
7 Reviews
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Anne with an E (2017–2019)
What a way to ruin a perfect story
19 May 2017
It begins just as the story is the book... But after some time they make changes, and I was thinking it's okay to change a bit. But then they just started making up stuff and you couldn't tell it's Anne of Green Gables anymore! It's a whole new show, and not in a good way. The first book of the series is so great that I don't understand why they needed to change it so much... I will Definitely not watch the 2nd season if there will be one. In fact, this show just ruined the story for me that I loved for so many years. The three stars are for the beginning that resembles the book.
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Not Enough
22 November 2014
I was actually one of the funders for this movie, and backstage it looked like it's going to be really good. But I guess sometimes no matter how much effort you put or how many gadgets you have - it's not enough.

The script really disappointed me. A lot of stories shoved into an hour and a half movie. And it sort of tried to deliver a message about life, but it comes out very pretentious...

I did love the Jewish references and the talented cast. Although, Zach Braff isn't very convincing as a father. I do appreciate him as an actor and I loved Garden State, but this one was just not it. I feel bad for all the money raised for it.

Hope his next film (if there will be one) will have more heart in it..and more thought to the script.
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Match Point (2005)
The Best of Allen
25 May 2013
I'm very fond of Woody Allen films. Even when he's sloppy, it's still a good film. But this one wasn't sloppy. It begins with the familiar plot- A man, whose destined to marry another woman, falls in love with his friend's fiancée. Only, the story goes deeper and deeper and creates a great suspense and interest. It isn't rare for an Allen's character to get involved in a mixed up situation. Only Allen can make a brilliant story out of it. I found the acting a little bit "almost", but the directing is, as usual, very good. In the end, I loved the turning of events and the well-written screenplay! Woody Allen does it again.
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Dexter (2006–2013)
18 February 2010
Dexter's one of the best TV shows these days. It's just too interesting that I couldn't stop watching it until I got to the end of the last season! Even though every episode is almost an hour...

The writers of this show never take a break! Every season of "Dexter" they presented us a new, fresh, interesting and good plot, and developed the story step by step.

Just a minute ago, I finished watching the last episode of the 4th season, and it just left me in shock!!! I can't wait to watch the 5th season now.

I watch a lot of TV shows: Lost, Prison Break,Grey's Anatomy and more. And I have to tell you - now "Dexter" became one of my most favorite TV shows! If you haven't seen it 'till now, hurry up now and watch it, 'cause you wouldn't wanna miss it...
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Saw (2004)
Very, Very good and qualitative (HARD SPOILERS ON THE WAY!)
15 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I hate horror. Mostly because these movies always end badly, they have lots of blood in them, and, well, they're scary. But I wanted to watch this movie only because it got really great reviews. So I started to watch and I waited for some scary moment or some blood, but I have to say that I didn't get scared at all! And the only blood I saw was when the Dr cut off his leg! So it's not that violent after all.

People always said that the ending is surprising, so I decided to try and figure out what could be the ending while I'm watching the movie. I couldn't. I could have never guess that (HARD SPOILER NOW!!) the body in the room is actually the murderer. My first thought was:"How could he not move all that time???".

I really REALLY liked the music in the ending when the truth was exposed. I just loved Cary Elwes's acting. It was really special. I felt like he's really in that situation, and like he really cut off his leg. Great make-up by the way.

So, NO, I couldn't find out the ending while I was watching the movie, but there are all kinds of clues during the movie! You just can't realize them. I didn't give too much thought to that dead body in the room.

BOTTOM LINE:A good movie, A great ending, A brilliant acting of the two leads (Especially Cary Elwes's), A good make-up, A great sound track, A not-so-very frightening moments... But I enjoyed! And I'm sure that everyone else did, too!!

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The Best Movie Of 2008
5 August 2008
usually I don't give a movie score of 10 so quickly after I see it. But I wanna let you all know that if there was more than 10 in the vote,like 100-I would vote on that.

Let me say first that THIS IS the movie of the year.2008. I know that everyone said it's a great movie. But I didn't know I'd love this movie THAT much.

"The Dark Knight" is,honestly,the best movie I saw this year. Of course I could feel that it was 2 hours and 30 minutes,but I didn't care. After the 2 hours I wanted more. And I got it.

The movie was better than what I expected! And I know that most of the people said that they felt like the movie focused more on the bad guys than Batman, but I again-didn't feel that way.

And how it's possibly for me to end this summary without mention the GREAT Joker-Heath Ledger. I've never seen him act so good,so convincing! and Aaron Eckhart too.

I saw here lately lots of comments that didn't love the movie. Well,I am so glad I didn't read them before I went to the theatre.All those comments would make me sceptical about it.I can tell you to ignore those comments,cause because of them,you'll miss a wonderful movie.

I hope you all will get up from that chair you're sitting on right now-and just run to watch this movie. When there is a work of art like this- it deserves to be valued. I don't really know if this movie deserves to be in 1# place on IMDb top 250 list but I don't think that any movie deserves that. All movies are good in all kind of ways.

I hope that you all watch and ENJOY!
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Forrest Gump (1994)
2 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
it's the most beautiful movie you'll ever see.Tom Hanks is a great actor.I give it 100 of 10 =) it's a good movie when I finished to see the movie,I had the best feeling ever!I felt that this is the most perfect movie that I have ever seen. It's my favorite movie. And why? the reasons: FIRST-the acting (specially Tom Hanks) is great and professional! SECOND-the movie is so interesting.there isn't one second that I was bored. THIRD-the music is great,and I really liked that Forrest Gump was involved in every event of America. Fourth-even if he's just sitting almost the whole movie on the bench,all of his stories are interesting.

AND everyone here that read the bad comments about Forrest,PLEASE don't let them deceive you! I think they just don't know nothing about qualitative films.

I hope you all see this wonderful movie,with Tom Hanks and Sally Field!
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