
7 Reviews
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HauntedWeen (1991)
I watch this movie on vhs a lot
1 October 2023
I found this movie in 2001 at a local video store's "for sale rack" not knowing what it was, I've thoroughly enjoyed it every few years since. It was also fun to see it was filmed at Western University in Ky and I live across the state in Louisville. It's full of boob action and light on the blood which is nice because I'm usually No into slasher. There's a lot of corny things in it that I think of from time to to time. The silly theme song in it is terrible but it's going to get stuck in your head forever. There's a lot of stuff to laugh at watching it now. The poofy hair and ignorant lines that the girls have to say. Also funny, how all the people that live in this town at the haunted house must be sadomasochist "like kill her!!! Yeahh! I know there was a documentary about the movie too and I look forward to watching it.
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I Am Michael (2015)
Vomit. Not an LGBTQIA+ movie
4 July 2023
How is this rating this high? If this is based on a true story then this, Michael Glatze guy enjoyed playing rolls for people, and messing with other people's lives. Including his lovers both of women and men/ the gay community in the Christian community.

Setting all of this aside, I don't understand why this was in the LGBTQIA category and not in the Christian explore category.

The movie lacked a good plot, seemed barren of any real connecting to a viewer. Comes off flat. The writing struggled too.

A lot of it was just really depressing and there was no joy in it. Maybe the fact that happiness for Michael is to be straight, but in this life the straights don't want him and the gays don't want him, so who is this a movie exactly for? Answer: It's for the parents of LGBTQIA that aren't accepting that their kid is gay. And that's all. My parents would love this movie and that's sickening thought.
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Away (A)wake (2005)
Had a good start.
29 June 2023
The older lady. Star of the film. But her storyline was confusing because she seemed nutty and spoke in riddles. Also the nutty drug addict old man wandering around that was introduced around 30 minutes in was not a useful character was it because he could shoot all night that he had such a big role? Mostly speaking jibberish and just constantly controlling and confusing the point of the movie? His parts could have been left out because the middle of the movie sort of deadpans. There's also something to be said for not having a real script and making actors ad lib. It doesn't read well without deeper studies of the character and direction. The music and mood and some of the characters stories (that is if you could understand them) were really good. I wouldn't give it a one. I'd like to see it remade.
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Fuoco e fumo (2021)
The last scene was confusing
22 June 2023
Great movie but the bullying never stops. Not much joy. If you've ever been bullied but it's extremely sad (tears yes) and not much more of a comfortable ending.

The character development could have been fleshed out a little more because I wanted to learn more of a couple of the kids "stories." The very last scene was confusing. Ok I get he was having "those type of feelings" from a few of the pov shots in the beginning and the guy was hot BUT the closeups of all the new people we've never seen before was confusing. The black woman with the chain? Was she a student or a teacher? Walking up looking mysterious and the other b girls who looked like they were about to do a dance routine was completely weird because the credits just rolled then to the beat of nirvana lol. I feel like something got cut out at the ending. Were they new bullies to the school to bully them? Odd. Also judging from the clothes I'd be shocked if it was filmed 2023 and not 2013.

I still enjoyed it overall for some reason but left me with an odd feeling of depressing sadness because it's a very real experience and story in many ways.
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A good movie to cry to!
16 January 2023
I had no idea what this movie was about. I was a little thrown that it was a UK movie playing in the US which was a nice surprise. I just knew it was the only thing starting without a wait time. A nice black and white love story but not feeling like a black and white love story. A younger man and older woman without ever saying that's what it was. If you like 1980s time period this is set in the 80s but not in a garish way. It's set in a seaside village where the old movie theater is the main setting I thought this movie was clever and very atmospheric which I didn't expect. I started crying several times in the theater which I also didn't expect. Its well written and somehow true to life how some people have an almost impossible time speaking about their true feelings. I know it was a "love story" but somehow that wasn't the biggest pull away. How people in passing can affect other peoples lives unexpectedly and be forever changed. I would recommend this movie if you need "a good cry"
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M3GAN (2022)
I've seen 6 new movies this month and this was the best!
15 January 2023
I LIKED THIS MOVIE! I got to the movies late and it was the only thing starting without wait time. I really didn't want to see it because it was from Blumhouse and some of those movies are really really bad. BUT I was so captivated and into it from the opening scene. It's clever on technology and why a doll like this shouldn't exist and why the "almighty dollar" rules over ethics in our world. Im a toy collector and it was nice to see that the female lead was also a toy collector and it dealt a lot with tech toys in general. It was smart and very scary to know that this doll isn't a person but a doll that's staring you in the face becoming more human while it gathers information on you. I would recommend this movie even to non horror fans. Its very freaky too. It makes Chucky and Annabelle looks like Mickey and Minnie.
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Short Track (2008)
Storyline is all over the place
15 January 2023
For a corny 97 minute movie it was very "entertaining" lets say (haha.) The movie want to promote that the husband was a "big family man" but you never saw him much at home with the kids which was pretty hilarious. Speaking of his kids, you barley saw them at all except for the cheap blonde daughter who wanted to be a country music star all of a sudden (random tangent for the movie but funny too) I couldn't really get the vibe from the storyline that "the big race" was really all that important considering we couldn't tell who was going to really race. The young stud that walked in the door from LA? The Daddy? The deaf son? They pretended like they yearned for the big winners cup but the Stud from LA was sidetracked into the cheap blonde daughter. The daddy would want to race but he's mostly making goo-goo eyes with mama beckett. The son is deaf which I thought the movie would center around but it was barely worth a mention sadly. The saving grace to the movie is the "aspiring country music star" daughter and her quirkiness and believabilty which was more action than any actual race happening. A good movie though if want to watch a movie with no cussing or sex. Pretty tame overall.
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