
3 Reviews
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Mr. Vampire (1985)
more excellent kung fu than you can shake sticky rice at
16 June 2004
i recently watched this movie as part of a hong kong action film series. it is the greatest movie i have ever seen.

unfortunately, there is no north American distribution, so the copy which the proprietor had obtained direct from hong kong was a little shaky. the subtitles were unintentionally comical in their poor translation, but it only added to the charm of the movie.

trying to describe the various nuances of the plot would be like trying to describe a truly bizarre, tortuous dream --- it just can't be done without confusion on the part of the reader. this is a movie which must be experienced to be understood --- and even then it's mystifying.

there is very little which i can write to relate the amazing quality of this movie. if you want to see kung fu moves better than anything the matrix or kill bill has ever attempted, watch mr. vampire. if you like laughing at poorly translated idioms, watch mr. vampire. if you have any desire to watch vampires hop around in vast amounts of sticky rice, watch mr. vampire.

it is a vision which will stay with you till your mausoleum.
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To be taken at face value
6 January 2004
I know there are a lot of comments about how the film doesn't take certain issues seriously, etc., etc., but I think that it has a good reason for it - it's just not necessary! Things don't always have to be perfectly pat and politically correct to be entertaining. This movie set out to make people laugh, and it certainly made me do so. I didn't stop to think about how unrealistic it was - it's Hollywood! One is supposed to suspend reality briefly and enjoy what's put in front of one. Or at least take it with a grain of salt (or a spoonful of sugar, or...).

My recommendation - don't take the film seriously. It doesn't take itself seriously, just for what it is: a funny movie about big men dressing up like ladies and the results therein. Laugh a little!
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A Lifelong Classic
29 December 2003
I grew up watching this movie every year at Christmas, without fail, since my mother found it at a local independent video bar, and bought it for three dollars, and so I am probably more than a little biased. However, I think this is a really sincere and heartwarming movie. The color is a little extraneous at times, especially in the face of the original Sidney Poitier version, but I don't think it takes away much in the grand scheme of things. The story is simple, like the original, and the actors play it out just as simply (although "Question Lady" does have a little bit of indulging going on sometimes). Again, the Southwest U.S. setting makes for a visually beautiful film, and the multiracial cast enhances it. This movie might be seen as trite and insipid, but I think it's a classic that has never been fully appreciated for its value, sentimental and otherwise.
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