
4 Reviews
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not so good ... about what I expected
18 July 2011
Watched it again for a second time ...I tried , I really tried ... It does not get any better..

I felt like saying at an early stage, (with a bit of paraphrasing)... "HMM.HMMM, this is a tasty glass of milk, my girlfriend is lactose intolerant , so that makes me mostly lactose intolerant..."

Self plagiarism is never a good thing, especially when all your films are nicked from the video store that you used to work at anyway ...and Mr Tarantino , you do it all the time ... it is not big and it is not clever ... learn please ...

All the players ham it up , and have a snigger , but then again I would given their salaries ... even that does not save it, too self wanky for my tastes, and that is what it is all about, a Tarantinos film for himself ...cinematic masturbation ...

4 out of ten

Nothing redeeming here, move along folks ...


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Visually boring ... silly story
22 January 2011
Yawn... Very silly indeed, from Mr Lucas. George has lost the plot, but then again he did nick the idea from Kurosawa in the first place way back (The Fortress), so like a lot of people perhaps has no originality in him ... I hate to say it but the story is stupid, bordering on the no point in the later films have we been prepared to hear about General Grevious, or even Count Dooku...not dissimilar to throwing in that idiot Darth Maul. The only redeeming factor is there is no Jar Jar Binks...thank the midichlorians for that ... The unbelievability factor has sadly got larger with every film (number 2 was the best ) not anything to do about aliens , just the tenuous plot connection between each film ... Not big and not clever... Ohh well... egards Fitvideo
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Milking the Cash Cow
10 October 2009
Having just watched this , it just confirms belief the "Punk" movement was invented and milked to death by the likes of McLaren, Lydon and other psueds, eking out every last single shekel from the disenfranchised masses that these days as age withers can fit quite easily into the Brixton Academy, or turn up at Blackpool or Morcambe Bay once a year. While the concert has a certain vibrancy , it holds no meaning in 2009.

Strangely, I like Lydon's work with the likes of Bill Laswell , but this ? Nothing to see here folks , move along...

regards Fitvideo
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District 9 (2009)
Hmm (possible minor spoiler)
22 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
What a strange little film...quite surreal... A great premise , it could have really gone somewhere, but that was sadly let down by gaping great flaws in the plot/continuity...massive gaps that needed to be explained which were not...My immediate thoughts were back to Peter Jackson's initial ventures into filming, and somehow he was trying to relive his youth with lack the believability factor, how much power he had as a producer in this venture I know not. Or maybe the director is a just a PJ sycophant. Who knows.

Sadly I did not care one way or the other about "our hero" , as he was such a horrid little character to begin with , he could not have changed as he did towards the end , and I don't count that a spoiler. Oh, btw, I deliberately did not mention until now that there are two "heroes" ... both equally worthless after their initial exposure to the audience...

I would suggest to anyone to see it yourself and make of it what you will ...entertaining yes, but flawed....

However I think the Nigerian Government's reaction to it is pretty funny gets bonus points for having pressed their button...


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