long weekend recently and forgot how beautifully restrained and perfectly shot it is.

I love Christopher McQuarrie as a screenwriter, and he didn't disappoint here in one of his earliest entries. Brian singer really delivers as the Director of a truly solid crime film. An amazing set up that doesn't take too long to explain and then a fantastic pay off.

Excellent performances, hard to believe that Kevin Spacey really hadn't made a name for himself until this movie. My personal favorite character was Benicio Del Toro's.
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Old (2021)
A tale of 2 M. Night Shyamalans
13 September 2021
Going into this movie, I didn't know much, other than the trailer and of course that M. Night Shyamalan was the Director behind it.

While it is more solid than a lot of his movies, it seems like you either can hit the nail on the head with movies like "unbreakable," "split," and of course, "the sixth sense." With other movies though, he misses the mark entirely. This movie was somewhere in between.

Most of the actors gave solid performances, but there was over active and I think the payoff was actually pretty good, because unlike other movies, this one is with a somewhat satisfying ending.
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The Chosen (2017– )
What an Amazing Series!
12 September 2021
Watching early promotion for this series, I was skeptical about its quality, partly because it's religious-themed (aKa boring)!and also crowd funded, which seems like it would be low budget.

However, this is the best and most profound production on the life of Christ I've ever seen. I'm on my second watch of this series through the app and I've never seen a more balanced and intimate approach to Jesus of Nazareth and his disciples.

Yes, it's not completely in perfect line with the exact words of the New Testament, but it's true to the spirit of Christ and his gospel. It also seems true to the historical authenticity of the time.

Give it a chance.
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