
3 Reviews
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Tangled (2001)
I Will Never Be Able To Get Back The Time I Lost Watching This Movie!!!
20 July 2004
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was supposed to be a thriller, yeah who's mind? A deranged split personality! This movie was NOT Interesting and Not Interesting enough to want me to see it more than twice. I only watched this movie twice so I could give it a chance, may be I missed something...nope, I didn't miss anything nor did it require my watching it again...

The acting was below par for all three main characters and the rest of the cast. Rachael Leigh Cook didn't act, she just read her lines, Shawn Hatosy looked like he was reading his lines and Jonathan Rhys Meyers, well I'll give him this much, he can dance and he seems to like movies where he portrays a weirdo and/or he can show off whatever part of his body/anatomy he can. As for the rest of the cast Lorraine Bracco seemed bored with her character and only slightly interested in what she was saying. With the way these actors were trying to act, it's a no wonder this movie got off the ground and was released.

Without giving away too much of the plot this movie was basically a he-said she-said with ridiculous plot twists and flashbacks to what supposedly happened and what actually happened. The so called good boy(Shawn Hatosy as David) is actually bad, the devil may care boy (Jonathan Rhys Meyers as Alan) is actually good and the girl(Rachael Leigh Cook as Jenny) is basically a stupid blonde(insert all dumb blonde jokes here) disguising herself as a brunette. And of course Lorraine Bracco as Anne Andersle seemed bored, and for want of a better word she is a bit dead pan.

By the time the first flashback finishes you get the idea that this is a he-said she-said type movie and realize that not all is as it seems. When you see the next flashback you finally realize that David has some problems and is probably the reason why he is hurt and that he is a liar. At this time you just want to turn away and say enough is enough. Unfortunately I tried to give this movie a chance twice...wrong answer, I should have walked away when I could have!

This movie was basically PREDICTABLE and BORING!!! The storyline was a waste of time and the acting, oh I'm sorry there was NO ACTING just pathetic excuses for reading lines in a script!!!

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Tangled (2001)
Why Bother!!!
14 July 2004
This movie needed more than help, someone shouldn't have released it at all.

1. The storyline stank.

2. The time I lost watching this movie, I can NEVER regain!

3. Someone must have had money to burn to want to actually finance this movie!

4. The beginning of the movie barely introduces the characters and it took too long to get to the point. You could already figure the movie out by the time the second flashback occurs.

5. No suspense and no point...

6. What a waste of time for actors who barely bothered to act in this movie!!!

I'm surprised someone actually claimed credit for writing and directing this sorry excuse for a movie....
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Not Worth The Time To Watch Unless You Are A Fan Of One Of The Actors Or A Fan Of The Director!!!
12 July 2004
You are not captured to watch the movie in the first few minutes, just made confused by how the story unfolds and how it is presented to the audience. The movie jumped from story line to story line, just when you are getting interested in a part of the story, it shifts to something else. This is NOT Artful or Creative, just messy storytelling in a shoddy way! There does not seem to be one train of thought that wants to lure you into the story. Personally I would re-edit it so the story would not seem so confusing.

Now I can see why it took Mike Figgis so long to find financing for this movie. The movie was so fragmented that it was pathetic. If he hadn't done Leaving Las Vegas this movie would NEVER been made! What a waste of creativeness by a director/writer and what a waste of talent for this movie.

I think this script should have been left in a box somewhere to collect dust and fall apart!
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