
49 Reviews
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A good film, but a bit all over the place!
21 January 2024
I really liked the overall film, with a good level of tension right from the outset... proper on the edge of your seat kinda stuff.


There do seem to be a lot of messy story lines in the overall script. The whole 'Friends' line really irritated me, but it made a bit of sense towards the end. Oh... and what the heck were all the deer about?!!?! No idea!

Kevin Bacon's part was just minimal and lacking in any major substance other than validating what was already pretty obvious.

Julia Roberts I didn't initially recognise from the poster, but she was really good in this. I'd have to say anyone else in this role I'd have knocked 3 stars off my score because Julie saves the whole thing.

If you have two and a half hours to spare, it's good fun.
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It's certainly showing its age, but good fun!
10 October 2022
Don't get me wrong, I love films from around this time, but you can figure out the ending from the very first scene. It's a good bunch of fun, with not too much Segal (I'm genuinely happy about this as I find his acting 'not to my taste') and it is worth a watch.

If you're after high tech accuracy - steer clear. One particular favourite 'odd scene' was a part where Kurt Russel zooms in on the top deck of what can only be described as a dodgy jpeg of the plane. Very cringeworthy.

I also love how they imagine all that room above the cabins for the crawl space - I'm no aircraft designer but I'm pretty sure that can't be right.

All in all, it's good fun - just don't take it seriously.
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Wallis & Edward (2005 TV Movie)
Very good and emotional portrayal of what Wallis and Edward went through
18 December 2005
As a fan of the Monarchy and everything Royal I was really happy with this wonderful presentation of the Monarchy during this slightly difficult and emotional time. It was wonderful to see the ex-King presented in such an emotional way. There was love in that actor's eye, and to act in such a wonderful way is a true asset to any productions cast.

Wallis Simpson is your classic American character. I'm sure she wasn't like this back in the day... a boisterous, bossy and rather annoying woman, slowly becoming a reasonably acceptable character portraying someone who really was stuck in the middle.

All in all, I think this is a very good 'made-for-TV' presentation and I'd recommend it for anyone's 'Royal Viewing Schedule'.
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Masterpiece: The Railway Children (2000)
Season 30, Episode 5
Simply wonderful
12 April 2004
I watched this movie out of sheer chance. Sitting far away from my remote, and on a lazy Easter Monday afternoon... I couldn't be bother to get up and change the channel... so just stayed where I was and watched this great film.

There is no death... no destruction. It's just a happy film that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. It's really good... so if you get the chance to watch it, do.

10 flaps outta 10 because it made me happy. And make sure you have a big box of chocolates with you when you watch it as well... coz it makes it even sweeter :) FrozenDreamer xxx
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Gorgeous piece of film
4 April 2004
Went to watch this one last night at VUE. Had my worries about it, and thought it might turn out to be one of those cr@ppie chick flicks that only fem-neds (see Edinburgh glossary on the the Internet) would go and see.

I was VERY pleasantly surprised by this emotion-packed film that portrays the hurt and suffering that so many of us go through when we loose someone that we love.

Some of the quick wit is brilliantly put across and the acting as a whole is top notch.

Both me and my boyfriend have added this movie to our, 'must be bought on DVD' lists. I plan on taking my sister to see it in a few days time.

Hope you found this useful! 8 flaps outta 10! FrozenDreamer xxx (PS: The cute Polish boy helped as well! CHECK OUT THE ARMS!!!)
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21 Grams (2003)
It has been a long time since...
28 March 2004
...I saw a movie that was this weird (and even slightly frustrating). My boyfriend and I went to go see it earlier this week. I dragged him to it because I thought the trailer looked good. He was a little put off about it and didn't think it would be very good.

When we came out of the movie two hours later, it was the other was around. He thought it was fabulous, while I thought it could have been a lot better.

There were parts in the movie were I was nearly screaming at the screen, pleading and begging for SOMETHING to happen! It was FAR! to slow!!! I kid you not... I had to throw M&Ms at the chair in front of me to vent frustration!

So... because I didn't really enjoy it as much as I hoped... but because my boyfriend thought it was really good and he liked it, I'll have to give it 5 flaps out of 10. That's only because it does make you think.... and the lead actresses nips are HUGE! (worth a laugh)
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Beautiful movie....
19 January 2004
I watched this with one of my very close friends about a weeks ago, and I loved every second of it. The movie is beautifully cast and wonderfully filmed. This is a film I would suggest every gay/straight member of the community watch as it does bring about a profound sense of nobility as you watch it.

10 flaps out of 10. (and it has beefcake in it too by the way.... grrrrrrr.......)
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Better than the second...
5 November 2003
Well... after feeling completely robbed after watching the second Matrix film (Reloaded), I was pleasantly surprised with what Revolutions had to offer. It's very nicely done, and has stunning special effects (it's the Matrix... ofcourse it'll have good effects).

Our household decided to base the fate of the Matrix trilogy on Revolutions. If it was garbage... we were going to pretend that THE MATRIX (first movie) was the only one ever made and that Reloaded and Revolutions were just a dream. Well... we choose not to ignore these two films. Together they are good, but not as good as the first one.

7.5 flaps outta 10
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Finding Nemo (2003)
wooooow dude!
28 October 2003
This movie rocks the EAC! (watch the movie). Pixar have done again with a brilliant piece of animation and fabulous storyline backing it up. Keeps you glued to your seat even if you are busting to visit the little boys room.... like I was.... all that water!!!

I would highly recommend going to see this film, it's incredibly good! I'll be rushing out to buy the DVD at HMV.... and when I walk out the shop I fully intend on screaming out in a very loud voice... numerous times, 'MINE! MINE! MINE!'

10 flaps out of 10!
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You have to remember... this is based on a G-A-M-E!!!
7 September 2003
This is all built on the age old Hollywood-joins-Silicone Valley equation. Find a really popular computer game, make a movie that does really well in the box office... and then... wait two years and release another one that'll do just as well as the first movie, right??? Wrong!

'Cradle of Life' seems to lack the OOOHHSS and AAAHHSS that the first Lara Croft movie had. I don't know why but I found I couldn't get into the flow of things with this film. I couldn't relate! I can always tell when I am loosing interest in a movie... I bite my nails and start looking at my hands a lot. My poor nails are ruined now!

Don't get me wrong though, it does have its moments. There are some fabulous scenes in it with a lot of shooty gunny action that's good for amusement value and not much else. I'd wait for this to come out on DVD though, but because I'm a sucker and love going to the cinema (duuhhhh), I had to spend the dosh to go see this at the movies! I'll probably buy the DVD as well, only because I have the first one and now have to have the complete set of course (duuhhhh).

I'm gonna be semi-kind and give this one 7 flaps outta 10.
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Made for TV cARp...
6 September 2003
Right... so you have a dam, tons of water (that seems to flow really really slowly) and a small town that happens to be right underneath the dams path of destruction. Throw in a profiteering glutton, an apparently mentally unstable and disgruntled architect and his son, and then to spice things up you add a weak plot and bad acting. All in all, when you have a look at this film from a paying customers point of view... I would feel extremely peeved off if this was a pay-per-view film. If you want a laugh... then you really need to watch this film.
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On the Line (2001)
Fun and entertaining film fluff
6 September 2003
I have to admit that when I started watching this film I began to think it was going to be a 'walk-out' experience. Ten minutes later I couldn't be dragged out of the seat I was in.

On the line is a fun movie, it shows romance and love is alive, even in the fakeness of Hollywood (or Chicago).

I like this movie, and want it on DVD... 9 flaps outta 10
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Vanilla Sky (2001)
Errr... yes
6 September 2003
Well, I started to watch this movie, and about ten minutes later found myself playing with the thoughts of slitting my wrists out of boredom. The plot is all over the place, it makes no sense and on top of it, there is no continuity in his car (note the badge on the ferrari). I wouldn't bother with this one.

I'm giving it 3 out of 10... but only because it has Tom Cruise in it.
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Freakin scary!
6 September 2003
I have seen this one two times now. The first time I watched it I was at home and landed up hiding under the cushions during the scary bits... and trust me, there are a lot of them. The Jackal is utterly frightening, and gave me the shivers for weeks after watching this movie.

The second time I watched it I wasn't quite a frightened, but I knew what was going to happen.

This is quite a scary movie. I really would recommend this movie for a frightening night out. 7 flaps out of 10!!!
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... a swift kick up the b***???
1 September 2003
Yes... it's a fun movie. Yes... it has a few laughs but GROAN!!!!!! I didn't really enjoy it all that much. It just goes on and on and on and erg, you get the point. Out of everything that happened in the movie there was only one part where I was completely overjoyed with the performance, and that was when Bette Midler made her appearance. Now THAT is comedy!

I would have gnawed my legs off if I had paid to go and watch this one at the cinema. Wait for it to come onto BBC, unless you have cable, as it's being played to death there.

The music is good though, so that does save it a little. 6 flaps out of 10.
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K-T.V. (1990–1995)
1 September 2003
Being originally from South Africa... and living my childhood in front of South African television... there is little more anyone can say but, 'YEY FOR KTV!!!'

Everyone watched it after school, and everyone respected it for what it brought to out screens. It spawned a lifestyle.... Thanks to the original presenters! You are South Africas heros!!!
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A Place for Annie (1994 TV Movie)
Another Sad HIV flick
17 August 2003
Yes ladies, Gentleman and gracious people inbetween... this is another film to throw the whole HIV thing in our faces. It's inevitable really... they'll keep on playing the story out until they find a cure... and then when they do find a cure, there'll be a flood of sequels! Sissy plays mom... and Sissy plays mom well... but that's about it really. It's made for TV gumf... so if you like this kind of thing, then you'll like it. You sad git.

I had a better time watching the dust settle on the top of my TV. AVOID.

2 flaps out of 10 (and that's just because I'm in a good mood)
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It nearly makes it over the hurdle...
3 August 2003
...but it falls flat on it's face, in trying to be AS funny as the first Legally Blonde movie.

I will admit, that I did laugh a few times through the movie... especially with the Bruiser and the Rotweiller - that was pure genius!

If you want comic mega-fluff... then this movie is undoubtedly the one for you. If you want cute movie to go to with your boyfriend... this is it. If you want an intelligent movie with a brilliant plot, stop reading this now, and go get COPYCAT out of the video store.

For the attempt at being a good movie, and for its aforementioned genius... I'd like to give this one 7 flaps out of 10.
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Fun, witty... and for what it is, really entertaining!
3 August 2003
What a fun movie. I think that everyone who is either depressed or bored should be made to watch this one. It's a happy go-lucky film, and it brings a smile to your face when you watch it, which in my opinion is the whole reason for watching a movie!

Take some time outta your hectic schedule to watch this one, you won't regret it.

7 flaps out of 10
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Simply Beautiful
3 August 2003
I have watched plenty of gay themed flicks, and to be honest, I have a healthy collection of gay-themed drama... ranging from Phillidelphia to Beautiful Thing and then Jeffrey to In & Out. The Unknown Cyclist is now a valued member of my collection of greats.

It does fall into one of those preachy AIDS AIDS AIDS movies... all about wearing condoms and being careful (don't get me wrong... this is a good thing), so some people may find this kind of film tedious and boring. You really need to give it some time though. It is a beautiful movie.

It has some very poignant messages to get across, and it does this very well. Take some time out to have a look, you won't regret it.

7.5 flaps outta 10.
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Signs (2002)
I was under the cushion screaming!!!
2 August 2003
I am not the kind of person who really enjoys really scary horror movies... and I really battle at times to watch movies that have extremely tense moments. It is for these reasons that I found myself with my fingers in my ears, my head under the cusions... and in the really bad bits, having to turn away from the screen all together.

SIGNS... IS A SCARY MOVIE. I had goose-bumps at times, and my sister was buried under the sofa.

If you like scary flick, this is the one for you. I didn't like it that much... so... I'll give it 5 flaps out of 10 because it was able to give me goose-bumps.
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Don't Terminate this!!!
2 August 2003
One of the most awaited fills of the year... you cannot afford to miss this brilliantly done film. The acting, directing and special effect (oh my gawd!!! the special effects)... all add together to give you one hell of a film!

The car chase... well... it outs The Matrix to shame! The TX has been designed to really scare the living heck outta you, while at the same time (towards the end), showing you true fear.

Seriously though, if you want to see a flick that everyone else is going to see, and at the same time... enjoy it with them... then GO AND SEE THIS.

For its action, tension and supremely good looking cast... I am going to have to give this one 10 flaps out of 10.
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Hulk (2003)
Green with something... and it aint envy!
31 July 2003
What a pretty film. It definitely does live up to the life of a Comic Book spin-off... and I think Ang Lee has done the best he can with Hulk... so that the movie is good... and not overly 'green', which would be annoying and crash at the box office.

I liked this flick, it was a good one to go and see and I think that many other people out there will agree with me. I may even buy this one on DVD when it is released. Who knows, perhaps I have found the inner me in this movie... a great big, green, screetching nutter that would love to beat the stuffing out of the things that annoy him.... oh IF ONLY!!!

Sill... I can dream can't I! 7 flaps out of 10!
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Lilo & Stitch (2002)
I'm going to take up 'Poking-a-frog-in-the-eye'
19 July 2003
A fun movie. Has a few really funny bits (I couldn't stop laughing when Stitch landed on Earth and poked the frog in the eye with his little gun. It was hillarious!)

Rent it on DVD though. I had to buy it... because I forgot to cancel my recommended recording on the DVD suppliers website (POO!).

A fun movie for one of those nights in... while babysitting... or if you're trying to show your kind and gentle side to a certain date!

7 flaps out of 10.
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Ice Age (2002)
You can't 'Scrat' this!
19 July 2003
The Ice Age, a time in the earths history that brought many, many years of cold temperatures, death, lack of food... and a reason to make an animated classic that I have bought, watched and loved.

Scrat, undeniably, makes this movie what it is. There is no way that anyone can tell me differant. If it wasn't for his comic little pieces through the film, I would have lost interest and probably switched off. If you are a serious Scrat lover like I am, You have got to get this DVD as there is a special short-movie all about Scrat!

Everyone should regress back to the animation genre at least once a week. All the action, thriller and horror movies out there are so depressing, at least animation takes us all back to our childhood.

It is this reason that I give this one, 7 flaps out of 10. Oh, and by the way, 'THE MELONS!!! THE MELONS!!! THE MELONS!!!'
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