
6 Reviews
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One Hell Of A Ride
1 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Look I'm gonna be honest here, when it comes to monster movies they are a guilty pleasure. However in the recent years they really haven't been all that good. In particular Godzilla movies specifically the American ones. Now don't get me wrong they have great cgi and some cool fight scenes but, the boring plot of pointless human characters annoyed me so much that I just turned off the movies halfway through. I walked into this movie with some expectations that I was sure were not gonna be met.... Boy oh boy was I wrong . This film not only is a good movie BUT is also one the best "monster" movies I've seen. It's a return to form for the franchise with surprisingly great results. It also did something that I did not think it could do,It took the human characters and made you care about them. The setting is perfect , the pacing is good, the movie respects your time and knows what you wanna see. Godzilla's design and presence is down right intimidating just as much as it is terrifying. Whatever team did the sound design also should be giving props because ....damn it's good. I can't tell you how much fun and enjoyment I had watching this. I leave you with this if your a Godzilla fan it's a must watch , if your a monster movie fan(like me) it's a must watch. Or if your new to the franchise and want to see why this is such a iconic character well strap in, buckle up, cause you are in for one hell of a ride.
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Revenger (2023)
In Moments Of Pain We Seek Revenge
31 January 2023
First of all I gotta say, how Is nobody talking about this show . The animation style is great the characters are intriguing and it is a mature samurai tale . I have to say being a fan of more mature anime story telling the opening episode does set a good tone for the rest of the series. The music and sound design is also another big plus. The problem with shows like these are that they don't get enough support from fans that want to see more things like this . If you are even remotely into samurai , action or adventure stories you'll definitely find something to like about this show.

Shows like these rarely get made. A fun hidden gem that doesn't reinvent the wheel by no means. But, respects the viewers time and gives you what you want to see which is just pure entertainment and solid storytelling. So what are you waiting for give it a chance and see why even the basic act of revenge is not only bitter sweet, it's an absolute must watch....
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Ergo Proxy (2006)
A Solid Sci-Fi Show
23 January 2023
I will admit that the first time I watched this show it threw me off but, the longer I stuck with it the better it got. The world building in Ergo Proxy is very well done along with a cast of memorable characters.

It is a dark and gritty take on the sci- fi genre which I found very interesting. To me it reminded me of I Robot mixed with elements of Terminator. The only complaint I do have with the show is that it is a slow burn and the ending can be a bit confusing along with certain other sequences.

However do not let that deter you from watching a underappreciated Sci-Fi Gem if you can stick with the slow burn and confusing story elements they will make sense in the end and it will be worth it. It just sucks that shows like this do not get made anymore. 8/10.
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Pulse (2001)
Potential but ....
26 October 2022
First of all let me say this movie has a good atmosphere and even though made in 2001, has lots of good points of how we are all connected as people but at the end of the day live separate lives. As far as the film goes this film really falls flat after the second half unfortunately and kinda drags on. HOWEVER it did give me one of the best scenes I have watched in recent horror memory and for those people that have watched the movie will know exactly what scene that is. Overall this film does try to convey a lot of messages and even though it succeeds in some it falls flat in others.

With such a powerful scene in this film that no lie gave me a nightmare that night. The film never follows up with something like that again. Some people love this movie and I understand why but, for me it's more like a watch it once deal to say you have watched it.
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A Damn Good Time
14 September 2022
If you are familiar with the game Cyberpunk 2077 you will feel right at home as soon as episode one plays. The show nails the atmosphere of Cyberpunk very well which is hard to do. For newcomers however you might feel a bit confused from time to time with: phrases and some old character cameos popping in and out however do not let that deter you from watching this show. The story and pacing is great especially for a show with ONLY 10 EPISODES. Sure there could have been better character development and some more explanation for newcomers but, keep in mind the show length and for me personally they do a great job with what there given and able to work with. OVERALL this show impressed me from the moment I hit play. If your a fan of the game watch it , if your a fan of Ghost in the shell & Blade Runner type science fiction watch it . The dub also is good and the sound effects are also "the chefs kiss". Overall give this show a watch Trigger did a fantastic job not only bringing Cyberpunk to life but, a believable science fiction world that only makes you wish that the show was longer.......9/10.
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Black Lagoon (2006)
My Favorite Anime & Severely Underrated Classic
22 June 2022
I took a dive into anime about 2 years ago watching shows like initial D , Castlevania , Ghost in the shell, etc. However what I realized is I wanted something grounded with gritty action and a story not scared to show how dark the world can be. That's exactly what you get with Black Lagoon a show that shows how an action anime should not only be modeled after but: paced , storytelling, as well as character development. It's a mature story not for kids and people that think to much violence in a show is a bad thing. If your a fan of the old Tarantino films, Goodfellas, and 90s action movies, you will be right at home.

The negatives about the show is that some of the old animation can look dated at times but, keep in mind it came out in 2006. Some fan service here and there can throw some people off but it's not a lot to disrupt the experience at all.

Overall Black Lagoon isn't just a great anime it's a great SHOW period. It's one of those shows for me that I will rewatch and remember for a very long time. The Dub is excellently voice casted and performed as well. So please don't just do me the favor and watch this show do yourself the favor and watch one of the most underrated classics in anime. Here's to hoping Madhouse makes a season 4 !
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