
82 Reviews
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Inside Man (II) (2022)
6 November 2022
I was hooked right from the start. I watched all four episodes in one sitting. I am a huge fan of both Stanley Tucci and David Tennant, so imagine how thrilled I was to see both. Not once did I ever make a snide comment about how implausible the story was in spots, but was swept up in the story like it was ripped from the headlines. The writing was so well done in tying the two storylines together that I never felt it was predictable. I hope there is another season very soon. I recommend this show highly. No reality TV, no high speed car chases, not saying I don't like those things, but it is hard to find variety these days. I am especially glad these two actors haven't gone the way of some (shall I say older) actors just acting in one stupid move after another..
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Stranger Things (2016–2025)
18 July 2022
So good! I am loving this series, only having started last night and making it to Episode 3 S1. THEN when I had more of an idea what the premise was, I went back and started at the beginning of Season 1. I am completely dialed in and thoroughly enjoying the plot, characters and how well the show flows. The fact that it is absolutely a mind blowing.concept to me, it is so well done that I never for once slip into a moment of "that's not possible" or think of a scene as cheesy. I have been having trouble finding a series that I have to watch "just the next episode" over and over.

Plenty of adventure, mystery, horror, check all the boxes for my kind of series. Excellent!

Also, the references to the '80s and the actual items some of us used as part of our childhood, have pulled me in with a warm nostalgic feeling. It also makes it fun to look at some of the vintage things still here and laugh at some of the not so fond memories of bad outfits, etc. A great mixture for all ages to enjoy.
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11 June 2022
I was ok for about 15 minutes, but after that I could not stand the way Ellroy spoke. If I had seen these before knowing or seeing anything else about him or by him EVER, I would have asked why they were letting him tell his own story. Maybe other people can listen to his narration, but I cannot. He talks the same way, every single time, every single sentence, and to me it is extremely off putting. Could not finish...sort of like the nails and the chalkboard thing.
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23 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The show was at times a tad slow, but to see the first person go to unheard of ocean depths made every second worth it. I loved watching the loaders show animals that I had never seen nor heard of before. It is fascinating to watch not just because of the amount of ocean on our planet that has never been explored before, but the creation of a submersible that allows a human to go to such crushing depths. For me, just seeing sharks that have not changed since the days of the dinosaurs is exciting. I would love to see more of this to find who knows how many species we have yet to even lay eyes on. FASCINATING!
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Is It Cake? (2022– )
19 March 2022
I really love the concept of this show and it would be awesome to even be able to make it through the second episode. Sadly, I am unable because of the host of the show. Where is Duff Goldman when you need him?
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Reacher (2022– )
3 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So thankful that the right man is finally playing the Reacher we all know from the books. Loved this! My husband and I both were so disappointed in the "other" actor in past telling of this same story. Just the height issue was so obvious! Anyway, this is a fun ride from start to finish! Highly recommended.
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The Alpinist (2021)
Extremely moving
28 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
My heart literally aches that the world has lost someone as unique as Marc. I was super amazed at the upbringing he received and having a truly wonderful mother. To have lived with such free abandon is what most of us are so afraid of. Just like his mom said about imaging what you would do if you were freed of your limitations...he did that for us. I was truly moved by such a stunning tribute to this man.
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This is why I cancelled Netflix....
30 August 2021
On the top left corner right when the 1st episode started it listed "animal harm" as casually as they list profanity. I am still as angry about today as I was when I first saw that. My motto has always been that people do not have to watch things if they do not like them, but do not take away my right to watch if I want. For me, this is one of those topics where I ABSOLUTELY draw the line. I will never support any channel, show, people, etc who do this. So I cancelled Netflix since they are showing this.
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Most Wanted (2020)
Definitely worth watching
24 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I did not know anything about this movie going in, but by the end was very impressed that one person can change the life of another person. As usual, the government never was held responsible, but keeps my faith that there are good people all over willing to do what it takes to stand up for someone they don't even know. A man could have be executed or spend 100 years in a Thailand prison, but was out in eight years because of the goodness of another person.
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So awful
19 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So hard to watch ... I almost didn't watch it because I used to watch the New York City Housewives many, many years ago. I know I am not there under pressure, but come on....
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Three Girls (2017)
If you think trafficking is not in your city...think again
14 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I really appreciated this film in showing how easily vulnerable, impressionable young people can be led in to harm's way and not recognize it straight away. It was a tough subject to broach, but the tenacity, strength and courage for those girls to fight the predators (that includes the police) I hope will show other people of any age or gender the first warning signs. My hat is off to the real life suffers of human trafficking everywhere....even in Norfolk, Va, US.
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American Horror Stories: Feral (2021)
Season 1, Episode 6
Only a four for slight twist
14 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This was only good with the small twist at the end. Other than that, to me there was nothing of any redeeming quality. The absolute worst was Cody Fern, in my opinion, sounding confused as to whether he was to use his natural Australian accent.
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Beckett (2021)
Good for the first few scenes...
14 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
...and then they kill off Alicia Vikander. WHAT? WHY? She was the only reason I wanted to watch this. The rest of the movie got worse and worse. I do not recommend. So predictable, and without any background on the last main character, I had no feeling but wanting it to end.
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Murdered by My Boyfriend (2014 TV Movie)
10 August 2021
I have never been physically abused, but I try and understand why most don't/won't/leave. I think this unfortunate true story was well done. As usual, in my opinion, nothing is done by the police until after the abused is killed. This has been what I've seen in my 50+ years of life. I am extremely sad, and angry, that such a beautiful, loving, vivacious woman had her life cut short. My prayers are with her daughter and family. I keep praying one day this cycle can be stopped.
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American Horror Stories: The Naughty List (2021)
Season 1, Episode 4
8 August 2021
What a bunch of garbage. Was it trying to show how kids act these days? If so, we don't need a show about it....just go anywhere outside of your home.
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American Horror Stories: Drive In (2021)
Season 1, Episode 3
What happened?
8 August 2021
This was awful. Not sure what they are trying to do with episodes like gives the original AHS a bad name. Please stope making episodes like this.
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American Horror Stories: Ba'al (2021)
Season 1, Episode 5
The third episode that I enjoyed
8 August 2021
I was very excited to see that Billie Lourd was in this episode. My "assumption" was that these would follow the seasons and have actors from the original series. I hope it gets better.
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Episodes 1 & 2 off to good start
8 August 2021
Really loved these two episodes. Matt Bomer is as usual, fantastic. Also, these two episodes start with the first Season Murder House and that is what I was expecting these to be.
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Channel Zero (2016–2018)
This is only for Candle Cove
8 August 2021
I really enjoyed the first series of this show called Candle Cove. It was odd at first but loved the twist at the end. Needles to say, the next two series were unwatchable.
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The Tangle (2019)
Couldn't go on after even 10 minutes....
8 August 2021
Maybe the people who like this show, no insult intended, are just smarter than me. For me, though, it was so incomprehensible during the first scene and dialogue, I wanted to smack the guy in the suit and tell him to shut up. I know...but it, for me, was the only show I have ever tried to watch that I could just turned me off so quickly. Don't misunderstand me, I love all kinds of movies, especially science fiction, so I was pretty excited to watch this. I would not recommend this.
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Outer Banks (2020– )
Giving the real Outer Banks a bad name
8 August 2021
Thought this might be interesting, seeing that since growing up in Virginia Beach I have spent some excellent time at the Outer Banks in NC. Boy was I wrong! So unrealistic, it just blows my mind that people spend money to make shows like this. When are these dumbed down programs going to stop? I can't imagine how the people who live there year around feel about this joke of a show.
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2013–2021)
Why is this not cancelled yet?
28 July 2021
I watched the first Season and loved it, but after that it got so ridiculous. Some great actors, but they can only do so much. Why do shows like Prodigal Son get cancelled and this buffoonery is still on?
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Wentworth (2013–2021)
24 July 2021
I am sad to see this ending in Season 9. I have loved it from the very first episode eight years ago. Anyone that I know who watches this, loves it! Frankie will always be my favorite.
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Orange Is the New Black (2013–2019)
Starts good...but the book is SO much better.
24 July 2021
The book is the book and I loved the series at the beginning, but I think enough is enough. Just my opinion, but the book was fantastic and I loved having read it way before it became a series. I recommend reading the book and then binging on Wentworth...just my two cents.
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The Gulf (2019–2021)
26 June 2021
Whoever thinks this is "average at best", I am just curious what makes above average? And, in my opinion, whomever wants a "detective with no baggage" please let me know where to find one. I loved this right from the beginning and cannot wait for the third season.
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