
3 Reviews
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"That's all there is to love."
25 January 2022
A hauntingly accurate portrayal of social ineptitude, hypersensitivity, obsession and delayed emotional growth. Disturbing at times and heartbreaking at times. The pain of the main character is so vividly-conveyed you could almost feel it. Fine work by Kieslowski.
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Mature but slow at times
23 January 2022
Beautiful cinematography and excellent acting. The film has this mature and reserved feeling to it as the tension builds up. The moral struggle of the characters is a profoundly stirring and thought-provoking one. The violin score is something else and it's one I heard over 5 years ago but never forgot. The only downside to this film is the slow pace without any real artistic justification. Still a film you should see at least once.
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A Profound Encounter
23 January 2022
Look past the occasionally gimmicky acting and technique (quite forgivable given how old the movie is) and you'll be able to appreciate this intricately-woven portrayal of loss and intimacy. The screenplay is fantastic and some of the shots are unforgettable. The poetic narration is gripping and carries the theme of melancholy swiftly through the movie. This is my first Alain Resnais film and it won't be the last.
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