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Big Little Lies: What Have They Done? (2019)
Season 2, Episode 1
What have they done?
14 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
They ruined it.

We weren't watching it for the passive aggressive comebacks and the petty grudges, we were watching it for all it's emotional honesty. For all the subtle and yet brilliant ways they showed what our secular individual-centered society is doing to how we function as communities. The witty writing was just a bonus.

Now, we get a repetitive, on-the-nose shadow of season 1 (Oh, some young bloke makes an obvious metaphor of how beauty is often a sign of danger in nature, when meeting Jane. Such an original metaphor, if this was A SHAKESPEARE PLAY AND NOT A 2019 TV SHOW). Even the editing seems like mere mimicry, it doesn't serve the plot, it just imitates the style of season 1. And everything is so repetitive. Oh, Madeline is hitting her ex husband, how wild, how funny, how original. Oh her daughter doesn't want to listen to her, I don't remember seeing that before. What happened to them opening up to each other at the end of the first season? Dumb writing. That's what happened. It's like the characters did not become any wiser from what happened, but became more stupid instead.

Should've left it a mini-series, the way IT WAS ACTUALLY INTENDED.
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Narcos: Todos Los Hombres del Presidente (2017)
Season 3, Episode 9
Such a disappointment
10 November 2017
Without an a priori strong character like Pablo, the writers of this season had to start from scratch in order to keep us engaged. And I must say, they did a wonderful job crafting the dark, unjust, raw Narco-world. Up until this episode. Everything - from the generic shootouts to the naive ex machina moments, I absolutely hated. And I simply can not believe this episode could be the highest rated of the season. There was so much emotional depth in some the previous ones, so much brutal realism. Not many mainstream shows dare to explore those. How could anyone have missed that?

Also - the intro was out of sync, it seems that I am the only one that has spotted this. Bad episode. Peace.
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Vice Principals: Venetian Nights (2017)
Season 2, Episode 8
What happened?
6 November 2017
After this so far incredible season which I absolutely adored, this episode seemed kind of... off. It was very rushed, the editing was clumsy and abrupt, none of Green's little details were present, which made this season a lot more than just absurdist comedy.

And then the title sequence came - directed by Danny McBride. As much as I love him, I must confess to disliking his directing style.

Regardless, I'm looking forward to the finale. It was a great ride.
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Better Things: Scary Fun (2016)
Season 1, Episode 8
I don't care about the candy
7 October 2017
The writing on this show is amazing. It's so sincere, sensitive and at the same time witty and clever. I can not help but absolutely adore Better Things. And it's not just that, it's also a huge step forward for the medium.It shows that comedy does not necessarily require artificial humorous structures to work - life itself has enough to offer. LOUIS C.K. has been pushing the boundaries of TV for years now and his collaboration with Pamela Adlon has turned out to be such a wonderful delight. I understand that I sound extremely cheesy. Don't judge me. I just finished an episode.
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Louis C.K. 2017 (2017 TV Special)
Never listen to what they say
13 June 2017
I am so glad I decided to form my own opinion and to disregard all the reviews here. Louis C.K's 2017 is a lough out loud experience just like Chewed Up or Live at the Beacon Theater were. During the last 15 minutes, the smile just wouldn't leave my face and I also struggled to suppress it for another 15 minutes afterwards.

The jokes just worked for me, I simply cannot believe people would hate this, but as any other art form, it's a matter of taste. People are different. Opinions are different. Some are better, others are worse. So PLEASE find out in which category you land on your own and don't miss out on great experiences like this one.
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Fargo: The Lord of No Mercy (2017)
Season 3, Episode 6
The time we lost our way
4 June 2017
After the previous episode, unsettling, dark and filled with complex psychological conflict, the script bursts out in clichés and seems rather tired and worn out. The episode doesn't really add much to the deeper, philosophical aspects of this STORY, but instead serves the most shallow.

Noah Hawley once again hinders his own creation with mediocre writing. This statement, I believe, is backed up by the fact, that all the best episodes of all 3 seasons were neither written, nor directed by him.

The climactic scene is so ridiculous and unbelievable, I am struggling to accept it. The episode is a small, but significant disappointment in comparison with this, up until this point, solid and well crafted season.
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Big Little Lies: Serious Mothering (2017)
Season 1, Episode 2
I tend to them like little pets
26 March 2017
As much as I resent melodramatic trivialities in our everyday lives, intrigues and petty grudges, I can not help but absolutely enjoy each line of dialog in this incredibly witty script. What for me in reality is a shallow complication of human interactions, here I embrace as a guilty pleasure. It comes of very natural, I do however believe that it wouldn't have been possible with a less skillful cast. The awkward mediocrity of some of the "witnesses," I think, proves my point.

The editing in this episode is superb. It didn't make such a strong impression in the pilot, but here, and especially the sound montage, it really got to me. I believe it is in those wonderfully crafted scenes, where no dialog and no conventional camera angles are present, that the medium really comes to life in all it's potential.

I am looking forward to how the story will unfold. Regardless - this is another of those TV shows, that are, in their essence, an experience themselves.
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Vice Principals: Gin (2016)
Season 1, Episode 8
Excellent climax
22 September 2016
After the show's initial imbalance it quickly picked up and revealed just how much Jody Hill has progressed as a director throughout the years. This episode is one of those moments of excellence where everything - the writing, the directing, the acting on all parts just go along in a perfect cohesion.

It rang so true to see Mr. Russel's dignity crumble under his self- inflicted Machiavellian persona, as he caught a glimpse of his reflection in a glass panel.

But the change Mr. Gamby goes through is circular. His flawed social skills returned after he'd just started to learn how to curb them, now threatening to ruin the first normal, healthy relationship he's had with anyone throughout the show.

The same, but on a much larger scale goes for principal Brown. The scene of her downfall was directed in such a superb way, that it wasn't just a funny sequence of drunk actions, but also a sad picture of a human being humiliating itself in grotesque degradation.

I can't wait to see the finale.
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Fargo: Waiting for Dutch (2015)
Season 2, Episode 1
Mixed feelings
2 January 2016
The characters are pretty flat in their behavior is predictable. The story, though definitely interesting, fails to capture the credibility, which we seek in this genre. The acting has it's glimmers in the face of Offerman and Plemons.

Hawley has crafted an exciting, but unfortunately rather hackneyed fable and i do look forward to the participation of other writers later on.

As much as i was intrigued by the plot, i couldn't help being discouraged by the ridiculous murder scene, the ludicrous detail that came right after and the from time to time unconvincing direction. What made season 1 exceptional we might find here painfully simplified.
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About Time (I) (2013)
An incredibly beautiful cinematic masterpiece.
4 January 2014
I walked into the movie theater only because of my girlfriend, who wanted to see "something romantic". So i entered the half-empty hall full with skepticism, expecting both a waste of my time and money. I was later amazed by the incredible outstanding quality of this film, which made me think about what i have done with my life until that point, it made me realize how beautiful life can actually be, it made me understand, that it is up to you to fill your days with happiness and give them a point and a meaning. This definitely goes into my top 5. Excellent collaboration between the cast, the director, the producers and the screen-play writers.
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