
2 Reviews
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Lovelorn (2005)
Life does not end when you retire!!
18 January 2006
A retired primary school teacher comes back to Istanbul, to his hometown, after so many years of urban area teaching. While his life, which he devoted to the education of poor students, seem to end, coming to Istanbul was just a new chapter. The movie is about this idealist primary school teacher's retirement days in Istanbul. However, you should not expect an old man's final day's type of movie. It is far away from being another "About Schmidt" style movie. There is love, disappointment, drama and comedy all entangled together in the same pot.

With Yavuz Turgul's directing and Sener Sen and Meltem Cumbul's acting, the movie is a candidate for being one of the best Turkish movies ever. It is full of emotions: not only an old man's feelings, but also, it is about about friendship, domestic relations, and being a parent. It is definitely touching (don't blame yourself if you can't hold your tears), especially the music selection and timing increases dramatic tone. Meltem Cumbul sang every song herself that made the movie more realistic. Even if you are not a 'turku-lover'(Turkish folk music), you will be moved with the soundtrack of the movie.

This is definitely a movie not to miss!!
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Pardon (2005)
A classical political comedy that makes fun of the Turkish judicial system
27 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This is a typical Ferhan Sensoy movie. Ferhan Sensoy is a popular writer, director and actor of Turkish theaters. He is well-known for his spontaneous acts which generally contains some political critics. He generally performs on stage in his own theater. Therefore, not many people get to see his acts most of the time. "Pardon", in that sense, is reaching out to people who can not come to watch his plays.

Pardon is about three friends who were accidentally locked up in jail, although innocent, and who can not get out because of the mistakes of the court system in Turkey. Rasim Oztekin, credited as one of the best supporting comedians, acts remarkable. He adds to the storyline while playing Ferhan Sensoy's best friend. Ali Catalbas is another friend of Ferhan and Rasim, he plays an honest guy. Although he is not well-known yet, he is a very promising actor both as a comedian and drama actor.
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