2 Reviews
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#Screamers (2016)
Pretty bad
21 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Pretty bad. Fake silicon valley doc through the beginning then they investigate a spook me video. But the rest of the movie revolves around the same shtick. Could have been a lot more variety
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A lost attempt at witty banter
9 July 2012
Thor at the Bus Stop is a movie which follows Thor, the God of Thunder and Lightning and quite a few locals around town for a day. The plots of individuals are interconnected- but only tangentially, giving off a random feeling of "why are these characters here", or "why do these people matter?". Those looking for a movie like 11:14 where the plots converge and are interesting will be sorrowfully disappointed. Some of the characters names are funny, but just get involved with random violence.

There really isn't much of a plot to the movie, and any search for a metaphor won't really come up with anything. Some parts are interesting, but really fail to follow through. Overall, I would definitely skip this.
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