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Dragonquest (2009 Video)
Christopher Tolkien and Peter Jackson should SUE!!!
11 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This truly godless-awful exploitation crap should be sued by the Tolkien estate and Peter Jackson's entire production team. From lines about "the shadow in the east" and saving the west to the about half the production design, this garbage, which boasts some of the worst writing and even worse acting I have ever witnessed. When "Grandfather" dies at the film's start I was actually glad, I so could not stand one more of...his...disjointed...line...readings....

The dragon is a complete rip-off of the Balrog. There are thugs with white Uruk-Hai hand-prints on their faces. There is a cave with a giant spider. I could go on, but what would be the point?

And the cast? It is nauseating to see Marc Singer, and actor who made his name in Shakespeare, for chrissake, reduced to growling his way through this mess. And Brian Thompson actually can act when he's allowed to, as he proved in the two Epoch movies, so why reduce him to a hooded cloak and deep voice? The rest of the cast deserves anonymity.

I know in my heart that a special place in Cinema Hell awaits the writers and director of this offal.
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