
1 Review
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Northern Exposure (1990–1995)
Northern Ex Fine Wine & Karma
15 January 2010
Before The Miami Herald was eviscerated & dumbed down it produced Tropic Magazine &got lots of awards. In 1 of the last Tropic issues was the story of Northern Ex's creator. He created it, had the whole treatment ripped off by a Godzilla Hollywood house, took them to court & won. He & his mom were holocaust survivors who came to South Beath & lived in a 1 bedroom &he became a millionaire writer, a David who slew a Goliath. South Beach was a Yiddish survivor ghetto when I was a kid thru the 60s.

Addn'l: Chris in the Morning book collection of his zazen impromptus is fun & remaindered for a buck$ or 2/Amazon,etc. He says he was JUST an actor & had no interest in what the writers stuck in his dialogue. Now that IS funny zen...
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