
2 Reviews
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Tales by Light (2015– )
Photographically Inspiring
12 May 2017
As an amateur photographer, I really enjoyed the behind the scenes look into some of the best photographers shooting today.

Observing the thought process of these guys and gals in regard to composition, lighting, creativity, and the amount of hard work and dedication that goes into getting one great shot is what really made this series. Yes the technology helps, as Art Wolfe stated numerous times, but the latest Canon gear aside, there are no great photographers that are lazy and unmotivated.

Being most interested in landscape photography, I especially enjoyed the Art Wolfe episodes. Gorgeous cinematography and incredible photos throughout the series were just an added bonus.

A couple of somewhat minor annoyances. Being a Canon funded series, the in your face advertising was a bit over the top. I almost expected to see a lion wearing a Canon branded dog collar or something. I also became rather worn down towards the end of the series by the "protect the environment" cliché. Unless this was intended for children, know your audience: we get it already.

Regardless, great series.
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God's Pocket (2014)
Individual Acting Greatness Surrounded by a Forgettable Movie
12 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed Hoffman, Jenkins, Turturro, etc. at an individual level. I enjoyed the set detail, lighting, and mood created and really felt as if I were having a drink in a Devil's Pocket dive bar in the 80's.

The movie as a whole and plot however, were completely forgettable. I was actually quite pleased to see "Old Lucy" knock that horrible, racist, knife wielding kid over the head with a pipe. It actually felt like justice as it could be argued the murder was in self- defense and involuntary at its worst.

Regardless, from that point on, I could not connect with the plot of Jeanie Scarpato seeking justice. I could not connect with the overly contrived "feeling" that Jeanie had about her dirt bag son getting killed as if getting accidentally killed in an industrial yard is completely unbelievable?! Not too mention that the rest of the film felt disjointed, without purpose and lacking in realism.

At the end of the movie, I felt A) glad it was over and B) disappointment that we won't see Hoffman's incredible talent for acting again.
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