
25 Reviews
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probably one of my favorites from the series
18 April 2022
I don't know what to say about this film, I love it very much, the story is super compelling, completely different from the ones of the other films in the saga. I really liked the fact that there were the three schools competing with each other, or I found the challenges of the race very entertaining, also for the mystery that each one has. The opening scenes of the quidditch cup were done beautifully, the overall special effects of the film are amazing (I really liked how the dragons were made). This film is also the crux of the "relationship" between harry and voldemort, the point where things really start to get complicated and aggravated. Obviously I recommend this film (and in general the whole saga) to everyone, in particular for this reason it is important to know that the story and the narrative are valued more rather than the action and the logical and mysterious connections.
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Time Is Up (2021)
Nice story but the film was not done very well
14 April 2022
I decided to watch this film, with a friend of mine, because I am Italian and I know Benjamin as a singer, in fact he is italian: he is cool as always and I also really like the couple very much, because they are engaged also in the real life. The story of the film is quite nice, maybe a bit monotonous, in fact I have already seen in the past several films where the girl has memory lapses, but it is quite intriguing and interesting, it makes you to want to keep watching it. The only problem I have encountered is that at numerous points certain passages between two scenes are not clear there is no logical thread a lot of time is wasted trying to understand what happened, if it is a dream or if it is reality. In conclusion the film is not bad, very romantic and loving, but probably I would not watch it again.
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Oddball (I) (2015)
i'm madly in love with Oddball and the penguins
29 March 2022
I have to be honest: I only decided to watch this movie because Oddball is terribly beautiful, cute and cuddly. Then obviously the plot intrigued me very much: the story of this good gigantic dog who decides to help the penguins as he can is really super interesting. The only flaw of this film is probably the green screen used in the island scenes, which is almost fake. Favorite character, together with the animals, is the little girl, an absolute boss. Overall the film runs very quickly without empty moments of boredom, the story is taken from a true story and it is, in my opinion, very new, particular and innovative.
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lots of tears and lots of love for this film
28 March 2022
I don't have much to say even if I could stay here for hours talking about this amazing film. I start by saying that I cried for this film, especially at the end. Truly truly terrific, it takes you and engages you, maybe some moments are a bit slow since the last book was divided into two films and it was necessary for it to last a while, but everything seems to fit together perfectly. The fact that the story is completely focused on the mythical trio is something that personally made me even more fond of the protagonists. One of the most beautiful parts was certainly the story of the deathly hallows. In conclusion I say: dobby you are one of my favorite characters, you are in my heart. Of course i suggest this film to everybody, but certainly you must have seen all the previous films as well lol.
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after all this time: always!
8 March 2022
Perfect conclusion of a perfect saga. Every piece of the puzzle finally is in own place and now it all seems to make more sense. I always drop a tear when I watch this film, knowing that officially it is the last of the story. Every scene in this film is as precise as a Swiss watch and everything seems to fall into place. The final scenes are obviously the hardest and strongest to see, not only for the battles but also for the characters: it is very moving to see them at the end of a journey that has accompanied us for almost ten years of films but which will never abandon us. After all this time? Always!
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the story of this film is definitely innovative
4 March 2022
I think I have never seen a cartoon film with a similar story: really compliments for the originality. I really liked the relationship between the two protagonists and their adventures very much. The special effects of the little boy's inventions are something exceptional. The final fight scene is truly epic and everything was extraordinarily fantastic. I recommend this film to everyone because in my opinion it was very engaging, the whole film passed without empty moments or boredom, indeed I always had the feeling of excitement for wanting to see how it would end.
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one of the best films of the saga
26 February 2022
I will never tire of watching this movie, it is just really too good. The mystery of the half-blood prince that remains throughout the whole film is very engaging and exciting, the relationship between ron and hermione is full of ups and downs that make the narrative super interesting, the cloud that hovers over draco and all his mysterious scenes give to those who are watching the desire to continue watching the film, to see how all the pieces of the puzzle will fit together. Needless to say that probably my favorite part, because it is cinematically extraordinary and emotionally super engaging, are the last scenes where there are the last missions of Harry and Professor Dumbledore. I recommend everyone to see it, even to those who have already seen it to see it again because it gives a lot of emotions.
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nice, but I think this could be the last film of the saga
21 February 2022
I saw this movie last Saturday and I was very excited to see it: do I have to be honest? Nice but I had much higher expectations. The film itself is nice and enjoyable to watch, the story is also very innovative and original, but the film feels a little tight, as if the producers were forced to do a continuation of the previous films. Obviously I recommend it to those who have also seen the other films of the saga because I think that this film is an excellent conclusion to the whole story and I hope that there won't be the fifth one because the story would seem really forced. Otherwise it's a nice new movie, and the change of the character's appearance is really fun.
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every film in this saga keeps surprising me!
11 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I am rewatching this saga for the thousandth time and every time I am surprised that certain details and particoulars come back to my mind. This movie is really engaging, obviously I got even more fond of Sirius Black, Harry's godfather, and his death makes me cry every time: it always seems to me that he has been with us for too little, not even the time to arrive that he's already gone. One of my favorite scenes is the one where everyone manages to evoke their patronus and the room of requirements is full of bright animals. I would watch this film again a thousand times and it would probably continue to impress me deeply. I wish everyone that this film can enter your heart as it did with me.
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i LOVE this saga
23 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is probably one of my Harry Potter favorites: I like Sirius Black too much and I think he and Buckbeak are my favorite characters in this movie. The storyline is fantastic, full of twists, super addicting and engaging. The whole mystery of the story of Sirius leaves everyone with bated breath. Even when Harry and Hermione go back in time and a lot of things clear up it's really interesting and adventurous. I hope to be able to review the next film as soon as possible, in the meantime I will read the book. Xoxo.
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reviewing harry potter is always wonderful
14 January 2022
Since "Harry Potter: the return" came out, italian television has decided to revive this beautiful saga for fans. Yesterday the second episode was broadcast and even if I have already seen it millions of times, every time the basilisk scares me more and more ahahaha. Apart from that, this film in my opinion reflects the book very well, it is full of details and as usual the story is fascinating and even if the film lasts so long I never get tired of finishing watching it. I am also in love with the beautiful cast, of course, and every time I watch a movie I am more and more convinced that Daniel, Emma and Rupert are perfect for the lead role. Talking about this film, I think it is one of the scariest, so I do not recommend it to children. Among the new entries of this movie I absolutely loved Dobby the house elf and Fanny, Albus Dumbledore's phoenix . I hope this film and this saga can thrill everyone as it thrilled me. Xoxo.
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this film is my childhood
10 January 2022
Yesterday while I was cleaning my room I found an old videotape from when I was little and I asked my father to set up the VCR so I could watch the film. It brought so many memories! This movie is probably one of my favorite disney movies and i really enjoyed being able to watch it with my family. The puppies are too adorable, I really love them a lot and my favorite is definitely Rolly, the one who is always hungry. The story is really beautiful, the film doesn't last long so it's very enjoyable to watch. I really recommend it to everyone.
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this movie is sooooooooo amazing
8 January 2022
Can we please talk about the songs and the music? That's probably one of the things I liked the most about this extraordinary film. I also loved the cast, the plot of the film, the characters, the choreographies, the emotions I felt, it was all extremely memorable. Truly, truly beautiful and captivating, the history is never boring, it is new, unique, innovative and particular. This film really involved me and moved me a lot. I hope you could enjoy this movie as much as I did.
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Heidi (2015)
this movie was a bit a disappointment
6 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I have to be honest: this film was a tremendous disappointment for me. Since I was little I have always watched all the episodes of Heidi assiduously and I knew each episode by heart and although this film has unlocked many good memories, it seemed to me that they did not value the story at all. Everything happened too quickly, many things were forgotten and others were too much summarized. I was sorry that she has been for such a short time in the mountains in the beginning and that the part where Clara goes to the mountains and starts walking is practically non-existent. Even if it was nice to remember this beautiful story from my childhood, this film is a no for me.
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Finding Dory (2016)
really really beautiful
5 January 2022
This movie was really exciting and beautiful to watch with my family. Dory is such a nice, hilarious and funny character. I loved being able to follow her story and the research of her parents and I think the whole film is a continuous and sudden changes of scene, which make you stay in suspense and keeps the attention alive. Truly moving and magical film, I would watch it another thousand times.
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a beautiful return to the past
4 January 2022
This film absolutely did credit to the original Mary Poppins film. Emily Blunt is perfect for the lead role and although the story is practically identical to the original one, I personally never got tired looking at it. The music, the colors, the characters and the plot were amazing and all the magic of Mary Poppins is wonderfully beautiful. The movie was super compelling and I enjoyed seeing this stunning movie.
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good movie, but probably all thanks to the puppy
3 January 2022
Nice movie and exciting and interesting story. The film was pleasant to watch and it isn't difficult or tiring to get to the end of the film. The puppy is really adorable and enchanting, but the story sometimes is unlikely and not credible and also some scenes seem to be added just to lengthen the film. But the film overall is nice to watch with the family. Xoxo.
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Home Alone (1990)
nice movie but there is something that does not convince me
2 January 2022
I saw yesterday for the first time (I know it's strange but I never had the chance before). I liked the film quite a lot and some of the scenes with kevin are really hilarious and make you laugh. There are also some touching and emotional moments but towards the end I struggled to stay focused on watching it. For the rest I recommend the film to everyone, young and old because it is really funny to watch all together (there is just a few bad words sometimes but nothing scandalous) xoxo.
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a little piece of my childhood
1 January 2022
This is a movie that I absolutely adore, it's not one of my favorite movies but every time I watch it I feel like I'm going back to when I was younger. This film is literally a piece of my childhood and seeing it again yesterday while I was waiting for midnight and the new year I was very excited to see this beautiful film, full of colors and with super cheerful music. I will never tire of looking at it. Xoxo.
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Air Buddies (2006 Video)
nice movie but nothing special, suitable for children
31 December 2021
I saw this movie yesterday with my sister and honestly i gave this movie 8 just for the puppies (they were adorable). The plot of the story is nice but it's nothing new. I liked the dubbing in my language (Italian) and the puppies were really gorgeous but at a certain point the film started to tire me and it became a bit obvious.
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a story of love and magic
30 December 2021
Absolutely fabulous, seen yesterday for the thousandth time and I never get tired of watching it and every time I fall in love more and more with the story and the characters. I think Emma Watson is perfect for the role of the beauty, she is so sweet, kind and delicate, she has all the characteristics of the protagonist of this wonderful movie. Beauty and the Beast is truly a film that will always remain in my heart, in all the versions that have been made. I hope this film can thrill you as it thrilled me. Xoxo.
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The Ferragnez (2021– )
The Ferragnez with no filters
29 December 2021
I finished the series yesterday and I have to say that it really surprised me. I watched also "Chiara Ferragni Unposted" when it came out but I found it a bit boring and it seemed to be endless. In this series I liked everything and I found it more entertaining and interesting, even because we could see the human side of them and not only what they show on their social media. I appreciated the fact that they showed their cuople therapy at the psychologist, because it made them more human and less superstars. Of course all the scenes where they are all together with their friends and family are super cute and funny to watch, because we can see their real life, with all the good and bad moments.
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Cinderella (I) (2015)
very beautiful film
28 December 2021
I saw this film yesterday with my family and I have to say that it was magical. I thought that it could be boring because the story of Cinderella is always the same, but even though the story was basically identical to the original one we really enjoyed it and we loved spending time together watching this film.
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unexpected good sequel
27 December 2021
I saw this film yesterday with my younger sister and even if it was not the first time we saw this film we enjoyed it soooo much. The first time I saw it I thought that it could be super boring and that the producers made the film just to go over with the story because the first one was a hit. But at the end of the film I realized that I really liked it, because it was always entertaining and interesting.
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film che consiglio per famiglie con bambini grandi e piccoli
26 December 2021
Film super cute, l'ho visto per la prima volta ieri con la mia family e devo dire che nonostante forse io non abbia più l'età per un film a cartone animato mi ha appassionato molto, film per niente ripetitivo e anzi al contrario mi è sembrato molto innovativo e nuovo come contenuto.
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