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Decadent Evil II (2007 Video)
Decadent Evil 2...uhm, I don't think so
10 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Before I even start I'm gonna plain say I liked the original, I thought it was a decent entry to Full Moon's full book of movies. The sequel, Decadent Evil 2, was just a plain disappointment. Where the original had a plot that you knew well, the sequel takes a chop and delivers...nothing. As much as I could tell the plot for Decadent Evil 2 was centered around the 2 lovers from the original, good vampire Sugar (Jill Michelle) and her human boyfriend Dex (Daniel Lennox), who have traveled to Little Rock Arkansas in search for the next in line vampire clan leader, they want some of his blood to resurrect the little creature's from the original movie, Marvin the horny Homunculus, son who was killed in the first movie by Morella.

I'm going to stall here and say, much of what happened in the original is either forgotten or just plain disregarded. We don't find out if Morella died, is alive or anything. So did Marvin hump her to death for killing his son or did she just get loose from his grasp and vamboozled to another state? It's never explained! The whole plots dragged out, you're pretty much just sitting there thinking to yourself while watching it, "is it gonna get good now" or "is it over yet?". I'm still thinking to myself, trying to figure out what was going on in the film and pretty much just thinking how could Charles Band call this a sequel to the original when it can hardly be followed.

Back to the review. Sugar and Dex are in Little Rock Arkansas to find the next in line vampire clan leader, they want some of his blood to resurrect Marvin's son from the dead, they have been carrying the man in a roller suitcase, it's not explained how long or anything, they just show up in a hotel at the beginning. They are using Marvin's son's, Ivan's (now played by Ricardo Gil instead of Phil Fondacaro - maybe Phil saw how crappy the movie was and said he'd much rather keep his career where it was/is instead of tainting it with this movie), cross which brings them to this strip club. There's some nudity but not as much as there was in the original, Sugar lands a job first then Dex grabs a job as a janitor - far cry from the DJ he was in the original lol. They go investigating and think they get the guy who they think is the vampire king who is after 10,000 artial blood to become invincible and unstoppable - didn't they do that in the original? The Whole make-up and design for the vampire king is completely ridiculous! He's this...weird looking creature who also works as a janitor at the strip club - he uses the human half of his disguise as...well a disguise, to fool people then when dinner time comes he transforms into this wild looking...creature.

I'm not gonna name any further actors/actresses in this movie. I really I think this movie could have been better than what it was. Very disappointed, the acting was crap as was the movie, stay away unless you just want to find a movie to pass the time away - I highly suggest you pick something else besides this, it is not good! The ending, like the originals ending, had Marvin having sex with one of the vampire henchs that wasn't killed, his son, Dex and Sugar decided to punish her by giving her over to him.
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Decadent Evil (2005 Video)
It was pretty good
2 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I was impressed by this movie, after reading so many reviews saying it wasn't good and after hearing from people who have seen it say it is not good I was expecting it to be just that.

Before I get very far I'm gonna step back a few years. I've been a fan of Full Moon for years, having watched a lot of their movies from the 80's and 90's (Troll, Puppet Master, ReAnimator, Demonic Toys, Dolls and Trancers amongst others). Lately those movies have been put away in their own category in my movie shelf, lol, I am still looking for DVDs of some of them. Anyways, amongst all the bad reviews for Decadent Evil there are some decent/good reviews - but they are hard to find as there are more bad reviews then good.

This movie is about vampires, the first 10 or so minutes is a forward to one of Full Moon's earlier films: Vampire Diaries. There's 3 vampires that it focus's on: Morella (Debra Mayer), the head vampiress and her 2 henchwomen (or vampire slaves or whatever you wanna call them) named Spyce(Raelyn Hennesse) and Sugar (Jill Michelle). Morella is on a quest to become a super vampire - if she drinks 10,000 victims she'll become invincible and she's only 2 victims away when a vampire hunter, excuse me vampire Van Helsing type guy played by Phil Fondacaro, comes in. He's been looking for Morella for a good number of years and has a grudge against her as she did something to his father when she discovered him in the arms of another woman. He and this guy who turns out to be the good vampiress's boyfriend, Dex (Daniel Lennox), who is the strip clubs DJ (the first part of the movie is set in a strip club, I'm not going to give away too many details but there is some female nudity in this film) go to the mansion that these 3 vampiresses live. Phil (or excuse me, the characters name is Ivan) kills Spyce and is about to kill Sugar when she moves and he sees this 12 inch creature locked away in a birdcage.

The creature in the cage turns out to be a Homunculus, a half reptile/human, whose been caged for a good number of years and has been put through pure hell of seeing Morella and her henchwomen, or woman - Sugar acts as a good vampire while Spyce is a bad vampire (naughty/nice routine), bring in victims (men and women). So he's pretty horny as I recall Ivan (Phil) saying that he had been searching for Morella for 30 years. The creature in the cage turns out to be Ivan's father, he thought Morella had killed him after she had turned him into what he is now but really she had turned him and encaged him and kept him as a pet. After Ivan tries to kill Morella, he has a stake hidden and is about to impale her with it when she grabs it from his hand, he asks her if he can say goodbye to his father, of which she allows him to do.

I'm not going to tell anything more on the plot, don't want to spoil the film anymore - especially the ending! I liked the ending. In all I give the film a 5 out of 10 rating, it was decent. It did have its problems, the lighting especially! In one scene where Morella has Dex on a couch the lighting is extremely bad to where it gets a blurry/fuzzy feel to it and near the beginning the red and blue filtered lighting makes it hard to see what's going on on the stage. I did feel that the beginning forward to Vampire Diaries was a bit too long, like 10 minutes, with the credits it takes about 15 minutes for the movie to start - the movie is 70-74 minutes long. This film was shot in about 6 days with a limited budget, about $6,000 I think it was. Another thing I found that I didn't like was the lighting in some places was dark, too dark in my opinion. Really in some scenes you have a hard time seeing what is going on, a good example is when Ivan (Phil) and Dex (Daniel) first meet at Dex's room. You have a hard time seeing anything as it's so dark, can you say "Dex turn on a lamp"? Sheesh! Besides those problems the film was pretty good, a good watch.
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An Okay Film
29 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Alien vs Predator (2004) ended with Scar (Ian Whyte), one of the three Predators in that film, dead and lying on a bed in a ship, that is where Aliens vs Pedator Requirem (2007) picks up. Buddy Benson (Kurt Max Runte) and his son Sam (Liam James) are out hunting (before then the Predalien bursted from Scars chest, grew up and attacked the Predators on the ship causing it to crash) when they see an alien craft crash into the Earth, (a few hundred yards, when actually it hits a mountain, then crashes down , looks like some miles) the man and boy get to it in a few minutes but are spooked away by the face huggers. Both the man and the boy get face hugged minutes later.

Meanwhile, in Gunnison, Colorado, Dallas Howard (Steven Pasquale) arrives back just released from prison. He meets old time friend, and the town sheriff Eddie Morales (John Ortiz) and reunites with his brother Ricky (Johnny Lewis). Kelly O'Brien (Reiko Aylesworth) has just returned to Gunnison following a town of duty in the military, she reunites with her husband Tim (Sam Trammell) and daughter Molly O'Brien (Ariel Gade). The Predator, nicknamed Wolf (Ian Whyte), scouts the fallen ship, takes a few gadgets from a few of the dead Predators, surveys the damage then blows the ship up so that there won't be any evidence left. Darcy Benson (Chelah Horsdal) begins searching for her husband and a cop goes missing (killed by the Predator).

All of the Aliens, and the Predalien (hybrid between Predator and Alien) relocate to the sewer until the Predator drives them out and into the streets (including a gruesome fight in a hospital). Several people are killed: Jesse (Kristen Hager), her ex boyfriend Dale Collins (David Paetkau) and two other guys and the National Guard. At the Gun Store, the Predator makes one of his shoulder cannons (both are damaged) into a hand-held gun.

Kelly drives a helicopter to safety (the helicopter crashes into a clearing were they are confronted and the blaster cannon is confiscated). The film ends with the Predator fighting the Predalien, and a nuclear bomb kills everyone in the town (Except Molly, Kelly, Ricky, Dallas) including the aliens, the Predator and the Predalien. The blaster cannon is given to Ms. Yutani (foreshadowing the Weyland-Yutani Coorporation of the Alien series).

I give this film a 7.5 out of 10, for the gore and violence, the film was way to dark! You could barely see anything, much less what was going on, I did like the scene where it showed the Predator world though. It was much better than Alien vs Predator, but not by much, Predator 2 and Alien 2 bypassed this by a mile in the ratings.
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Pretty good
8 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Contrary to what everyone else thinks about this film, it was pretty good. Yeah it had its moments, like when the robot was opening the box and the scenes were the marines were firing their weapons, but it wasn't that bad. The plot of this film starts in 2127, and then rolls back to the years 1996 and the 18th century.

The last descendant of the Merchant family, Dr. Paul Merchant (Bruce Ramsay), is trying to build a more efficient box so that the demons that Duc de L'Isle (Mickey Cottrell) brought up after toymaker Phillip L'Merchant makes a toy box. The first demon that comes out is Angelique (Valentina Vargas).

First thing, it's 18th century, they didn't see demons as the guys that walked around in leather. The saw demons as the guys with horns and large canines, and most descriptions of them even have long sharp claws. Okay so we visit 1996 where one of Merchant's descendent's has just finished a building with designs of the box everywhere. Soon John Merchant (Bruce Ramsay), his wife Bobbi (Kim Myers) and their son Jack (Courtland Mead) meet Pinhead (Doug Bradley of course) and Angelique.

I'm not going to give away the ending, but I will say that Steven Yagher (Alan Smithee) directed this fine. Even though the studio stepped in and re-wrote a few scenes and stuff the film was okay. It doesn't stand up to the original and first two sequels but it is a pretty good film in this franchise.
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Evan Almighty (2007)
Does more than you think
9 October 2007
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I found that this movie not only specifies on the bible, but on what we are doing to our planet. Congressman Chuck Long (John Goodman) wants to announce a new bill that will cut most parks down (thusly taking many animals' homes) and Evan Baxter (Steve Carell) is his new ticket with his newly elected campaign of saving the world. Soon after moving into Suburban Northern Virginia with his family Joan (Lauren Graham), Dylan (Johnny Simmons), Jordan (Graham Phillips) and Ryan (Jimmy Bennet) he receives a box of stone age tools and a lot of wood. God (Morgan Freeman) soon arrives to tell him about an upcoming flood. Evan soon grows a beard, animals start following and showing up and he and his three sons start building.

Beautifully well written, produced and portrayed, the CGI was lovely to watch. CGI was used for some of the animals, the resulting dam breaking and flood of the river and the re-growing of the beard of Evan. I think that the $175 million was used well, and to make it sound sweeter the film was mainly shot in my neighborhood. Yep, I live in Virginia and it was a great honor to watch this video.

Now we need to act, are we going to continue ruining the Earth, or are we going to save it? Would we like to see cut forests and lose half the animals we love? Or are we going to follow this film and do something about it. For the animals sake, for our own. I give this film a 7, because it wasn't as funny as Bruce Almighty who starred Jim Carrey and Jennifer Aniston.
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One of Spielburg's most inspirational
30 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Before I get to far into this review I need to give a few details from the novel, which was titled the same as the film. The novel tells a story from a number of diary entrées about a young girl named Celie, who is constantly abused and neglected, who lived in the 1920's and 1930's. Written by Alice Walker in 1982, it has become her most recognized work.

The film follows the growing up of a woman that lived in the Southern United States, the girl's name is Celie (Whoopi Goldberg). Celie, 14 at the time that the film starts, has already had two children by her father, yes you read it right, and has already been subjected to the cruelty of her father. Celie's father forces Celie to marry a man that she calls "Mister", his real name is Albert (Danny Glover). Albert, who had his eyes on Celie's younger more, attractive sister named Nettie (Akosua Busia), treats Celie like a slave (making her clean the disorderly house, take care of the unruly children and so forth). He beats her often, making Celie go mute (for fear of being beaten for talking) and causing her to go into complete submission.

Now Celie's sister comes to live with them and wouldn't you know it, Albery tries to rape her. She kicks him away too many times and he kicks her out. A few years later, Celie is a grown woman and has spent a good number of days crying in fear of her abusive husband. Albert is now spending time with his mistress, a jazz singer named Shug "Sugar" Avery (Margaret Avery). At first Celie and Shug don't get along, then they start having a friendly relationship that begins to drive Albert crazy.

Shug hasn't been living the life of leisure, in her mind that is. Her father, the reverend, has completely removed her from his life because he regards her as a slut. In another part of town, one of Albert's sons is having trouble with his wife Sophie (Oprah Winfrey). Sophie has also lived a hard life were the men try to make her feel inferior. She is strong-spirited and doesn't like to be hit. Harpo (Willard Pugh), the son of Albert, gets advice from Albert and hits Sophie. She leaves him, but her freedom is short lived, she hits the mayor and spends some time in jail. After eight years, she is commissioned to be the Mayor's wife's maid for twelve long years.

To make a long review look shorter, Shug helps Celie find the long lost letters from her sister, she had thought her sister dead, and she succeeds in convincing Celie to leave Albert. After a few years Celie is reunited with her sister and her two children that had been raised in Africa.

Beautifully portrayed and enhanced, the film shows what happened during the 1920's and 1930's. It gives an example to how women, mostly black women, lived during the time that women's right's weren't yet realized. I gave this a perfect ten our of ten, one of my family's personal favorites.
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Devil Doll (1964)
Dummy is no dummy
23 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of my favorite British films that was released in the year 1964. The plot features some people named Marianne Horn (Yvonne Romain), her boyfriend and reporter Mark English (William Sylvester) investigating this hypnotist named The Great Vorelli (Bryant Haliday) that they believe is really using mirrors and smoke for his shows. What Mark is really wondering about is Vorelli's walking talking Dummy named Hugo (whom really did live and was portrayed by actor David Charlesworth).

To make a story short, Vorelli keeps his dummy in a cage and basically has sex with his assistant. Afterwards he tells Hugo to kill her, which he does, and then Mark goes to find out what really is Vorelli's deal. He finds out that the dummy had a human soul, from this guy named Hugo Novick (David Charlesworth), in the 1940's. Mark races to save his girlfriend, only to find out that the dummy, having had it with not being able to eat ham and drink wine, has attacked and transpired his soul into Vorelli's body and Vorelli's soul went into the dummy body.

Very good film that was made in the 60's, even if it was black and white it was good cheesy fun. Just as good as Dead of Night (1945) and it spawned a great beginning for Magic (1978), Child's Play (1988) and Puppet Master (1989). It's a good Saturday night movie. Devil Doll isn't to be confused with the similarly titled film Devil-Doll, which was made in 1936. Devil Doll 1964 was directed by Linsey Shonteff.
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Puppet Master (1989 Video)
Charles Band's little creations
20 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The first thing that I have to point out about this movie is this: It's original and rated R for violence and adult content. I'm not kidding, this film has a sex scene, puppets (yes this movie features puppets) killing unsuspecting people and gruesome deaths, that involve actual blood. Directed by David Schmoeller, whom is more of a hero here, and written by Charles Band and Kenneth J. Hall, a masterpiece was born on that one fell year of 1989.

Starring Paul Le Mat as Alex Whitaker, whom is the soul survivor, and William Hickey as the puppet master Andre Toulon, the movie starts off well with a long scene of a puppet, one known as Blade, running through the hotel called Bodega Bay Inn trying to reach his master before two Nazi thugs do. Sadly, the puppet master is reduced to a gun that shoots a hole in his head that kills him instantly. The Nazi's wanted his secret to how he made his puppets live.

The film shoots forward some years (the film started in 1933) and brings together four physics that helped this one man named Neil Gallagher (Jimmie F. Skaggs) find the old puppet masters secret stash of secret puppet juice. Dana Hadley (Irene Miracle), or the white witch, Frank Forrester (Matt Roe) and Carrisa Stamford (Kathryn O'Reilly) go to the hotel where sadly all are eliminated.

A character known as Theresa (Mews Small) is the first to die. She is bludgered to death in front of the fireplace (of which Dana the white witch told her to stay away from) by Pinhead (voiced by Ed Cook). To be true, she really needed to go. She had this creepy girly voice that creeps up your spine.

The second and third to die is Carrisa and Frank. Carrisa was in the process of a sexual contact with Frank. Blade (vioced by Bert Rosario), the leader of the puppets, sends in Leech Woman (voiced by Linda Cook) and Tunneler (voiced by Tim Dornberg) to finish the lovers. Tunneler drills his head into Carrisa and Leech Woman vomits live (yes live) leeches onto Frank's body.

Dana is the last, well really she isn't but I'll say she's the only good person to die, to die. Lets just say that Pinhead breaks her leg, punches her in the face and before he can finish her off she tosses him over her shoulder to the first level. Blade then comes in and chases her to the elevator that takes her to an awaiting Pinhead. He gets in two punches then is thrown to the side. Blade jumps in and slashes her throat, and Jester (voiced by Michael Laide) twirls his head in excitement.

The ending comes to soon, Neil Gallagher shows his undead self and starts fighting Alex. His wife Megan (Robin Frates) tries to intervene and is thrown away. The puppets (after witnessing Neil throwing one of them to the floor) attack their master and kill him. Blade cuts his fingers and then pushes his knife blade into Neil's hand and holds Neil's mouth open for Leech Woman to vomit a huge leech into Neil's mouth. Pinhead is pressing Neil's temples hard while Tunneler drills his head into Neil's neck, thusly breaking his neck.

Special effects were done perfectly by Mark Rappaport and Patrick Simmons, and the music score was done nicely by Richard Band. Visual effects perfectly made by Dave Allen, Paul Gentry and Justin Kohn. The screenplay was written by David Schmoeller.

Watch this through four, you'll wish for more afterwards but trust me don't try anymore than four. Five is good, but not as good as the rest.
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It Waits (2005)
A fresh idea born
24 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The film opens up with a bunch of hikers walking into a cave, they open a stone slab and before each knows it, all are dead. In a nearby Ranger Station, Danielle 'Danny' St. Claire (Cerina Vincent) is still trying to cope with the pain of losing a friend in a car accident (we find out that Danielle was really the driver of the car a little later on) the year before. The only comfort she can get is from her boyfriend Justin Rawley (Dominic Zamprogna).

The film really gets going when the monster kills a number of Danielle's friends, her boyfriend among them. The monster is attracted to Danielle because she is in a miserable state. It is about this time that Danielle meets up with a camper that seems to know a little bit about the monster. The monsters name is Wakinyah (Austin Jordon) and that the monster was once a female. Danielle races back to the ranger station to wait out the night, when she goes to find the camper, she discovers that he had been killed.

The plot ends nicely, and it gives off enough questions that a sequel could clear up. Steven R. Monroe really brought this new idea into a really good focus. He lets us imagine what the monster is before showing us it in the last ten to fifteen minutes. I thought the movie was well portrayed, had good actors and had a consistent plot that kept us all at the edge of our seat.
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Puppet Master II (1990 Video)
Blade is Back...
23 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Have you ever watched Child's Play? You know the movie that has the walking talking toy doll that runs around killing people. Well this movie is something very similar, only it features puppets instead of a doll. The credits draw you in, a cemetery and a puppet digging a grave really makes you wonder what'll happen next, then a pair of skeleton arms stretch up and roll the black screen and more credits.

Puppet Master II draws you in from the first scene to the last. Who doesn't love seeing Blade, the puppet with the blade and hook instead of hands, slashing at unsuspecting peoples throats? What about Pinhead, the big puppet with huge hands and a tiny head, and his ways in strangling peoples necks? Hey, lets not forget Leech Woman who spits out leeches that suck out the blood of her victims and Jester, who hasn't a mean little bone in his wooden body.

Okay, so four parapsychologists go to the Bodega Bay Inn, where the events of the first film happened, to look up on claims by Alex Whitaker from the first film. Leading them is Carolyn Bramwell (Elizabeth Maclellan), a down right nice girl. Her brother Patrick (Gregory Webb) is killed the first night at the hotel, thanks to Tunneler and might I mention he was drunk. Then Camille (Nita Talbot) goes missing, luckily she had a son named Matthew (George 'Buck' Flower).

It's not long before the corpse from before, dressed in black and covered in bandages, appears and calls himself Eriquee Chaneé (Steve Welles). Events get stranger, Wanda (Charlie Spradling ) and Michael Kenney (Collin Bernsen) are murdered. Carolyn goes to confront Eriquee, whom she finds out is really Andre Toulon. He thinks she is the reincarnation of his late wife Elsa, and tries to put his and her soul into mannequins. Luckily, Blade intervenes and Andre is kill again for a second time.

I recommend watching the first three, forget about the rest.
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Fear (1996)
Love can hurt
8 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I really don't know why I watched this movie, maybe it was because a friend of mine told me that it was a good movie or maybe it was the title that got me interested but all I can say is this: the movie isn't that good. The movie is a romance, drama, thriller and horror. The latter, I have no idea because this movie has nothing that deals with horror.

The movie is about a sixteen year old girl named Nicole Walker (Reese Witherspoon) and her family. It starts off nice, the family seems normal and Nicole starts dating this guy by the name of David McCall (Mark Wahlberg). Nicole's mother Laura (Amy Brenneman) and brother Toby (Christopher Gray) take to David quickly, but Nicole's father Steve (William Petersen) resents him. Nicole's friends, Gary Rohmer (Todd Caldecott) and Margo Masse (Alyssa Milano) both know something isn't right with David.

This film shows the fears of fathers as they see that their little girls are growing up and dating. It is true that something like this might happen, disregard the ending though. You really can't trust guys who just pop up in your house hold and start getting all friendly with your wife and daughter.

The movie ends with David killing Gary, then he and a bunch of his pals go and try to destroy Nicole's fathers house and kidnap her. Luckily for Nicole, her father arrives just in time to kill David. The film really doesn't meat up with the horror genre until the ending.
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Better than Expected
13 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Before I get to the real review, I need to say that I didn't see this movie because of all the bad reviews it got. The trailer looked nice, but from what everyone was saying, it wasn't worth any of the time to watch it. Directed by Paul W.S. Anderson, who was also the screen player.The alien characters were created by Dan O'Bannon and Ronald Shusett, and the predator characters were created by Jim Thomas and John Thomas.

Okay, so a signal is received by a satellite company, owned by Charles Bishop Weyland(Lance Henriksen), in which they see a heated source that looks like an underground pyramid. Weyland decides to round up a few experts, so that they can go and find out what and where this pyramid is. The first person they contact is Alexa Woods(Sanaa Lathan), who is climbing a ice ledge at the time. Sebastian de Rosa (Raoul Bova) an archaeologist and his assistant Thomas Parks (Sam Troughton)are then contacted. Alexa is then in a helicopter and meets Graeme Miller (Ewen Bremner), a man with two young sons.

Sebastian, Alexa, Thomas, Maxwell Stafford (Colin Salmon), Mark Verheiden (Tommy Flanagan), and Adele Rousseau (Agathe De La Boulaye) all meet on a boat and discuss with Weyland about the situation. Alexa decides to leave, luckily she changes her mind at the last minute when she finds out that an amateur guide is going to replace her. She tells them three important rules then they go off in search of this pyramid.

Meanwhile, a Predator ship is coming towards Earth. A group of Predator youngsters are watching a virtual hologram of the pyramid while they prepare for the upcoming battle with the alien species that are living in the pyramid that the humans are going to look for.

The group of scientists, guards and other people walk towards the pyramid and slide into it. One steps on a stone that falls and releases the alien queen, which has been frozen for 2000 years. She thaw's out and starts laying eggs. Meanwhile the humans have reached the sacrificial chamber.

The teenage predators land on Earth and start their trek in getting to the pyramid. They have to hunt and kill the aliens to be seen as adults. So this pilgrimage is actually a mission to adulthood. Before they actually get to the pyramid, they indulge in killing the humans above.

Meanwhile, the alien eggs have hatched and have released Facehuggers. Adele and Graeme are killed during this and chestbursters result. Alexa and the rest of the group have discovered the guns that the predators are to use in fighting the aliens and take them, resulting in the predators rampage in trying to get them back.

Almost all of the humans in the group are killed, only Alexa survives. The predators are no worse, two of the three have been killed, leaving one. This one predator and Alexa team up and fight off the queen. At the end of the movie, the surviving predator is killed. An elder gives Alexa a war spear and leaves. When the predators leave earth, they have no idea that their fallen comrad has been infected with a chestburster and soon the creature bursts out of his chest, resulting in an alien/predator hybrid with both mandibles and the long tongue-like appendage.

A sequel is to be released sometime in 2007, presumably October or December. This movie deserves more praise, because it shows that we humans can in fact fight alongside other races besides our own. I give this movie a seven out of ten, it needed more action. Other than that, it was a pretty good movie to watch. I highly recommend this and the other Alien/Predator films.
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Beautiful graphics all the way
11 November 2006
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Roy Allen Smith, who directed The Land Before Time II: The Great Valley Adventure, directs this beautifully magic movie with it's stunning graphics perfectly. Four actors/actresses have returned to voice the characters we have all fallen in love with.

A huge meteor hits nearby the valley and causes a rock slide in the mysterious beyond that blocks the water supply to the valley. After this our favorite dinosaurs Littlefoot (Scott McAfee), Ducky (Heather Hogan), Petrie (Jeff Bennett), Cera (Candace Hutson) and spike are bullied by the bigger dinosaurs Hyp (Whit Hertford), Nod (Scott Menville) and Mutt (Jeff Bennett).

After a few days the valley is thrown into turmoil as the water supply decreases. The bullying problems increase and then the gang discovers the cause for the shortage. Littlefoot and his friends follow Hyp and his friends into the mysterious beyond and saves the valley, after it was hit by a lightning bolt and lit on fire.

The Time of the Great Giving shows what friendship, bullying and love can lead to. This is the second of the series to include songs; When You're Big, Standing Tough, Kids Like Us. I recommend for every family with children. This is a fun movie to watch for everyone, the young and the old.
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A worthy sequel
11 November 2006
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The Land Before Time II: The Great Valley Adventure, directed by Roy Allen Smith, is a worthy sequel to the original The Land Before Time. The graphics are so stunning and the voice work is done to perfection. It just makes both you and your children love the series even more.

Ozzy (Jeff Bennett) and Strut (Rob Paulsen) are egg stealer's who have just stolen an egg. Littlefoot (Scott McAfee)and his friends Cera (Candace Hutson), Petrie (Jeff Bennett), Ducky (Heather Hogan) and Spike stop them from making off with the egg, and decide to return it to its mother. When they do they discover that the egg isn't from the mother dinosaur.

So the crew decides to parent the egg, but when it hatches they discover it is a sharp tooth. They run but all come back. Before the fun gets to good the baby sharp tooth's parents show up and take their son back. They also get back at the egg stealer's when they attempt to steal their baby.

This is also the first in the Land Before Time videos to have songs. Peaceful Valley, Eggs, and You're One of Us Now. This is a movie for everyone in the entire family, young and old. This is followed by ten sequels.
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The beginning of a great series
11 November 2006
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Don Bluth directs a fine movie about four young baby dinosaurs named Littlefoot (Gabriel Damon) an Apatosaurus, Cera (Candace Hutson) a Triceratops, Ducky (Judith Barsi), Petrie (Will Ryan) a Pterasaur, and Spike a Stegosaurus.

The plot makes you feel that you are actually Littlefoot, who has to go in search of a land that is said to be better than the one that he now lives in after a Sharptooth, a Tyrannosaur, killed his mother (Helen Shaver). Along the way he makes friends with Ducky, Petrie, Spike and then Cera.

Witnessing the birth of Spike, then seeing him eating the grass that hid his egg is so cool. The fight scene with Littlefoot's mother and the Sharptooth is so tragic that you want to cry. Littlefoot and his friends battling and then killing the sharp tooth before they enter the land that they are searching for is just a perfect ending to a great movie.

Pat Hingle, did a terrific job of the narrator, it really makes it seem that you are right smack into the film. The graphics are nicely done and the voice work is fantastic. This film was followed by eleven sequels which are just as good as the original. I recommend this to every family that have children.
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Must be joking
26 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
First off, this film is a joke. I didn't see anything worth watching. Oh sure, you saw evil get beaten by the good guys again but the entire plot was seeming less.

It focused on some weird creatures named Jen and his girl friend Kira. Two Gelflings have to save the planet by fixing the Dark Crystal. They are going to save the world of Tra which has three suns, yes you read right, called the Great Sun, the Rose Sun, and the Dying Sun. They need to restore balance, so that the separated urSkeks (Mystics and Skeksis's) can become one again.

They go on this dangerous journey and save the world. Big surprise right. Did I mention that this film has the voice overs of the Muppet's? Yep, Jim Henson, Kathryn Mullen, Frank Oz, Dave Goelz, Stephen Garlick, Lisa Maxwell, Billie Whitelaw and Percy Edwards are the actors of this horrible film. I cannot believe they are making a sequel.
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Memories unlocked
24 September 2006
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Chronicles of Narnia, a movie that will stay with me forever and ever. Why do I say that? Well it gave me back a memory that I had all but forgotten. The memory of seeing the cartoon with my grandmother when I was a little girl.

Starting off in the United Kingdom, four children named Peter (William Moseley), Lucy (Georgie Henley) Susan (Anna Popplewell), and Edmund Pevensie (Skandar Keynes) are in the crossfire of a war between Americans and the Nazi troops of Hitler. They are shuffled out of their home in London to a country home of Professor Kirke (Jim Broadbent).

Once there they find that life there is very dull and bleak. Until the youngest child, Lucy, finds a wardrobe that takes her to an enchanted forest ruled by an evil witch. Right from the start she makes a friend of Mr. Tumnus,(James McAvoy)the Faun. She goes back and tells the tale, but her siblings don't believe her.

That is until the second youngest child, Edmund, follows his sister to the forest. Once there he meets the evil white witch (Tilda Swinton) and her coachman Ginarrbrik (Kiran Shah). The witch gives Edmund something to eat and drink and then allows him to leave.

One day later all four children go to the forest, thanks to Edmund and a fly away racket ball that flew into the window and broke an armor suit. Once there they go and find out that Lucy's friend, Mr. Tumnus, was taken by the white witch, for treachery. They then meet up with Mr. Beaver (Ray Winstone) and his wife Mrs. Beaver (Dawn French).

Edmund goes to the white witch's castle, only to be disappointed and captured by her. You see, she wants to make the prophecy which tells of two daughters of Eve and two sons of Adam coming to Narnia to stop evil and make peace happen again not happen. Edmund meets Mr. Tumnus and then he is whisked away to find his family.

The beavers take Peter, Susan, and Lucy to see Alsan (Liam Neeson), the great lion. He will help them in getting back their brother. The white witch kills Aslan, only Aslan doesn't die, he is brought back, because he wasn't a traitor.

The climax of the film shows Peter, Edmund, Aslan, Susan and Lucy fighting the White Witch (with a wide assortment of creatures called Hags, Red and Balck dwarfs, Centaurs, Fauns, Satyrs, Cheetahs, foxes and wolves.) and winning back the peace of Narnia. Fifteen years later they are riding threw the woods, looking for a white stag. Lucy finds the way back to the wardrobe and they return to their young selves. The ending shows the Professor telling Lucy that she cannot get back into Narnia. That he already tried that and it didn't work.

I found this movie to be a good memory for both young and old audiences. It doesn't only give memories, but it brings back old ones. It is fun for the entire family, old and young. I had to give this film an 8 out of 10. Can't wait for the second one to come out.
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Such a sweet family movie
21 September 2006
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This movie is full of both gags, and tear jerking moments. It starts off with Mark Garrison (Dean Jones) and his wife Fran (Suzanne Pleshette) taking their Dachsund Dante to the vet. She is having pups. Well she gives birth to four puppies. The vet, Dr. Pruitt (Charlie Ruggles) gets Mark's attention by telling him about a sickly Great Dane puppy that has been abandoned by his mother.

To make a long story short, Mark takes the pup home, it grows and makes a huge mess. Towards the end of the movie Mark shows everyone (including his wife Fran) that Brutus, the Great Dane, isn't just a confused dog that thinks it's a Dachsund, but a friend that needs to be understood.

I was really shocked, because I loved dogs, and this movie really got me into the Dachsund and Great Dane breed. It was really good, but it wasn't great. I have to rate it at a 5, because of it's age and all that.
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Scary Movie 4 (2006)
This is funny
17 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
David Zucker directs this very funny movie perfectly. It starts off on a very good note, and it just gets better and better until the entire thing explodes at the end.

Scary Movie 4 starts off with Shaquille O'Neal( playing himself) and Dr. Phil McGraw (also playing himself) being chained up in a room. A puppet tells them that they have 102 seconds to save themselves. Shaq sees two saws and takes three free throw shots (excluding the one shot when he throws a sink at Dr. Phil for hurting his feelings.) to get the two saws hanging just above their heads, when he succeeds, they start cutting throw their chains. Soon they discover that they can't, so Dr. Phil suggest cutting through their feet. Well to make a long story short, they don't make it, Dr. Phil saws the wrong foot off.

We then shoot to a scene at the piers where Tom Ryan (Craig Bierko) is working as a crane operator. He falls asleep and causes a bit of a mess before he goes home to see his ex-wife Marilyn (Molly Shannon) and their two kids Rachael (Conchita Campbell) and Robbie (Beau Mirchoff).

Then incomes Cindy Campbell (Anna Faris), who is now working for an elderly woman named Mrs. Norris (Cloris Leachman). Cindy quickly finds out that the house is haunted by the ghost of a little boy (Garrett Masuda).

After a few hilarious scenes of Cindy getting hit numerous times by baseballs, footballs and being sweet talked by Tom Ryan, TrIpods come into the picture. They begin destroying people, leaving only their clothes, and making a few very funny scenes when Mahalik (Anthony Anderson) and CJ (Kevin Hart) think that fleeing people are zombies.

President Harris (Leslie Nielsen) is also very funny in this. He gets naked in one scene, makes racial jokes and acts like the very typical President Bush, which he is spoofing.

To make a long story short; Cindy, Brenda (Regina Hall), Tom Ryan, Rachael and Robbie get sucked up into a TrIpod and are subjected to a game where Cindy has to pop out her eye in order to get a key. She sets them all free and we come to the ending where two puppets named Jigsaw (Laura Dash and Craig Mazin(voice)) and Zoltar (David Mylrea and David Zucker (voice)) come in and announce that the invasion is over.

There is a scene at the end where Brenda Meeks has a baby puppet, being fathered by Zoltar and where Tom Ryan is acting very foolish on the Oprah Winfrey (Debra Wilson) show.

The spoofs are obvious of War of the Worlds, The Grudge, Million Dollar Baby, Saw, The Village and many many others. I recommend this to all Scary Movie fans, and to everyone that loves a good laugh.
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Rocking the world
9 September 2006
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You've seen Paul Stanley, Gene Simmons, Peter Criss, and Ace Frehley perform in the 70's. You've seen Eric Carr, Bruce Kulick, and Mark St. John perform in the 80's. Then you saw the originals get back together in the 90's. But in the 00's, Eric Singer and Tommy Thayer joined up to bring into this world the greatly known and respectively loved performances in the world.

Rock The Nation gives you a chance to see all four members of KISS; Tommy Thayer, Eric Singer, Paul Stanley, and Gene Simmons, while they perform. The DVD has a setting called PowerVision, where you can watch one member of the band (seven songs total).

This concert video also shows six behind the scenes footages of KISS in the Dressing Room, Sound Checks, On The Road, Theatre Shows, Meets & Greets, and Photo shoots. This video consists of 10 all together rocking songs, from Love Gun all the way to Rock & Roll All Nite.

I recommend this video for all KISS, and metal loving fans. It is a classic you will all love. Who doesn't love seeing Paul Stanley jumping all around the stage, or Gene Simmons breathe fire and spit blood, or Tommy Thayer's guitar solo? Everything in this video is a sure hit for everyone. Fun for everyone in the family.
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The truth revealed
3 July 2006
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Along with other things that impress me, this has to be at the top of my list. I would have never known it if this movie was tossed at me from a garbage can.

This movie focus's on four young teenagers who are completely crazy about KISS. Lex (Giuseppe Andrews), Trip Hurudie (James DeBello), Hawk (Edward Furlong), and Jeremiah 'Jam' Bruce (Sam Huntington) are a tribute band named Mystery to the awesome music artists only known as KISS. But soon the fun goes to spoils due to Mrs. Bruce (Lin Shaye), Jam's mother, who finds the KISS tickets and torches them. Now the four friends have to take a trip from a boarding school to Detriot. Jam confronts his mother and sets her straight, and the four boys get what they wanted to see.

With this movie we get to see all original members of the KISS band, Peter Criss, Gene Simmons, Paul Stanely, and Ace Frehley and we get to see Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley's longtime companions. I had to give this movie a perfect ten because it just reflected what us teenagers had to go through to see our favorite bands perform. I'm glad that this movie was made for one reason, the reason to teach our parents that what we listen to isn't bad.
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Destroy All Humans! (2005 Video Game)
The best alien game ever!
1 January 2006
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Thanks to the wonderful minds of some well placed imagination, we get a game that allows you to be the villain instead of the hero. Crytptosidion 136 or Crypto for short has been sent to earth to retrieve the Furon DNA from the brain stems of humans.

I must say that the graphics are well done and the comicality in this game is suburb. A well placed game on the shelf, but not the price asked for though. I'll give this a perfect 10 as I haven't placed it down ever since. I hope the ones that made this game make a sequel. Man that would be so cool for a sequel to this game. But it's to early to say at the moment.
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It's a-Boy oh
11 November 2005
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Robert Englund returns a sixth time to portray as my favorite killer Freddy Krueger.

Alice Johnson(Lisa Wilcox)has just graduated from college and now she wants to start a new life. But how can she, she's just learned that she is pregnant and that her boyfriend, Daniel Dan Jordan(Danny Hassle)and the one that got her pregnant was dead. Soon we see a game of catch and mouse as Alice trys to save her unborn son from the clutches of Freddy Krueger.

You see, Freddy wants to be reborn into the world and the baby inside Alice is his ticket. Or so he thinks. Soon Amanda Krueger(Beatrice Boepple), his mother, comes in and destroys his plans. Afterwards we see baby Jacob, Alice and her father in a park.

I learned something in this movie. That an unborn child can dream, and that is how Freddy gets to him. The dreams of the unborn are transmitted to the mother and thus she can see when Freddy kills Daniel, Gurney(Michael Ashton) and Anne. The only person I wished he would have killed was that nuisance Greta(Erika Anderson).
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The second is the best
11 November 2005
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I find this the unnoticed film that everyone is afraid to admit that they like. It's the 1986 sequel to the 1984 original Nightmare On Elm Street where Freddy Krueger(Robert Englund)tries to take over the body of a teenage teen named Jesse Walsh(Mark Patton)through his dreams.

I think this movie had some pretty good deaths, although I would have liked to of seen the real Freddy Krueger sliced and dice Ron Grady, The Coach and kill that one teen at the party. Maybe that's why this movie hasn't made so much fans.

I figure out that this film does need something in-between as it lacks that special touch of Freddy's evil sounding voice as it soars over the room in that hissing way. Made that is why I gave it one less start.
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Another good movie from the past
11 November 2005
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Before I start reviewing this wonderful series I must say that for the longest time I had wanted to and now have had the chance to watch it. Now to the review, what can I say, hmmmmz, maybe that this film was an awesome movie with a lot of blood, gore and killing that I love.

Nancy Thompson(Heather Langenkamp)has been having dreams. So have her friends Tina(Amanda Wyss), Glen(Johnny Depp)and Rod(Jsu Garcia). And all of the dreams that they have been having seemed to center about a man that wears a brown fedora hat, red and green striped sweater and a clawed hand of deathly precautions. One by one Nancy sees her friends die to the hands of the killer. That is until she makes him come into the real world and learning that she holds the power of his strength and weaknesses.

The ending was a great success as it shouted out that Freddy Krueger(Robert Englund)is not done with his revenge upon the civilians of Elm Street. I gave this an 8 as I felt it needed to be a lot longer.
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