
4 Reviews
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The book adaptation was a disappointment.
30 January 2019
After reading the books, the movie turned out to be quite a disappointment and in all honestly one of the worst book-movie adaptations I ever saw. I had high hopes for the movie but asides the good effects, everything else was horrible. Story was to rushed, very important information was never passed on to the public, stuff that never happened in the books was simply made up for this movie and ended up altering or erasing characters from their main drives. An amazing written masterpiece was turned into a stain.
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Tokyo Ghoul (2017)
Good Adaptation
24 December 2018
I've seen several live actions before and usually I'm not really impressed by them. This was one different. For a live action, it stays really faithful to the story and I think a sequel would be a great way to continue this as I ended the movie wanting to see more. I wish some physical particularities from the characters had been kept in the movie, but at the same time if that happened perhaps it would take away the realness of it all.
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Good work.
24 November 2018
I was a bit apprehensive about this short film when I began watching the first episode but then I just couldn't stop until I was done. I think that what I liked the most about it was that I really got the vibe I was seeing a documentary of something that actually happened. The actors were great and they expressed feelings in a very realistic way which really helped with that feeling. Congratulations for this work. I will recommend it to all the Harry Potter fans that I know.
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Mortal Kombat: Rebirth (2010 Video)
Amazing 8 minute piece.
19 August 2018
I wasn't sure what to expect when I first saw this but I have to say that eight minutes later when I was done, I was really impressed. This small piece gathers everything that should be expected from a game adaptation, even if we're speaking about a more somewhat alternative universe. The effects are quite good and the plot is really interesting. It's to bad we don't actually have a bigger movie after this that would follow the plot on this short one.
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