
3 Reviews
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Ahh the memories
24 September 2005
Una Aventuara Llamada Menudo, as it was branded in Puerto Rico, is a wonderful way to go back in time.

I was ten and already falling in love with girls. There were two groups of boys in Puerto Rico: those that viewed them as feminine, and those who dreamed about being Menudos. I was in the second group, because I wanted to have all the girls falling in love with me and to have many girlfriends all over Latin America and the states. Besides, I could sing (I was in various groups and choirs) and my hair was fairly long, to go with my face and chin shape. Had I been a Menudo I believe I would have been accepted fairly OK by fans.

I thought all Menudos were friends because thats how the band was portrayed so I wanted to see the film at the theater only to be disappointed that the theater was sold out that weekend for the movie.

I was only ten, certain not feminine, keep in mind!!!!!!! My friends and I formed a band that played Menudo covers at parties and in school. I was supposed to play the part of ''Ricky Melendez'' because girls thought my face (not my long hair) resembled his fame a little.

When I finally saw the movie years later, it was a found treasure for me to go back to those years. I recommend it absolutely for those fans that lived Menudomania such as me, my buddies (and the girls we met at school and parties). For those who think Menudo stunk, you better stay away from it because, I need to admit, the movie has cheesy moments that makes me think now 'ok how can that be possible?". But it is a great trip down memory lane to more innocent and excellent times for me and it should be to all Menudo fans that remember the group with fondness.

One last note: I met Xavier Serbia in person during a 1989 television show in Puerto Rico, Control Remoto, later removed because of an MTV threat. I met Charlie Masso, Ricky Melendez, Rene Farrait, Ray Reyes, Johnny Lozada and Miguel Cancel at their hotel during their 1998 "El Reencuentro tour" stop in my city. They were all class act, specially Serbia and Farrait. Thank you so much for making me feel like what I personally feel I should have been: a MENUDO, guys!!!!
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It blew me away
10 August 2004
Mona Lisa Smile is a movie about how women used to see their roles in society in 1953.

The movie is worth seeing by anyone who thinks women have everything granted. With women's boxing, the WNBA, women's rights, its good to remember the way it was in 1953.

Its good to remember Susan B. Anthony and the rest of the great women who fought for women's rights during a time that even women themselves had a mind set of what they "had" to do in society.

Mona Lisa Smile wonderfully takes us to a trip to the past while keeping us with a present set of mind. Which enforces two beliefs of mine: Numero uno, don't listen to critics, numero dos , don't listen to everyone else's opinion of movies. You must see the movie yourself to decide if you like it, and I loved this one.

If the actresses, as it was rumored, hated making this movie, it certainly didn't show. Julia Roberts and Kristen Dunst should have earned Oscars for this movie.

That itself takes me to another subject, Julia is my favorite actress, so once again, you must see by yourself.

I definitely recommend this movie and gave it a ten, although you don't want to watch it with little children because you'd have to explain a lot. The movie shows you how society has changed as far as women's rights in 51 years. Trust me, I tried to see it with my six year old niece, after 20 minutes of explaining and re explaining I had to turn the DVD off until she was asleep.

She, of course, didn't mind cause she found it boring. For grown ups, on the other case, and if you're reading this I expect you to be at least, over 10, the movie is a must see.

I wouldn't classify it as a chick flick. Thelma and Louise is a chick flick. This is more of a rather historically important film about women's roles.

National preserve future film? I wouldn't bet against it!
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Deja Vu
9 August 2004
Wow! What an excellent movie!!! Its good to remember how society perceived women back in 1953. As a man, I'm blessed to live in the era of feminism. Thank God for the WNBA, women's boxing, women's right and freedom to become whatever they want to be and expand their horizons. Susan B. Anthony must be one of the greatest revolutionaries in history.

This movie is a fresh reminder to today's women who have it all granted that other men and women worked hard for their position at work and society today, and I recommend it to anyone who is interested in learning about history.

If they hated making the movie, as I heard, the girls didn't show it one single moment.

Then again, Julia Roberts is my favorite actress so you must pass judgment by yourself.

Kinda reminds me of the "We are going, hart to hart we stay, love is a battlefield" song in that it is totally a call for women to keep fighting for equality.

The movie also reminds people that essentially the fight for women's rights is for women to be equal, not better, than men.

I also loved the movies poster, I'm planning to buy it.

Well, if you think about it, Mona Lisa in the paint doesn't smile, so the movie also teaches you to look deep beneath whats already noticeable. Just like in Ellen Brokovich, Julia Roberts played a woman with heart.
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