
13 Reviews
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Give it time.
9 September 2022
I'm not a massive LotR fan, we were forced to read it in school etc., I just thought I'd give this series a chance.

It's strange seeing Lenny Henry on it, I didn't expect that at all.

The graphics are mostly really good, as is the acting, but we all know why this series is being made: to compete with the Game of Thrones franchise.

To be fair, the early episodes of the first series of GoT weren't great, you sort of had to stick with it for a bit before it got better. The new House of Dragons has hit the ground running in comparison.

I'm going to give this series a chance as I think it has a lot of potential. It seems a bit like an XBox game at times, but this is the modern world now, that's how good the games have got.
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Here We Go (2020– )
Quite funny.
20 May 2022
This came on when iPlayer randomised on the TV, I can't remember what I actually had on before it. I was busy writing a long email on the laptop and was hearing little bits along the way and it had me laughing out loud. Some proper belly laughs in this show. Had to restart it afterwards and watch it all again.

Very good. Some of the best comedy the BBC has come up with in years. The generational part is key to the comedy too. Can we have more like this please?

Shocked to discover the series has not been renewed. Gutted. How can you make something that good and then drop it?

The BBC doesn't have a clue sometimes. This was gold. It ruins programmes like Question of Sport and still show its carcass, but doesn't renew this. It beggars belief.
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Nice Christmas film.
15 December 2020
I was flicking through the streaming services for something to watch and I came across this little gem. I didn't read much about it, the title sort of said enough, I just clicked to watch. I remember the father being from the Ellen sitcom too, so that was another pull.

I was surprised to find that it was all in England, I thought it would have been in America. There are some lovely father and daughter scenes, funny and emotional at the same time, and some really nice winter scenes in and around York. I didn't expect it to have me crying as well, but it did.

Nice acting, good cast, good script, some beautiful locations. Would highly recommend. A nice warm Christmas film to snuggle up on the sofa with.
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Bigger than Rod.
2 February 2019
Much better than their tribute band, The Beatles.

Neil Innes did an amazing job with the music likeness, the songs have become classics on their own. The Rutles even have at least one tribute band of their own.

The whole thing is hilarious, very cleverly put together, and anyone who likes music or is a fan of The Beatles has to watch this. It is essential viewing for all Beatle fans. The attention to detail is also of a very high standard - if they tried to do it now, they'd struggle to get anywhere near as close as they did for this mockumentary.

On a downside, The Rutles got me hooked on tea and biscuits, I'm still trying to kick the habit.
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Doctor Who: Rosa (2018)
Season 11, Episode 3
Excellent episode.
21 October 2018
I was so impressed with this. I hoped to see more time travelling episodes like this involving real people from history.

The best art imitates life and unfortunately this bigotry is rearing its ugly head again today. This episode was so good and had such a powerful message throughout, that it could easily be shown in schools.

Well done BBC. I don't say that often, but well done.

As for all the doubters about the new doctor, well, you just lost.
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Nickelodeon (1976)
An old favourite.
21 August 2018
I had a big crush on Tatum O'Neal when I was a kid, so that was the main thing for me about this film when I first watched it, but the film itself was very good. Yes, it has slapstick and one-liners, and some might even say it's a bit silly here and there, but it also has some really clever comedy, clever choreography, and some great performances, the best being from Burt Reynolds, who I loved in this. Ryan O'Neal keeps the pace going, but the star is Reynolds.

I watched it again recently and it was also nice to see John Ritter and some of the others who are no longer with us, some who I'd forgotten were in the film.

I honestly don't think this film has been seen enough and it needs to be shown on TV more often. It's a good family comedy film, enjoyable for all ages, and it does sort of capture the madcap craziness of the period when the film industry hadn't quite found its feet yet.
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The Equalizer (2014)
Surprisingly good.
5 August 2018
I never really watched the TV series, I just saw it here and there, so I can't claim any 'fandom'. It was mostly a case of watching this as a standalone film. The revenge genre is one of my favourite genres and this film is a very worthy addition. It actually scared me at times, sort of like The Godfather did, but the direction, the script, the performances and cinematography are all top notch. I've not seen the second one yet, but I'm looking forward to it. Washington nails it, as usual. Is there anything he can't do?
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Very good.
26 July 2018
I didn't know what to expect, but I like them both so I had a look at it. I was pleasantly surprised at how good it is. A strange format but it works really well. I immediately added it to my favourites on iPlayer. I hope they make another series, maybe doing something else next time or maybe the same again, it doesn't really matter as the entertainment and the fun is watching them both spending time together.
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Event Horizon (1997)
A good sci-fi horror film.
21 July 2018
I didn't get to see this on the big screen, it was either on video or on TV that I first saw it, either way it was a TV edit for old squarer TVs, but the film was made in panoramic, so you lost more than half the film with a TV edit having to pan around the original footage to try to pick out the action. TV edits like that have too much poetic licence and too much of the fuller scenes are lost. You have to watch it in full panoramic to enjoy films like this. Now, with the much bigger HD widescreen TVs that people have, I'd encourage the doubters to watch this film again as it should be watched, in all its glory. Some films don't transfer well to the old square TVs as edits, but the TVs we have now do them justice. A lot of older films are worth watching again in Blu-ray on these new TVs. 2001: A Space Odyssey and Close Encounters of the Third Kind are some other good examples, but Event Horizon also fares well with modern tech. Watch it as it should be watched, all of it, with none of the wider footage edited out because of screen size. The cinematography is excellent and the film itself stands up well, even today, after 20 years. Not many films can do that without seeming dated. It is much better than a lot of films that are released today. It was ahead of its time when it was released, it still is, and for me, it is a classic sci-fi film.
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Ignore the doubters, this is a good sequel.
15 July 2018
This was largely panned when it came out and was a flop at the box office, but it is a decent sequel and another feelgood film, just like the first one. My advice is to just watch it and enjoy it, and to not listen to any negative reviews about it.
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Death Wish (2018)
A good reboot.
24 May 2018
I don't know where the bad reviews are coming from. I'm a big fan of the original Death Wish films and this new version did the original series justice. It's nice to see Willis in a more contained role as a man forced out of his comfort zone, just as Bronson was in the original. I think this film will become more popular over time as it hits the rentals and TV, and I hope they follow this reboot up with sequels, it deserves it.
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Lost in Space (2018–2021)
Very well made.
5 May 2018
I don't understand all the bad reviews. This was an excellent series and will appeal to all ages. Unless some of these reviews are being added by competitors, I just do not understand where they're coming from. Ignore all the negative comments and watch it for yourselves. You will not be disappointed.
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Godspell (1973)
One of the best musicals of all time.
24 March 2018
I'm not religious in the slightest, but you don't have to be to enjoy this wonderful feelgood musical. I can't understand any bad reviews on here. I bet they were still foot-tapping away to the songs. I've seen several different versions of this on stage as well, but the film did the stage musical justice and, with the era, it is locked in time with the whole hippie scene and a more carefree look on life, on love and hope for the future, something that's missing in many ways today.
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