
11 Reviews
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What's not to like?
29 July 2022
Snipers shooting foreign invaders trying to steal their country throughout the movie.

Loved every moment of the movie 9/10. I truly Hope for a part 2 coming out soon.
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Liked it but?
5 July 2022
I thought the Gorn were a advanced civilization that built ships and space traveled. In this show they have to kill each other until there is only one Alpha, so a Gorn ship has a crew of one?

Other than that it was a great Predator vs Alien mix story.
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Halo: Transcendence (2022)
Season 1, Episode 9
Glad I knew nothing about the Halo game.
21 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This Halo story is new to me so I would not know if it follows the game story at all. I like the show so far , wish that Makee did not die, hope master chief gets his body back.

Great final.
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Try the legal immigration process?
1 February 2022
The US take over one million legal immigrants every year. Is that not enough?

Why feel bad for people breaking immigration laws?

Sometime the right way works better than the wrong way.
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Dunkirk (2017)
The beach looked like a resort not a war zone?
20 February 2021
No bomb craters no abandon equipment and a few clean tidy soldiers on the clean tidy beach. A out of gas spitfire that can glide from high noon to sunset. The movie Atonement (2007) had a more realistic Dunkirk beach set. The movie Troy had 50 times the soldiers on the beach. Sad movie.
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The Expanse: Nemesis Games (2021)
Season 5, Episode 10
This season 5 finale episode is like a normal episode once was .
5 February 2021
We had to endure 3 long weeks of dull setup filler episodes for a Grand Finale of season 5 that was ONCE a typical episode on this show before season 5. I'm not even looking forward to season 6 now.
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The Expanse: Winnipesaukee (2021)
Season 5, Episode 9
Weekly Soaps do not work like daily soap operas!
28 January 2021
On daily soaps shows you can have boring fillers to set up a episode down the road. However on 7 day spread apart shows it does not work, no one wants a 3 week long set up to make a better episode later on. This show use to make every episode entertaining ,not this season.

This final episode would have to be like the final episode of "The Mandalorian" to save this season and that is unlikely.
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The Expanse: Hard Vacuum (2021)
Season 5, Episode 8
Show is sure slowing down , no excitement anymore.
21 January 2021
Last two episodes was about family issues and this one about fixing a radio. With only two episode left they have to get off the brakes soon. Did the good writers get the covid-19?
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The Expanse: Oyedeng (2021)
Season 5, Episode 7
Anyone else fast forwarding the long dialogue fillers?
13 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The mommy , daddy and son issues was 70% of this episode , I hope this storyline dies soon . Would rather they switch to why Mars sells warship to the belt now and nobody cares anymore. The spacewalk without a suit part was way over the top, I was hoping you know who was dead so we can move out of the disputational family storyline FINALLY. Remember when this show could tie up a few ends during every episode , not anymore.

Hope next week is not another repeat of kicking the same dead horse AGANE.
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When is the last time you seen a robot in use?
27 November 2018
The Description states " As more and more people use robots" The only people I seen use robots are in Sci-Fi movies. This is a Documentary , what's next a Documentary on how eclectic driverless cars are taking all the parking spots?
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Station 19 (2018–2024)
Jaw Dropping bad.
28 March 2018
The short list. -Unhealthy senior citizen ground command captain enter the burring house to look for people.
  • Firefighter is not allowed to search a kids room during a fire.
_-Senior citizen captain not just works with his daughter but prompts her .
  • 50/50 male female fire fighter ratio.
  • I'm waiting for a transgender quadriplegia to join the fire crew next.
To fake for me , so I'm out. It's maybe for the soap opera types.
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