
7 Reviews
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Wham! (2023)
Joyful memories of a snapshot in time
5 July 2023
I had a smile on my face as I watched most of this film, remembering how lovely George and Andy were together and the infectious smiles on the both of them. Their music is still as catchy as ever, and it was nice to see a lot of early concert footage of the group that I'd never seen before. Thank you Mr. Ridgeley for putting this together. My only complaint was that it was about 15-20 minutes longer than it needed to be, and it could've had more clips of Andy and George in the studio together. Definitely a must-see if you're a fan of 80s pop music, and if you know little to nothing about the underpinnings of George's meteoric rise to solo career fame.
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Toy Story 4 (2019)
7 July 2019
I would consider myself an above-average fan of Toy Story. I kinda grew up with them. I even have a couple of the figurines of the Pizza Planet aliens on one of my bookshelves. And I always love when 'the gang' comes around again, and this time was no exception. For me, Toy Story 3 ended perfectly, and I honestly didn't think they'd make another one! So much to my chagrin, they have. I went in tonight with no expectations, other than the hopes that film would bookend (hopefully) what came before. I have to admit, the beginning was overly sad, almost morose, while the middle got increasingly bizarre, leading to an ending that felt, well, off. It didn't feel right. You can argue all the live-long day about why the filmmakers are brilliant in their choices, or why they did what they did with this film, but ultimately what matters is how the movie made you feel. This movie doesn't FEEL like Toy Story. It feels like an off-shoot of the series, with the characters we know (and actually sorta love) acting OUT of character. The finale is peculiar in that it didn't leave me smiling as I left the theatre like the previous three did. If I were to wager a guess, I think, perhaps, what happened here is that Pixar didn't have enough people going, hang on, are we getting this right? It's how I imagine The Last Jedi got made... too many 'yes men.' I remember reading a story where Rashida Jones left this project because of creative differences. I wonder now if she was, perhaps, the only one with the nous to stand up for what Toy Story has always been about... sticking together. The creators behind this one certainly didn't.
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Utterly awful
10 August 2009
I was not a GI Joe fan growing up in the 80s. I liked He-Man and Ghostbusters, and ThunderCATS. That being said I was perfectly willing to check this out and give it the benefit of the doubt. I am, in the least, familiar with the characters.

While I'm aware this isn't on par with a film like Shawshank Redemption, the dialogue and acting were awful. Horrid. If there was an anti-Oscar, the actors here would win 'em all.

I chalk it all up to Stephen Sommers. After all he directed Van Helsing, another piece of complete tripe.

Rent the DVD when it comes out if you want a semi-solid (bowel movement) popcorn night on the sofa.
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Not that interesting...
12 October 2008
The graphics and the vocals were nice. Danny Glover did a nice job of a "slow" turtle drawl. Jay Leno is recognizable at the hare, of course. The story was just...blah. I found myself actually about ready to fall asleep after the first 25 minutes or so. It should've been FUNNIER. There was humor in it, just not enough. It was if they were just showing you what happens along the race, and it wasn't exciting or interesting. Probably the funniest characters in the movie were the two wives (Vivica A. Fox was the tortoise wife). I'm giving it a 6 out of 10. It's not terrible, but it's not worth seeing either. Perhaps young children would really enjoy it..?
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Dracula 2000 (2000)
Not a great flick, but...
5 October 2008
I actually remember seeing this at Christmastime. I was living in Little Rock at the time. It must've been 1999 (or 2000 I'm guessing from the title).

Anyway, the "twist" on who Dracula actually is is quite interesting. I never thought of it, but it does make sense. Too bad they didn't explore the history of that a little more rather than just trying to make a silly, quick, box-office-draw kind of flick.

It's an idea that started off really well, but then just fell kind of flat. Overall it's a mildly entertaining movie. You probably won't want to watch it more than once, though.
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Hurlyburly (1998)
Awful film
26 September 2008
I could go into a long exposition about this movie and why I disliked it...but I won't. The characters are truly horrible people, real as they may be. I found myself detesting them completely. I can't relate to this film in any way. The only thing I can conclude is that it must have been made by self centered Hollywood types FOR self centered Hollywood types. Palminteri's character is probably one of the worst screen characters I've ever seen. As I mentioned earlier, most of my stomach wrenching was in direct result of this guy. It's a bizarre film, and in the least, it'll leave you being thankful for your "normal" life.
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What a let down
5 August 2008
I love Bryan Singer. I love what he did with X-Men! But this movie? Phew. What a let down. It did nothing in terms of carrying on the magic of the Christopher Reeve films. I mean...they had the score in there and I dig the fact that it was supposed to take place after the events of Superman 2. I think they just totally dropped the ball.

That being said, there are some scenes that are amazing (The aeroplane rescue). Even Kevin Spacey, who is also a general fave, isn't up to par. His performance lacks...menace. Gene Hackman didn't quite pull it off perfectly either, but he had the nutty party of Luthor down pat.

The film is VISUALLY entertaining. There is no chemistry between Lois and Clark/Superman...the acting is poor...and Routh simply doesn't have the charm that Christopher Reeve had.
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