
3 Reviews
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Bringing the average man into the lab
30 June 2018
As a full-time science communicator, I think that it's vitallly important to make sure the non scientific public has an appreciation for science. The GZA asks the questions that the everyday person is probably going to ask, and I think this is good He brings his own perspective and his faith along with him. You may not agree with him, but he's far more relatable to the science curious public than NDG or BN or other scientist hosts. This show makes science accesstible to a broader audience, and perhaps spark an interest in science among people who decided to watch the show just because it is hosted by a member of The Wu Tang Clan. We need more shows like this.
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Armless (2010)
the definition of true love
25 November 2011
OK, not a horrible movie, not a fantastic movie but certainly not a waste of time as some have said. I watched this movie having read the three previous reviews: two bad and one good. So I did not expect much. But I am glad that I stuck it out. Independent films give writers and directors the chance to explore topics that would never make it in the mainstream, and that is what this movie is all about. Quirky characters with interesting real dialog. Very unusual plot idea. A very touching conclusion that was the definition of true love for me. I find it to be a quiet little movie that explored a lot of human flaws and issues in a very short period of time. The doctor's assistant is my favorite character, along with the completely self-absorbed mother.
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Phat Girlz (2006)
Much better than expected
11 November 2007
I also approached this movie not expecting much and was pleasantly surprised with the honesty of the characters and the raw way that the subject matter's were addressed. The movie is not perfect and at times was a little cheesy but it definitely drove home its points about how women (and men) of the full-figured variety are badly treated in American culture. This movie is on the order of the Tyler Perry movies for the way it portrays its characters and deals with it subjects and the way the it can make you think differently. Mo'nique should be praised for broaching this subject matter in such an in your face way and the writer of the movie should be lauded for writing believable dialog. The acting is good and the filming inventive. I especially appreciated the dream sequences. I also love the self-talk in Mo'nique's head!! Definitely worth seeing, though probably certainly a "chick flick."
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