
32 Reviews
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The Babadook (2014)
Mediocre at best - all the hype is because of writer/director
17 December 2023
This film was ok and I'm leaving this review after I just watched it today for a second time. It's really not a good film, slow & boring. Plus (and I've heard this plenty of times before) everything about the kid in this film is irritating/annoying including his hair, face, voice & acting ability. Any critical acclaim is because it was a woman (Jennifer Kent) who wrote the book, then the screenplay & also directed it. Nothing against her personally but that is the main reason for all the hype.

I didn't really dig the film when it came out so 9 years later I watched it again just to see what I thought and it was just bleh. Not the worst of films but - bleh.
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Yawn, this is trash - I caught a goof before reading it in the goof section
18 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
First off, before I even clicked on "play" - I knew what I was going to get; the same old shoddy, fake, over acted footage that I've seen the last 50 yrs in these types of "investigations". I already knew that nothing ground breaking was going to be shown otherwise it'd be on every legit source of news, not crappy YouTube channels.

But when the guy asked the question with the recorder I was expecting a (fake) voice to respond. However, I started laughing when he had to record his question & play it back (which made me lol because if there is any chance of the voice being legit he wouldn't have to "record" himself). But once he "played back" his "recorded" question you can obviously hear that the question he asks is in a difference cadence then what he said in front of the camera which makes it obvious that his question was pre-recorded along with the fake "FY" response. BTW - I like how his response was to casually laugh and just sit there. Yeah, ok. You already gave it away that it was staged because of the cadence being off but if it were real, like you'd just casually laugh & keep sitting there - after an undead voice told you to "FY".

I also like how backward hat guy w/ glasses has to ask "how do you work this thing" regarding a walkie talkie when they're in the basement. Yeah, real professional when your giggling like a girl and have to ask how a piece of basic equipment works that I had when I was 5 yrs old. Nice observation that the air is cooler & crisper.....while in a basement. Yeah, no kidding Sherlock.

I like how in this investigation (and most others) stories of unreal things are reported like levitation, tables & chairs hovering, people being thrown etc (like it used to be an everyday occurance) - but now that we live in the era where we can have 100 cams in the farmhouse none of this incredible things happen. No levitating tables? Right. Because that never happened in the first place so it's not surprising that it doesn't happen in front of a camera. Just easy things are faked like books coming off shelfs, doors that are ajar a few inches suddenly close, etc. - easily fakable things.

I did have to also LOL when there was all the hoopla (when the guy came sprinting outside to grab the other guy to let him know that they "finally got it - clear as day!") about the rocking chair. At least if you're going to fake it, do it when there is nobody in the room. But you did it when the guy was walking right up to it and you can't see his feet or the bottom of the chair. People that are lying usually preemptively say things "Oh and if anyone thinks that was fake his foot would have to be at another angle etc." rather then not saying anything.

However much $$$ was spent on this production including time, gas money, equipment etc. Was a waste. You might has well just taken that pile of cash and put it outside, soak it with gasoline & set a match to it. It accomplished the same thing; nothing.
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Delusional thoughts from Fantasy Island
17 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
"Don't be ludicrous" is the first phrase I thought of when Jeff Wise started sharing his outlandish & impossible theories. I didn't know that this series was going to feature players that invent their own wacko conspiracy theories. Jeff Wise, the French husband & the French attorney have their own agendas/books to sell. Their theories are ubsurd and are laughed out of the crowd in the aviation community/real crime solving community & agencies.

Jeff Wise's theory would probably fit the plot of a Mission Impossible sequel with Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise), that's how absurd it is. The French attorney has no idea how a U. S. Air Force AWACS plane works. The French husband is also living on Fantasy Island.

I've seen these type of players before in the UFO community. Intelligent people with good credentials letting their inner Tom Clancy/delusional thoughts come forth.

I am a ex-U. S. Naval Aircrewman with about 1700 hours logged in the Lockheed P-3C Orion that has spent many an hour scanning the ocean for missing boats, helicopters, boats that sent a SOS signal. These people don't realize how big the ocean is. Why do they think this is the only plane that ever crashed that was not found? There are tons & tons of these cases. What about U. S. Navy Flight 19? Five out of five TBM Avenger torpedo bombers disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle on 12/5/1945. Not a trace of any of them have been found and that is right off of the coast of Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

People are making MH170 sound like something special. The only mystery is why did the plane turn & start heading south? After that question there is no mystery; the plane crashed into the ocean where parts of the wreckage drifted but the fuselage sank to the ocean floor. I'm not sure why these people are so inclined to believe that it sank and that it's supposed to be easy to find.

I knew as soon as they showed the flaperon on the beach that someone in this documentary was going to say that it was "planted" there. Yeah, ok. Tell me another fairytale.

Ockhams Razor is the principle that basically says that the easiest explanation is nearly always the right explanation. The theories in the documentary are quite wild & ludicrous. I'd be embarrassed to go on record with these claims. But I don't have a book or agenda to sell either.
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Two Witches (2021)
A bad comedy? Terrible acting. Ludicrous story.
20 October 2022
This film begs the question "On what day did the lord allow the filmmakers to make this movie - and couldn't he have rested on that day?"

They have a lot of audacity promoting this as some new earth shattering film in the horror genre. Maybe if this was a 10th grade high school amateur film I'd give it some merit.

The actors are horrible, the dialogue is ridiculous, the things the actors say are so dumb where you're like "Really? That's your reaction to blah blah blah?". The charactors are so obnoxious & irritating. The story is so jumbled aloong with shaky, jerky camera movements along with poor special effects.

The filmmakers & actors should be ashamed of themselves and embarrassed. Movie was totally dumb & a let down considering all the hype. It's so bad at times you literally laugh out loud. Major fail.

By the way, any time a movie trailer starts off with showing about a dozen or more of those oak leaves (or whatever leaves they are) award symbols that say things like "Winner Berlin Film Fest" etc etc - you know the movie will be horrible. Same thing with all the phony quotes like "Terrifying!", "Scariest film since The Exorcist" etc. Speaking of The Exorcist; if this film was trying to be on the same level as it, Hellraiser, Halloween, The Thing etc., it failed miserably. If it was to be in the comedy/horror genre it would still be like a high school movie project.

Also, if you look up "Two Witches teaser" there is a minute and a half clip that isn't even in this movie. I watched the two "behind the scenes with the two directors/writers" and was blown away about how delusional they are thinking that they created some epic horror film and that there is more coming to the "Two Witches Universe". I will say they both seem like super nice guys but I think they are surrounded by people telling them how great the script is, the photography, the acting is - when it's not. It's like they are living on Fantasy Island.

The only reason it gets 2 stars instead of 1 is because I heard a new, cool song in it.
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The Terminal List (2022– )
OUTSTANDING Series - NO woke garbage for once!
9 August 2022
Chris Pratt & the crew that made this series possible should be commended. First, for making a very good, very interesting story that is well written and well acted. Second, it's so satisfying to see something like this instead of all the woke garbage that has been force fed to us the last several years. Any poor reviews will be from the "mob" so just ignore it.
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Typical Hollywood disrespect to the military & president
3 May 2022
Read all the other 1 star reviews and I second them all. You'd think there would be a military adviser on board. Right off the bat as soon as I saw the Colonel (btw in the "Goofs" section of IMDb someone incorrectly said that you don't address a Lt. Colonel as Colonel because it's incorrect & disrespectful. Actually, it's the exact opposite. Lt. Colonel is one notch below Colonel but you still address the Lt. Colonel as Colonel. Same in the Navy. You NEVER address a Lt. Junior Grade as such. You address him as Lt. Same as an actual full Lt., so I submitted a correrection). It's super obvious his collar devices are way too high. Looks stupid. And what, Marine Corps dress blue uniforms fell from the sky perfectly tailored for these old vets? Stupid. Cranston looks especially stupid because you can't have a beard in the Marine Corps & seeing him in the dress blues uniform w/ a beard looks ludicrous.

The dialogue was corny & embarrassing. Cranston goes over the top with his cocky rude "hey look at me, I'm cool & don't give a F" attitude. Whoever coached Carrel to speak so soft spoken, meek & weird made a stupid choice as it is absurd.

Movie was typical Hollywood woke, liberal, anti military anti any president who was/is a Republican. Save your time & don't watch.
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Project Blue Book (2019–2020)
Hot flaming garbage
22 February 2022
I was hoping this would be good so I could watch it with my kids. The acting is so so terrible. It's like they went into a Wal Mart & randomly went to people leaving with their groceries and saying "We're looking for actors for a new television series. Would you be interested? Oh, and no experience is what we'd prefer."

Don't need to see two men making out with each other hard in a bar (what value does that add to a story about UFO's? And right off the bat there is super obvious lesbian overtones between two regular characters. Again, for what purpose? This show is complete garbage all the way around. All the scenes with military personnel are so ridiculous; the stiffness, going overboard saluting each other in times where it is not authorized. It's a complete inaccuracy of being in the U. S. military. So with that & combined with the worst acting you can imagine; garbage.

Stay away from this series. Watch Project UFO on YouTube. It was from the 70's & the effects are dated - but the acting & stories are 100x then this mess.
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By Dawn's Early Light (1990 TV Movie)
Woman should not be in the military
26 December 2021
There is a reason that woman were once never allowed to fly in combat aircraft or on combat ships & submarines. Rebecca De Mornay's character exemplifies this.
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Circle (II) (2015)
This film will piss you off right from the first scene
5 December 2020
This entire film was ludicrous from the opening scene until the credits rolled. iMDB claims the budget was about $2 mil - where I'm thinking the entire time the budget couldn't have been more than $300k. Don't waste your time with this hunk of garbage. People that think this is a great movie obviously have something wrong with them.

This is one of the worst movies I've ever watched in my 49 years and my GF in CT also thinks this is a pile of dog ****.
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Decent for kids, but doesn't compare to horror films of the 70's and 80's
13 August 2019
Of course, with every other flick that comes out - this is chalked full of crappy CGI (which I should only come to expect from every film that comes out these days). I took my 11 & 13 yr old daughters to it. They thought it was ok & jumped a few times. There's no blood or guts (which I wouldn't take my kids to see something like "Saw" etc.).

The storyline is a little convoluted but all in all was it worth $56 for the three of us to get in + a popcorn, soda & candy? Not really.

My best advice is watch it for free on one of those Russian websites that have all the movies on them.
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A complete & total Flop-o-Rama. Embarrassing.
26 July 2019
Watch this movie if you love suffering second hand embarrassment - not only for the actors - but also for the director/writer. The dialogue will make you cringe while simultaneously laughing because you will be in utter shock of how ridiculous it is. I noticed by a lack of actors photos on IMDb - that they are embarrassed & ashamed of themselves. Even their families felt let down. What a waste of time and I can't help to think who the sucker was that put up the $ to make this film. Terrible & embarrassing. Stay away.
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Us (II) (2019)
Highly embarrassing & dumb. And I'll tell u why this film gets high marks...
13 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
My 13 yr old daughter wanted to see this, so after I looked up the content (to see if there was sex, drug use etc. & saw it was really just language & blood - I agreed). After about 20-30 mins of watching the stupidest movie I've seen in my 48 years, I go to IMDb on my phone - because I am confused. I thought all I heard was all the rave reviews about this film. Then I'm looking on IMDb on my phone and see one 1 star review after the next - saying things like worst film ever, etc. Then the light bulb goes off; I realize what happened;

We live in the politically correct era - which means any motion picture that involves gay, black/minority (like Bohemian Rhapsody & Us) will be celebrated & triumphed as the next Gone With The Wind or Shawshank Redemption. So because this film was the first horror movie to star mainly black people and had a black director - white America is going to herald it as the living legend of horror films - instead of calling it out on what it REALLY is - a giant pile of vomit. It literally was THE dumbest movie I've seen - and I mean on all fronts; the acting, the script, the plot, etc. It was so highly embarrassing I was cringing. I especially cringed hard when I heard that stupid voice that they speak in.

Save yourself the $5 and DO NOT rent this on iTunes - after 20 minutes you'll realize you just flushed a Lincoln down the toilet.
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Pensacola: Wings of Gold (1997–2000)
Terrible, fake & confusing - I flew in the Navy for 5 years
20 June 2019
I question anybody's intelligence that thinks this show is good. It's terrible. Within 10 mins of the opening episode - they did a fatal & mandatory Hollywood blunder when it comes to military shows/movies. The one officer is in his convertible while the other officer is trying to cross the road & they have a confrontation. When James Brolin's character starts to walk away the other guy in the car salutes him. First off, you NEVER, EVER salute while sitting. Any officer in ANY branch of the military would know this. So right off the bat they ruined the authenticity aspect of the show because that proved the people making this don't know their butt from their elbow. Also, you don't ever salute while NOT wearing your cover (hat) - which they do in this show. I like the shots of the F-18's when they have no ordnance whatsoever on the wings (and sometimes no bomb racks on the wings) but yet another shot will show some type of weapon on the wing. They are also very PC - making sure a black guy and a woman are included in their little special "team". Plus, Brolin's haircut would never fly in the Marines with hair sticking over the back of his collar - that's another instant sign that this show is fake. And why have the pilots be Marines? 90% of the pilots that go through Pensacola (the cradle of U.S. Naval Aviation) are Navy personnel. People associate NAS Pensacola with the Navy - not the Marines. Only about 10% of the pilots that pass through here are Marines. It'd be like calling a show "Parris Island S.C." and having all the main characters Navy people. It would make no sense & be confusing.

Anyway, good riddance to this show being off the air as it was terrible in so many ways.
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Terrible - edited poorly - horrible story telling - ended up turning it off
31 March 2019
This could have been cool - but it's not. Nothing about it is cool. The narration is terrible. And so is the editing. Some scenes are interlaced so poorly with other scenes I was like "Hiuh? What was the purpose of showing that?" The one goofball wearing the sunglasses the whole time almost seems like he's an act. he's so stupid it seems like a put on. Anyway, after watching this thing for a while, I eventually turned it off because I couldn't take it anymore. Find something else to watch. That's what I did. You'll be happier.
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The Dirt (2019)
Terrible. Should have been called "Explosion At The Wig Factory"
22 March 2019
The other working title for this movie was "Explosion At The Wig Factory". I don't know where to start with this disaster. Maybe with the ridiculous looking, fake wigs? That's too obvious though. The entire movie right from the opening 30 seconds is trying to shock the viewer with how "outrageous" & "wild" & "crazy" these 4 guys are. They go way overboard trying to prove how shocking these guys are. Running through the hotels, acting like maniacs, etc. Yeah, ok - we get it - Motley Crue were a wild bunch back in the day. But like all good stories - the stories get exaggerated as time goes on. If you can get past the fake wigs and all the overboard, wild action - you may get some enjoyment out of this flick. But if it's all too embarrassing with the crappy acting, bad wigs, etc., just do what I did - and put on a good album like Tool's "10,000 Days".

I got second hand embarrassment from watching these bad actors & directors trying to use "shock & awe" to dazzle everybody. Yawn.
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Jack Ryan (2018–2023)
Jack Ryan in the era of Political Correctness
3 November 2018
I was 17 when I first read The Hunt For Red October. Then I was in the Navy myself as I found myself reading other titles such as Red Storm Rising. So I do have a love for the character Jack Ryan. However, as soon as I started watching this new series - the typical political correctness of our times was all over this series. If the characters were organically; black female, Asian female, Hindu, middle eastern etc. etc. - that'd be one thing. But it is so forced & fake as to make sure we abide by the "we include everyone so that nobody is offended" culture. They even have Greer as an ex-Muslim who is friends with a local Muslim leader. I guess if you are 19 and grew up in this ridiculous environment then you are used to it. But from my perspective - it ruins the story because you can tell its forced and the shows producers don't want to be on the end of a lawsuit because they didn't include a Chinese, female with downs syndrome who has 1 arm missing from their cast of characters.
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Terrible - Seems like 9th graders took a crash course in movie making & failed
27 September 2018
I don't know where to start this film is so terrible. The acting is atrocious, stiff & phony. I feel like I could have acted better (I have no acting skills whatsoever and have anxiety on top of that). The logic of this film is ridiculous & makes no sense. I will say that I found the original film very good & above average for this genre and I was highly anticipating the sequel. Again, this film is completely wretched - just stay away from it and save an hour and a half of your life and do something different. Everyone nvolved in this project should be highly ashamed & embarrassed of themselves. Two thumbs down.
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Terrible. Worst John Hughes film I've seen.
18 July 2018
I grew up in the 80's and in 1990 left for the Navy. So I guess somehow I missed this film because up until the other day, I've never heard of it. But because Jennifer Connelly is in it, I decided to watch. Wow, what a disappointment. The plot is terrible & the acting is crappy. Parts of the movie are edited so oddly I'm sitting there saying to myself "Huh? What was that cut away for and why did you cutaway to that?" The film makes no sense in someways. Very, very poor attempt in my opinion. I guess it's no surprise that I never heard of this film because it's awful. The ending is extremely odd & lame. I gave it 3 stars mostly because Jennifer C.. is in it. If she wasn't in it - I'd give it a 1.
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Gran Torino (2008)
One of the worst C. Eastwood movies I've seen. Ridiculous dialog & poor acting.
13 July 2018
I saw this film when it came out and I thought it was garbage. 10 years later (today), I gave it another shot. I found it just as cringy embarrassing as I did when I saw it the first time. I don't know who did the casting, but almost everyone is miscast. Look at those asian actors today. They are nobodys - poof; gone! Yet somehow they were supposed to be one of the main anchors of this film. And whoever wrote the script; terrible. The lines the actors have to say sound like a 9th grade A/V student wrote them. They are embarrassing & awkward. Lots of times after they say something I'd say to myself "What? Who says that?". And even though I love Mr. Eastwood - he went too over the top by trying to play the hardass old man with his overdone scowl on his face and gruff voice. I still didn't get the entire pulling his finger out of his pocket like a gun routine. And I totally forgot how the film ended but when I saw it again today I was just SMH. This is one of his most terrible films in my opinion. How anybody can rally behind this lame flick is beyond me - but to each his own I guess, right?
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Cobra Kai (2018–2025)
Very smartly written & acted - highly recommended
3 May 2018
I was a teen in the 80's and enjoyed watching this film - as most guys my age did. I was a little skeptical when I saw that they were making a new series that takes place 30 years after the movie ended. But once I saw the trailers - I felt like they might be on to something. After watching several episodes - I can tell you that they nailed it. This is the best show out there - anywhere. It's not over acted (or under acted). It's not corny or stupid either. It's the perfect match up of seriousness with a few goofs or references from the 80's thrown in here & there. This revival could have been a disaster but it looks like they got the perfect combo of writers, directors & actors. It's funny, because as a kid - I wanted to punch Johnny in the throat as hard as I could. But as a 40-something year old - I'm kinda rooting for him. Great job to the people responsible for making this happen - and of course it couldn't have happened without Ralph & William. Thank you!
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Outstanding. I'm an ex-U.S. Naval Aircrewman - highly impressed with this doc
17 April 2018
I had some idea what I was going to see as I am familiar with the Apache. You get the feeling of almost being in the cockpit as they are zooming only feet over the ground headed into enemy territory. All the footage is actual footage - no recreations. Everything got super real for me when that first bullet hit that helo and they were like "What was that?" What came next I wasn't really ready for but it made me give even more respect than which I already had for these Apache crews. Not to get political, but I don't know how any American can watch what I just watched, then still have the gall to kneel during our National Anthem. It's truly dispicable.

This was a great doc that was edited well and has all the real players involved with actual footage.
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A Quiet Place (2018)
Forgettable and mediocre at best. Positive reviews here are from members that just joined - scam
8 April 2018
There is nothing special about this film. It has ridiculous looking CGI monsters (yawn). The family is irritating at best. This seemed like a HS theater student could have written & directed this. All the hype is bogus. Most positive reviews on here are from people that just joined IMDb the other day and have only reviewed one movie. If anything, I can see how some people might give this a 6. But all this nonsense of "BEST MOVIE EVER!!" "ITS NOT A MOVIE - ITS AN EXPERIENCE!!!" etc. etc. blah blah blah are completely bogus. To read the reviews, you'd think this would rank among the likes of The Shawshank Redemption & The Godfather.

Don't waste your $. Wait until this is on Netflix or something like that. And at least I was honest and didn't leave a fake review like a lot of other folks.
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Highly embarrassing - DO NOT waste your time or $
6 April 2018
First of all, you don't even see the doll until 3/4's of the way thru the film. The entire story was ludicrous. I guess the special effects/makeup dept had about $20 for their budget. Because when blood goes to splatter, they use CGI blood to make it appear as if it splattered onto the camera. Also, the old man on the train; I would be HIGHLY EMBARRASSED by the makeup job they did on him. I wouldn't want my name affiliated with doing the makeup on him. They tried making the actor look old. What it looked like was a guy with Silly Putty stuck to his face with cotton balls for eyebrows & hair and also wearing granny glasses. I couldn't believe someone saw what the actor looked like in makeup and said "Yep! Nailed it! He really looks like an old man."

Anyway, do yourself a favor and skip this bomb. It's a time and $ waster.
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Demon House (2019)
10 Star reviews are from people that just joined IMDb & reviewed only this film
6 April 2018
As stated by other members, Demon House is just an extended episode of Ghost Adventurers. You WILL NOT see anything caught on film (as expected & is typical). Any weird supernatural stuff that happens is done via reenactment. I guess if you look at it as you know going into it that it is fake and is for entertainment, it might be a mediocre film to watch. But it's not. This tries to get passed off as the real deal when in fact it is just more nonsense. But I guess ultimately, I'm the fool because I watched it and Zak's checking account is just getting larger.
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The case of the robot & man in a tree is supposed to be Donald Shrum of the Cisco Grove Incident...
13 November 2017
On September 4, 1964, 28 year old Donald Shrum and his friends were bow and arrow hunting at Cisco Grove, Placer County, California.

During the afternoon of hunting, Shrum had become separated from the rest of the group, and with nightfall fast approaching, he decided to sleep the night away in a tree for safety. His attention was soon drawn, however, to the sight of a white light which zig-zagged through the trees at low altitude.

At first, he thought it was a helicopter, so Shrum jumped down from the safety of the tree, and began lighting flares to attract attention to himself. He thought that his friends had launched a rescue party to locate their missing companion. Finally the white light turned in his direction, coming to a stop some fifty yards from the tree.

He soon discovered that the object was not a helicopter at all, but a strange-looking object, different from anything he had seen before. Now frightened, he climbed back up into the safety of the tree.

After a short period of time, he was shocked to see three beings approaching the tree. Two of them seemed to be a humanoid-type of being, while the third was more robot-like. Shock became utter panic now, as the three began to shake the tree in an attempt to dislodge him. He vividly recalls a white vapor being shot from the robot's mouth; which rendered him unconscious.

When he came to, he was nauseous, but began throwing lighted matches toward the beings, which caused them to back away from the tree momentarily.

Soon the assault continued. Finally, Shrum managed to load and shoot an arrow at the invaders, hitting the robot. The direct hit caused a spark to fly, indicating that the arrow had hit a metallic surface. He managed to shoot two more arrows at the beings, each time causing to the group to scatter.

Soon, a second robot joined the group, and again Shrum was rendered unconscious by the strange, white vapor coming from the entity's mouth.

When he awoke again, the two humanoid beings were now climbing the tree! He managed to thwart the attack by throwing different objects at them, and shaking the tree.

This scenario continued off and on for most of the night.

As dawn approached, more beings arrived, and this time a large volume of smoke caused him to black out completely.

When he awoke, he was barely hanging from the tree by his belt. The aliens were finally gone. Shrum was soon rescued, and reunited with the other hunters. Corroborating at least part of his story, one of the other men who had also become lost, had seen the UFO. What exactly were these humanoid-like creatures that Shrum encountered that fearful night in California?
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