
6 Reviews
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Black Swan (2010)
Slow but very intense, Boring but thrilling, Artistic but very steamy
26 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Yes.. it is very slow boring and artistic type of movie. We want bullets and cars flying all around to satisfy Friday night rush. These movies are for Sunday nights.

But as slow and boring it starts, it just flips over. Gets very intense and arousing, shakes you with fear and take control of you. This true theatrical performance shows two sides of a coin. Beauty turning to beast, a saint turning to devil. Every minute you will keep thinking whats next and you may be making your own theories but every time next scene will bash your theories.

After all the thrill and suspense and steamy scenes, I think there is a message too to take home. Watch it and you will know what I am saying.
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Unstoppable (2010)
Short Review.. Simple Conclusion
7 November 2010
Its a must watch if you like any of these following facts:

i) Your childhood train fantasies are still alive.

ii) You like train disaster movies (not the hijacking).

iii) Disaster is based on true story.

iv) You don't miss any Denzel Washington's movie. (Even if its taking of Pelham)

Good for all age groups. Near to my seat was a junior sitting with his grandma and both of them were sticked to there seat like everyone else for entire movie duration.

There is not much story and emotions in the movie. Disaster starts right in first minute of the movie and continues till last minute. Denzel's presence at all times is good insurance for this movie.
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The Guitar (2008)
Can change your life
6 September 2010
Obviously we all have seen hundreds of movies when someone is counting his last days. This one is not what anyone can expect.

Watch it from heart, believe in writer and director and try to listen the message in movie. It can change your life. Its sad, funny, refreshing, keep you hooked till last minute and takes your entire night thinking on it.

Special movies are not for everyone. If you are little depressed, lonely, missing something in life other than money, the message in movie will teach you life. Take my suggestion, watch the movie and see if you are like all others or different.
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3 Idiots (2009)
Why cant astronaut used pencil and saved millions on research of ball pen.
28 December 2009
When a student ask this question to Prof. Viru who is being taught by his professor that ball pen is most important invention so astronauts can use it in space, it took prof. Viru years to accept this simple truth. Movie clearly shows how mechanical and bookish current generation professors are even in top technical college of India called IIT. (name changed to ICE in movie)

Movie explores bright and dark side of IITians. After all strip tease and spicy jokes, i'm sure every student and there parents have secretly taken a message from it. Every father wants his son to be top paid engineer. Under this intense emotional pressure from parents, students commits suicide when they failed to get good grades because they are not made to be an engineer.

Once audience settles down from choking laughters, they are silently told college is not about pleasing your professors and getting good grades. One should really focus on earning knowledge. Even last grade person managed to get job.

MBAs might not be happy to see this. When you spend every breath of your teen life to become an engineer and love technology and suddenly you do MBA and start working in bank. Whats the point? Leaves all of us thinking.

Overall, movie is awesome with laughters and emotions well spunned together. Must watch for all youngsters.
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Forrest Gump (1994)
I am not the smart man. But I know what love is.
1 August 2009
Some movies are not to be rated because those are the movies which defines movies.

Entire story of movie is summarized in this one line which tom hanks says simply somewhere in middle of movie. "I am not the smart man. But I know what love is."

Tom hanks at its best of all performance. Not stupid but less smart than others. He is best in everything but he never do anything for himself. He proves to be a best son, best soldier, best sportsman, best shrimper, best runner, best father and at all times, a true lover.

Tom will give his best in everything while maintaining his simplicity and innocence which gives you a smile every time with moisture in eyes. One of the rare movie which can make you smile and cry at same time.

Nothing needs to be said for this movie. Oscar defines it all. Don't care about ratings and watch this masterpiece.
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Orphan (2009)
Secret, You can never guess.
1 August 2009
One of the best horror/thriller movie, you will never forget. In entire movie you will keep guessing, is she a ghost or personality disorder or what. But I assure you can never make guess of her secret. And when the movie twists in the end, you will be deeply shocked and speechless.

Isabelle (Esther) has done Oscar winning acting. Younger girl, max, is very very charming.

The movie starts like an average family movie, where a couple is looking for adoption. It will continue as a normal drama movie. Some thrill starts by first half but still not enough to make yours hairs stand. Suddenly after first half overs, thrill and horror jumps and I still remember those girls sitting in front of me who turned there head backwards towards me as they cant bear the pressure.

Watch this movie and you will never forget it.
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