
10 Reviews
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An Aussie series with heart
19 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This is one Australian series which stands the test of the years that have passed since it was made.

The first two seasons focused on the lives of the McGregors and the Blackwoods. Both of these families owned large amounts of land and had considerable wealth and influence, however, Oliver Blackwood preferred to get his own way at any cost, whereas Matt would be there to help his fellow neighbour.

Admittedly, the series lost a little of its charm at the end of season 2 with the departure of many key characters and actors including Oliver Blackwood who dies in the desert and Danni (Joelene) leaving the series to pursue other acting roles. Personally, Kristie Raymond didn't play the part of Danni as well, but this is probably because I was use to Joelene, the two actresses were too different for Kristie to be fully embraced by fans.

The story lines though, while predictable in the good vs evil, did surprise the audience with broken marriage proposals, loss of wealth and death.

This is the type of show I can watch with my family without worrying about sex, violence or language - which is a rare thing nowadays.
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I thought it was quite good
15 November 2008
Despite the many bad reviews about this movie, I found it really good.

Sara was a convincing acted character who gets herself involved in a rather deep mystery while researching the murder of three students some 100 years before. Eerily, while she is researching this the more recent suicide of a female student becomes entangled in the mystery.

I thought that all the actors did a good job and the camera work and music was fantastic. I was sitting on the edge of my seat right to the end - I just had to know what happened! I would recommend this for anyone who is not into a lot of blood and gore but wants to watch a movie because it has a good plot and script.
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Brides (2004)
A truly beautiful story
11 November 2008
The only reason that I didn't give this movie 10/10 was because of one really offensive word that was used several times in the movie but one of the supporting characters in the story - it was the only thing that really detracted from the story.

Following Niki from the time she leaves her island to marry the man who her sister didn't Niki catches the eye of Norman. Norman is returning to America to try and salvage his own marriage. He gets Niki work as a seamstress. Niki is to marry a tailor and while she tries to deny her feelings she knows what she feels for him.

The voyage that continues to America sees heartache, love, romance and tragedy - it is really beautiful with an ending that perfectly suits the movie - though I personally didn't see it coming.

A beautiful movie worth watching.
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Silver Man (2003)
A story like no other
6 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed this film, depsite not being a fan of swearing in films - though it was only the one actor who seemed to do it and it did help in creating the character.

A touching story about a girl who can't seem to help herself when it comes to her boyfriend, despite getting a much better offer from the guy next door Silver Man. The one thing that struck me about the opening scenes was how Paul Popowich's character didn't even speak until the movie was when under way.

It is truly a great film with a lot of heart, anger and frustration. I think that in a lot of ways we are all a little like Silver Man, different in our own way.
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Little Oberon (2005 TV Movie)
Could have been better
13 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
For starters, this was well acted for the most part. The casting was done well and the thought behind the movie was interesting and draws you in - so why the 6 stars? The main issue I had with this was the lack of some characters who had been advertised what I felt should have been a larger part. Pan (the guy on the motorbike who had many names) was a great character, yet totally underused in the movie.

I found the story got bogged down in some parts and in other parts the story didn't fully explain itself and just moved on. Also, everything had to have the neat and tidy ending which I thought let the good points of this movie down.
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Julietta (2001)
Acting okay - script...don't go there
3 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Overall this film was well acted, at least on the part of the main characters.

The major issue I had with the film was the fact that after this guy, Max, admits to raping Julietta (she is indignant and mad for a whole five minutes) she forgives him. At this point she is pregnant and doesn't know if it is Max or Jiri's kid, but breaks up with Jiri for no real reason and has dinner with Max. As a woman I found this whole part to the story to be completely far-fetched.

I also found that the film's language was a lot stronger than I thought it would be and the sex scenes were quite...detailed.

On the whole I didn't enjoy this film - the storyline's fault.
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North & South (2004)
Moving and accurate
21 August 2005
This is my favourite mini-series from the BBC yet. As a direct descendant of Lancashire cotton workers in the area this movie is based, it helped to me to connect what my ancestors lived like.

The casting on this mini-series was perfect, not one role had been cast wrong.

Daniella was engaging and convincing as Margaret Hale, who moves from the South to the industrial North when her father gives up his post as a minister.

Richard though is just superb as John Thornton. He is very convincing and for once we see a good actor, with talents (and in my books very good looking), without having the traditional 'pretty boy' look.

Basically Margaret comes to learn that while things are different in the North, it doesn't make the South any better. She finds that there is a stronger sense of family unity and bonding and she begins to make friends with people below her status, because plain and simple - they're good people.

This is a must watch. Congratulations to the BBC on a fine movie, which is even better than the book it was based on.
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Could have been better
6 August 2005
What could have been a good movie (although terribly predictable) was completely ruined by Jennifer Lopez. Her acting isn't the best - but the worst thing was that she is meant to be Italian in this film and even I can hear the accent. And also - why did her song have to be played through the end credits?

That one casting area completely made this movie worse - a different leading lady may have gotten the film to 5 or 6.

This storyline has been used perhaps one too many times. There was some over-acting by support cast, which I feel was meant to be funny but the punch line just doesn't make it across. The leading man, Matthew was OK and at least convincing for the most part in his role.

Fran's parents were annoying and I think the singing thing was a bit unnecessary. As for Mary's parents, I just didn't believe them - I think this is again due to the casting issue.

Don't watch it, try While You Were Sleeping instead.
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A must to watch.
14 July 2005
This is the best thing I have watched on TV all year - and in fact for ages.

Although I don't know very much German (wonders of subtitles), this mini-series was brilliantly acted, in particular by the main star Matthias Koeberlin who delivers a convincing role who you can feel a connection to.

It was fast paced and didn't get too technical with the details. It contain a great plot of Steffen who while on a archaeological dig falls into an underground tomb where he finds a skeleton. Upon closer inspection this old skeleton has has modern surgery and a manual on a Sony video camera.

The plot thickens as word gets out about the skeleton and Steffen finds himself being hunted for the video which the camera contains - of Jesus Christ.

The questions soon becomes - where is the camera? and who will get to it first? and live to tell the tale...

While there are a couple of factual errors, don't let that put you off. It is truly enjoyable to watched with excellent camera work, script, and shows some beautiful countryside.

I can only hope that I get to see more mini-series of this quality.
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Beautiful mini series
5 June 2005
This is one of the best mini-series which I have seen in ages.

Based on the life of Friedrich Trenck, it follows his life in Prussia after he falls in love with the Princess Amalia. Desperate to keep them apart, Friedrich is hunted down and imprisoned.

He is determined though that it won't stop him from getting back to his love Amalia, and she is determined to be with him.

Friedrich escapes from prison, but he still has to find Amalia.

It is definitely a mini series worth watching and it is beautifully acted. The countryside is stunning and the costumes brilliant. It makes this series a must for any romantic.
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