
2 Reviews
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No spoilers just Hallmark personnel upset with bad review.
24 September 2023
It was pretty good until the unbelievable reveal at the end. Without spoiling anything let us put some basic physics into play here, if you think someone of that size doing what they did to someone else of a certain size without any explanation then you must think we are idiots and you are blowing smoke up our proverbial hind quarters. This basic storyline is in ninety percent of these Hallmark movies and Lifetime movies for that matter and adding a supernatural element, while neat, did not really add anything except making this movie slightly more interesting and that is it. I liked the garage sale mysteries and the Teagarden movies by the way if we can forgive Martha Stewart than we can do the same for Lori Loughlin. I loved Tia and Tamera growing up but watching her in this felt a little pushed. Hopefully the next one and I do hope there is another, Hallmark might put a little more thought into it. I would also like to point out the other two reviews on here at this time, first reviewer has only this movie on there so they probably work for Hallmark and the second persons reviews are almost all Hallmark movies so either they are a megafan or they definitely work for Hallmark. To the person who personally doesn't agree with me I can't help but notice they also have tons of reviews for Hallmark but I guess that's just a coincidence.
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The Waltons: Homecoming (2021 TV Movie)
1 December 2021
Nothing about this movie felt genuine to 1930s, those are the nicest clothes I've ever seen for a poor family during the depression. I am a fan of the show and never really liked the movie even though I have to watch it every year I would now gladly watch it over this one any day. The acting and dialogue is on par for CW, so not very good. This sorta feels like it was put together by people who were fired from Hallmark and Lifetime channels. I am actually suprised that the people at CW gave the go ahead for a movie that spoke of God and churches, especially nowadays.
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