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Don't trust the complicated simple judges
1 January 2024
This film got totally underrated by some interesting masses.

Maybe some were surprised by the "scifi-horror" aspect. But it is no reason to make something artifical down.

It is like in real life with such people by the way.

And so to the next thing. It is extreme metaphoric for an experienceworld what is called, narcissistic selfblame in such orientation and fear pattern and in this direction borderline.

So it got the name "significant other" because of the idealization, or maybe right picture of a partner.

Being "worth, -less" is the narcissistic part, the fear and goal in front of parents, classmates, the world, in front of the own false judgement. So she is panicking that way.

Good made overall, surprising in plot.

Just a bit too short out of that... It is more on the quality side, less for "don't look up" people.
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Napoleon (2023)
Anti historical facts... bad Hollywood is back
24 November 2023
Should it have been an alternative to Bridgerton, a soap?

Even in France the a bit historical not uneducated are not happy with this alternative reality movie.

R. Scott and others, why?

Even b-movies got it better.

There are some crituques like on YT "Napoleon Movie Was Doomed From The Start" to go into details.

They can make another movie later, a correct one. So they make more money out of it.

But okay, as long Napoleon appears not as superhero like in marvell, DC.

Would prefer an extreme alternative cut and the team shot take som non US typical history lessons. Close to reality please.
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It seems to be okay, fun about the dullness of narcissistic (sx) roles
30 September 2023
...so it looks more like a carnival of the usual. Men are exaggerated to such muchos, but at some business levels such are more asholes like the women as well often are. Maybe it would be fair, when they show the bad chauvinistic men, to show more the same narcissistic (BDP label included) women, that drive people, the loved ones to suicide and their children to problem kids(later adults).

They are shown, but as a bit too harmless narcissistic, means histrionic fem freaks.

Even it means normally that it is just the state of the art actual female girly girl narcissistic ideal.

In other times, other cultures and many between are not like these. Female, conumer narcissists of nowadays.

It seems so natural for them, when they wnt to this social school. "Such a game!", and they get nearly always what they want and when not... They never ggot what they want drama wars.

A Ripley, a Trinity, a S, Connor, Or at Remoington Steel,+..., a Pipi Langstrumpf all these are role emancipated ones, they are true, mainly rational and self aware or critical. Not such shooping princesses with their various strong grown narcissism leveling, this pride.

So a not coplete fair satire. But of course at areas in the world it is more like this.
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Shrinking (2023– )
Great by Harrison and some other actors, but the depth...
8 April 2023
...is too much like a cheesy teenager plot, sex sells and imaturity.

The psychology is flat... people that need consciousness should be doctor or prof??

Okay, maybe this circumstance is tragic correct. Psy pseudoscience is not unusual. Unconscious, manipulative people like to study psychology.

Something critical as topic would be fine like narcissism and the ideology of being worth or unworthy, winner - loser as human.

So it has the spirit of a soap opera. Maybe funny in times of socialmedia dumbness, fame, glamour, commercial delusions to stay into.

Shrinking sounds too much like ... it could be so much more, but no soap!
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The Sandman (2022– )
Borderline-Narcissistic persuasions, ideologies as wisdom, lifestyle?
9 August 2022
The votings are devastating, like in my hipster narc femme peasant invaded city (like L. A. +++) the newold spirit.

Would give a 3 or 4, but with the tox schoolyard like teen 10 massvoting for that...

If something shares their shallow, unreflected selfish/hedonistic way of life, their lying and hatred, resentments out of a high castle, they vote 10of10. Especially females here as well. 3rd wave was the last good, our unifying, antichauvinistic, so antinarcissistic, no good news since. Here another example.

Superficial thinking after rules, magical wishtinking, antagonistic being, the same old stuff and unconsious. This is a spirit and Borderline is a persuasion structure with habit. Here, they think like that personas are stones and "don't know why", must be female, male, human, an identity.

But no, being shallow, greedy, a attention seeker performer is just cognitive trash, a path, a choice.
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Not Okay (2022)
Hard stuff, a mirror for NARCISSISTS(so as well BDP), Hipster-Opportunists and...
2 August 2022
Such "wannabe" high in status, (artificial) value people.

Such *identitarian*("I hate heteros") old wine in new bottles, revanchistic, empowerment, wannabe "cooler", hero victimizer - also conservative, right wing and onefold people.

So it gets ununderstood downrated in anger by a lot of people, how good visible in the statistic and the comments... Some to many comments are missing totally the object.

So I would say, well thanks for the film, because it is great for social sientific scene insiders, critical psychologists, people with curiosity and so forth.

Others should take it as a funny/confrontative riddle.
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SurrealEstate (2021– )
Not bad in psychology issues, that are normalized in competition, be something society
10 April 2022
I do not believe for invisible wish, fear, projection-phantasy. But the myths, figures are often more symbols, interpretations of consciousness in problematic society conflicts.

And they recapitulate some paths, some aberrations, dead ends.

Well, thanks. But business $ worker of the month admiration, worth-up is part of the golden cage, the addiction,... Here I would rate two stars down in my scale, but yeah. The underestimated intelligence of the conversations... And the rap track of episode 5? Is there a download possibility?

And okay, the series has not the budget, but it is not just in studio... ;)
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Deep Water (I) (2022)
A Mirror for narc+ Competition, Compensation in private - instead of career sphere
1 April 2022
I wanted to give 8 points for this very good film, but narcs, such ones, that got mirrored are doing that 1 and so chancelvoting.

Some may have never seen an old french movie, wouldn't find it good. It has a style of better european (fench 70th) films.

But it's not so demanding in the old tristesse reduction. So good to watch and with hints to reflect the real relation world tendencies, behind the narc framing cheese party of narc classhero (power - be worth, ranking junkie race-horses) women and men in this actual society.

So some hate that, but more *the mirror* of their own games in their relations. The cheesy demand, that breeds these "no boring relation" psychology, shown in the film. They can't develop in their stupid false demand, in cognitive together without to be in competition. Every part here (her more after narc. Fem. Fun style) want to be the best and a said of the hero women/men is never wrong and so on. In normal pblic narc wmn rationalizing it as hypersensible - but it is just the career school of life, they make a party for(I'm the coolest, richest).

So there is just cheese, avoidance in elementary selfcritical human things the progamm, or copy paste knowledge, the selfish useful one.

Such pairs have just sex and games, moneyconsume, moneyheroism(spending some, but being assholes behind the shiny roles) against to be boring in being. The emptyness known in psychology. A topic of the film. I would give 10 point with more reasons with the economized racelike growing reasons, to be that narc. Phil, believer person in thoughts, resulting feelings and behavior. "Killing them softly", the series Snowpiercer to Matrix, + are going there some steps more.

Narcs(so BDS to byproxy working class heros, applaus-worthup-attention-envy seekers) hate consciousness (esp. About this), in their environment.

So they blame/gaslight and chancel people, 'loved' ones, children, animals for pleasure, so easy to do it with a film.
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Game of Thrones (2011–2019)
Totally overrated. Stylish, hm no reason for stupid escallation, no brilliant intelligence...
11 July 2019
... in this series. Only a better simple adventure in the story and the sublevel.

Critical intelligence isn't real important in such a world, so lets vote the little bit more 'serious' glamour action show of dark times. If you want to make a cult of the dark times - ask youself, what a human you are in case of Midage or the darkest inhumanity of WW2...

Normally it has earned something like 8 pts. But I have to vote just a bit against the whoopwhoop masses, so 6.

There is really selden an inspiration, maybe for simple thoughts, for real young people - okay, and as an accident of the storybook. More as 8 is ... ohno!!
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IO (2019)
Perfect style to show, how it is... Alone on a (now in realtime to see) largely killed planet.
18 January 2019
The film isn't intended to show the near reasons, nor a doc about KILLING storms and so on. (what a psych needs always explosions right in its face?)

The real actors of the(in last acts of course "boring") story have better things to do:

Watching action movies and so on with more colors and loud sounds. So the comments and votes ... quot erat demonstrandum.

What they in reallife do, like big consume of scientific achievements... momently... doesn't matter...
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IO (2019)
I would give an 8, but the stpd antihumanistic/"destroy world for fun/money" fraction...
18 January 2019
... is real active and often organized to fake the internet informations.

They rate films down with the reality of >money orientated earth destruction<, with 1, sometimes 2 points and give sometimes reviews with a 1 point level.

I hope, imdb is checking for their fake accounts and bots. That's how their fraction is working...

Tis niveau is zero guys!
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A bit naive...
18 October 2017
It's a disastrous time with disastrous absence consciousness of many people. I want,I want, I want ...and if it kills all around me. It doesn't matter.

A two child politic is momently necessary in most areas of the world, or many people will die all the time - not peacefull. Thanks for a life and dead in pain!
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Excellent movie to get some idea, whats wrong with this world of crisis
28 June 2017
The simple facts about the movie are known now.

But the mainplot does handle around the trading(and exclusion of people) and its results for the world and the character of humans... so secondary narcissism and a bit greed.

The absence of conscience is a problem for the intention of the film and book, so it is simply a problem for the film and its comprehensibility...
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