
17 Reviews
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Survivor (2000– )
Really gone to poop
10 March 2022
My whole family use to be the biggest Survivor fans on earth, no one else came close. However, the last couple seasons it's like they intentionally went out to find the most dysfunctional, wimpy, and abnormal people they could find. They also became a platform for political propagandas. As if we watch for indoctrination. The only people they invite on the show theses days are geeks, out of shape middle age folks, and gay/lesbian people. No more Ozzies, no more Coach, no more Amandas, or Pavortis...they would be too normal for today's show. Last season was really hard to watch. You had a bunch of racist black people with major chips on their shoulders, and this season it looks like the "island of misfit toys"! It's like they went out and found every person who was chosen last for teams on the Grade school playground. Some is great, and we love pulling for the underdog, but this is crazy. It's like they organized a marathon, and then went out and got all the loosers from other marathons and held an event.
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1883 (2021–2022)
If you like Yellowstone, Your love 1883
27 February 2022
The story is better than Yellowstone, and where Yellowstone has no one to like, 1883 has few to dislike. Beth detestable mouth, is thankfully absent from 1883. Most of the political crab in Yellowstone is gone too. It's simply a good show, worth watching. Dont get me wrong, My wife and I LOVE Yellowstone, and Costner is one of my favoritee actors. However, with Yellowstone your always on the verge of turning it off because ALL the characters, save Jimmy, are just so easy to hate. That is NOT the case here. Tim and Faith are awesome.
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Yellowstone (2018– )
Great Show, but...
15 February 2022
Great show, but it makes you wonder if there are any decent people living in the state of seriously, native or white. Maybe Jimmy...but yeesh. However, the show is addicting and the characters well developed. For instance, Beth is the literal embodiment of everything I hate in human being rolled up into one person, but she does have a soul, a softer endearing side. It does portray Natives in a very bad light, which gets annoying. Makes them all out to be liberal racist who can't move beyond things that cant change, and happened eons ago. So long as those thoughts continue, there will be no healing.
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War of the Worlds (2019–2022)
Great show, wretched music..but great show
30 July 2021
Love the show, the characters, the story and how it's laid out. My ONLY complaint about this show is the wretched awful music. Like the song Catherine beamed into space, that they sent back.... OH MY GRAVY if I was the aliens I would go to war just to get us to shut that crap off! Like sacrifice my life gladly, in a war of attrition, just to have it never played again! It's not just's almost enough to end my love of this show and never watch it again...and that's saying alot because I like everything from Classical to Disco, Punk to Heavy metal and Screamo to Euro-pop.
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Absolutely Awesome
4 July 2021
This has to be the best Sci-Fi flick in a VERY long time. Great graphics, great story, good actors. Just clean fun.
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I tried
28 October 2020
I doubt there was anyone who wanted this to be great more then me. However, it should just be titled, "The Trash of all the Mercury Astronauts". Its as if they wrote a show whose sole purpose was to spill all the flaws of everyone involved rather then the accomplishments. It got old real quick. I had hoped it would be a great show, but it quickly became a dirty soap opera. I've stayed with it, simply cause I love anything about Mercury, Gemini, or Apollo....but it's just makes you wanna kill them all for being filthy dogs-in-heat, rather than anything admirable.
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Antebellum (2020)
What a waste
12 October 2020
I watched the trailer and thought it looked interesting. However, you quickly realize this is going nowhere, and going at a snail's pace! The author was far more interested in perpetuating their beliefs, then producing a well laid out story. It has moments of interest, but they are far apart and disjointed at best. Just awful...truly.
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Warrior Nun (2020–2022)
Great show, whose flaws are outweighed by it's positives.
13 August 2020
Very creative story, You have to endure the main character's juvenile obsession with foul language, and her inability to listen. She's very selfish and self-absorbed, like many in her generation. At times, she seems like a 3 year old toddler on one extremely long tantrum. It's really annoying at times, and you feel the urge to scream "GROW UP"! HOWEVER, if you get past those flaws, it's really a great story, and good science fiction. Several of the main characters are very endearing and easy to love and follow. The story has good development and it flows well. I hope it does well.
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Joker (I) (2019)
2 hours i cant get back
7 October 2019
So a friend said it was so bad i had to see it to believe it... so i did. It was. Like watching the world through the eyes of an insane person. Im good!
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Great show
23 March 2019
I hate the Cowboys, but love this show. These girls are tough and beautiful. The process is so much better and more enjoyable then Bachelor, and other reality shows
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The First (2018)
I want to like it
25 September 2018
I want to like this show so bad, but it just sucks! I hate when a show tries so hard to be artistic that it forgets we dont give a crap!! We just want a good story! I was hoping this would be about space, exploration, not the inner demons of an astronaut's daughter. OMG, I wish they would leave that crappy side story alone...I don't give a crap!! I've lived it, I've seen it, I have no desire to dwell in it!! I've had enough crap in my own life, I don't need to watch more for entertainment!?! I thought this would be about a trip to Mars...or anywhere other then the drama that unfolds in one mans house! I kept hoping, but by episode 5 I was simply bored out of my freaking mind! This show has so much just pisses me off that they are wasting it! Good grief, wouldn't it be nice if we had a show that was uplifting! Like crawl out of the gutter for crying out loud!!
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Far better then expected!
7 February 2018
I usually vomit at the mere suggestion of a musical, but this was really good and the music was amazing. Who knew the Wolverine could sing...and dance! Zach was good, Zendaya was amazing, and Michelle Williams was endearing along with the rest of the cast. Very good story telling, and the music didn't get in the way, like most "musicals". I have a new favorite movie of all time, and considering that few people watch more movies then I do, that says a lot! The choreography was spot on. The audience clapped, and I came away uplifted...unlike a lot of movies these days.
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Simple, and fun
7 February 2018
I'm by no way a fan of the found-footage genre, it sucks and is very annoying. However, this movie is good. Now, those who are looking for science instead of a movie (which I'm not sure why those types would be watching a movie to begin with), this might disappoint. However, if you don't take yourself too seriously and you can actually watch something and your not so anal retentive, then you should LOVE this movie. It's gotta neat little story, and the characters are adorable. It's fun and it doesn't take itself too seriously. It's good, clean, "Entertainment"!
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An unexpected Surprise
27 December 2017
I thought this might be cute, and it was. However, it was far better then I expected. It wasn't fancy, but it didn't have to be in order to deliver. One of the best movies of the last half of the year. It was far better then the first Jumanji, and that's saying a lot since I'm a huge Robin Williams fan.
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Downsizing (2017)
Downsizing was Disappointing
27 December 2017
Downsizing was disappointing to say the least. The only reason I gave it any stars is because I love Matt Damon. But this movie just never got going. Like watching a race car at the start of a race. It had all the shine and promise, but just never delivered.
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The Greatest Showman is the greatist movie of the season!
27 December 2017
There are many good and bad movies this holiday season. "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" is good, and "Jumanji" was surprisingly good. "Downsizing" was not worth the paper it was printed on. Justice League was ok, and Thor the same. I love movies, but I have a new favorite movie of all time. I was reluctant to go to "The Greatest Showman" because I usually HATE musicals. However, the story was amazing and so uplifting. Zendaya was infectious, Zac Efron has grown up. and Huge Jackman was....CRAZY good! I wanted to see a movie, but I had seen all the movies I really wanted to see this holiday season, so I went to this movie. I did so with little anticipation, but It was a work of art. Based on the life of P.T. Barnum. He rose from nothing. The story alone would have made it a great movie. The music alone...the acting alone..the everything. was great.
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The Mist (2017)
Disappointing to say the least
4 December 2017
The show had such promise. I hoped it would be like "The Stand", but it was the exact opposite. The story and premise was good at first, but then it was like they lost focus and the show tried to keep people around by shoving stupid, silly, nonsense violence at us. I mean, it kind of reminds me of The Walking Dead, which use to be my favorite show. TWD was an Amazing show the first several seasons, but the writers stopped trying to write a good story and tried to live off shock and got very tiring. After they killed Glenn, I stopped watching. The Walking Dead just got silly. This show went the same way, just a lot quicker. As a minister, it was insulting. The priest in "The Mist" was an idiot and just plain sick and pathetic. The choir boy was a paranoid psychotic wacko! What was almost funny, was the fruit cake Eco-nut Natalie..was the hero? She wasn't just a few fries short of a happy meal, she was missing the cheeseburger, the fries, and only had the toy!! I don't know.. I love apocalyptic shows, and this one had so much potential. Some cool characters..A real shame.
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