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The Dead Files (2011– )
entertaining, but unconvincing
9 March 2023
I have this on in the background while I work. I generally love these paranormal shows but this one is by far the least convincing of all of them.

Steve Di Schiavi is the only reason I watch and to be honest if it was just him on his own the show would be infinitely better. He's more than capable of carrying a show on his own. He seems like a nice guy: burly, no-nonsense tough guy who speaks his mind, calls people on their BS and turns into a teddybear when someone gets upset.

Amy Allan spends the entire time gurning at the camera every chance she gets. Announcing there's a 'dead person' with horrific injuries standing in front of her, or telling the clients that a ghost is going to kill their child or give them cancer with a psychotic grin plastered across her face is the most disturbing thing about the show. Some of the things she comes out with like spooky invisible tree roots coming into the house poisoning people, or telling people that they're being molested by aliens in their sleep is so far fetched it's laughable. Everything is 'baaaaaaaad'. She does tone it down in later seasons but still... i don't dislike her as a person - its fine for people to be a bit odd, but i do find her delivery very offputting.

Unlike every other 'paranormal' show there is not one single bit of scientific gadgetry or 'evidence' backing up Amy's claims: no tape recordings, no video, no sls, no emf no nothing, and nobody addresses the 'dead people' directly or even seems interested in asking them what they want or need.

This to me is where the show massively falls down in comparison to other shows like Kindred Spirits where the investigators treat the spirits with respect. They're not just 'some dead guy' that needs to be forcefully evicted by exorcists and demonologists or chaos magicians (whatever tf those are). They were a person and sometimes they just need to be helped, or heard, negotiated with, noticed, or even told they're dead. I find it a little hard to believe that so many homes are filled with EVIL - even with Kindred Spirits scary things happening are frequently non-malicious and misinterpreted by the homeowners, which seems far more likely and balanced.

The best bit is the end where the 'sketch artist' rendition is revealed. I wheeze laughed almost every time in the early seasons- 90% of the drawings looked like they had been done by a 7 year old. I don't know how anyone at the table - particularly Steve - was able to keep a straight face while they look at a borderline stickman with eyebrows and say 'oh my god this looks absolutely like the person I saw'.... Mercifully/disappointingly (i'm not sure which) they upgrade their sketch artists after about season 4. I almost prefer the earlier seasons for the comedy value.
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