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Love (I) (2011)
I think I got it
28 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Decided to watch this on Netflix because the plot summary seemed good and because I'm a sucker for all those Indie movie awards on the covers. I will admit I was a bit lost through the most of the movie. It seemed as though the movie dragged on and didn't really go anywhere. I started thinking I should have listened to the 2.7 average rating on Netflix, but I was too far in and decided to finish. I ended up frustrated because I did not fully understand the movie and I did not believe it was simply trash as some of these other reviews have described. I like to appreciate the hard work that goes into making this form of entertainment and I love to support independent films. After reading some different views and opinions, I believe I may understand the film now. Hopefully if you are a bit lost as well, this might help; or I may be completely wrong.

The movie centers around Lee who is seen fighting in the Civil War at the beginning of the film. He is sent off to find some strange artifact. Fast forward to 2039 and Lee is the first person in 20 years aboard the International Space Station. After a few days (may have been more time) Lee loses contact, and a recorded message from Houston tells hints at something happening on Earth (so does a later scene that shows what could be explosions on the planet, followed by all the lights disappearing).

Time goes on and Lee starts losing his mind. He begins to talk to himself, and eventually finds a journal from his Civil War self. He becomes obsessed with the journal and begins drawing out what he reads all over the station. The journal stops when Lee finds the artifact, but he never wrote down what he saw. Eventually, future Lee loses hope and decides to leave the station saying he would rather die on Earth.

This is where the story gets weird and starts spinning each way without any sense of direction. It is never shown Lee unhooking from the wire holding him on to the station. However, it then shows him back in the station but with a beard that must have taken at least a year to grow. There's no way he went back in because the station did not have enough power to support him anymore, hence him leaving the station. The movie ends with him finding this server room, which to me seemed to be the memories of everyone. Someone is talking him throughout the end of the movie, and the artifact is shown to be an alien ship in a crater. However, the ship is then shown in orbit around Earth, and the voice welcomes Lee.

This is my thought on the movie, and hopefully it will help with the negative reviews. I believe Lee killed himself when he left the station. What happens after that I believe is his life "flashing before his eyes" sort of speaking. I think that when he died he joined consciousness with everyone else. Where they on that ship? Was it just their memories? I'm not sure, but there was a sense of happiness a the end, and you could hear someone tell him he was the last one. If you've ever studied "whacky" science you will understand. I think the movie is a play on social consciousness and how we are all one.

Pretty crazy stuff, I know. That's my take anyways. I don't believe the movie is as simple as it seemed. Just think it was a bit different and that no reason to hate it. Just need a broad mind and you need to think outside the box.
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