6 Reviews
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A very long exposition to the essence of the Perfume
16 February 2007
I gotta say I haven't read Suskind's novel... and probably won't because I've seen this 147 minutes movie and almost fell asleep.

I can understand that the plot is surprisingly original and I liked the scenery, but there were a lot of repetitive boring scenes (yeah, I'm talking about the murders and the nudity) that were shown to us once and once again... and that doesn't worth all the time the movie took from us. Unless you like slow motion movies I wouldn't recommend this to you.

I think the director would be able to have expressed the idea of the Perfume story in 90 minutes... don't you?
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Unknown (I) (2006)
Surprisingly unknown sensation
16 February 2007
I liked Unknown's curious twists 'cause they were totally unexpected but there were some parts were the movie seemed to be in slow motion and you got bored (we all now that if you've lost your memory and you're trapped with confused and hurt guys there are gonna be fights)...

Although the poor dialogs, the tension is an undeniable protagonist of the movie and it makes you continue watching it.

I have to admit that the end of the movie wasn't that predictable as I expected and left me with the "what? I didn't see that coming" that other thriller movies didn't achieve.
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Amazing if you're 4, quite boring if you're 14 and a waste of time if you're 40
6 February 2007
As I said, I think that this is a great film for families but boring if you're a single 40 year old person. In my opinion it's a bit boring for adults because the idea of the "characters taking life at a museum" isn't new, and the jokes are based on typical-family-movies-gags that are often the same.

But I have to admit I liked it: the movie has everything what all the kids should see: the love of a father, the friendship, funny situations, fantastic creatures and statues that are alive at night and a happy ending that full their hearts with happiness. Isn't that the reason why family movies are made?
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Night Skies (2007)
Not original at all
1 February 2007
The story is a bit repetitive, we all have seen alien's movies with plastic monsters and a group of friends whose car breaks in the middle of the nothing... This one isn't different (although it's based on the testimony of lots of witnesses who assure to have seen UFO's).

I think the movie is a cliché of all the first ET's movies but I have to admit that in some moments I was tense and the cameraman did an excellent job... It's a shame that the ending of the movie was so disappointing, but the real thing is we'll never know if the Phoenix lights they swear to have seen where actually aliens... Other alien movie to watch at midnight.
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The Secret (2006 Video)
1 February 2007
While I was seeing this movie I wasn't trapped by its ideas and real-life-stories at all... I always thought "what are they trying to sell?" I remembered all those TV commercials in which happy people shows how a stupid machine had improved their lives. Didn't you?(I'm not sure what the "documentary" really was)...

The movie took 90 minutes of our lives that could be 20 and its point of view and ¿story? would be the same.

Maybe if you're completely lost or a negative person, the message and the "Law of attraction" could work for you, I mean, everybody needs to believe in something. Take it or leave it.
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More than what I thought
19 January 2007
Before I saw this movie I expected to see the story about another popular adolescent who is the leader of the group and is admired by everyone... but it was more than what I thought. It's about a boy like you or your best friend or neighbor: Erik Stifler.

"Looser Erik" is forced by his friends to do what all Stifler's men do: being a winner and getting laid. The problem is that his girlfriend refuse to have any sexual contact cause she doesn't feel prepared. Everything changes when she gives Erik a free-pass weekend.

What's he gonna do about it? Find it out seeing the funniest movie of American Pie's saga.
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